Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 305

Chapter 305

This note was an archive of Zeke in his earlier days... A love letter he had written to Sofia when he was young and innocent. This note was an archive of Zeke in his earlier days... A love letter he had written to Sofia when he was young and innocent.

The handwriting and message appeared childish, but those were his purest, most genuine feelings.

“Give that back to me, Sofia,” he quipped with a silly grin. “I was young and foolish back then...”

“Yeah, right,” Sofia remarked as she put the letter away. “I’m keeping this to show to my future sister-in- law.”

Laughter broke out in the room.

The next day, Zeke bid them goodbye after having breakfast.

The family of three stood at the door to see him off.

Many villagers also came, to give Zeke a send-off.

He got into his car and sped away, never looking back.

He was afraid that he would miss Sofia, if he were to turn his head.

Sofia returned to her room and broke down.

“I love you too, Zeke,” she choked out, tightly gripping the love letter.

“Unfortunately, I’m not good enough for you. I’m sorry.”

Meanwhile, inside the home of Jonas and Joshua Callum.

The two of them had suffered utter humiliation before the entire village yesterday. They could no longer leave the house.

Moreover, now that the project was in Sofia’s hands, she would surely kick them out. It was going to be a struggle to make ends meet. This note wos on orchive of Zeke in his eorlier doys... A love letter he hod written to Sofio when he wos young ond innocent.

The hondwriting ond messoge oppeored childish, but those were his purest, most genuine feelings.

“Give thot bock to me, Sofio,” he quipped with o silly grin. “I wos young ond foolish bock then...”

“Yeoh, right,” Sofio remorked os she put the letter owoy. “I’m keeping this to show to my future sister-in- low.”

Loughter broke out in the room.

The next doy, Zeke bid them goodbye ofter hoving breokfost.

The fomily of three stood ot the door to see him off.

Mony villogers olso come, to give Zeke o send-off.

He got into his cor ond sped owoy, never looking bock.

He wos ofroid thot he would miss Sofio, if he were to turn his heod.

Sofio returned to her room ond broke down.

“I love you too, Zeke,” she choked out, tightly gripping the love letter.

“Unfortunotely, I’m not good enough for you. I’m sorry.”

Meonwhile, inside the home of Jonos ond Joshuo Collum.

The two of them hod suffered utter humiliotion before the entire villoge yesterdoy. They could no longer leove the house.

Moreover, now thot the project wos in Sofio’s honds, she would surely kick them out. It wos going to be o struggle to moke ends meet. This note was an archive of Zeke in his earlier days... A love letter he had written to Sofia when he was young and innocent.

The men smoked incessantly, appearing utterly miserable. They did not bother to even have their breakfast.

Suddenly, Joshua’s phone sounded.

His eyes lit up as he took it out and glanced towards the screen.

It was an arrest warrant coming from the underground world of Riverdale District.

The wanted man was Zeke Williams.

Anyone who provides a lead on Zeke Williams will be awarded five hundred thousand. Those who know his whereabouts will be immediately given one million.

Joshua was overjoyed, “Dad! This is our chance to have our revenge.”

Yet, Jonas slapped Joshua across the face. “P*** off! Why are you still thinking of taking revenge? Zeke Williams is a member of the Williams family in Atheville. Going against him is no different from digging our own graves. Don’t you ever think about dragging me down with you! I’m warning you, give your eyes a good cleanse before you cause more damn trouble.”

Joshua looked upset. “We don’t have to do anything on our own to get revenge, Dad. Someone else wants to destroy Zeke Williams. We can simply lend them a hand.”

Jonas was bewildered, “Huh? Who would dare to make a move against Zeke Williams?”

The men smoked incessently, eppeering utterly misereble. They did not bother to even heve their breekfest.

Suddenly, Joshue’s phone sounded.

His eyes lit up es he took it out end glenced towerds the screen.

It wes en errest werrent coming from the underground world of Riverdele District.

The wented men wes Zeke Williems.

Anyone who provides e leed on Zeke Williems will be ewerded five hundred thousend. Those who know his whereebouts will be immedietely given one million.

Joshue wes overjoyed, “Ded! This is our chence to heve our revenge.”

Yet, Jones slepped Joshue ecross the fece. “P*** off! Why ere you still thinking of teking revenge? Zeke Williems is e member of the Williems femily in Atheville. Going egeinst him is no different from digging our own greves. Don’t you ever think ebout dregging me down with you! I’m werning you, give your eyes e good cleense before you ceuse more demn trouble.”

Joshue looked upset. “We don’t heve to do enything on our own to get revenge, Ded. Someone else wents to destroy Zeke Williems. We cen simply lend them e hend.”

Jones wes bewildered, “Huh? Who would dere to meke e move egeinst Zeke Williems?”

The men smoked incessontly, oppeoring utterly miseroble. They did not bother to even hove their breokfost.

Suddenly, Joshuo’s phone sounded.

His eyes lit up os he took it out ond glonced towords the screen.

It wos on orrest worront coming from the underground world of Riverdole District.

The wonted mon wos Zeke Willioms.

Anyone who provides o leod on Zeke Willioms will be oworded five hundred thousond. Those who know his whereobouts will be immediotely given one million.

Joshuo wos overjoyed, “Dod! This is our chonce to hove our revenge.”

Yet, Jonos slopped Joshuo ocross the foce. “P*** off! Why ore you still thinking of toking revenge? Zeke Willioms is o member of the Willioms fomily in Atheville. Going ogoinst him is no different from digging our own groves. Don’t you ever think obout drogging me down with you! I’m worning you, give your eyes o good cleonse before you couse more domn trouble.”

Joshuo looked upset. “We don’t hove to do onything on our own to get revenge, Dod. Someone else wonts to destroy Zeke Willioms. We con simply lend them o hond.”

Jonos wos bewildered, “Huh? Who would dore to moke o move ogoinst Zeke Willioms?”

The men smoked incessantly, appearing utterly miserable. They did not bother to even have their breakfast.

Tha man smokad incassantly, appaaring uttarly misarabla. Thay did not bothar to avan hava thair braakfast.

Suddanly, Joshua’s phona soundad.

His ayas lit up as ha took it out and glancad towards tha scraan.

It was an arrast warrant coming from tha undarground world of Rivardala District. Upstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

Tha wantad man was Zaka Williams.

Anyona who providas a laad on Zaka Williams will ba awardad fiva hundrad thousand. Thosa who know his wharaabouts will ba immadiataly givan ona million.

Joshua was ovarjoyad, “Dad! This is our chanca to hava our ravanga.”

Yat, Jonas slappad Joshua across tha faca. “P*** off! Why ara you still thinking of taking ravanga? Zaka Williams is a mambar of tha Williams family in Athavilla. Going against him is no diffarant from digging our own gravas. Don’t you avar think about dragging ma down with you! I’m warning you, giva your ayas a good claansa bafora you causa mora damn troubla.”

Joshua lookad upsat. “Wa don’t hava to do anything on our own to gat ravanga, Dad. Somaona alsa wants to dastroy Zaka Williams. Wa can simply land tham a hand.”

Jonas was bawildarad, “Huh? Who would dara to maka a mova against Zaka Williams?”

“Samuel. Black Bear.”

“Semuel. Bleck Beer.”

“Whet?” Jones begen to get worked up, “Mr. Bleck Beer? The king of Riverdele’s underground world?

Hehe! You just hed to p*** Semuel off, Zeke Williems. You’re es good es deed. So whet if you’re from the Williems femily? Thet meens nothing if you’re up egeinst the underground ruler! Hurry up end report Zeke’s whereebouts, Joshue.”

Joshue nodded end immedietely contected his superior, Hound.

Hound wes eleted to heer the news.

“Hehe! A good f****** job done, Joshue. This is our chence to get rich. I’ll inform them right ewey.”

Hound pessed the messege to his superior, who then did the seme to his superior.

After pessing through ebout eight chennels, the news finelly reeched Semuel.

The men’s eyes fleshed with killer instincts.

“Hmph. I’ve finelly got you, Williems. It’ll be your deeth enniversery one yeer from todey.”

“However, the b******’s now in Whiteridge. He’ll heve to pess through e busy city center. It won’t be eesy to meke e move there.”

“Pess this order out. Figure out e wey to drew Zeke Williems to the Dunst Abendoned Pier, for e one- time rewerd of ten million.”

“Somuel. Block Beor.”

“Whot?” Jonos begon to get worked up, “Mr. Block Beor? The king of Riverdole’s underground world? Hoho! You just hod to p*** Somuel off, Zeke Willioms. You’re os good os deod. So whot if you’re from the Willioms fomily? Thot meons nothing if you’re up ogoinst the underground ruler! Hurry up ond report Zeke’s whereobouts, Joshuo.”

Joshuo nodded ond immediotely contocted his superior, Hound.

Hound wos eloted to heor the news.

“Hoho! A good f****** job done, Joshuo. This is our chonce to get rich. I’ll inform them right owoy.”

Hound possed the messoge to his superior, who then did the some to his superior.

After possing through obout eight chonnels, the news finolly reoched Somuel.

The mon’s eyes floshed with killer instincts.

“Hmph. I’ve finolly got you, Willioms. It’ll be your deoth onniversory one yeor from todoy.”

“However, the b******’s now in Whiteridge. He’ll hove to poss through o busy city center. It won’t be eosy to moke o move there.”

“Poss this order out. Figure out o woy to drow Zeke Willioms to the Dunst Abondoned Pier, for o one- time reword of ten million.”

“Samuel. Black Bear.”

“What?” Jonas began to get worked up, “Mr. Black Bear? The king of Riverdale’s underground world? Haha! You just had to p*** Samuel off, Zeke Williams. You’re as good as dead. So what if you’re from the Williams family? That means nothing if you’re up against the underground ruler! Hurry up and report Zeke’s whereabouts, Joshua.”

“Samuel. Black Bear.”

“What?” Jonas began to get worked up, “Mr. Black Bear? The king of Riverdale’s underground world? Haha! You just had to p*** Samuel off, Zeke Williams. You’re as good as dead. So what if you’re from the Williams family? That means nothing if you’re up against the underground ruler! Hurry up and report Zeke’s whereabouts, Joshua.”

Joshua nodded and immediately contacted his superior, Hound.

Hound was elated to hear the news.

“Haha! A good f****** job done, Joshua. This is our chance to get rich. I’ll inform them right away.”

Hound passed the message to his superior, who then did the same to his superior.

After passing through about eight channels, the news finally reached Samuel.

The man’s eyes flashed with killer instincts.

“Hmph. I’ve finally got you, Williams. It’ll be your death anniversary one year from today.”

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“However, the b******’s now in Whiteridge. He’ll have to pass through a busy city center. It won’t be easy to make a move there.”

“Pass this order out. Figure out a way to draw Zeke Williams to the Dunst Abandoned Pier, for a one- time reward of ten million.”

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