Mafia Desire (Erotica)


When she gasped, his mouth found hers and she was lost to his sensual kiss. After the initial surprise, her hands went into his hair and she made needful whimpers into the kiss, her legs wrapping around his body. He slowly pulled back from her soft mouth, stroking her trembling lips with his and she sucked in a breath from the shocks he was sending through her body.

“You need to put your feet down so I can set you down,” he said breathily next to her ear and tingles rushed through her body.

Then the message sank into her consciousness. She unhooked her ankles and dropped her legs. He let her slowly slide down his chest and she gasped again feeling his hard bits pressing her soft bits in all the right ways.

He kept his arms around her as she got her legs under her and supporting her weight.

She looked up at him and licked her tingling lips.

“Was that ok?” he asked quietly.

Cheers erupted from the three watching ladies and Larissa jumped in surprise as she came out of her daze abruptly. Carl just rolled his eyes.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

Fiona, Helen, and Skye surged forward to hug Kyle and Kimberly who was back to grinning madly.


The voice from behind him derailed Kyle’s brain completely. He felt his world shift, his smile fell away, and he turned slowly to face the speaker.

Standing a few steps away was someone he never expected to see again.

Short, tousled black hair. Large, blue eyes showing surprise behind those sexy, serious, black rimmed glasses resting on her cute button nose. Her sensual mouth, just a little too wide but built for mind obliterating smiles, was currently hiding her white teeth as she wasn’t smiling.

Beyond lovely.

“Hello, Gwen,” he managed as his throat threatened to close.

The brunette suddenly found herself the focus of many pairs of shocked and angry eyes. “Can- can we talk? Alone?” she asked timidly.

Skye surged forward angrily but Kyle managed to catch her arms. “You’d like that wouldn’t you! To sink your bloody claws into his heart again!” she spat venomously.

Gwen blinked in nervous surprise and turned her eyes to the others.

Fiona walked up to her and looked her up and down. “You made a truly stupid decision when you failed to appreciate what you had. I, for one, hope he doesn’t give you another chance to hurt him.”

With a hot glance back at Kyle, she walked away with great dignity, in spandex.

The Burkettes walked past without even looking at her and Helen pulled her daughter past, though both of them were scowling at the intruder.

“Are you sure you want to be alone with her?” Kimberly asked Kyle quietly.

He nodded to the redhead and she gave him a quick hug before leaving. But she kept her angry eyes on Gwen as she passed.

Then they were alone.

“May I ask you what you told them about me to generate such hate?” Gwen said with barely contained anger.

Kyle rocked back in surprise as that was not the first thing he was expecting her to say. When he recovered, he actually felt more centered. He could answer this question. “The truth. How I arrived expecting to find my fiancé only to discover, in a letter, that she’d dumped me. This after forcing me to spend stupid amounts of money on a trip for two when she never intended to join me,” he growled.

Gwen blinked her big blue eyes at him, unfamiliar with facing his anger.

“Why are you here?” Kyle asked pointedly.

She glanced back over her shoulder in the direction of the reception desk where the others were arranging their rooms. She saw a few faces turned in their direction. She faced Kyle and collected herself as she began again. This was not going as she’d rehearsed.

“The woman with the huge…” she cupped imaginary tits out in front of her own.

“Fiona,” Kyle said tersely and Gwen nodded.

“She… she was right. I made a terrible mistake… but I was seduced by Antoine! The moment I began working for him he began pursuing me. He was so passionate and tenacious I was swept away against my better judgement! He was the one who convinced me that you didn’t deserve me!”

Kyle watched her closely. Partially because he had to determine if she was lying but mainly because his heart desperately wanted her back. He was shaken to his core just how much he wanted that. A hint of a smile began to appear on her lips as his need for her must have shown. He clenched his jaw and pushed that need down deep with sheer force of will, his eyes holding hers with an intensity which made her lose that smile quickly.

“You… you discarded… me,” he ground out.

“No! I-”

He held up his hand to stop her. “After you tossed me aside I came to realize just how much you were in control of our relationship. I admit I was a willing subject. I would have done, and did do, anything you asked. You… changed me. Molded me into someone you wanted me to be. Someone closer to your ideal of a boyfriend then fiancé. Someone to fulfill your desires and as long as you were happy I gladly accepted it. Along the way, I forgot… me.”

“I never meant-”

“It doesn’t matter,” he interrupted. “Being discarded hurt. More than I thought possible but… once more I find myself grateful to you. As much as I want to hate you for what you did to me when you tossed me aside for another man, the truth is, that cruel act woke me up. It made me realize I had to start thinking about me again. What I wanted out of life!”

“What… what do you want?” she said timidly and bit her lip as she used to when she wanted something.

He felt that small gesture rip through him and heard the roar of blood in his ears as tingles raced through his body. He staggered back a step as he realized he’d moved closer to her, wanting to kiss that lip. He took a few deep breaths with a scowl on his face as she watched him with worry now in her eyes.

He recalled that she knew exactly how to manipulate his emotions and physical reactions. She had direct access to his controls.

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