My Sweet Wife

Chapter 339 You go, leave from me at once!

The atmosphere, as if it was suddenly frozen.

After a long half-long time, Celena looked at Larissa who didn’t dare to open her mouth to speak, then as if she had made up her mind, a smile appeared on her face as she looked towards Nathanael Lora, “Nathanael ah, I’m Larissa’s real mom.”

Nathanael Lora’s eyes fell on Larissa, looking at her he could tell that the stranger wasn’t telling a lie.

And he had just heard some of what Celena had said.

In his ears he still heard Celena say, “Ah Nathanael, I’ve wanted to see you for a long time, it’s just that Larissa, she’s been stopping and refusing to let me see you. You The Lora family are the posh family in the city, and Larissa was also afraid that you would look down on her, so ah, that’s why she never told you that she has a mom like me.”

“If you ask me, sooner or later you will get married, you will always know about me.”

Larissa spoke in a cold voice, “Have you said enough? Stop it!”

“Look at you child, it’s not like you can’t talk about it, what can you do, seeing as Nathanael is also a good boy, he surely understands. Although he was born in a big rich family, but this the more big rich family, the more likely to have chaotic relationships in the family, he must know all these situations.” Larissa’s mother thought that Larissa was concerned and also had low self-esteem, so she pulled her and immediately coaxed her.

She also came here today mainly to find Larissa to ask about the money, and also because she was very angry, so she didn’t care if there was anyone in this house. More so, she didn’t know that Nathanael Lora was here.

However, she also said all the words, Nathanael Lora should hear should not hear all also heard, she thought that greatly confessed, should be able to salvage a little bit, always better than being questioned, in a passive nature.

Larissa took Celena by the hand, “I told you to stop talking, go away and get out of my way right now!”

“This …” Celena looked at Larissa in surprise.

It was the first time she had ever been kicked out by her daughter, and the first time she had ever seen her daughter lose her temper with her, so she was stunned for a moment.

Larissa looked at Celena, her eyes bloodshot and full of anger, like if Celena didn’t get away from her this second, she wouldn’t know what to do next.

Celena made a concession and coaxed Larissa, “Ok, ok, ok, ok, mommy’s leaving, don’t be mad, mommy’s leaving …”

Just walked two steps, Celena again as if she realized something, folded back, looked at Nathanael Lora, with a smile on her face, “Nathanael ah, next time we meet again on a date, I’ll make you something delicious.”

“Don’t go yet!” Larissa yelled sternly.

Celena was filled with embarrassment and carefully spoke to her, “Go, I’m leaving. Mom was just having a word with Nathanael, that’s it, that’s it …”

The anger in Larissa’s eyes only collected as she watched Celena leave the house.

She had never been angry at Celena before, and this was the first time. Although Celena’s sudden arrival had made Nathanael Lora aware of her untoward birth, she wasn’t angry because her birth was known to Nathanael Lora, but because she was angry at the fact that Celena had met Nathanael Lora and wanted to flatter Nathanael Lora.

In the back of her mind, she was afraid that Celena would know Nathanael Lora and then try to go to The Lora family to do some kind of entanglement.

“Come and eat, if you don’t, the noodles won’t be good later.” After a while, Nathanael Lora opened her mouth to say this.

The noodles that were served on the table, had been set out for a while, just looking at them was appetizing, colorful and fragrant, and eating noodles in hot soup in this weather in the morning was warm and comforting to the stomach.

Larissa turns her face to the hot noodles on the table, not taking a step over to them.

It was Nathanael Lora who reached out and led her over, “Come on over and eat. After dinner, today, I’ll take you out for a good time.”This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Larissa saw Nathanael Lora handing her chopsticks, she took the chopsticks, and saw him lowering his head and eating his meal, as if the scene just now had never happened.

But what just happened, Larissa she herself couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen.

“Don’t you have anything you want to ask me?” Larissa stirred the noodles in her bowl with her chopsticks, dropping her eyelids, not daring to look at him.

Nathanael Lora looked over at her and swallowed the noodles in his mouth before lifting his lips and speaking, “When you want to tell me something, you will naturally do so. If you don’t want to tell, I won’t ask.”

Everyone has their own privacy, and if they don’t want to tell others, he understands and will respect that.

Larissa took a bite of her noodles and was silent for another half a second before she looked at Nathanael Lora and spoke, “The one who was just there, is indeed my real mother. She gave birth to me, and when my father didn’t want to marry her, he gave her a sum of money to bring me into the doors of The Elbert family. Then my dad got married.”

She figured there was no point in hiding anything from him, so she still thought she’d tell him everything.

“My mom, she used to be the little girl who sold beer in the bar and had a relationship with my dad who she met in the bar. The two of them weren’t in a relationship, my dad was thinking about casual sex and my mom was thinking about marrying someone for money, so she got pregnant and had me.”

Despite all of this, Larissa is still thankful that they gave her a life. Otherwise she wouldn’t have taken the money out to help her father, much less give Celena the money she had in her hands. and she wouldn’t have not blamed them and cut ties with them no matter how much Celena and her parents treated her.

Larissa’s words came out with sympathy on her face, “But she was wrong about that, my dad didn’t marry her. She came back to me later and told me how hard it had been for her over the years. She told me about her resentment towards my father as well as my adoptive mother, and even more so, she would brainwash me in my ear to fight for the family fortune in The Elbert family.”

“I never did more than listen to what she had to say. It didn’t matter if she said my father and foster mother were bad or if she told me to fight for the property, I didn’t feel anything. Maybe it’s because she wasn’t there for me when I was little and watched me grow up that it created that, to me, she’s just a woman who gave birth to me.”

Larissa doesn’t have much of a mother-daughter bond with Celena. She used to accept this mother because Celena hugged her and cried with excitement and told her she missed her. At that time Larissa was young and extremely desperate for affection, so she recognized Celena.

But as she grew up, along with Celena caring very little about her life, every time she told her something she didn’t like to hear.

So much so that it got to the point where she resented it later and simply didn’t want to see Celena or hear her speak again.

Seeing the look showing on Larissa’s face, Nathanael Lora looks at Larissa and shows heartache between his eyebrows, “No wonder, every time I look at my in-laws, I feel that they are cold towards you.”

He didn’t know these things before, so every time he saw Larissa’s father and mother’s attitude towards Larissa, he felt strange.

There wasn’t a single parent who didn’t say a word to their daughter during the ceremony of her engagement, and their attitude was extremely indifferent and detached. It was as if they were strangers they didn’t know.

“It’s probably because none of them like my existence but have to be forced to live with me, that’s why their attitude towards me is cold.” Larissa had an extremely casual look on her face and a relaxed tone, like she didn’t care at all in her heart.

Maybe it was because she had done so much television and seen so many people. She had previously seen a setting where she was born like that, and because she wasn’t pro-life, she was yelled at and not even given food, counting how many times better she was treated than someone like that, I don’t know how many times better.

All in all, Larissa was a through and through understanding person, she knew that contentment was the only way to be relaxed, so she hadn’t hated any of them.

Nathanael Lora looked at Larissa, “It’s not your problem …”

He looked at Larissa like this, his heart was vaguely guilty of pain, he knew she was a strong person who wouldn’t show her soft side, so the more she was like this, the more he felt heartbroken.

“My biggest problem right now is that if I contact my birth mother, my father and adoptive mother treat me coldly; if I don’t contact my birth mother, she will look for me everywhere.” After a pause, Larissa looked up again and met Nathanael Lora’s eyes, “I would like you to refrain from seeing my adoptive mother in the future.”

“Well, I promise.” Nathanael Lora promised her without any hesitation.

The quickness with which he agreed made Larissa blink, and she spoke again to explain, “My birth mother is a you’re polite and she’ll get her way. It would also save you a lot of trouble if you didn’t meet with her. Moreover, I don’t want, others to know about my birth, I’m in the entertainment industry, my birth has a serious impact on my future.”

“The more people know about my birth mother’s existence, the more threatening it is to my future, my life.”

Filming Larissa fell recently tired also want to rest for a period of time, her birth on her future impact, she is not the most worried, the most worried or now the network violence, her birth is exposed, only afraid of all her things are gone, will also be attacked by people.

Larissa took a bite of the noodles in the bowl, following which she looked at Nathanael Lora and asked, “You, did you back out?”

“Backtracked on what? Why would I back out?” Nathanael Lora looks at her in suspicion and disbelief.

Larissa looked at the puzzlement in his eyes, as if he did not understand what she meant by what she was asking, so she spoke again to answer his puzzlement, “Backtracking, before the premise of being with me.”

“I was born into this kind of family, will you have a stigma in your heart? Will …”

Before she could finish her sentence, Nathanael Lora interrupted, “Why should I regret? Why should I have a grudge? You shouldn’t even ask such things. I was looking at you as a person. Just simply because of you, because I want to be with you.”

Seeing that she was about to speak, he didn’t give her a chance to speak, instead, a large amount of expression appeared in his narrow eyes, asking very seriously, “It can’t be that you want to regret it? You just wanted to try it out with me yesterday, and today you regret it?”

“I’m telling you, it’s not okay! With me with me, the choice is not yours, you don’t have a choice!”

In an instant, Larissa’s heart felt like it was irrigated with honey and a smile appeared on her face.

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