My Sweet Wife

Chapter 333 Brother-in-law, it seems that you this still mind ah

Inside the city’s largest five-star hotel, InterContinental Greenland, a grand wedding ceremony would soon be held.

“Hurry up, are you ready? The wedding is about to start.” A voice shouted.

Another voice shouted, “Yikes, why is one of the bride’s earrings missing?”

The crowd inside the room became busy, Larissa was also helping to find the earrings, her first time to be a bridesmaid, she was also listening to others’ orders, she stood there herself, not knowing what to do at all.

“Sophie, Sophie, your baby is crying, he should be hungry.” Alicia, who was on the sidelines with the baby, offered the baby to Sophie Sabastian.

Sophie Sabastian reaches for the baby, “Good baby, don’t cry, don’t cry …”

Larissa, who is helping to find the earrings, looks at Sophie Sabastian as she is undressing and helplessly rubs her forehead, “Sophie Sabastian, you stop! Don’t tell me you want to breastfeed the baby now. That’s a wedding dress you’re wearing!”

“What then?” Sophie Sabastian looked at the baby in her arms with heartache, hearing the baby cry.

Alicia beside her hurriedly reached out and took the child, “It was my mistake, it was my mistake. You’re wearing a wedding dress and you’re too busy putting on your makeup for the wedding. I’ll see if I can feed this child a little something else to eat and cope with it first.”

“You can’t feed the baby, and once the wedding dress is off, you’re sure to touch the makeup on your face. That’s still only half an hour away and you’ve got a room full of people still scrambling to find things.”

After holding the baby, Alicia looked to the people in the room, “Hurry up, all of you.”

The people in the room in charge of makeup also expressed their helplessness as they all let out a single sigh.

Larissa knew what was going on. Sophie Sabastian had been asking about the baby a little later since she started the makeup, the baby was now recognizing the baby and crying easily. Her mind was on the baby.

Alicia helps with the kids, and when she sees them crying, she rushes to Sophie Sabastian, whose kids are with Issac Shaw, and who has little experience with kids. If the baby doesn’t cry, it’s fine, but if it does, she gets upset. And there are so many people here, when the child cries, they gather around even more to watch, and when people gather around, this child cries even more when he sees strangers.

“Here, give it to me, I’ll help with the baby. alicia why don’t you stay here and help Sophie find the earrings, hurry up and help her with her makeup, it’s smudging off her face.” Larissa looked at the baby Alicia was holding in her arms, a powdery ball of flesh that looked so cute she wanted to hug it.

Alicia was uneasy, “This child recognizes birth.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw that Larissa had already reached over and held the child in her arms. The baby stopped crying.

Alicia looked at Larissa with surprise, “Strange, this is only the first time this child has seen you, why isn’t he recognized?”

“He’s only four months old, a child this old shouldn’t know anything about recognizing or not recognizing a newborn, right?” Larissa held the child, her hand gently patting and caressing the child’s back, “When I was filming, there were many times I had to play the child’s mother, so I have a little bit of experience in bringing up children.”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“Then the child is yours to carry. You find some more food for the child.”


Sophie Sabastian cast a thankful look at Larissa, “Thank you really. That would be a lot of trouble.”

“It’s nothing, I love kids.” Larissa said with a smile and carried the child out of the dressing room. The gaze under her eyes became softer as she held the child and smelled the milky scent on the child.

Sophie Sabastian watched the child stop crying before she collected herself and cooperated with the makeup, putting on all the jewelry.

Finally, at the appointed time, Sophie Sabastian was ready.

At this time Leonardo Cooper walked in from the door, looking at the room Sophie Sabastian, she was wearing a white wedding dress, wedding dress above the fine broken diamonds, in the light refracted light, there is a distance, he could not see her face, he could only see that she was like a fairy out of the light.

As he approached her step by step, her features became clearer and clearer, her features were exquisite, every part of her was so good looking, her eyebrows were smiling, like the stars and the sea were in her eyes.

“The wedding is about to start, why are you still staring at me?” Sophie Sabastian reminded him anxiously.

Now that she had given birth to a child, Sophie Sabastian was not in that much of a romantic mood and would really ruin the atmosphere.

Leonardo Cooper pulled her in and kissed her on the forehead, “You look beautiful today.”

“Bridal makeup is all pretty. Come on, hurry up.” Sophie Sabastian finished urging Leonardo Cooper and then looked over to Alicia and confided, “Alicia, go find Larissa and have her and the best man come on when the wedding officiant calls out.”

“Uh, okay.”

After saying that, Sophie Sabastian worried again, “If the baby is still crying, just ask Larissa to carry the baby on stage as well.”

“Go.” The bottom of Leonardo Cooper’s eyes overflowed with tenderness, he put his arm around Sophie Sabastian’s waist and led her out.

On the way towards the wedding venue, Leonardo Cooper looked at Sophie Sabastian with concern, “Sophie, are you still not feeling well?”

“No, I’m fine.” Sophie Sabastian raised her eyelids to meet his gaze and gave him a gentle smile.

She knew he was worried about her health.

Sophie Sabastian had her memory back, but the surgery hadn’t been done yet. Although the surgeon hadn’t scared her by saying that it was risky, she knew that but with any surgery there were risks, so she was worried about this one.

It was when she was watching the baby at home one day that she mentioned to Leonardo Cooper about getting the wedding off the ground. That’s why there was this belated wedding.

Leonardo Cooper saw the smile on Sophie Sabastian’s face, but he was disturbed because he could feel Sophie Sabastian in his arms, almost half leaning on him, lending him a hand as he walked.

Sophie Sabastian tugged on Leonardo Cooper’s arm, “Walk slower, it’s not easy for me to walk in heels.”


She was telling a lie, she wasn’t having trouble walking at all, it was because her head was starting to hurt again. Ever since she regained her memory, the headaches had become frequent, before it used to hurt only when she had to think hard about something, now it hurt irregularly.

As they were walking along, they were greeted by Tishon from across the street, Tishon walked over and took Sophie Sabastian by the hand, “Dad passed away, I’m here to hold you on stage instead of Dad.”

“Uh, okay.” Sophie Sabastian looked at Tishon and smiled.

The current Tishon was very different from before, looking a lot more mature, having experienced a lot, and having shed a lot of youthfulness.

Old Coope, who had just walked over, heard them say this, and the look on his face still appeared to be a few moments lost, “I still want to hold Sophie on stage.”

“Old Cooper, it’s not appropriate for you to hold my sister, it’s more appropriate for me.” Tishon was keen to do this, so even though he could see that Old Cooper wanted to do it, he said this to decline.

Sophie Sabastian, thinking that the wedding could all be a happy one, said, “Dad, the MC will call you up later, and you’ll have something to do later too.”

“Yeah? Why didn’t this emcee tell me beforehand, I’ll get the emcee.” The loss on Old Cooper’s face disappeared.

Old people are all like this, old age is like a child’s temper, have to be needed to be happy.

Looking at Old Cooper on crutches to walk to find the master of ceremonies, the smile on Sophie Sabastian’s face is even stronger, she looks to Tishon, “I called you before and never got in touch with you, thought you didn’t have the time to come to my wedding, so the old man has always planned to hold me to walk on the stage. ”

This step is all done by the woman’s father, and the fact that Old Cooper wanted to do this part shows that he really considers Sophie Sabastian his daughter-in-law.

“I was also busy with classes all day because you were sick earlier and I took time off to come back and see you, and I was missing some schoolwork. I saw the message later, but I just wanted to surprise you, that’s why I didn’t tell you beforehand.”

“Who let you keep pretending you didn’t recognize me when you woke up before, causing me to worry so much.” Tishon chuckled at this.

Sophie Sabastian helplessly glared at him, “I thought you had matured just now, but it seems that it’s just the appearance that’s mature.”

“But sis, I was just hanging out when I arrived and heard someone talking about you, saying that you were getting ready for some kind of surgery.” Tishon looked at Sophie Sabastian suspiciously, Pi guessed, “Sis, you wouldn’t be trying to keep me from worrying so that you can hide your physical condition from me, right?”

Sophie Sabastian couldn’t help but feel weak in her heart, she was still feeling a headache just now, but on her lips, she said stiffly, “No, my body is fine, what is there to hide from you.”

Her physical condition, anyone can know, only she does not want to let Tishon know, Tishon is now abroad and study.

Moreover, even if she let Tishon know this would not do her any good, it would be better not to know.

Tishon stared at Sophie Sabastian’s face with a measuring gaze for half a second, “Really?”


“It’s good that you’re not hiding anything from me.” After a pause, Tishon looked back to Leonardo Cooper and spoke, “Brother-in-law, Milton Charlotte, whom you know, wanted to come to my sister’s wedding, and I guessed my sister would be too concerned about you to invite him. So, when I came, I brought Milton Charlotte in with me.”

“The others are somewhere in this party right now, and he just came over to look around. You won’t mind, brother-in-law.”

Leonardo Cooper’s brow furrowed slightly, not because Tishon said it, but because of Sophie Sabastian’s state; he held her hand and felt a cold sweat break out on her palm and a slight tremor run through her body.

The wedding won’t take long, Sophie Sabastian insisted on having the wedding and then going for the surgery, so Leonardo Cooper had to hide it for her.

Tishon saw that Leonardo Cooper didn’t say anything and looked at him with a raised eyebrow, “Brother-in-law, it seems that you still mind this.”

“No, I don’t mind.” Leonardo Cooper lifted his lips to say this, he said the truth.

He really didn’t mind, he used to mind because Sophie Sabastian said she liked Milton Charlotte, and said in front of him that Milton Charlotte was her boyfriend, now that he was able to ascertain Sophie Sabastian’s heart, naturally he wouldn’t be jealous of that anymore to mind.

Leonardo Cooper helped Sophie Sabastian and looked at Tishon, “The wedding time is already here, we have to enter.”

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