Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“DON’T!” he barked at her with a rough voice and heads turned in his direction. He glanced towards the group and raised his hand to stop them from returning to his side. He shook his head as he got control of himself.

“You don’t get to do that to me anymore,” he said with a strained voice, his eyes returning to hers. He saw her big blue eyes were becoming glassy and that felt like a knife in his gut. “No tears!” he blurted desperately.

“I’m sorry! You’re making me very sad and I cry when I’m sad!” she exclaimed emotionally as her bottom lip trembled.

Kyle struggle to keep himself still. A voice in his head was yelling at him to pull her into his arms and kiss her tears away but he couldn’t trust that voice as he realized it was hers. Trained into him. He’d been well and truly programmed. He couldn’t trust his reactions around her and as the tears fell from her long lashes he realized he had to leave. Now.

His feet guided him out the front doors of the hotel and pointed him in the direction of the main square in the village. He walked without seeing and when he realized he’d stopped, he found he was sitting on a bench watching a fountain. He looked around and saw it wasn’t in the main square. Just homes all around a small community courtyard with a nice water feature. It looked like a neighborhood.

He was lost.

Sometime during his walk, the sun had gone down and a cool breeze had picked up. He was beginning to feel just a little uncomfortable. He knew he had to go back to the hotel and get changed but the idea of facing Gwen again made him uneasy. So he watched the water dance.


He jumped as he heard the teary voice behind him and spun to face Gwen.

Except it was Vivian. Her nose and eyes were red from crying and she was looking at him in confusion, annoyance, and surprise. “What are you doing here?” she asked through her sniffles.

He leaned back against the bench letting his heart rate calm and shook his head. “I’m lost.” He looked closer. “Are you ok?”

“Do I look ok?” she barked at him.

He just looked at her with sad eyes and shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

Vivian looked like she might yell at him once more when she just collapsed on the bench next to him and began to cry again. He pulled her into a hug and she cried against his chest as he rubbed her back.

When her tears seemed to be stopping she pulled back and took another look at him. “Why- why are you still in your bike clothes?” she sniffled.

He frowned and looked down, feeling stupid for his actions now. “Gwen was at the hotel.”

“Gwen? OH! That Gwen!” she exclaimed.

“Yeah. She started to cry and I couldn’t deal with it. She’s inside my head. She knows all the buttons to push. I felt like I was about to cave in and accept her back into my life so I just left and started walking. Next thing I knew, I was here.” He shrugged and looked to her. “What brings you to this lovely fountain?”

Vivian looked like she was about to begin crying again but she forced it down. “Mathieu broke it off with me. He- he’s moving to the States. He got a job with a big pharmaceutical company there.”Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“So he’s moving to the states. Why does that have to mean he’s breaking up with you? Weren’t you already in a long distance relationship with him?” Kyle asked.

“One of the reasons he’s going is named Melissa, his new fiancé. Daughter of the president of this big pharmaceutical firm,” Vivian growled as she wiped her eyes.

“Ah! Bastard.”

She nodded at Kyle’s opinion of her boyfriend. Then her stomach growled hungrily. Kyle smiled at her.

“I take it you haven’t eaten yet either?” she asked.

He shook his head.

“I know a nice local place not far from here,” she said.

He gestured to his cycling clothes.

“Not to worry. They’re very informal,” she assured him.

He stood and helped her to her feet. She hooked her arm through his and guided him through a few side streets to reach another small restaurant off the beaten path.

The hostess was a white haired, older woman who rushed over and kissed Vivian’s cheeks, almost starting the waterworks again. She spoke quietly to the blond for a bit then Vivian introduced her to Kyle and they were led to a table at the back.

Once they were seated and alone Vivian smiled self-consciously at Kyle. “Adeline is very sweet! She kind of adopted me when I first arrived. She was telling me how disappointed everyone is that Mathieu is giving up professional cycling to work in the States. She’s especially upset with him for leaving me.”

Kyle grinned at her. “She’s good people!”

“The best!” Vivian agreed with a fond smile.

They ordered wine and a yummy looking stew with fresh baguettes. As they ate they discussed next steps for both of them. The wine was very good so they ordered a second bottle when they’d drained the first. They were both feeling much better and much more relaxed.

“So that’s your plan! Quit and run around the world?” Vivian gushed as she swept her arm around in a big gesture sloshing wine onto her hand. She looked at the droplet and licked it off before turning her eyes back to him.

“Yes, I’m going to resign and give up my apartment… once Gwen gets the rest of her stuff out,” he frowned thinking about that complication. He shrugged as it was trouble for another day.

“I don’t collect… stuff, so I can easily carry my essentials in the duffle bag I’m using on this trip!” he asserted. The idea of shedding the excess and living light really appealed to him.

“I’m still young. I’m going to do a little traveling to see what life has to offer me!” He looked slyly at Vivian whose eyebrow rose as her eyes widened. “Maybe… maybe I’ll try my hand as a tour guide for a bicycle touring company,” he said with a grin.

Vivian burst into drunken giggles at the thought of him leading a group of excited ladies through the French countryside. “Remember our rule of ‘No sex with the guests’! That might prove too difficult for you to follow!” she teased with a big grin on her face.

“Hey! None of that is my fault!” He snorted in frustration then paused as he recalled kissing Kimberly. “Ok, most of it isn’t.”

She grinned and nodded to him. “Well, I think you’re being very brave and your plan is very exciting!”

“Thank you,” he said nodding his acceptance.

“I only have a small amount of belongings, mostly clothes, at Mathieu’s home.” She sighed, not looking forward to the confrontation. “I’ll get it tomorrow,” she said.

“Nonsense! I’ll go with you and we can get it tonight!” Kyle insisted. “The sooner he’s out of your life, the sooner you can get on with your life and be happy again!” He flagged the older woman down and asked for the bill. Vivian made noises of protest but Kyle wouldn’t hear of it. He gave the woman, the owner apparently, a generous tip then Kyle and Vivian staggered out the door leaning on each other.

They stopped to take deep breaths of fresh air. “Woo! I think you drank too much wine!” Vivian asserted.

“Me? I was just keeping up to you!” Kyle exclaimed. He puffed up his chest and put on a grand theatrical voice. “Never-the-less we must make haste to yon ex-boyfriend’s domicile to collect your dainty unmentionables!” This sent Vivian into hysterical giggles. “See! You’re the one who drank too much as that was terrible! Not funny in the least,” he said with a grin.

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