My Sweet Wife

Chapter 340 Brother Nathanael, I have a child, just six months old ……

In the morning, Nathanael Lora got a call from his dad asking him to meet him at the office.

Nathanael Lora entered the office and saw Nathanael’s father who was sitting at his desk, busy with his work, “Dad, you called me in the morning and had to ask me to come over for what?”

“You have the nerve to ask me!” Nathanael’s father had a serious look on his face and after saying this, he took out a document from his hand and flung it at him.

Nathanael Lora raised his hand and easily received the document that Nathanael’s father threw at him.

Like he was often thrown things by Nathanael’s father, and had developed this skillful habit of catching things. After Nathanael Lora received the document, his face was full of doubt, and opened the document, looking at the content on it, “This is?”

Nathanael’s father opened his mouth and spoke, “You sold the company to you, if you don’t find something for you to do, I’m afraid you’ll stay at home all the time and give into decadence.”

Nathanael’s father was getting angrier and angrier as he said, “I’ve never seen a man like you, who would sell the company in order to chase after a woman. Luckily the family’s company is not all in your name, luckily it was going to be handed over to you before and you never took it, otherwise …”

“Hmph.” Nathanael’s father sneered twice and added, “I’m just afraid that our whole family is very poor right now!”

The Lora family’s company is from Old Lora’s generation on business down the world, until Nathanael Lora here, although it is three generations of single transmission, but the family’s business is doing a lot, the city presents the three tripod warlords, that is, Leonardo Cooper, Nathanael Lora and Kennedy.

Nathanael Lora to say that Nathanael Lora management company, The Lora family people have never worried about, Nathanael’s father to where all for Nathanael Lora proud, but he did not expect his own son to do this kind of thing.

Nathanael Lora raised his eyes to Nathanael’s father, “Even if yours is transferred in my name, I will not sell yours. I’ll earn my own money to support my wife, it’s not my turn to take your money.”

“You shouldn’t be angry either, you have a triple high disease, take care of your health, I don’t want to take over the company for you just yet.”

If Nathanael’s father was angry with something, Nathanael Lora wouldn’t be as free as he is right now, after all, he is a three-generation single heir in their family, and The Lora family’s company, in the end, will still take its turn to be taken care of by him.

Hearing Nathanael Lora’s words, Nathanael’s father was infuriated, “If you are really worried about my health, you should know that I can’t be overworked!”

“Well, in order for you not to be overworked, you tell me, what do you want me to do?” Nathanael Lora finished her question and raised the paper in her hand, “Is it for me to take charge of the case?”

Nathanael’s father took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then looked at Nathanael Lora, “The company you were running before, was running this, this is a company from the US side, looking for our company to bid on behalf of our company, you look at the financial background of their factories, and make sure that we maximize our profits, and negotiate this cooperation down. ”

“No problem.” Nathanael Lora sight fell on the document, a glance, almost finished the document.

Negotiating a case is a short-term job, as long as his dad doesn’t let him work in the company immediately, he still has time, after all, he has just made up with Larissa in this period of time, and he is still thinking about staying at home for a while longer, and wants to spend more time with Larissa.

Hearing Nathanael Lora’s promise, Nathanael’s father had a look of relief on his face, putting down the teacup in his hand, he asked Nathanael Lora again, “How have you and Larissa been doing? How much longer will it take for you to get married?”

Without waiting for Nathanael Lora’s answer, Nathanael’s father added worriedly, “Don’t blame me for not reminding you, your grandfather’s health is getting worse and worse, and he’s anxious for you to get married within this year. If you and Larissa can’t settle down again, your grandfather will explain your mom to arrange a blind date for you.”

“It will make you get married as soon as possible when you find one that is almost suitable. Your grandfather’s health condition can’t afford to wait either, if you and Larissa can’t settle down this year, then I’ll also go along with the old man’s wishes and give you a new wife candidate.”

“I can definitely get married this year.” Nathanael Lora smiled and spoke to Nathanael’s father with certainty in her tone.

Nathanael’s father, Phoebe, nodded, “That’s good. There is nothing else, so get to work on this case.” After a pause, he added as if remembering something, “Come home when you have time in the next few days, you haven’t eaten with your grandfather for some days again.”

“Uh-huh. I’ll be off then.” Nathanael Lora took the file and left the office door.

The people inside this company, all of them have seen Nathanael Lora the future boss, he handles this case needs helpers, naturally there are a lot of people, as soon as called, Nathanael Lora handles this case, is also at ease.

By noon, Nathanael Lora took out her cell phone and gave Larissa a call to report her schedule, “I can’t go back for lunch today, and I will rush back for dinner.”

“Okay, got it.” Larissa’s voice on the other end of the line was light and smiling.

The employee sitting next to Nathanael Lora waited for Nathanael Lora to finish the call, put away the cell phone, and opened his mouth to sigh, “Young Master Nathanael, are you calling your fiancée? I have never seen you smile like this before.”

Nathanael Lora looked at him in confusion, “Why am I smiling?”

“The smile is full of happiness, like the first warmth of spring, letting people look at it and be healed along with it. Young master Nathanael, you and your fiancée are so good, you are still so in love even after a few years of talking. I wonder when we can eat your wedding candies?”

Employees all like to rub it in when their bosses are in a good mood and say more kind words, and those who know how to read faces know that they’re right when they say that.

Indeed, Nathanael Lora was in a good mood and it was a rare occasion that he would talk to his employees about personal matters, but he loved to hear Larissa mentioned, “Soon, when the date is booked, it will be announced.”

“Well then, congratulations in advance to you young master Nathanael. I’m sure many people, have been waiting for this good news.”

The other employees chimed in, “Yes, yes.”

Nathanael Lora picked up her chopsticks and skipped over the few of them with her gaze, “Hurry up and all eat first, we need to finish on time today, I have to go back for dinner tonight.”

Hearing Nathanael Lora’s words was tantamount to an order from her superior, everyone hurriedly started eating.

While eating, Nathanael Lora’s cell phone called, he took it out and glanced at the caller ID, it was Ewenny calling. He hesitated for half a second before picking up his phone and going aside to answer the call.

“Hello Ewenny.”

Ewenny’s voice came from the other end of the line, “Brother Nathanael, you finally answered my call.”

Since yesterday till now, she has called Nathanael Lora three times now, Nathanael Lora didn’t pick up the phone, of course those two were at home, when Nathanael Lora received it, she hung up for fear that Larissa would know.

“What’s the matter with you? Did you run out of money abroad?” Nathanael Lora asked this when he opened his mouth, he always knew Ewenny, so after such a long gap, Ewenny hadn’t contacted him, it should just be that he didn’t have enough money.

Ewenny on the other end of the line spoke, “No, I am not looking for you because of the money. I have something I want Brother Nathanael you to help me with.”

After saying this, Ewenny was silent and spoke again, “Brother Nathanael, I have a child, just six months old …”

“Six months old?!” Nathanael Lora’s eyebrows furrowed in surprise as he interrupted.

Six months old, that did the math, and the first thought that flooded Nathanael Lora’s mind was that this child, was the one that was born that time Ewenny was drunk and gang raped.

Nathanael Lora’s eyebrows rose in anger, “Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant? This child, I can’t believe you kept it!”

There was a silence on the other end of the phone, and after a long while, a timid voice tinged with tears, “What can I do? What can I do?

“This child is a life after all, he’s in my belly. I didn’t want it either, but after going to the hospital and having tests done, the doctor told me that if I didn’t want this child, then I would lose a chance to be a mother.”

“I couldn’t do it and kill him myself.”

“The baby he’s innocent, he’s my baby too. Besides, what can you do if I tell you? Can you help me?”

Could help her?

Ask yourself, the most Nathanael Lora could do, even if she sympathized with her and wanted to help her, was to be able to give a sum of money.

What Ewenny needed was a man who could be her husband and take care of the children, a man who would be responsible for them, and he couldn’t do that, couldn’t help her.

After a long time, Nathanael Lora spoke up and asked, “So what do you need me to help you with when you call me now?”

“Brother Nathanael, I recently got a job, my job is still in the adjustment period, I don’t have extra things to take care of my child, so I just want Brother Nathanael, you can help me, help me take care of my child.”

“Just take care of it for a while, I’ll get used to the job as soon as I can and won’t bother you for too long.”

The words she said were full of begging, and she was also aware that in the past whenever she begged him in that tone, he would say yes to whatever it was.

Nathanael Lora listened to Ewenny as she finished her sentence and instead of saying yes, she asked suspiciously; “You’re in Canada and you’re asking me to take care of your kids for you? I’ve never had experience with babysitting and your baby is only six months old.”

“Or I’ll just get you a nanny in Canadian.”

He was analyzing her, it would be unrealistic to ask him to go to Canadian to help her with the baby, even if he went over there, then he would still have to find a nanny to take care of the baby.

Nathanael Lora did not expect Ewenny to find him in order to let him help her take care of her child.

Ewenny on the other end of the phone looked like she didn’t hear what Nathanael Lora said, her voice became a little sob, “Brother Nathanael, please, please you must take care of my child.”

“Ewenny, I’m not in Canadian…” Nathanael Lora had not finished her sentence when a mechanical hang up sound came from the other end of the phone.

Was this phone hanging up a signal problem? Nathanael Lora felt puzzled, he dialed back to the phone, but the phone on the other end of the phone is already in the state of shutdown.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

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