Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Ooo! Ooo! Ooo! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Skye whimpered as the delicious vibrations spread through her tender flesh. Her release was quickly racing up on her.

Helen had begun to grind against Kyle’s mouth so he sped up his sucking and licking to keep pace.

“Ahhh! Kyle! Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m cumming! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!” Helen cried as her trembling became a full-on quake. She squeezed his head between her thighs as her muscles spasmed through her release.

Kyle reached down blindly to grip Skye’s hips to pull her down more forcefully with each thrust and she peaked and squealed through her own orgasm.

“FFFFUUUUUCCCKKK!!” the young woman yelled as her pussy squeezed his cock in pulses. He held her tight against his body and rocked her side to side to prolong her pleasure. She sucked in her breath as the pleasure sharpened and she finally flung herself onto the bed next to him to stop the intensity. She threw an arm over her eyes as she panted.

Helen moved herself down Kyle’s body gingerly as she was still feeling the residual aftershocks. She was smiling down at him when his cock found her wet opening. Her expression changed to surprise as the head slipped inside and she froze.

Kyle hadn’t cum yet and he was getting close so he gripped her hips and pushed down, sliding his cock deeper into her wet opening.

“Ooo! God you feel good! It’s been so long!” Helen sighed.

He smiled up at her and rolled them over until he was resting on top of her, his cock reaching her very depths.

“Ahhh god! So good!” she whimpered.

Kyle began to slowly draw himself out and thrust in with energy and she gasped each time his body slapped against hers. He felt his own release rushing up and his need grew.

Helen was thrashing her head back and forth under him as she was almost delirious with the delicious sensations.

“Oh Kyle! I’m going- I’m there- It’s happening! I’m cum- Oh! Oh! OOOOHHHHHYYYEESSSS!! Helen howled as she shook under his pounding thrusts.

“Fuck! I’m cumming too!” he grunted and ground himself against her as he filled the condom.

After a bit, he pulled back as Helen was showing signs of becoming too sensitive. He gently slid his cock free of the woman and she sighed happily.

He settled down on the mattress between the two women who were both smiling blissfully. He stared up at the ceiling, the reality of what he’d just done making him wonder what the fuck had gotten into him? He’d never done anything this impulsive before. Having sex with a sexy mother and her daughter, at the same time? Unreal, but he allowed himself a happy smile. He was glad he’d chosen to do it!

The next thing was, what now? He was back on unfamiliar ground. Did they have expectations?

As if she was reading his mind, Skye pushed herself up on one elbow to look down into his eyes. “That was lovely. I quite enjoyed that!” She looked over at her mother’s smiling face. “Looks like mum enjoyed that too.”

Kyle smiled at her and glanced over at Helen who seemed to be drifting off.

“Yes, that was fun! I- I think I’d better head back to my room to let you two get some sleep,” Kyle suggested quietly and Skye nodded. That was the answer she was looking for so he nodded in return and moved down the bed. He collected his clothes, stepped into their bathroom to shed the condom, quickly tidied himself and dressed. Then Skye let him out into the hall with a smile.

He heard the lock click so he turned to head back to the stairs and froze. Fiona was watching him as she helped her obviously tipsy husband down the hall towards their room. Her eyes were on him and the corner of her mouth was turned up in a slight smirk.

Kyle got himself moving forward and nodded to Fiona as he passed by, his face showing as casual a smile as he could muster with burning cheeks. He felt her eyes on him as he made the corner and descended the stairs. He managed to get back to his room without bumping into any of the other members of his tour so he breathed a sigh of relief.

He took a quick shower to freshen up, dried off and climbed into the bed. Shutting the light, he hoped the Livingston ladies were as discreet as they promised they’d be. He also hoped Fiona wouldn’t mention it to her husband.

It was just the start of the trip and this could seriously fuck up the rest of it. What was he thinking?

“A word of advice?”

Kyle looked over at Dita, their Czech guide, in surprise. This was the first time she’d spoken to him and she had a rather stern look on her face.

The group had straggled down to the breakfast room as each was nursing different levels of hangovers. Kyle had slept like a baby, felt great, and was the first to arrive and leave so he missed most of the others.

Now they were gathered once more with their bikes. He’d given Helen and Skye a friendly good morning when they passed by, and true to their word they were not overly familiar with their morning greetings. Helen was all smiles though she moved a little stiffly and he hoped she wouldn’t have difficulty on the ride because of their… fun.

They were preparing to ride to the next destination but Dita had sauntered close to him to give him some advice.

He smiled and nodded.

“We’re a small group. For the sake of harmony, we recommend you hunt for sex partners outside the group,” Dita said.

“What?” he blurted in surprise.

“We’ve seen holidays turn ugly when guests try to have sex with other guests or the guides. The company has strict policies against the guides doing that,” the woman said a little stiffly.

“That’s not-” Kyle began but she was already walking away, message delivered.

She was dressed for riding so she’d be out on the road with them today. He vowed to stay away from her if he could. Vivian was also riding with them with Jules in the support van.

He looked over at the Livingston’s and they seemed oblivious to the drama that just occurred. Fiona, however, had been watching. He caught her eye. Perhaps she said something to Dita? She looked away and went back to adjusting her helmet.

Face burning he returned to getting himself ready.

They finally got out on the road and soon Alfred was off with Kimberly in pursuit. Dita slipped away from the pack to keep an eye on them.

Kyle rode out in front of the group and just enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the peace and quiet.

“I thought you were going to be discreet?”

Kyle looked to his left and saw Skye riding next to him.

“I was. I didn’t tell anyone.” He paused for a second. “But Fiona saw me leaving your room last night.”

“Shit,” she cursed quietly.

“Yeah. Did you get a lecture from Dita this morning?” he asked.

“What?!? No!” she blurted then began to laugh.

Kyle just gave her an annoyed look. “Yeah, it’s real funny having the guides peg me as some kind of sexual predator.”

Skye struggled to get her laughter under control then patted him on the ass, getting a squeeze in for good measure as she bit her lip with a smile. He stared at her incredulously as the others could see. “Don’t worry, I’ll speak to Viv and set Dita straight too. Your innocence is safe.”

He shook his head and climbed out of the saddle to pick up his pace to leave her and the rest behind for a while.

By 1PM they’d reached a quaint old town where they’d be having lunch. They parked the bikes with the support van and found their reserved table on the patio under the umbrellas. Kyle saw Alfred and Kimberly sitting across from each other, deep in an animated conversation. Kindred spirits, obviously. Alfred looked up with a smile when he saw Kyle approaching.

“Preparing for tomorrow? Thought of something you want to race for?” the man said with a grin.

Kyle just smiled and shook his head as he sat on the bench a ways down from Kimberly, leaving space for David.

“Hey! I want you motivated so you’ll at least give me a little competition! Don’t worry about being aggressive about naming your prize. Anything,” Alfred boasted, looking him in the eye.

Kyle just shook his head. He didn’t want to deal with this now.

Kimberly bounced on the bench excitedly. “I know! Ask him to pay for the upgrade on the bicycle I’m using!”

Kyle grinned at the woman and shrugged. “Sure. How about that?”NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

Alfred snorted but nodded with a wide grin. Confidence was oozing from every pore and Kyle wondered what that felt like.

Fiona arrived with Helen and Skye and they took seats on the bench on Alfred’s side, Fiona next to her husband, then Skye and Helen. The Burkettes were last with David who called out to Kyle to move down the bench one spot so he could sit at the far end. Kyle raised his eyebrows but moved next to Kimberly who gave him a brief smile.

Skye was watching him with a sly little grin and he threw her a warning glance which Fiona unfortunately saw as well. The woman’s eyebrow went up as did the corner of her mouth.

Dita stood at the far end of the table and got their attention. “This afternoon’s ride isn’t too strenuous but there is one long climb which can be a little tiring. As well, the temperatures are rising so make sure you refill your water bottles.” With a nod to the group she headed back to the table she was sharing with the other guides.

Alfred’s eyes were twinkling with excitement. He looked across at Kimberly who was sharing is excitement. “You ready for the challenge?” he asked.

“Bring it!” the petite woman chirped back at him with a big grin.

Alfred turned his eyes to Kyle. “How about you? Are you going to test your mettle against us elite riders this afternoon or ride with the ladies in the pack?”

Helen snorted as she drank her water and some passed through her nose. She held her napkin to her face as she coughed with watering eyes. Everyone looked towards her reddening face. When she settled down she whispered something to Skye who exploded into hysterical laughter. Helen swatted her daughter’s arm gently to get her to settle down.

When Skye finally got control of herself she corrected her mother far too loudly. “No mum, he said ‘ride with the ladies in the pack’ not ‘ride the ladies in the sack’!”

The table erupted with laughter and Kyle’s face felt like it might ignite. Helen was also red faced as her daughter began laughing again.

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