Mafia Desire (Erotica)


Alfred was chuckling as well but was watching Kyle’s embarrassment curiously. He caught his wife’s knowing smile and whispered something in her ear. She gave him an annoyed look and turned her face away from him. Anger flitted across his face before he forced a smile back on his lips.

The waiters arrived with the platters of cheeses, salads, rolls, and a tureen of rich stew.

Kyle was grateful for the interruption and filled his plate with some of the delicious looking food. As they all began to eat they made sounds of delight as the food tasted as good as it looked. Conversations returned to normal. Favorite routes at home, movies recently seen, and current events were discussed and nobody pressed Helen or himself for details.

He stopped himself from going back for seconds though David was already having a third plate. Kyle excused himself from the table and made his way to the washroom.

As he was relieving his bladder, he heard voices arguing outside the window. He caught Alfred’s voice.

“What the fuck was that back at the table?” he growled quietly.

“What was what?” Kyle recognized that as Fiona’s voice.

“You obviously know something about the Brit’s little slip of the tongue. What happened?” Alfred pushed.

“Oh, does it take a sex scandal to get you to remember you are on a holiday with me and perhaps spend a little time with me?” she hissed.

“What are you talking about? I’m with you all day!” he blurted.

Kyle urged his bladder to hurry as he didn’t want to hear this private stuff.

“No, when you’re on the bike you disappear. You asked me to come on this holiday so we could share the experience but you ride at your own pace and leave me behind,” she insisted.

“We don’t have to be side by side to share the experience! You know I can’t ride as slow as you!” Alfred scoffed.

“Fine but stop expecting me to keep you up-to-date with the experiences you’re missing when you race ahead or when you’re drunk,” she hissed. Kyle heard Fiona storming away.

“God damn it!” Alfred cursed quietly.

Kyle finished up and was washing his hands when Alfred pushed his way through the door with a scowl on his face. He paused when he saw Kyle then glanced to the open window above the urinals. It was his turn to get red faced. Kyle nodded to him and headed out to the bikes.

He stopped next to Skye as she put her helmet on. “I’d appreciate it if you could try to keep what happened last night private.”

“I’m afraid it’s a little too late for that now. Cat’s out of the bag, thanks to the lady with the outrageous knockers,” Skye said with a wide grin.

He grimaced and nodded. “Well… please make an effort to not bring it to everyone’s attention.”

“Right, Captain!” she barked and threw him an exaggerated salute.

He shook his head and made his way to his bicycle. A quick inspection showed all was good and he put on his helmet and gloves. He was feeling like he needed to burn off a little energy so he decided to try to keep up with the elites this time. He heard that Dita had already left. She would likely pause and wait for them near the top of the main climb. He rode over to stop next to Kimberly.

“Are you going to join us for the climb today?” she said, giving him a friendly smile.

“Yeah, I think I will. I’ll try at least,” he said with a smile.

“Hey! This mean you’re ready to get serious?” Alfred boomed as he trotted up to put his helmet and gloves on.

“Bring it,” he said, borrowing Kimberly’s line. They both beamed happy smiles at him.

Once Alfred was ready he got them out onto the road and set the pace. Kimberly tucked in behind him and Kyle hugged her back wheel. The first ten kilometers were fairly easy with gently rolling hills but there was a definite if gradual upwards slope to the road.

Trees lined the sides of the road as they climbed into the foothills, each taking a turn at the front of their breakaway group to share the effort of breaking the wind. Alfred seemed delighted that Kyle knew how to ride in a group.

They rounded a corner and the long climb appeared before them as they broke free from the treeline. Kyle had been the leader at the base of the climb but Alfred immediately attacked and swung out and around him with a short bark of laughter as he leapt from the saddle to dance on his pedals. Kimberly was right there behind him holding his back wheel, also out of the saddle.

Kyle grinned at the excited look on the woman’s face and switched to his chasing gear as he climbed out of the saddle to follow. They were already two bike lengths ahead of him and slowly pulling away. They managed to get three bike lengths on him before he settled back into the saddle and got himself into his climbing cadence. Heart beating strongly, breathing smoothly and evenly, he kept his head down and concentrated on maintaining his tempo.

Alfred glanced back and saw Kyle’s head was down and his legs were pumping. He allowed himself a grin, thinking he’d already broken the will of the younger rider. He saw Kimberly grinning behind him and was once more amazed by her strength. Still, he had to lose her too. He picked up his pace just a little more.

The gap between Kyle and Kimberly’s back wheel grew to four then five bike lengths as they gradually approached the top of the pass. From there, the road would slowly wind its way down the other side to reach the village they would be overnighting in.

Kyle looked up and saw Dita looking down at her cell as she casually rode up to the crest of the hill with Alfred racing up at her, out of the saddle and head down, Kimberly in hot pursuit. Both elite riders were eager to be the ‘king of the hill’, first to crest the pass. Neither was watching ahead of them. Kyle yelled a warning.

Dita looked up at the last second and tried to veer right, closer to the guard rail on the wide shoulder. The toe of Alfred’s right shoe struck her on the back of her left calf causing them both to wobble badly. Kimberly saw Alfred’s wobble as an opportunity to leap ahead and surged forward to shoot over the crest with a victory cry.

Alfred cursed back at Dita before racing after the redhead. The guide collided with the guard rail and grabbed a metal sign post to stay upright. She would have gone over the railing onto the rocky field beyond if the post hadn’t been there.

Kyle rode up to her and hopped off his bike, leaning it against the railing behind her.

“Are you alright?” he asked seeing her grimace in pain.

“NO, I AM NOT ALRIGHT!” she barked back at him as her body shook.

“Let me help you-”


He faced her and held her eyes with his. “Let me help you,” he repeated gently.

She was fighting back tears as the cramping in her left calf hurt so much. She finally nodded and he put his right arm around her back and held her against his body as his left arm went behind her thighs to lift her from her bike. Her bike leaned against the railing and he carried her forward to sit on some large, flat topped stones just past the end of the railing. He sat next to her with her leg resting across his thighs.

He looked at her leg and he could see the muscles bulging badly. “I need to massage that knot out of your calf before it tightens up.”

She scowled at him but knew he was right so she finally nodded.Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

He sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s going to hurt at first. You may want to lie back.”

She closed her eyes and leaned back but remained on her elbows. He slid his hands up her calf and she jumped.

“Relax and take deep breaths,” he said calmly. He listened to her breathe. “Ready?”

She nodded and he began.

She screamed for a bit as he pressed and kneaded the knots but soon she slumped back and only moaned from time to time as he spread and stretched the abused muscle. He continued this until it was hot and loose once more. Her moans stopped and she pushed herself back up to her elbows.

“Thank you,” she said quietly, eyeing him guardedly.

He nodded. “I’m not that guy you accused me of being. I’m not trying to score with the other guests or guides. I just came to ride and forget my woes,” he said quietly, as his hands gently kneaded her calf.

“Your woes. This is your fiancé leaving you?” she asked.

He nodded once more. “She was my mistake. I thought it was true love but I wasn’t what she wanted and it seems she wasn’t who I thought she was.” He shrugged. “It’s better it happened now, before we got married.”

“This thing that happened last night. Rebound?”

He blinked in surprise and thought about that. “Yeah… maybe that’s what it was. It surprised me as it was completely unlike me. I wouldn’t have normally… done that,” he finished with a self-conscious grin.

Dita was feeling more comfortable with him now. “It will make for an uncomfortable week for you.”

He sighed. “The week didn’t exactly begin well so this actually feels like an improvement. Besides, I’m in France doing something I love,” he said nodding to the bikes. She smiled at that.

He released her leg and she gingerly put it down on the ground and slowly got to her feet. She smiled at him as she was able to put her weight on it. “It is much better. We should go.”

They got back on their bikes and set off down the other side of the pass. The route to the village was largely downhill so very little pedalling was actually required.

They eventually saw Alfred and Kimberly waiting for them in the parking lot. The man was grinning at Kyle.

“Is this all the challenge I can expect from you tomorrow?” he boomed with a wide grin.

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