My Sweet Wife

Chapter 395 Extra chapter Happy life(10)

Recently Vladimir is not happy and keeps staring at Sophie Sabastian’s belly, “Mommy, is that a brother or a sister in your belly?”

“That’s not known yet, what’s the matter, does Vladimir want to see him/her soon?” Sophie Sabastian lovingly stroked Vladimir’s head and knelt down, leveling her eyes with him.

Vladimir frowned, “So will mommy love the little baby more or Vladimir more in the future?”

Before Sophie Sabastian could answer, Vladimir spoke again, “Vladimir has classmates whose mommy and daddy have other children and don’t care about him. He said that his brother took all his toys and said that his mom and dad only coaxed and hugged his brother but didn’t care about him, they would just tell him to be obedient and take care of his brother or else they would make him stand in the penalty box.”

“Vladimir doesn’t want his mommy to love the little baby more in the future and doesn’t want to be like that classmate of Vladimir’s, so Vladimir doesn’t want his mommy to have another child.”

Hearing Vladimir say something like that still makes Sophie Sabastian feel sad inside.

Not for Vladimir, but for Vladimir’s classmate, who at such a young age had to take on responsibilities that didn’t belong to his age.This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Sophie Sabastian raised her head and stroked Vladimir’s head, “Don’t worry, mom won’t treat you the same way as your classmates’ parents. When your brother or sister is born, I’ll treat you both fairly and won’t favor anyone.”

“It’s just that the little one was just born and Vladimir you’re already five years old, surely mom and dad will hold you very little or not at all in the future. Because when you were little, we all did hold you all the time too, and when little kids learn to walk, they don’t need to be held by adults anymore.”

“So even if we only hug your brother and not you in the future, it’s still fair, right? There are a lot more things like that, like things that need to be bought for the little one, and I’ve bought them for you before, but I’ll make sure that I don’t give you any less love and attention than I should.”

“I can make sure that your father and I won’t be biased, but I can’t make sure that you won’t misunderstand and have a gap in your heart.”

About being a parent, Sophie Sabastian was also a novice in her life, she didn’t have any would-be moms beside her to teach her, she was just giving out her thoughts and trying to communicate with Vladimir properly.

She believed that Vladimir could hear what she said.

Vladimir was listening to what she said, his eyes were still full of sadness, “Vladimir doesn’t want to share mommy and daddy with other children.”

“Brother or sister, not other kids yo. He/she will call Vladimir your brother in the future, will listen to Vladimir you, will play together after you, and is the family of you Katherine in this world, as a child among the children.”

“And in the future, will the little one do whatever I tell him/her to do?” Vladimir presses.

Sophie Sabastian nods, “Uh-huh.”

Vladimir’s whole little face was torn, he still didn’t like the little baby despite everything his mom had told him.

But looking at his mom and dad, they both seemed to like the little baby, and the bottom line, he didn’t seem to be denying the right to have a brother or sister.

After much agonizing, Vladimir looked at Sophie Sabastian like she had made a very important decision, “Then Vladimir wants a sister, to be like Amelie’s sister.”

“… Oh good.” Sophie Sabastian thought that after communicating with Vladimir so much, he finally didn’t reject another little child in this family, so she agreed first, no matter if the one in her belly was a girl or not.

Hopefully this baby in her belly is a girl, she quite wants to have a son and a daughter, a pair of children is good.

Vladimir put up his finger, “Then mommy pulls the hook with Vladimir.”


“Vladimir only wants a sister like Amelie, if not, Vladimir doesn’t want one and will throw him/her out.”

“This …”

Who the hell does her son look like with a personality like that? She didn’t used to be like this, she was born in a time when family planning caught up with her so her parents wanted her to have one child, growing up she felt lonely and at one point was clamoring for a brother every day.

How come Vladimir is so reluctant to have a sibling when it’s his turn?

Or is Vladimir like Leonardo Cooper?

After putting Vladimir to sleep, Sophie Sabastian went back to her room, looked at Leonardo Cooper lying on the bed, and sighed, “Hubby, your son really gave me a problem.”

“What’s wrong?” Leonardo Cooper closed the laptop in his hand and hastily reached out to help her sit down.

He had a bit of work to take care of earlier and hadn’t been there for her, and as soon as he heard her say that, he furrowed his brow in displeasure.

Thinking that if Vladimir was going to mess with his wife again, he would throw him out of the house.

Sophie Sabastian lay on the bed and let Leonardo Cooper tuck her in before she spoke, ”Your son, ah, he asked me to give him a sister, otherwise, he’ll throw out the second baby. With a character like that, I wonder who he resembles?”

Leonardo Cooper, “…”

Like him.

“Want me to give him a sister, which I can give back if it’s a boy in my belly?” Speaking of this, Sophie Sabastian became even more worried, “If the second baby in my belly is a boy, what if Vladimir is going to mess with me or look at the second baby in a bad light and really take advantage of the fact that we adults aren’t paying attention to it, and take the second baby out and throw it away? That’s a life-threatening situation anytime. Erbao is really pitiful.”

“Before when you weren’t pregnant with a child, you even said that you wanted one to cure Vladimir. this Second Treasure was so small when he was born, where is he a match for Vladimir.”

The more she thought about it, the more worried Sophie Sabastian became, she hadn’t realized that she was such a failure that she hadn’t educated Vladimir well enough, and had to worry about the safety of her second baby.

Leonardo Cooper reached out and put his arm around her shoulders, “You just think too much, you’ve really been getting rambunctious lately.”

“Pregnant women are prone to being overthinkers, don’t you know?”

That’s why there are so many postpartum depression’s, Sophie Sabastian doesn’t think she’ll get postpartum depression in her case, instead she’s likely to lose sleep all night and turn white with worry.

Leonardo Cooper patted her shoulder and coaxed gently, “I’ll fix this Vladimir thing.”

“How do you want to fix it?”

Sophie Sabastian guessed his thoughts as soon as she asked, “You mustn’t think that you’ll take me and Erbao to move out, Vladimir is already resistant to Erbao, if we move out again, he’ll probably think that we don’t love him anymore, and his heart will be hurt.”

“He’s not as fragile as you think.” Leonardo Cooper replied.

He didn’t know how his wife thought so much, when he was little, there were two not half-siblings above The Cooper family, a brother and a sister, and there was no shortage of bullying. Now replaced by his son, the family who all let him, never been aggrieved.

Thinking about it, Leonardo Cooper felt that his son is really lucky, owes the hardship environment to refine, his son, can not grow into a hothouse flower.

Sophie Sabastian suddenly realized that Leonardo Cooper didn’t take a shower, reached out and pushed him, “Why haven’t you taken a shower? Hurry up and take a shower.”

“I’m on my way.” Leonardo Cooper got up and went into the bathroom.

While Sophie Sabastian was lying on the bed drifting off to sleep, she heard Leonardo Cooper’s voice inside the bathroom, “Honey, get me a pair of panties.”

“What?” She didn’t hear him clearly.

But she waited half a day, and instead of hearing her husband’s voice again, she saw him walk out of the bathroom, a towel tied just around his waist, his wet hair dripping with water that slid all the way down the bridge of his nose and onto his thin lips.

Despite being married for years and having two children of sorts, Sophie Sabastian’s heart still beat as fast as it could when she saw Leonardo Cooper like this.

The years have been treating him very well, he’s almost forty years old, but he doesn’t look like he’s changed much, the biggest change is the temperament on his body, which has changed from asceticism to this look.

Sophie Sabastian angered him, “Why did you come out like this? I asked you what you just said, why are you ignoring me?”

“Nothing, just grabbing a pair of panties.” Leonardo Cooper had taken the panties and put them on as he spoke.

Leonardo Cooper turned his face and raised his eyelids to look at her before he saw her gaze burning, “Looking at me like that, are you wanting it?”

“…” Sophie Sabastian’s face burned even hotter.

“… No, I’m carrying a baby, I’m not even in my third trimester yet.”

You have to be careful in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy, and try to just do abstinence.

“I want it.” Leonardo Cooper walked quickly toward her and kissed the tip of her nose, then her lips.

Every time Sophie Sabastian was kissed by him, it felt like he was trying to drain the oxygen from her body. After the kiss ended, she put her hands against his unclothed chest, “Don’t … hurt the baby, or don’t want it. I’m also sleepy, let’s sleep.”

If she hadn’t looked at him with this kind of eyes just now, he would have been able to suppress this fire, now he couldn’t do it.

“You sleep yours.”

“I sleep?” Sophie Sabastian looked at him in surprise, thinking he’d let her go, but when she saw his hands, she looked at him tearfully, “How can I sleep when you’re like this?”

In the end, as usual, Sophie Sabastian helped him out with her hands, and when she was done, she was about to get up to wash her hands before going back to sleep when she was held down by Leonardo Cooper.

Leonardo Cooper probed between her legs.

She itched to avoid it, “Aren’t you done? Not again.”

“You don’t need to?” Leonardo Cooper’s low-pressure voice asked her, he took care of her feelings even when he did things like this.

“No need, better go to bed soon, I’m really sleepy, sleepy as hell.”

Leonardo Cooper didn’t force her to do so, he just stared at her and said, “The book said that pregnant women would have no interest in doing this kind of thing in the first few months, it seems to be true.”

“What kind of book did you read?” Even writing about such things and publishing them in a book made her curious.

“Handbook for Expectant Fathers.”

“… Oh.” It sounded like a pretty legit book, and with a name like Handbook for Expectant Dads, there must be a lot of gay men reading it.

Leonardo Cooper stroked her hair, “I’ve been reading a lot of books lately, and I know how hard it is to get pregnant, so let’s finish this baby and not have it. It’s going to be hard on you during this time, wife.”

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