Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 23


I was a bit upset that I had learned that Naomi was pregnant from my mother. Naomi should have told me. She was going to but was upset that I had the audacity to talk to another woman. Suzie just brought me dinner. I know Suzie had said some things to Naomi that she shouldn't have, but I felt nothing for Suzie beyond friendship. 'She was all over you, idiot,' Kairos grumbles in my head. He was unhappy the whole time I interacted with Suzie. 'Yeah, because you disregarded Naomi, Kairos snarls.

I scoff and got up. Dulce and Brutus were due back this morning. They both got a little injured fighting off the vampires. The packs they had been at were both saved. They lost only a few members, and it was mostly warriors. I just hoped the vampires were getting the hint that we weren't afraid of them.

After my shower, I dress in fatigues and put my hair in a ponytail. Satisfied with my look, I go downstairs to get breakfast. I wish Naomi was here to cook because she makes a good breakfast. I should still be resting and haven't been cleared for work yet, but I can't sit anymore.

"Good morning, Mag," Suzie greets me as I walk into the cafeteria. She puts her hand on my arm and rubs up and down while fluttering her eyelashes. Kairos growls in my head.

'That is why your pregnant mate was mad at you, asshole,' He grumbles.

I step away from Suzie. "Good morning, Suzie. It's Major Bowie to you," I tell her, and her smile falters.

"I thought we were friends?" She sniffles.

"We are. But I am working right now, so it's Major Bowie," I walk around her towards the line, not glancing back. The other workers greet me and serve me eggs and bacon with toast. I see my sister sitting alone at a table, so I walk to her. She is picking at a bowl of oatmeal. "Oatmeal? You hate oatmeal," I chuckle.

"Mom said it would settle my stomach," She mumbles and takes a small bite. "It's not completely horrible with sugar and butter."

"So, did you hear about Naomi?" I ask her.

"Oh yeah, Mom told me," Phoebe laughs. "Are you excited?"

I nod. "I am, but I wish Naomi had told me. But she was mad at me last night," I respond to my sister.

"And why was Naomi mad at you? I thought you two were getting along," Phoebe trains her eyes on me.

I take a deep breath and sip my coffee. "Well, she called last night just when Suzie had brought my dinner."

"Oh, I see. You know Naomi does not like that chick," Phoebe mentions.

I roll my eyes at her. "I got that, Pheebs."

"So," Phoebe gestures.

"So, Naomi was mad because I talked to another woman," I snort.

"No, dumbass, Naomi was mad because you talked to that woman. The same woman who had told Naomi that you were in love with. Did Naomi sound like she wanted to talk last night?" Phoebe asks. "Uh yeah," I mumble. "I sort of rushed her off the phone," I sigh at my realization. "I am a dumbass."

"Yep," Phoebe takes another bite of oatmeal. "Ugh, that's enough of that crap," She pushes the bowl away.

"So, how are you feeling other than your stomach?" I ask her.

"As good as I can feel. Isn't it cool that our kids will be the same age? I can't wait till they are old enough to be friends," Phoebe smiles at me. She found out that she was pregnant weeks ago. "That will be very cool," I laugh.

"I hope I have a girl even though this is most likely a boy. Not that I wouldn't love a boy," Phoebe explains. "I want to teach her to be a badass."

"Like you?" I lift an eyebrow while smirking at her. "That's all the world needs, another freaking Phoebe."

"Oh, shut up, like the world needs another Magnus," She snorts. Her phone starts to ring, and she pulls it out and squeals. "It's my Bruty." She answers it. "Hi, Babe," She squees. "Okay, I'll be right out there," she hangs up the phone. "Bruty is home," She stands up. "That's good to hear. Tell Bruty," I snicker, "To meet me in the office in about ten minutes."

"Magnus," Phoebe whines. "He just got home."

"You can come too, Pheebs," I huff. "Sheesh." My phone rings, and I answer as my sister walks away. "Hey, Dulce," I greet my best friend.

"We just got back, Major," She responds.

"That's good to hear, Lieutenant," I tell her. "Meet me in the office in ten for a debriefing."

"Right-o, Mag," Dulce responds and hangs up.

I set my phone on the table and hurry to finish my now cold breakfast. Suzie sits down where Phoebe had been. I smile lightly at her. "Can I help you, Suzie?"

"I just wanted to spend some time with you," She smiles.

"Don't you have to work?" I ask, noting her uniform.

"I'm on a break," She reaches over and touches my hand.

'You see,' Kairos practically yells at me. 'You see what she is doing?'

'I see it,' I yell back. I pull my hand back. "Look, Suzie, I have told you before that there is nothing more than friendship between us. Telling my mate that you and I are in love is not acceptable. You need to back off. I am a mated man and soon to be a father." Suzie's mouth hangs open. "That woman is pregnant?" She practically hisses.

"That woman is my mate, and yes," I tell her,

She sighs heavily. "I thought we had something going, Mag."

"It's Major, Suzie, Major." I remind her.

"That other chick you were just talking to called you by your first name," Suzie complains.

"That other chick is my sister." I laugh and stand up. "I have to get to work, and so should you. But if you keep up this obsessive behavior, I will have you transferred." I say and walk away before she can say anything. I head to my office.

Brutus is sitting on a chair with my sister in his lap while Dulce is leaning against the wall. They both look unscathed from the fight. I sit behind my desk and tent my fingers. "Dulce, you may begin," I say to the lieutenant.

"Well, we slaughtered a whole lot of vampires," She starts. "They just kept coming, but I was told they were all most likely newborns. So someone is making a lot of vampires and fast," She explains.

I sigh. "I'm sure it's their leader who is mad that I managed to save Queen Moira from his clutches," I mention. The leader whose name I never bothered learning has been after me ever since I saved the queen. "Is he trying to lure me out by attacking all of the packs?"

"That's the question of the century," Brutus adds. "Or is there another motive? Why did he take the queen in the first place?"

"I honestly don't remember. Our mission was to save Moira," I respond.

"Maybe you should give King Kerry a call and ask him. Maybe if we learn more about this leader's motive, we'll better know how to fight him," Dulce says. "I fear he'll just keep escalating until he gets whatever he is after."

I nod. "Right," I agree and pick up the phone on the desk. I dial Kerry's number and wait for him to pick up.

"Hello, Major," He answers.

"Kerry," I greet my friend. "My people returned triumphantly," I tell him.

"That is fantastic to hear, Magnus," Kerry responds.

"Anyways, I called to ask you a few questions about the time that Moira was captured," I say and hear him sigh loudly. "I know it's a painful memory for you, sir. But I need insight."

"You were given all the necessary information, Magnus," Kerry tells me.

"Well, since things are escalating, I need to know why. Who is this leader, and why is he after us?" I ask the king.

There is silence on the other end, and I wonder if Kerry will tell me anything. "His name is Dreyfuss. He and my father were once allies. But they had a falling out over my mother. Dreyfuss loved my mother, and she loved my father," Kerry explains. "Dreyfuss vowed to make my father and his descendants pay." "Why haven't we killed him?" I ask.

"Bastard is quick and strong," Kerry chuckles dryly. "We can never find where he is hiding out. We only found out where Moira was being held on luck. Pure fucking luck."

"So, is Dreyfuss coming after all of the packs, or are others involved?" I ask.

"We are investigating, Magnus. I'll share what I know when I can," Kerry tells me.

"Okay, sir," I say to the king. "I will talk to you later, I guess. I have other work to do."

"I thought you hadn't been released to duty yet?" The king asks.

"I haven't, sir." I laugh. "I have been working in the office. I just can't stand sitting around in my apartment doing nothing." "Don't you have your mate there?"

"She is at Ghost River retrieving the rest of her belongings. But she has been keeping an eye on me when she is here," I tell him. "That's good to know. Try not to push yourself, Magnus. I need you to be back at full duty soon," Kerry practically orders me.

"Yes, your majesty," I laugh.

"Well, have a good day, Major," Kerry says and hangs up.

Dulce and Brutus fill me in on the battles a little more and then go about their duties. I sit at the desk, working on paperwork and writing up reports. Kairos starts to get a little restless. 'What's up with you?' I ask my weary wolf. 'I have a bad feeling,' He mumbles.

I am about to ask him to explain himself but my phone rings. "Major Bowie," I answer it.

"Magnus," Pops answers. He doesn't sound like his usual self, and I think I hear screaming and commotion on the other end.

"Pops? What's going on?" I then hear the sirens going off.

"We are under attack, Magnus," Pops responds.

"By who, Pops?" I ask as my blood boils.

"Vampires," Pops replies. "We nee-" The line goes dead, and my heart races.

"Pops? Pops?" I slam the phone down. "DULCE!" I scream for my lieutenant as loud as I can. Kairos is now pacing in my head. Dulce runs into the office. "What?"

"Ghost River is under attack. I need you to gather the squad and get ready to move as soon as possible," I order her. "Is everyone alright?" She asks.

"I don't know!" I shout.

Phoebe runs into my office a second later. "Mag, Mom just called," She says with tears. "We are under attack," She cries.

"I know, sis," I tell her. Brutus was just behind my sister. "Help Dulce gather the squad."

Brutus nods and looks at my sister. "You are staying here," He tells her.

"Like hell I am. That is my fucking home. I am going," Phoebe argues with her mate.

"I know it is, but you can't go in your condition," Brutus argues. "Right Mag?"

"Don't agree with him, Magnus," Phoebe glares at me. "I am going, and neither of you will f*****g stop me!"

"You can come, Phoebe," I tell my sister.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

"Major," Brutus growls.

"Don't growl at me, Brutus. Go help Dulce." I growl back.

Brutus glares at me. I don't like having him mad at me. He is one of the last people you want mad at you. "Fine," He hisses. He points at my sister. "I swear to the Goddess if anything happens to you, I will throw myself from a cliff."

"I love you too," Phoebe kisses his finger. Brutus growls again and then storms out of the office.

I rush out of the office to direct my men. I don't care that I am not supposed to be helping, but this is Ghost River. I am fighting no matter what. Fifteen minutes later, I am in a truck full of soldiers headed towards my home pack. Phoebe is sitting next to me. Dulce and Brutus are in trucks behind us.

I have been trying to call my parents, but no one is picking up. I try calling other pack members, but I get nothing. I try calling Naomi. "Dammit, Naomi. Pick up, please," I plead into the phone.

"I can't get ahold of anyone either. They must all be fighting or in the bunkers," Phoebe sniffles. "Magnus, what if something bad has happened to them?"

I pat her leg. "Try not to think about it, Pheebs."

It takes a few hours to reach the gates, and they are deserted. I can smell death in the air, and I shudder. "Keep driving," I order the driver. I hear fighting over the drone of the truck engine. "Stop here!" I order him, and we all jump out of the truck. Brutus and Dulce run up to me. "Dulce you take a third of the unit north, and Brutus, you go west," I order them. "Phoebe and I will take the rest."

They nod and gather the men and then runoff. Phoebe and I run towards the packhouse. I see the torn-up bodies of warriors I had grown up with strewn on the ground. 'Max!" I mind link, my brother. 'Max, if you can hear me. The Elite Force is here!'

There is no answer from my twin as I mind link everyone else. I am especially worried when Naomi doesn't answer me.

'Oh, thank god, Magnus, I finally get an answer from Chance. 'This fuckers are vicious!'

'Where are you Chance?' I ask

'East. The fighting is bad here,' He replies.

I look at my sister. "I want you to run to the packhouse and go to the safe house," I tell her.


"Phoebe, you aren't fighting, and that's final," I yell at her. "Now, go!"

'Mom, if you can hear me, it's Magnus.' I mind link, my mother.

'Magnus!' My mother cries. 'I am in the safehouse with Charlotte and many others!

'Is Naomi there with you?' I ask.

'No, I'm afraid she isn't. Her mother said she was at the Archive!' Mom responds.

'I'm sending Phoebe to you! I sigh. I look at the men. "Go east and help Beta Chance."

"Where are you going, Magnus?" Phoebe asks.

"I have to find Naomi," I reply and run towards the Archive. "Naomi!" I call as I approach. I hear a faint groan and see Mrs. Helfer bleeding on the ground. I kneel beside the older woman. "Oh, man," I say as I place a hand on her forehead. "Naomi," She whispers.

"What about Naomi?" I ask as my heart starts to race.

"Naomi," She repeats. "Taken," Mrs. Helfer whispers.

"Taken? By who? Who took her?" I ask the woman.

Her eyes go wide. "The pale man," She manages to say before passing out.

"NO!" I cry out. 'Naomi!' I call to her through our mind link. 'Naomi! For the love of the Goddess, please answer me,' I plead.

'Magnus,' I hear her whisper back.

'Naomi, where are you?' I call to her.

'Magnus,' She whispers again, and then there is silence.

"NAOMI!" I scream into the air.

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