My Sweet Wife

Chapter 396 Extra Happy Life (11)

While eating breakfast, Old Cooper spoke, “I bought a villa near Vladimir’s school for Vladimir’s convenience. It will be ready for occupancy in a couple days, so we’ll have to pack up and get ready to move there.”

“Huh?” Sophie Sabastian was surprised, “Dad, why didn’t you tell us before?”

It’s a bit hard to accept that we have to move when we’re living in a good place, and the beds and the surroundings have to be changed.

“This is a small matter. Besides, it’s not too late to talk about it.”

Old Cooper was so used to being authoritarian, dictatorial, and making others conform when he decided, that he hadn’t asked Leonardo Cooper or Sophie Sabastian what they wanted. His old man was quite satisfied with this house, what he Katherine cared about was what Vladimir thought, “Vladimir, let’s move to a new home, okay?”

“This new home is nearby, there is your school, and many of your good friends, in the future, Vladimir, once you get out of school, you can still play with your friends, and in the morning go to school, you can also wake up later.”

The benefits were quite a lot, Vladimir’s eyes spared as he listened and was happy, “Wow! Great!”

Vladimir mostly wanted to play with Amelie’s sister and was happy to be able to wake up later and sleep in more.

Leonardo Cooper looks over to Old Cooper, “Dad, then you can take Vladimir and move over first, Sophie and I will go over a few days later.”

“Why, Mom and Dad are coming over a few days later?” Vladimir cocked his head at Leonardo Cooper.

Leonardo Cooper looked at him and spoke to him in the same tone he would use to talk to an adult, “Because I have company business to take care of and need to stay over here for a few more days. Your mom is pregnant right now and she can’t leave my side, I have to watch over her so that I can be at ease.”

“If you can’t leave your mom, you can stay put for a while.”

Now, Vladimir was torn, he didn’t want to leave his mom, but he also wanted to move to the new house.

After thinking for a long time, Vladimir still couldn’t make up his mind.

Old Cooper looked at Vladimir’s dilemma and coaxed him, “Why don’t Grandpa stay with Vladimir, and if Vladimir wants to play with his friends, he can stay near the school, and if he wants to come back to your mom, Grandpa will bring you back right away, do you think this is okay, Vladimir. ”

“Why should Vladimir choose? Why can’t you live next to the school and stay with your mom at the same time?” Vladimir sighed.

Kids hate choices.

But he was already as a big kid in a big class, he should focus on his schooling, so he still decided with a painful determination, “Okay, grandpa, then grandpa, you can take Vladimir to live near the school. Dad when you’re done with your work, you can bring mommy earlier to stay with Vladimir.”

“Uh, okay.” Leonardo Cooper answered.

In fact, after living with Leonardo Cooper for so long, Sophie Sabastian could see his mind, and the fact that he could stay at home with her and take care of his work at home was enough to be able to see that he didn’t have to go back to the company to do so. He was obviously lying to Vladimir.

But she didn’t expose him, nor did she offer to say that she would go over to accompany Vladimir first.

After finishing his meal, Vladimir reluctantly hugged Sophie Sabastian’s neck and rubbed against her, “Mommy, mommy you hurry up and come over to keep Vladimir company, don’t make Vladimir wait too long or Vladimir will get angry.”

“Okay, mommy will urge your daddy to work and then we’ll move there quickly.” Sophie Sabastian coaxed him.

Leonardo Cooper frowned and helped Sophie Sabastian up, “You’re still pregnant, don’t squat for too long.”

Sophie Sabastian was used to crouching and being level with Vladimir when she hugged him and talked to Vladimir. She glanced at her belly as she was pulled up by Leonardo Cooper.

After squatting for a long time at the farmhouse earlier and then getting up and getting dizzy and almost falling, Leonardo Cooper always urged her to frown unpleasantly whenever he saw her squatting and then reminded her in a cold voice.

“I’m fine, didn’t squat long.” Sophie Sabastian smiled at him.

Anytime she saw Leonardo Cooper angry, she would pout and giggle at him, a tried and true trick that worked any way.

Vladimir hadn’t had a chance to kiss Sophie Sabastian yet and watched his mom get pulled to her feet by his dad, not getting a kiss, a little lost, waving his hand at Sophie Sabastian, “Bye bye then mommy, Vladimir’s off to school first.”

“Go on.” Sophie Sabastian waved back at him.

She watched Old Cooper leave holding Vladimir’s hand before she turned her face to Leonardo Cooper, “Honey, why don’t we move in with Vladimir?”

“I would have lived apart from Vladimir long ago to make him independent.” Leonardo Cooper wrapped his arm around her waist and led her back to the living room couch to sit down.

Sophie Sabastian laughed, “Vladimir is only five years old, are you serious when you let him be independent at five?”Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Aren’t you worried he’ll bully the second baby? This time is just the right opportunity, as long as Vladimir learns to be independent, let him live with dad from now on and try to avoid him and Erbao from seeing each other.”

“Hubby, what you said makes sense, so I don’t have to worry about it, but wouldn’t Vladimir just be too pitiful?”

At five years old, you have to learn to be independent, and five is the age of mischief, so I’m afraid Vladimir doesn’t even know what independence means, does he?

Vladimir was taken to school by Old Cooper.

Vladimir was so happy that he forgot about his mom and his sadness at home. As soon as he saw Amelie, he was talking to Amelie, “Sister Amelie, I’m going to live here from now on too, so I can get out of school and play with you too.”

“Really? That’s great!” Amelie smiled happily.

Amelie had a lot of little friends come over to school and called Amelie, “Amelie, let’s play house together today, okay?”

“Yes, yes.” Amelie likes this game too.

“Who’s going to play daddy? Who’s going to play mommy? And the kids and the guests?” The other child looked at Amelie, good-naturedly, as if waiting for Amelie’s assignments.

Amelie thought for a moment, “Anyone who hasn’t been mom or dad before and wants to be this time?”

“Amelie, we’ve all been moms, this time it’s your turn to be a mom and Krystal’s turn to be a dad.”

Vladimir listened to them and turned his face to see the Krystal they were talking about, the little chubby one he had seen last time. The little chubby boy was happy to reach for Amelie’s hand.

“Amelie, I’m strong and can protect you. Being a daddy means protecting mommy.”

Amelie smiles brightly and nods her head, “Uh-huh, Krystal you’re right. You are strong then, stronger than even Vladimir’s brother.”

Vladimir, who was already upset, instantly got angry when he heard this.

Vladimir separated Amelie and Krystal’s hands and pulled Amelie aside, “Do you guys know about Shame Shame Shame? What being a dad, being a mom? That’s only when you’re married and have kids together, that’s when you can be a dad and a mom.”

“Isn’t that how you play house?” Amelie looked at Vladimir with a blank face, she didn’t know why he was angry and admonished her.

“You really don’t know how to be ashamed, no more playing!” Vladimir said in a cold voice.

He was already a bossy and possessive child, no one could disobey him, so seeing Amelie playing so well with others as well and complimenting other kids made him very unhappy.

Krystal saw Amelie with her head down in a very sad manner and growled in irritation, “You’re just a bully! Why aren’t you allowed to let us play?”

“We’ve always played like this, or the teacher taught us to play, so who are you to say we don’t know how to be shy? The teacher lets us play without saying anything, so who are you to say that we’re not ashamed? The big class bullies our little class, our little class is not afraid of you!”

After Little Fatty shouted these words, the entire small class felt very justified, so they all stood beside Little Fatty and joined in the fight.

Including Amelie, who also shook off Vladimir’s hand and walked over to Little Fatty’s side.

Amelie didn’t feel that Vladimir was trying to bully them, she looked up at Vladimir and advised him, “Brother Vladimir, you haven’t been in school for long, it must be that the teacher hasn’t taught you to play. Brother Vladimir is in school now, there is a teacher, and very soon the teacher will teach Brother Vladimir you to play. ”

“Vladimir brother you don’t know how to play house, it doesn’t matter.”

Vladimir was exasperated and shouted at the top of his voice, “Anyway, I just won’t allow you to play house!”

“Then we’ll play house, that’s fine.” Amelie didn’t want Vladimir to get angry, so she said this on purpose.

Krystal looked at Amelie doubtfully, “Isn’t family wine just playing house?”

Amelie: “…”

Why did you have to expose her? Stupid Krystal.

Vladimir’s face was now red with anger, he didn’t expect Amelie to fool him as if he was a fool, his sister who had always been a good girl had learned the hard way!

Old Cooper saw Vladimir angry not light, is always coaxing, he is worried that Vladimir again gas hold breath to get oxygen deficiency. He was not coaxed in any way, he decisively led Vladimir to the teacher who taught Amelie in the small class, “Noemi, right?”

“Well, I am, what do you want to see me about, Gramps?” Noemi looked at both Old Master and Vladimir’s faces and assumed something serious had happened.

Old Cooper glared at Noemi seriously and huffily, “What kind of teacher are you? Don’t you know which games kids can play and which ones you can’t teach them? Do you realize that the slightest mistake on your part can seriously affect the mental health of a young child growing up, and can cause a child to become seriously precocious.”

“Ah? Did I … make any mistakes?” Noemi was reprimanded and frightened.

“You shouldn’t teach children to play house wine, and you’re forbidden to let them play this kind of game in the future!”

Noemi, “…”

She thought it was something very serious, but she didn’t think that it was just because of a game of house wine, she said with some tears and laughter, “Elderly man, it’s just a game, a lot of …”

“What do you mean it’s just a game?!” Old Cooper interrupted her in a cold voice and said in a commanding tone, “You must forbid the children from ever finishing a game like Family Wine again or I will have the principal expel you!”

Noemi could only respond coyly, “… Okay, okay.”

This old man is so scary, she just want to refute, but also do not have the courage, after all, or work is important, rich children’s parents she can not offend.

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