Scarred Alphas

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

“Colt! What…what did you


“He is just going to sleep for a while.” Honora says.

“What are you doing? Why?”

“Darling, you like to chase trouble and I need you to be

safe.” She points at my

stomach. “At least until that

baby comes.”

Colt falls to the ground but

he is not completely asleep just yet.

“You can’t seem to keep yourself out of trouble and this big lump of a man can’t keep you safe either, so it is up to me.”

“Are you…crazy?”

“No, just looking out for my


“Y–your baby?”

She smiles. “Yes. The

payment I am entitled to.”

“What payment!?”

“The one your mother owed me! You! You were supposed to be my payment! She told

me she’d give me anything I

wanted if I saved you so I

agreed. When I came for you, and she realized the price she was paying…when

she realized her mistake, she fled! She fled and burned my

mark from you! I couldn’t

find you! Clever little wolf!”

My lips quiver and my eyes

water. “You…she left because

of you…”

All this time we thought it Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

was because of Father, even

Warrick thought it was

because of him.

“No, she left because of you.

To hide you from me.” She says. “The moment I laid

eyes on you, I could sense the power inside of you. I wanted that power but you were unstable and dying. So I helped get that power

stable and I would take what

was promised to me in the midst of a ring of fire solar eclipse. I would render your body lifeless and absorb

your powers before the

power matured. I was denied

this, your mother conned

me and now her deb is yours to pay.”

“This is why you have been

staying close. This is why you cared so much?”

She smiles. “I would have let

you rot in those pits if I had not sensed you with child.

You see you are useless to me

as an adult. I need and

innocent soul or the spell to

work.” She looks down at

Colt who struggles to resist the effects of the powder. “Hmh…the ogre is too big. He probably needs more sleeping powder.”

She puts her hands in her pocket and as she takes it

out, I slap her hand. The

powder flies off into the air.

I get up and punch her. She falls to the ground rubbing

her face and looks stunned.

“What did you think was going to happen? Did you think I was going to let you do what you wanted with me?” I ask her as I find my footing. “Did you think this through?” I take a few steps

towards her. She tries to

crawl away but I grab her by the hair. “Your greed and your power–hunger will be your undoing tonight.” I lift her up and slam her on the

ground. As she whimpers, I lift her up and throw her

across the ground.

“I am going to kill you tonight, Honora. This I promise. I am tired of people

thinking that they can do

whatever THE HELL THEY

WANT WITH ME!” I scream.

“Light witch, Ha! What a

f**king joke.”

“There is no such thing!

There is no light witch!

Witches use magic that is unnatural! It is all a lie. Every spell has a price to be paid.”

She smiles wickedly. “How

did you think I helped you? I

used another newborn’s life

to save yours. A life for a life.”

What a horrible thing to do.

“And that Ezra almost gave

me away too soon.”

“How did you know him?”

“I didn’t. He just saw me talking to Sienna–his witch–back at the pits.”

“So you were friends.”

“Acquaintances.” She says.

“Don’t trust witches…my

mother said it…”

“And you should have listened!” Before I can even

move, she takes a bottle out

of her satchel and drinks it.

slap it off of her hand but it

is empty.

“What was that?!”

She smiles, the red of her

blood stains her teeth. “What

you do to me will be

reflected on to you. Do you

wish to kill me now?”

I grab her by her shirt and lift her up. My mouth

quivers in anger.

“Yes.” I say.

“Try it then. I warn you, you may heal but you have a child inside of you that can’t just yet.”

I punch her and this causes

me to recoil back feeling the

pain in my jaw, just like where I hit her.

She straightens up and

smiles. “See.”

I grab her again but she

continues to smile. “Do it. It

will render the same results.

You can’t kill me, if you do, you might kill your child.”

“You forget one thing,


“And what is that?”

“My own powers don’t work

on me.”

Her eyes burst wide open.

“You don’t know that for



She clutches at her heart

with desperation.


It reminds me of Niles.

I watch as she breathes her

last breath.


“And what is that?”

“My own powers don’t work

on me.”

Her eyes burst wide open.

“You don’t know that for



She clutches at her heart

with desperation.


It reminds me of Niles.

I watch as she breathes her

last breath.

“Never trust a witch, got it.

I let her body fall to the ground and immediately

run to Colt.

He breathes heavily but is

well awake.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“Yes. Are you?”

“I am okay.” I look at Honora

and then at an unconscious

Oliver. “It is over. It is finally


Colt sighs in relief. “Finally.”

We hug each other. I feel a sense of relief I have not felt

in a long time.

Colt looks at Oliver.

“Are you sure you don’t want

me to kill him?”

“No. Apparently, he has wronged his family worse

than he has done us. They

deserve to have their

revenge.” I look at Colt. “Ezra is dead. Finally…but James…

Colt immediately puts his

arms around me and I start

to cry. It is not fair. What

kills me the most is that

smile he had as he slit his

own throat.

I clean my cheeks. “Let’s go

back. I want to make sure

everyone is safe.”

Before I can turn from him,

he holds my face in place and kisses me. He hugs me

and then kisses my forehead. “The thought of losing you again made me crazy.”

“Thank you, Colt. Thank you for loving me, protecting

me, and being a wonderful mate. Thank you for

rescuing me from the

darkness that I was in.”

“You rescued yourself. You

are the strongest person I


We embrace each other a

little while longer and then

drag Oliver back to the pack



exhausted–starts giving a report. “We lost a good amount of men. If not for

Rodrick getting here so fast,

we would have lost more.

The children in the pack

house are all safe. Dash

caught two men trying to arm a bomb just like the ones that were going off

around the pack. Dash got

injured but he is safe.”

My heart dropped there for a


Garret continues. “Four

Alpha visitors were killed

and many others.”

One of the Alphas steps forward. “We will convey the

nature of what happened

here. You are without fault.”

“Thank you.” I say giving

him a nod.

Victor now addresses Colt.

“What did you find?”

Colt was allowed to speak to

own pack.” Colt says.

They all suddenly look at

1. me. I get nervous having so many people look at me.

“Yes. The Blood River Pack is

Colt’s pack by right. Let him

do what he wishes with it.” I


They all give a nod.

“And what do we do with

him?” Victor points at Oliver who is tied up in the corner with a fabric bag over his

head. Colt knocked him out

of existence apparently, he is

still out cold.

“Contact the packs back in

Europe. I am sure you will immediately find them.

They will want him back.”

“And the witch’s body?”

Victor asks.

“Burn it.” I say with no hesitation. “Everyone else, make sure they are returned to their packs and be

respectful about it.” I look at

Colt. “As for Ezra…it’s your


“That will be Kaecy’s call.”

I am confused but I nod.

“Okay…” I look at everyone in

the room. “Those of you who

are injured, go rest. There is

much to be done.”

When they all scatter out, turn to Colt. “Why did you say it is Kaecy’s decision

about Ezra’s body?”

“Because he is the one I will

be leaving the pack to. He will be Alpha…if he wants it.

“You don’t want it?”

“No. I will be with you. This is your pack and so it is mine

now too.”

“And you are okay with that? This pack…my father did so

much to you-”

“All forgotten.”

“How? It was so horrible-”

“You…because of you.” He puts a hand on my cheek. “It seems that love really does heal all—and for goddess sake don’t you dare say that is cheesy!”

I laugh. “I wasn’t. You are the

one who ruined the moment


He sighs as I laugh at him.

“Listen, let’s get you

checked.” He says.

I stop laughing and look down at my flat belly. “Okay.”

I say.

He seems surprised that I didn’t argue it.

He takes me to the doctor

and we find out that I am

okay. The baby is doing great, even after all I went through. This puts Colt at ease though the doctor said that I need to rest more

which I agree too. I wanted to help around the pack but I am exhausted and need the


“Hey, I want to see my dad

before we head to our room.

“Okay, but then it is straight

to bed. I am going to bathe

you and give you a nice

massage until you fall asleep.”

“And how can I say no to


“Right? No sane woman would…but you are not that

sane.” He says and laughs.

I laugh even though that felt like an insult. “Shut up.” I

swat his arm.

“Are you sure you are okay?”

I ask him looking at the

burns on his arms that have

slowly started to heal. “Colt, you almost died.”

“Maybe I did.”

“Don’t say that!”

“I am not trying to upset you. But think about it, maybe I am only alive

because you are alive. Maybe I am only alive until you are alive and I welcome it

because I don’t want to live

in a world without you. If you die…I die.”

I don’t know if that is what

happened, if that is how this

works but he is alive and that

is all that matters to me. I

kiss him and start walking.

Before I make it to Warrick’s

room, I stop at the parlor to take something with me.

I give three knocks at Warrick’s door and open it.

“Let me see you.” I

immediately say.

“Don’t start fussing over me

too!” He says.

“I’ll fuss if I want to! You

don’t tell me what to do.”

Lotus and Poppy giggle as

they leave the room. Colt

waits outside for me too.

“How did it go? Victor told me most of it.” He says.

“The meeting went well and everything is being taken care of. You don’t have to

worry about anything.”

He nods. “Good.”

“Your wounds?” I ask looking

at a few burns he has.

“I am fine. They will be gone by tomorrow. I was the

furthest from the explosion.

“I am glad you are okay. We

might not have the best relationship but…I don’t want to lose you.”

I sit on the bed next to him.

I can tell he doesn’t know

what to say. “I…I am okay.” He taps my hand.

I stay silent for a few moments thinking of my

next words. “Mom wasn’t

running from you.”

“Mh?” He asks confused.

“She didn’t leave the pack

because of you. It was

because of Honora.” I

explained to him everything

that Honora told me. Now

he’s been looking at the floor with a faraway stare.


“Thank you…for telling me this. Thank you. I…I thought she hated me. I thought I had pushed her…”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “She loved you. I can tell by the way you speak of her. I know she loved you just as much as you loved her.”

He suddenly hugs me and I

am in shock. I can feel him

shaking and I can tell he is

crying. When my stupor is done, I rub his back and hug

him. We stay like this for a while until he finally

composes himself and clears

his throat.

“Now run along. This old

man needs his rest.”

“Rest well old man.” I take a

small box with a deck of

cards inside. “Next time I

come back, we are going

head to head.”

“What in tarnation is this?!”


“Uno what?!”

crying. When my stupor is

done, I rub his back and hug

him. We stay like this for a

while until he finally

composes himself and clear

his throat.

“Now run along. This old

man needs his rest.”

“Rest well old man.” I take a

small box with a deck of

cards inside. “Next time I

come back, we are going

head to head.”

“What in tarnation is this?!”


“Uno what?!”

“You can’t tell me that you

have never played this game?!”

“I have never played it. Never even heard of it.” He says.

“Wow, you aren’t kidding

when you say you are old.” I say even though this is an

old game.

“Yeah, I told ya.”

“Well, it has instructions.

Read and learn them.”

“Fine, fine.” He waves at me looking tired of me already.

I turn to leave but then his

next words stop me.

“The pack is yours. I

renounce my position. I’ll

announce it tomorrow.”

“Are you…sure?”

I am shocked and scared but

too tired to think about it

right now.

“Yes. You have done great

and you will do even better. I

am tired my dear. I wish to just…live in peace.”

I slowly nod. “Okay. Rest.

We’ll talk tomorrow.”

He closes his eyes with a


I leave him and head to my room with Colt where I tell

him about what my father just told me.

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