Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 22


"Pregnant?" I scoff at Mom. "I can't be pregnant." I stand up and hover over the sink.

Mom c***s her hip. "Have you and Magnus been sexually active?"

"Mom," I drawl out.

She puts her hands on her hips. "Well," She lifts an eyebrow.

"Of course, we have," I snort.

"And you used protection?" She folds her arm.

I wipe my hand down my face and brush past Mom out of the bathroom. "No, we didn't," I mumble as she follows me. I walk into the living room, and my father eyes me. "Are you alright, Naomi?" He asks.

"She's pregnant, Al," Mom blurts out.

"Mom," I huff.

"Really? Already?" My father laughs

I sit on the opposite end of the couch. "I'm not pregnant. I am just nauseous."

"And pale and cranky, among other things," Mom sits beside Dad and smiles at me. "Oh, I can't wait to rub it in Jan's face."

I roll my eyes. "Mom, can you not go blabbing it to anyone. I have to tell Magnus first, and also, I don't even know if I am pregnant."

"You are pregnant, Naomi. I know you are," She argues.

"How do you know?" I scoff.

"I'm your mother. Mothers know these things," she replies. "I have to go check on dinner." She stands up and walks out of the living room.

Dad smiles at me. "I'm happy that you seem to be accepting your role as a mate."

I narrow my eyes at him, "What role, Dad?"

"Well, you love you mate and give him pups," He responds.

"Dad, that is so outdated and sexist," I snort. "Mates should be partners."

"You are misinterpreting what I am saying, Naomi," He sighs.

"I know exactly what you are saying, Dad. My role in life is to lie on my back and give Magnus pups." I fold my arms as there is a knock on the door.

My father sighs again and gets up to answer the door. "You are late," I hear him say to someone.

Moments later, my brother enters the living room with his mate, Krista, and their son Marco. "Hey Naomi," Bryant greets me.

I stand up to hug him, "Bry. I missed you."

He kisses my cheek. "Man, you reak like Magnus." He pulls away from me. "And look who joined the marked club."

I shrug my shoulders and put my hand over the mark while Krista laughs. "Oh man, I didn't think you would accept Magnus. Elena and I had a bet," My sister-in-law keeps laughing.

I narrow my eyes at my brother's mate. "A bet? You thought I wouldn't accept Magnus?"

Krista sets Marco on the couch. "Well, it's you, Naomi. We all thought you would get lost in that Archive forever."

My mother walks into the room and hugs my brother. She smiles at Krista and walks over to pick up Marco. "Nana," My nephew says to her.

"Oh, look who's a big boy," Mom coos at Marco. "Guess who's getting another cousin, Marco," She smiles at me.

Bryant and Krista both look at me wide-eyed. "Are you-" Bryant trails off.

"Mom, I told you not to blab," I whine.

"Oh, come on, Naomi. It's good news. I can't help it," Mom argues.

"I still haven't told Magnus because I am not even sure if I am pregnant," I state.

"Naomi is pregnant?" I hear my twin sister say. She is walking into the living room with Chance and baby Arlo. "No way," Elena laughs.

"Hello to you too, Elena," I grumble.

"So, is it true?" Elena asks while passing Arlo to Chance.

I throw up my hands. "I don't know. Mom thinks so."

"I know so," Mom adds.

"She sure is bitchy," Elena snorts. "I was bitchy when I was pregnant with Arlo."

"You are always bitchy, Elena," Krista adds.

"Shut up, Krista," Elena sneers at our brother's mate.

Mom claps her hands. "Dinner is ready. I hope you all like lasagna."

We follow Mom into the dining room. The table is set for all of us, and there is wine and water on the table. I sit beside my sister. Mom begins to cut up the lasagna and serves us all a portion. There is also salad and garlic bread on the table. The lasagna smells good. My mother is a good cook, so I expect it to taste good, but I feel queasy again as soon as I try to take a bite.

I nibble at the bread and eat some salad.

"So, why didn't Magnus come with you?" Bryant asks. "I was hoping to see him." "He's working," I respond.

"Isn't he still recovering?" Dad joins in. "Darryl said he still has a few weeks to go."

I nod. "Yes, Magnus is supposed to be recovering. But lying around doing nothing drives him nuts," I explain. "Some smaller packs have been having trouble with the stupid vampires. So he sent the squad to fight while he stays behind and coordinates them or whatever he does."

"Ah, those vampires are becoming a big problem. I hope they stay away from us," Dad shudders.

"We can beat some fucking vampires, Dad," Bryant scoffs.

"Bryant Henry Monroe," Mom snarls at him.

"Sorry, Mom." He pouts.

Mom looks at me. "Do you not like the lasagna, Naomi?"

"You know I love your lasagna, Mom," I tell her. "But every time I try to take a bite-"

She claps her hands. "See, I am telling you that you are pregnant. I couldn't eat lasagna when I was pregnant with any of you."

"Hey, me too," Elena adds. "So it is like a genetic thing that we can't stand lasagna while pregnant? Because now this tastes delicious."

"I could eat lasagna," Krista chimes in.

"Your hormones affect how things taste and smell," Mom explains. "And everyone is different, Krista."

Everyone chats while we eat. I try some lasagna again, only to be running for the bathroom seconds later. I throw up everything in my stomach, sit on the floor, and groan.

Mom and Elena stand in the doorway. "Yep," Elena nods. "You are so pregnant, Naomi. Hey Krista!" She shouts and walks away. "I win the bet!"

I sigh and look at my mother. "Did everyone think I would reject Magnus?" I ask as I stand up.

"Well, sweetie, you kicked him out of your apartment after-"

"I will never live that down," I interrupt her.

Mom pats my back. "I'm glad that you and Magnus worked it out, though. I think he is good for you, and you are good for him."

I smile at her. "I think I am just going to go to my apartment."

"You don't have to. You can sleep in your old room." She tells me.

"Fine," I tell her.

"We'll go to the hospital tomorrow and have you tested to be sure," She runs her hand through my hair. "Have you been washing your hair every day?" "Mom."

I walk down the hall to retrieve my bag from the car.

"What?" Mom drawls. "It was just a question."

I get outside and grab my bag. I head to my old room and pull my phone from my bag before flopping on the bed. My head is starting to hurt, and I feel dizzy. I dial Magnus's number, and he picks up after four rings. I hear a female laughing in the background, and it was not Phoebe's laugh.

"Hey, Baby," Magnus greets me.

Jealousy boils within me as I hear the woman laughing. "Mag," It's Suzie's voice.

"One second, Suz," Magnus says to her. "How are you doing, Naomi?"

I gulp down my anger. "Okay, I guess," I mumble to him. I was just about to tell him that there is a very good possibility that I am pregnant, but now all I can focus on is Suzie. "What is Suzie doing with you?"

"Oh, she just brought me some dinner. I have been stuck in the office all day directing the troops," He explains.

"How is everyone? Still alive?" I ask, concerned for his warriors.

"So far, everyone is alright. Dulce got a bit banged up, but she will live," He explains. "I wish I was with them fighting instead of back here."

"At least you are well enough to be working in some capacity," I tell him.

"Mag, your dinner will get cold," I hear Suzie whine, and Ruby growls in my head.

'That bitch,' She snarls.

'Calm down, Ruby. Suzie works in the kitchen. It's her job to deliver food,' I try to explain to my angry wolf.

"I'll be just one second, Suzie," Magnus says. "Naomi, is there anything else that you need?"

"No," I reply coldly. "Goodnight, Magnus." I hang up on him and throw the phone on the bed. I bury my face in the pillow and sob. Figures, I finally accept him, and he is spending time with another woman.

'I want to rip her throat out,' Ruby chimes in. 'You are pregnant with his child. He should be entirely focused on you.'

'So, I am officially pregnant?' I ask my wolf.

'Of course. You conceived the first time you mated with him,' She explains.

'Why didn't you say anything?' I ask her.

'We wolves like our secrets. She snickers.

I shake my head and go back to sobbing. I eventually fall asleep and wake up to my phone ringing the following day. I see that it is Magnus, and I ignore it. I see a bunch of messages from him. I sigh. 'Should I call the dumbass?' I ask Ruby. 'Probably. He and Kairos are rather frantic. Ruby replies.

I pick up the phone and dial Magnus's number. It rings once before Magnus picks it up. "Naomi!" He says with worry in his voice. "I tried all night to get ahold of you."

"I was asleep, Magnus," I mumble.

"Are you really pregnant?" He asks with a huff.

"Ruby says I am," I respond. "How did you find out?"

"My mother called me and congratulated me," He replies.

I sigh. "Dammit, Mom," I mumble. "I was going to tell you last night when I called, but I was upset."

"About what?" Magnus practically yells.

"Suzie," I tell him.

He scoffs loudly. "For fuck sake, Suzie brought me dinner, and we chatted about her studies. That's it. I spent all day working."

"I'm sorry, Magnus. I don't trust that bitch," I tell him.

"She is just my friend, Naomi. I know she said those things to you, but she is sorry. She hasn't tried anything since. You are the most important woman in my life," He explains.

I sigh loudly, and tears well up in my eyes. "I am just so afraid that you will find someone better than me."

"Naomi," Magnus sighs. "There is no one better than you."

I sniffle. "I am sorry."

"I love you, my beautiful mate, mother of my child," He sings into the phone.

"So you are happy about this?" I ask him with a laugh.

"I am over the moon happy," He responds.

"I'll be home in a few days, and we can celebrate," I say to him.

"I have to go, Baby. But I love you so much. So, so, much. And please stop worrying about Suzie. She is nothing compared to you."

"Okay fine. I love you too," I respond. I hang up the phone and get out of bed. I start my morning routine. My stomach feels alright as I get dressed and head to the kitchen.

Dad is sitting at the kitchen bar, sipping some coffee and reading. "Morning, Naomi," He greets me. I notice he is wearing his delta uniform, camouflage pants, and a black shirt. "Why are you in uniform, Dad?" I ask him.

"Oh, Max asked me to help on patrols. The vampire threat has everyone on edge," He sips his coffee.

"I thought the vampires weren't in our area," I sigh.

"Alpha Max is just being cautious," Dad explains. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"I'm okay, I guess. Mom blabbed about me being pregnant to Jan, and she told Magnus. I should have been the one to tell Magnus," I grab the bottle of orange juice from the fridge and pour myself a glass.

"So, it's confirmed?" Dad smirks.

"Yeah, my wolf confirmed it," I respond.

"Well, there is no disputing our wolves, sweetie. They know shit about us that we'll never know," He laughs. "Marcus always tells me things that he knows that I don't." He sips his coffee. "Anyways, don't be too mad at your Mom. She is just excited for you." I sip the orange juice. "I know."

He folds the paper and sets it on the counter. He stands up. "Anyways, I got to go to work." He leans over and kisses the top of my head. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Dad," I smile at him as he leaves the kitchen.

Mom walks in a moment later and looks at me with shame. "I'm sorry I blabbed to Jan."

"What's done is done, Mom," I respond. "Magnus is happy, by the way."

"Of course, he is," Mom smiles and starts to pull ingredients out of the fridge for breakfast. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"I don't want much, Mom," I sip my orange juice.

"Naomi, you need to feed yourself for the good of that pup. Now, what do you want for breakfast?" She puts her hands on her hips and gives me the "mom" look.

"Just some scrambled eggs and toast," I reply. "Ruby confirmed it to me."

"See?" Mom grins. "Mothers know best. I can't wait to meet your son."

"How do you know that I am carrying a son?" I ask her. "I could be having a girl."

Mom shrugs as she starts cooking. "Magnus is from a strong alpha bloodline, sweetie. It is exceedingly rare for alphas to have girls as their first child. It's almost like getting struck by lightning. If you have a girl, I would be just as happy. I already have two grandsons, so a granddaughter would be wonderful."

I can't help but smile at her. "Okay, but easy on the pink."

"Deal," She laughs.

After breakfast, I head over to the Archive to pack my stuff. On the way, I run into Greyson and his mate Frederick.

"Naomi!" He pulls me into a crushing hug.

"Grey," I squeak.

"Grey, babe, you are crushing her," Frederick speaks up.

Greyson releases me. "Sorry, I was excited. I heard the big news."

My shoulders drop. "Really? It's gotten around the pack that fast?"

"I guess Mag's mom told my mom," Greyson laughs. "And you know how much my mom likes to gossip."

I look him up and down, and he is dressed for patrol like my father was. "Are you doing patrols too?"

"Yeah, Max is paranoid about the vampires, so he has us all doing patrols. Even Chance is on patrol," Greyson explains.

"Damn," I respond. "I think Mag and the Elite Force have them under control."

Greyson shrugs. "I am just following orders. Anyways, I'll see you later?"

I nod. "You better see me later." I let him hug me once more before he and Frederick walk away. I enter the Archive and breath in the comforting scent of the books and tomes of knowledge. I hear someone cough and see Mrs. Helfer limping around the aisles. She notices me and smiles. "Well, hello, Ms. Monroe."

I walk over to her. "Hi, Mrs. Helfer."

"Congratulations on the pup," She touches my arm.

I snort. "Thank you. News spreads in this pack like wildfire," I laugh.

"Tell me about it," Mrs. Helfer grumbles. She walks down an aisle with a few books and shelves them.

I can't help but check her work.

"I know you are checking to see if I am doing it right, Missy. I ran this Archive for many years," Mrs. Helfer tells me.

"I'm sorry. I guess I am just a-"

"Control freak," The older lady interrupts me. "So am I." She picks up some books. "You can help me put these on the shelf if you want."

I eagerly help her. It feels good to be doing the work I love so much.

"So, you are going to be working in the Royal Archives. I can't say that I am not jealous," Mrs. Helfer laughs.

"It's quite grand," I tell her. I am about to say something else when the alarms start going off. "What the hell?" I go outside and see warriors running by in both human and wolf form. Chance sees us and runs over.

"Get in the safehouse. We are under attack," The beta warns me.

"What's happening?" I ask him.

"I just told you. We are under attack! Get to the safe house." He orders me.

I grab Mrs. Helfer's hand. "Come on," I say to her and pull her towards the packhouse. I can't run because Mrs. Helfer is elderly and can't walk fast.

"Just leave me and get to the safe house," Mrs. Helfer says to me.C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

"No, I can't just leave you," I argue. I look ahead, and a thin pale man stands in front of us. He is wearing all black and stares at us with red eyes. Ruby growls viciously in my head. The scent on the wind tells me that this is a vampire. "You are Magnus Bowie's mate, aren't you?" The vampire steps toward me.

I shake my head. "I don't know any Magnus Bowie."

"LIAR!" He bellows. "Get her!" He orders, and I am suddenly grabbed while Mrs. Helfer shrieks.

I struggle to get out of the hold of whoever has me. I see Mrs. Helfer on the ground with blood flowing out of a chest wound. "What did you do to her?" I ask just as I feel a sharp prick in my neck, and then everything goes black.

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