Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 40: Ch.39/ Love Is In The Air

Chapter 40: Ch.39/ Love Is In The Air

Alessandro's POV:-

I am on my to the police station where I am going to interrogate the fucker who has cut the chain of the chandelier. It would have been better if he opened his mouth in front of the police because then he would not have to face me. But he decided to keep his mouth shut so now he has to face the consequences.

I park my car in front of the police station and get out to go inside. Mr. David who is in charge of the case welcomes me before taking me to the cell where they have kept the man. When he heard the rattling sound of the keys, he looks up in annoyance but when his eyes land on me his eyes widen in fright. There is table in the center of the cell which is full of different types of weapons and I am going to use them pretty well today.

I get inside the cell making him tremble in his place but he can not back out of his place because he is already strapped in his place by the police. He starts to drag his chair backward as if this way he can get away from me. Silly man, he doesn't even know that I can easily kill him and no one will do anything to me. If I can come to interrogate a person inside the police station then anyone can guess the power I have over everything.

"Here is the person who is responsible for the accident at the party. We have tried our best to get information out of him but he is not cooperating with us. Now, he is in your mercy." Mr. David informs me and leave from there. I look at the trembling man in front of me who used to be a trusted employee of my company but alas, he is no longer trustworthy anymore.

"So, let's start with the knife." I say and without warning, I flick a smaller knife in his left hand's wrist. He cries out in pain but I can only see Anhuphama's unconscious form in front of my eyes. I stand in front of him and yank his head back by holding his hair in a tight grip.

"If you don't want to feel any more pain then start talking." I threaten but he shakes his head in return.

"Okay fine, just don't say that I haven't given you a chance to speak." I say before I punch his face repeatedly. Finally, After twenty minutes of torture he starts speaking.

"Pl-ease no more. I c-an not take any-mo-re." He pleads while trying to get away from me.

"Then tell me why the hell did you try to harm my wife? Why did you cut the chains?" I shout at him.

"I needed money so when I got the offer to income money easily I didn't think twice before agreed to cut the chains. In the end, I got paid 1 million for doing the job." He replies pathetically.

"Just tell me the name who paid you," I order while slapping him hard.

"Sebastian White and his wife." He replies with a frightened voice. I don't ask him further anything because whatever I have to say I will say that to Sebastian and his psyche of a wife. I throw one last punch at the sobbing man and leave the cell.

"I want you to keep a close eye on him because he can be very helpful to us. By the way, my assumption was correct. Samantha and Sebastian are the ones who paid him to do the mishap. But I don't want you to take any action against them yet as I want to punish them by myself." I order the police officer who nods his head in response.

"I will do as you have told me to do. But Mr. Bianchi I have a query. What if they try to harm you or someone from your family?" Mr. David ask while following me out of the police station.

"I will take care of that part too. You just need to do what I have told you." I reply and get inside the car before driving away from there. After a few minutes, I stop the car at the side of the road and dial Bianca's number.

"Yes, Alessandro how can I help you?" She asks after receiving the call.

"Do you have the information I asked you to collect?" I ask over the phone.

"Hmmm, I have the information. Samantha is getting money from her adoptive parents who still live in Australia. As a single child, she is the sole owner of her parent's business and other properties. That's another reason why Sebastian has married her. Also, Sebastian is doing illegal business like selling drugs and human trafficking with some gangs to get huge money." She informs me.

"Thanks for the information, Bianca. Now, please kindly buy Samantha's parent's company and their other properties. I don't care how much money you need to do the job but I want the task to be done in two weeks. I know you're busy with your family as it holiday season but I need you to do this immediately." I tell her.

"Don't be so formal with me Alessandro. Just because you are my boss it doesn't mean I see you any less than my big brother. So, don't worry I will get the work done as soon as possible." She replies.

"Thanks, Bianca. By the way, I have another favor to ask." I say while biting my lips in anticipation.

"Hmm, what is this?" She asks back.

"I want to take Anhuphama out for a few days so I am thinking if you can look after the company for a few days." I reply sheepishly.

"Goot to know that finally you have realized that you both need some alone time. Jokes apart, where are you taking Anhuphama?" She asks.

"That's a secret." I reply knowing well that my short answer will make her angry.

"You are so cruel, Alessandro. Okay fine don't tell me but remember one thing that I want a nephew from you and Anhuphama. So, try to give me the good news soo. Also, I will look after the company on your behalf." She answers and cut the call without letting me reply. This woman is getting bossy day by day but what she asks for is something I have been dreaming of for some time. Although I already have a cute princess, it will be great to have a little prince to spoil. But everything depends on my wife as she

will be the one to carry our future child. I am not going to force her to have babies if she doesn't want but the thought of her carrying our daughter or son will be a fascinating sight to watch.


After getting home I ask Anhuphama to pack some clothes and necessities because we will be going somewhere to stay for two or three days. She is reluctant at first because she doesn't want to leave our babies alone. However, Mrs. Ganguly and Melody assures her that they will take care of our babies. I have put a lot of guards around the mansion and ask them not to let anyone get inside without asking from Mr. Ganguly.

Finally, after a lot of pleading my lovely wife agrees to go with me. I tell her to dress casually because we will be going there by car. After getting dressed I get in search of my princess whom I find in the backyard playing with Uncle Gabriel. Upon seeing me, she instantly runs to me and stretches her arms to be picked up. I chuckle and lift her in my arms before kissing her chubby cheeks.

"What are you playing baby?" I ask.

"Me play ball. Where goin Papa?" She asks while looking at me with a pout.

"Your mum-mum and I are going somewhere important where we can not bring you. But when we come I will take you to the zoo to see a lot of animals." I reply not wanting her to cry because we are leaving her alone.

"Pwomise you take me zoo?" She asks cutely.

"Of course my princess. Papa will definitely take you to the zoo. But you need to be a good girl and listen to everyone while your mum-mum and I will be away." I tell her in which she nods her head repeatedly.

"Me a good girl so me go zoo." She replies before kissing my nose in return.

"Hey Advira, your Nonna is baking some cookies and she is asking for you." Uncle Gabriel says coming towards us. By hearing this my princess starts to squirm in my arms to get down. So, I put her down and she runs inside the house while yelling for her Nonna.

"What happened at the police station?" Uncle Gabriel asks making me turn to look at her.

"I was correct in my assumption. Samantha is playing the same game of hurting my loved ones to get to me. But this time she will be finished for good." I answer.

"I have my faith in you my boy that you will do everything in your power to keep your family safe. But just remember that I'm always going to be here for you. So, whenever you need my help just tell me." He says with a genuine smile.

"Thank you so much for your support Uncle. I am sorry for my rude behavior that day. I really don't know what came over to me and I reacted so badly. I hope you can forgive me for my misbehavior." I tell him.

"I can understand why you behaved that way because no son will want his mother to be separated from him. So, your reaction was not something unusual. But I am happy to know that you no longer have any grudge against me. I just hope that I can keep Melody happy the way she deserves." He replies making me look at him with a smile.

"I am really happy for you Uncle. Both you and Melody deserve every happiness in this world." I tell him. We talk for some more before the time comes to say goodbye to everyone.

I open the car door for Anhuphama who is still hugging our baby. So, I get near them before embracing them in my arms. Next, I crouch down to my big boys' level and give them lots of pets.

"You guys are going to look after everyone and keep the house safe. Got it?" I ask in which I get six barks in return. I stand up and ask Anhuphama to follow me. Soon, we get inside the car and start our journey.


Anupama's POV:-

Alessandro has told me that it will take two hours to reach our destination so I try to get some sleep. However, several thoughts in my mind is not letting me sleep peacefully. I don't know where he is taking me or for how many days we are going to be away from the house. I am just happy to know that he wants to spend some alone time with me. Soon, the car starts to move towards some forest area making me a little scared. However, Alessandro takes my hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze before driving through a rocky path.

Suddenly, he stops the car in the middle of the forest and takes out a silk cloth from his jeans pocket. He tells me to close my eyes and when I do that I feel him wrap the cloth over my closed eyes. Soon, he starts driving the car again without telling me anything. I am getting more scared by not seeing my surroundings. However, the car stops and I feel him getting out before he opens my side of the door. I carefully get out of the car while holding his hand for support and walk along with him.

"Today I am going to share something very sacred with you, Cara. I have never told anyone about this place so open your eyes and see my secret place." He says to me and take off the blindfold. What I see after opening my eyes is something I have never imagined as Alessandro's choice. In front of me, stand a simple yet cozy log cabin that is beyond perfection.

"It's so beautiful Alessandro." I tell him while looking at the cabin with an awe-struck expression.

"This is my secret gateway place where I used to come whenever I need to have some alone time." He says while wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What do you mean 'used to come'?" I ask looking at him to see that his eyes hold an unbearable pain but he masks his expression with a fake smile.

"First let's go inside and see the cabin for yourself." He says ignoring my question. I don't ask him further anything understanding that this topic must be touchy for him not to answer. He opens the front door and leads me inside the cozy cabin. The first thing I notice the well-organized living room which is quite big.

Both of us sit down on the comfortable couch feeling relax. I look at my surroundings trying to observe every little thing.

"I hope you have liked the place." He comments while taking my hands in his.

"I love this place." I tell him with a beaming smile.

"I know you have a lot of questions regarding this place and believe me Cara, I will tell you everything. But not now, I have come here to relax with you. I want to spend some quality time with you so stop thinking about other things and let's enjoy our time here." He says and peck my lips. I give him a small smile in return.

"Now, let's go to our bedroom and take some rest. Because we have a dinner date to enjoy." He says and suddenly picks me up in his arms making me wrap my arms around his neck tightly.

"I can walk properly. You know that right?" I ask him while he starts climbing the wooden stairs.

"Yes, I know that but I love carrying you in my arms. So, I am going to carrying you as much as I want. Also, you can not tell me no because no one is here except for us." He replies with a smirk.

Soon after that, we reach a room which is beyond exquisite. He puts me down and I look around the simple wooden bedroom. I am sure my face will be splitting in two the way I am smiling so big. This

place is like a heaven to me and it's so peaceful in here.

"You take some rest and I am going to make arrangements for our date." He says while kissing the side of my head. I nod my head with a smile and he goes out of the room leaving me alone. I decide to change my clothes first and then take a relaxing nap.


After changing clothes I get inside the blanket before sleep takes over me. I don't know how long I have slept because soon I hear my phone ringing. I receive the call without looking at the caller ID because I am still feeling super sleepy.

"Wake up my sleeping beauty. I am waiting for you." Alessandro says over the phone and I open my eyes to see that it's two hours since I have slept.

"I am up." I mumble sleepily. NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

"Freshen up and come outside soon." He says and cuts the call. I release a sigh before getting up from the comfy bed. After freshen up I get dressed in a loose sweater and some leggings not feeling to dress up in any fancy clothes. I leave the bedroom and come downstairs to see that Alessandro is not there. So, I decide to call him but then a sticky note catch my attention. I pick up the paper from the nearby table and read the lines written on it.

'Come outside my love. Your dearest hubby has arranged a top-class date night for you. By the way, I love you more than anything."

I smile to myself before putting the paper back on the table and get out of the cabin. I see that the outside of the cabin is illuminated with different types of lights making it feels like a wonderland. There is a trail of rose petals that is leading somewhere so I start walking along the trail. After five minutes of walking, I come in front of a tree that has a picnic blanket set up under it.

"Happy two months wedding anniversary Cara." Alessandro whispers in my ears making me turn around to see that he is looking at me with eyes full of love and affection. Then I notice what he is wearing, he is wearing the sweater I have given him on Christmas. This is the only thing I have made by myself on Christmas and that is only for my husband.

"Same to you Alessandro. But how did you arrange everything in here?" I ask the question that comes to my mind.

"I am not going to lie and say that I have done everything alone. I have some people helping me set everything to your liking. Also, I don't know anything about cooking so I have also gotten help from Melody on that matter." He replies while rubbing his neck in nervousness. I can not help but laugh aloud because it's not every day you see the Alessandro Bianchi being nervous. I wrap my arms around him and give him a hug which he returns easily.

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