My Sweet Wife

Chapter 334 She was at ease in his arms at the moment, very warm and happy

The emcee shouted, “Here comes the bride to enter!”

Tishon held Sophie Sabastian to enter, stepped into the main arena, the people seated below, dense how many, Sophie Sabastian could not see, because there are still a lot of filming’s hitting the lights, she is the center of attention tonight.

“Sis, look at how nervous you are, why are these hands sweating so much?” Tishon laughed and teased Sophie Sabastian.

A smile appeared on Sophie Sabastian’s face, “Well, I am a bit nervous.”

The sweat on her hands, where due to nervousness, she was suffering from a headache just now, a level of pain that she could still tolerate. She must hold on, to see this wedding through. That way, even in the unlikely event that the operation was unsuccessful, the regret in her heart could be alleviated a little.

Alicia called out to Tishon, “Tishon, wait for a moment, where are the flower girls and the bridesmaids!”

The two little flower girls rushed up to hold the hem of Sophie Sabastian’s dress.

Larissa, the bridesmaid, was more like a nanny who came to bring up the children. She was having fun with the kids, just waiting for the ushers to call for her, before she got up and went over.

“Look at that, why doesn’t the bride have any bridesmaids today?” There was a soft murmur from those sitting on the stage.

“There must be bridesmaids. I just saw a best man. The best man I saw was Kennedy, the bridesmaids I haven’t seen who they are yet.”

Larissa, who was off to the side holding her baby, got up and thought about going over to check it out.

Going around the back she sees Kennedy in the hallway dragging Nathanael Lora, “What are you guys doing?”

Kennedy stops and glances at Larissa before a grin appears on her face, “I thought the errand of being best man today, really wasn’t a good fit for me. So I’ll just find one that fits.”

“Sophie Sabastian and Leonardo Cooper invited him? I don’t think he even has an invitation to the wedding reception, does he?” Larissa looked at Kennedy, her voice flat in recounting the facts.

The implication was that he hadn’t even been invited to the wedding, so how could he still be the best man.

This was something that Nathanael Lora could understand, and naturally Kennedy could understand it as well, and he touched his nose resentfully, pondering, “You’re right. Come to think of it, right now Leonardo isn’t looking too good at Nathanael Lora.”

“This is also all because Nathanael Lora’s eyes were blind in the beginning, and he did not have anything to do with what he wanted to do, Leonardo and Sophie Sabastian are both married, and he had to set up Leonardo and Ewenny together. After Sophie Sabastian and Leonardo had a misunderstanding, Leonardo fell out with Nathanael Lora.”

With that said, Kennedy’s face also showed her dislike for Nathanael Lora, “Tell me about you, why did you do that in the first place?”

Nathanael Lora did not speak.

Larissa, holding her child, also did not glance at Nathanael Lora, but only barked a word to Kennedy, “It’s almost time for us to go on, I’ll go over first, you hurry up too.”

Seeing Larissa turn to leave, Kennedy retracts her gaze to look at Nathanael Lora, “Hey, what are you still looking at? This one’s gone.”

“Do you still want to change?” Nathanael Lora looked to Kennedy and opened her mouth to say this.

The last time she called the police, and now, he and her hadn’t seen each other for over a month, but when they saw each other, her face reacted so blandly, as if she was just treating him like a stranger. It seemed that she wanted him to stop bothering her.

Kennedy frowned when she heard Nathanael Lora say this, “It seems better not to have you as best man. While I still want to stand with Tatiana for fear of drawing misunderstandings by standing with Larissa as best man and maid of honor, Leonardo, the groom, has to have his feelings taken into consideration.”

After a pause, Kennedy glared at Nathanael Lora again, “I mean really, why didn’t you hurry up and find Leonardo and apologize to him after all that in the first place so he could forgive you?”

“Leonardo is just our two friends, and he won’t let you be the best man, so I can’t be the best man even if I don’t want to be.”

“If you had apologized to Leonardo and Sophie Sabastian earlier, you and Leonardo would have cleared the air and you could have been best man today with Larissa. I know you sold your company for Larissa.”

“That’s a tiring job chasing a wife, ugh. You keep up the good work, I gotta go.”

Kennedy gushed about all of this and went about his business.

There were so many people at the wedding, and so much press, that sure enough some people thought Kennedy and Larissa had something going on, because they stood together and looked exceptionally good together. The media loves to find news and make news when there is no news, and after Larissa came down from the stage with her baby in her arms, one of the media pushed Larissa on purpose.

Kennedy was quick to help Larissa, “Is everything okay?”

“Who just pushed? Can’t you see I’m holding the baby in my arms? If I had fallen and something happened to the baby, would you be able to afford it?” Larissa angrily gouged out a bunch of people in front of her.

The baby was suddenly crying now too.

“What’s wrong?” Sophie Sabastian heard the noise and rushed over.

Larissa handed the baby to Sophie Sabastian, “I don’t know who pushed me just now, I broke my foot.”

“It’s the crowd, people are also looking at Larissa you are famous, so they find the opportunity to want to come to say a few words to you, it’s not on purpose to push you right.” Tatiana Stone was afraid of the media’s messy report, and also knew that Larissa was angry, so she said this on purpose.

Next to the people who were just scolded, someone spoke up and said, “Yeah, we just wanted to do an interview for you Larissa, I didn’t expect you to be so grumpy Larissa. You’re so protective of your child, those who don’t know, would think you’re the child’s mother.”

“Nuisance media are not allowed at the banquet, if you don’t want to attend my wedding leave on your own.” Leonardo Cooper, who was standing on Sophie Sabastian’s side, opened his mouth and said this.

The media all instantly didn’t dare to speak, lowered their heads, and didn’t even dare to gasp loudly.

The aura on Leonardo Cooper’s body had always been so compelling that people did not dare to stare at him. These media all know that as long as Leonardo Cooper moves his finger, it is enough for them to suffer, if they sneeze I don’t know how many of them will lose their jobs.

Sophie Sabastian could see that Leonardo Cooper was angry and was concerned about the atmosphere of the wedding, so she smiled and said, “Larissa is my baby’s godmother, of course she will protect the baby.”

Next to Alicia, she also spoke at the right time, “It’s not a matter of temper or not, I believe you all love children, and this child is so cute, and so small and fragile, if he is really hurt, you will also be heartbroken, is not it?”

The media present, without saying anything else, dispersed.

Leonardo Cooper took the baby from Sophie Sabastian’s arms, “I’ll do it, we need to get back and finish the vows.”

“Uh-huh.” Sophie Sabastian nodded in response.

A family of three taking the oath together was something she hadn’t seen before. But holding the baby together made her feel more at ease.Belonging © NôvelDram/a.Org.

On the stage, the officiant swore the wedding vows, “Do you take this woman to be your wife? To love her, to love her at last, to care for her all the days of your life, and to be true to her till death do you part?”

Leonardo Cooper looks at Sophie Sabastian and slowly lifts his lips, word for word as solemn as that, “I do.”

The emcee looked at Sophie Sabastian again and asked, “Do you wish …”

“I do.”

The MC smiled and said, “Groom, you may kiss your bride.”

Leonardo Cooper held the baby in one hand and clasped Sophie Sabastian’s backside with the other and kissed her on the lips. The baby in the center is giggling.

The crowd below applauds.

The kiss ends and Sophie Sabastian leans contentedly into Leonardo Cooper’s arms, “Honey, you know, before I had this wedding, I was thinking that I’d have this wedding and then have the surgery, and if anything happened to the surgery, at least I’d have fewer regrets.”

“But now, I don’t feel like I can have fewer regrets. I still want to be with you and the baby for the rest of my life after this, I want to be there for you in your old age, I want to be with you to see our children get married as well, and I want to …”

Hearing her say these words, Leonardo Cooper felt both heartbroken and amused, he lowered his head and kissed her forehead, “Don’t get carried away. Remember what you promised me before, after the wedding, listen to the doctor’s arrangement to go into the hospital for surgery.”

“The last time I did a checkup, the blood clots in your brain were moving around, for the sake of your health, you can’t be capricious anymore.”

The last time she had a checkup, the test result was that Sophie Sabastian’s blood clots in her brain were moving, and it was about to press on her nerves, which might affect her vision. Sophie Sabastian had a fear of hospitals, since her mom and dad passed away, and now she was having a major surgery like a craniotomy, so how could she not be worried, how could she not be scared?

The baby, who was being held in Leonardo Cooper’s arms, said, “Ewww, uh-huh”.

Leonardo Cooper glanced at the baby, “You listen to the baby also told you to have the surgery early, so that you are not allowed to be capricious.”

Sophie Sabastian took the baby from Leonardo Cooper’s arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek, “Okay, I’ll listen to you all.”

After a pause, Sophie Sabastian stares at the baby and suddenly remembers something, so she raises her eyelids again to look at Leonardo Cooper, “Honey, I had amnesia earlier, and Wilson said that I had sex with him and that the baby was his.”

As she said this, she saw Leonardo Cooper’s face change instantly and heard his voice in her ear, “Don’t mention him again.”

“Are you taking Wilson at his word?” Sophie Sabastian looked at him in puzzlement, then spoke, “If you believed what he said, then why didn’t you get a paternity test with the baby? So you didn’t believe him, did you.”

“Uh-huh.” Leonardo Cooper’s jaws lowered at her words and he took her in his arms, his voice low and soft, “I know he’s lying, so I don’t believe a word he says.”

A reassuring smile also appeared on Sophie Sabastian’s face, then she spoke again, “I didn’t mean to mention Wilson to you to make you unhappy. It’s because I’ve been hearing the servants talking about it for a while now, especially Lexie, and asked me about it.”

“I can see that Dad says he doesn’t believe it, but more or less he has some lumps in his heart. After all, I lost my memory at that time, what I said, the old man is afraid that he won’t believe all of it.”

“Don’t you worry, I’ll handle this.” Leonardo Cooper’s voice, to her, had a kind of soothing magic.

She was at ease in his arms at the moment, very warm and happy.

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