Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 41: Ch.40/ A Night To Remember

Chapter 41: Ch.40/ A Night To Remember

Anupama's POV:-

Alessandro takes my hand and leads me towards the picnic blanket where he has set up for our date. Both of us plop down on the blanket while I open the food basket. Upon opening the basket I notice that everything is my favorite thing to eat. I look at him to see that he is already looking at me with a smirk as if he knows I am very impressed with his choices. There is Soya Biryani, Paneer Curry, Egg Bhurji, Garlic Butter Naan, Fish Fry, Sweet Curd packed in the basket. I haven't gotten time to eat lunch properly so after seeing the delicious food item my mouth water instantly.

"Cara these are for you to eat, not to stare." He comments with a laugh and take the basket from me. He starts to take out the food containers from the basket and one by one put down everything on the blanket. The weather is very chilly but the campfire is enough to make me warm.

"Here is your dinner." He says while handing me a plate.

"Thank you so much for this amazing date, Alessandro. But why did you only bring my favorite foods? You should have brought something of your liking too." I complain with a pout.

"I want to make this day special for you so today we are going to eat only your favorite foods. Now, stop talking and start eating or the food will get cold." He replies before putting a spoonful of Biryani in my mouth making me shut up. I chew the bite before feeding him Naan with paneer which I know that he loves to eat.

"By the way, today is not our two month anniversary because that was two weeks ago. Then why did you wish me today?" I ask the question that is going on my mind from the beginning. He stop eating and put his plate down while giving me a soft smile.

"I know that today is not our anniversary but I want to celebrate the day with you. With everything going on I couldn't think of a better surprise than this one which I believe you are liking so far. Both of us are

so busy with our own things that are not able to spend some time with each other and that's why I have secretly planned this gateway." He explains making me feel loved and cherished. This man is like every girl's dream man because of his caring and nurturing nature which always makes me think that I am the luckiest person in the world.

We start eating again while talking about various things. At a point, my tummy starts hurting because of his non-stop jokes and I think he feels bad for me because finally he stops talking while I finish my food. After finishing our dinner we decide to share the sweet curd which is super delicious. I don't realize that there a little curd left on the side of my lip because the next thing I know he licks the side of my lips to get rid of the curd. My eyes widen in surprise because I am not ready for such bold action from him so suddenly. However, he seems not to mind anything because I notice the way his lips curved in a teasing smirk.

"Why did you do that?" I complain.

"What have I done?" He asks looking all innocent but I know he understands what I am talking about.

"You can not just do that, Alessandro." I tell him with a pout.

"The curd is very sweet but it is tastier when I get to taste it from your lips." He says while I cover my eyes in embarrassment. Oh my god! This man does not have any filter.

"Are you sure you don't like what I have done?" He asks after some time when I still don't uncover my eyes. I am sure my face is looking ripe as a tomato.

"Stop talking about such things." I mumble and turn around not wanting to look at him with my blushing cheeks because I am sure then he will say more perverted things.

"May I know what things are you talking about?" He asks while putting his chin on my shoulder while wrapping his arms around my waist. I shake my head but he has another plan going in his mind. He

starts kissing behind my ear making me shiver while his arms tighten around my waist. Suddenly I feel something wet drop on my head and soon droplets after droplets starts to drip from the sky making me understand that it's raining.

"Oh no Alessandro, how come it's raining in this season?" I ask while getting up from the blanket. He too stands up while we both start collecting the things which are getting soaked.

"How am I supposed to know that Cara? Come on let's go inside or you will catch cold." He lets out and picks me in his arms before running towards the cabin trying to get away from the sudden rain. I clutch his sweater tightly in my fist in cold because my hands and feet are already getting cold. Soon, we get in front of the cabin and he puts me down on the porch. By now both of us are soaking wet from head to toe so without wasting any more time we get inside the cabin and up to the bedroom. He gets inside the bathroom and get a couple of towels. He takes one towel and starts to pat dry my face. He then rubs my hair with the same towel to get rid of water as much as he can. But I stop him in the middle because I can see that he is also shivering from the cold and his clothes are not in any better condition than mine.

"What are you doing Cara? I need to get you dry." He complains while looking at me with an annoyed expression.

"I am not the only one who can get a cold. Come on get inside the bathroom and change your clothes first." I tell him and push him into the direction of the bathroom. But he shakes his head in response.

"You are going to change your clothes first and that's final." By saying this he gives me a dry towel and pushes me inside the bathroom. I sigh but do as he says and close the door of the bathroom. Shivering from the cold, I take off my wet clothes and dump them in a nearby basket. After rubbing my body dry with the towel I get to wear clean clothes. But then I remember that I haven't brought any dry clothes with me making me gulp in embarrassment. Now, how am I supposed to go out of the bathroom?

"Are you done, Cara? If you are done then come out because I have already lit the fire in the fireplace to get us warm." He calls out from the room. I think for some idea but none come to my mind. So, I wrap the towel around my body well as much as I can to hide the necessary parts and take a deep breath before open the door to get out.

"What took you so-" He stops mid-sentence while looking at my towel wrapped body with wide eyes. I try to smile at him but soon my breath catch in my throat when he starts stalking in my way like a meal- deprived animal. I start walking backward but in a quick reflex, he stands in front of me. He wraps his strong arms around my waist and pulls me towards him making me shut my eyes from the close proximity between us.

"Are you trying to kill me, Tesoro?" His husky voice doing something to me which I can not pinpoint well.

"Ac-tua-lly I fo-rgot to bri-ng dry clo-th-es w-ith me..." I reply while trying hard not to look at his eyes.

"I know I have said that I will wait as long as you want but by seeing your towel-clad body I am having trouble keeping my promise, Cara." He says while running his nose up my neck.

"W-h-at promise?" I ask unknowingly.

"To not ravish your pretty little body." He replies making me stunned at his straight answer. My throat get dry not understanding what to do, I know what he is talking about but what I don't know if I am ready for the big step or not. I want to complete our marriage by consummating our relation but I am scared, scared of not being enough for him. I don't want him to regret it after realizing that I am not what he deserves.

"I am sorry, Cara. I don't know what come over me and I said those things to you. Come on, let's go to sleep." He says out of nowhere making me get out of my thoughts to see that he is already making his way towards the bed. I take a deep breath and decide to do what my heart desires.

"I am ready Alessandro." His head snaps in my direction while his eyes shone with surprise as if I have said something rare. I walk up to him and stand in front of him before placing my hand over the left side of his chest where I can feel the rhythm of his heart going faster than usual.

"I don't want you to do something to satisfy me love. I can wait as much as you want." He explains but I can clearly see the lust in his eyes and that's enough for me to know that the lust in him is ignited by me. I don't reply instead I cup his face with my both hands and kiss him on the lips to let him know what I want. He hesitates at first, but then he realizes that I meant what I have said. This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

He pulls me towards him by wrapping his arms around my waist while I wrap my arms around his neck. This time he kisses me a little more aggressive way but surprisingly I am loving this side of him. He picks me up and I wrap my leg around his waist before I feel him walk towards the bed. He laid me down on the bed and hover over me while I clutch the towel tightly. He again kisses me and touches the knot of the towel making me halt in my movement. He looks at me for permission and I nod my head in response. He unties the knot and slowly pulls away the towel from my body which I try to cover with my hands.

"I want to love every part of your body, Cara. I want to reach your soul. I want to bind us together in the most intimate and sacred way of a marriage." He whispers in my ear before a moan escapes from my lips when I feel him bite my earlobe lightly.

"I want you to make me feel loved, Alessandro," I reply with a shivering voice and that's all take for him to make me his fully. This night not only two bodies become one but our souls also become one. I have never imagined myself loving intimacy but being with Alessandro, I realize that intimacy can be described as a form of loving someone. I am truly grateful to be bind with my man for my whole life.


When I wake up the next day, I feel sore all over my body. But then a smile break out on my face looking at the sleeping face of my husband who have made love to me all night.

He is looking so innocent and carefree as if he didn't torture my body with his devilishness. A sigh leaves my mouth feeling blissful just thinking about how good it feels to be loved by a person who does not love you for your body but love you for your soul. I don't know if I have a good soul however I am sure that I have done something good in my before life to get a husband like Alessandro.

I get up from the bed before starting my morning routine. After finishing my shower with warm water I get out of the bathroom. But this time fully dressed, not wanting the repeat of last night so soon. I look towards the bed to see that Alessandro is still sleeping so I get near him and place a small kiss on his forehead. I leave the bedroom and make my way down to the kitchen where I am going to prepare some breakfast for us.

Surprisingly the kitchen is fully stocked with numerous things which I am sure is Alessandro's doing. I shake my head with a smile before I start making his favorite breakfast. Soon enough the breakfast is complete which consists of crispy bacon, sweet potato rosti, baked cherry tomatoes with avocado & poached eggs. I don't know how he eats black coffee but I have decided to make his favorite breakfast then he will get what he likes.

However, my surprise plan gets flop when my dear husband suddenly comes downstairs making me pout. He gives me a confusing look but I glare at him and storm out of the kitchen. Why can't he stay in the bedroom then I would have surprised him with his favorite breakfast but no, he doesn't even let me surprise him.

"Why are you angry with me, Tesoro? What have I done to make you pout like our daughter?" He asks while following me out of the house. I fold my hands in front of my chest and start taking deep breathes to control my anger. I know what I'm doing is childish but after last night, I feel like we have bonded better than before. I feel like I can love him and get angry at him the way I want.

"Aww, mia cara stop getting angry with me. I don't know what I have done but still, I want you to forgive me for whatever I have done to make you so angry." He says while hugging me from behind.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed but before I could get there, you came downstairs and ruined my surprise. You are very bad Alessandro." I reply with a whine. He chuckles and turns me around to face him. He cups my face with his palms and kisses my pout while I try not to smile.

"If I remember correctly then you were saying something different last night while I was making love to you." He says with a smirk making me hide my face in his chest. I lightly hit his chest with my fist but I can not suppress the smile on my face.

"Thank you for believing me so much, Cara." He says after some time. I look up to see that he is already looking at me with a loving smile.

"I believe you more than anyone and for that, you don't have to thank me. But I want to thank you for loving me so much and making me feel worthy." I reply feeling a tear trail down my cheek. He kisses the tear making me shut my eyes.

"I love you today, I am going to love you tomorrow and I will love you my entire life." He declares and kisses me on the lips sweetly.


Alessandro's POV:-

Last night is definitely the best night of my life because finally, my wife let me love her like a husband should do. It's not like I have loved her any less but after last night, my love for her has grown to a level that I don't even know existed in my heart. Currently, my lovely wife is heating up our breakfast which

was a surprise from her. But unknowingly I have ruined her surprise, however she has forgotten me after a little makeout session.

We have decided to eat the hot breakfast on the porch enjoying the slight breeze. While clearing the table for our breakfast I notice that Anhuphama is bringing our breakfast in a tray. I take the tray from her and put it on the table before getting a chair for her to sit. She smiles at me and we start eating our breakfast. I smile knowing that she must have woke up very early to make everything.

"Don't tell Melody but the potato rosti you have made is better than her." I tell her while finishing the last bite of my breakfast.

"You know right that she will have your head in a silver platter when she will get to know what you have said?" She asks with a smile.

"That's why I told you not to tell anything to her. You will do that for your handsome hubby, right Tesoro?" I ask while batting my eyelids at her. She burst into a fit of giggle while clutching her stomach I am sure in pain. I laugh along with her feeling relax seeing her so happy.

"Let's go for a walk in the forest. If you build a cabin and used to come here often then you must know this place quite well." She remarks and stands up from her place while offering me her hand which I take with a smile.

"You are right. I know this place by the back of my head so let's go and see the forest." I reply and we start walking in the direction of the forest.

"Hmmm, I have something to ask you but if you don't want to answer that's alright." She asks with a hesitation.

"I know what you want to ask." I reply not looking at her because I know if I look at her then I won't be able to tell her the things she wants to know.

"The cabin was built by my best friend." I tell her.

"You mean Marco?" She asks confusingly in which I shake my head in response.

"My other best friend. In fact, he was Marco's best friend too. We first met him while studying in Australia. He was what we liked to call a complete nerd who liked to hide behind huge books. He used to wear large glasses and because of that other students used to bully him. But every time Marco or I was there to beat anyone who tried to bully him. Our friendship became stronger day by day that we didn't even realize when the time came to say goodbye to him. Because he needed to return to his house so I asked him to visit us whenever he could. Marco took over Uncle Gabriel's business while I started my business and settled down in LA. Then one day he came to visit us here and I asked him to build a log cabin for me to relax. I used to come here whenever I felt like I need some alone time. But then I got the news of his sudden death which took me by surprise. I stopped coming here because it pained me to visit this place knowing well that my best friend was not coming back anymore. But then I realized that I need to recover from my pain and that can only happen if I bring you here. Because only you are the only one who can heal me." I tell her while wiping a lone tear that's slip past my eye. She stops walking and takes my hands in her while her eyes glisten with tears.

"I don't know your best friend but I know that he must have been a great person to get so much respect from you. So, I am beyond happy to know that you have thought of me as the right person to come here. I am sure that your friend must be feeling very happy to see that you have finally come here to spend some time. From now on we are going to come here whenever we get time and next time we will bring our babies with us too." She says with a gentle smile while I nod my head in response.

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