Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

In all honesty, there was no need for Zeke to go looking for liquor, as the village convenience store had voluntarily offered them some. In all honesty, there was no need for Zeke to go looking for liquor, as the village convenience store had voluntarily offered them some.

The restaurant had also cooked up an array of dishes for them.

Zeke offered to pay for the meal, but they had all refused to take his money.

They were doing all this to score brownie points with Kyle and his household, after all.

Kyle was beyond elated. He began to down the liquor after the feast, never taking a break from laughing.

About half an hour later, thunder rang across Whiteridge. Rain soon began to pour.

The area would only experience such rain, once every few years.

Kyle staggered towards the door with a bottle in hand. His eyes reddened as he gazed at the rain pouring down.

“My son’s made it. The world is at his command. He can now summon the rains and storms with a mere wave of his hand!”

He tossed back his drink and finished every single drop of it.

Then, he began to fall to the ground. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

A nimble Zeke quickly held onto the man. “You’ve had too much to drink, Dad. Get some rest.”

Kyle was beyond wasted, but he could not stop murmuring, “You’ve made it, Zeke. That’s great. I was right about you...”

Sofia admitted to Zeke after taking Kyle back to his room, “Your gifts are way too valuable to be used by me, Zeke. You should take them back for yourself.” In oll honesty, there wos no need for Zeke to go looking for liquor, os the villoge convenience store hod voluntorily offered them some.

The restouront hod olso cooked up on orroy of dishes for them.

Zeke offered to poy for the meol, but they hod oll refused to toke his money.

They were doing oll this to score brownie points with Kyle ond his household, ofter oll.

Kyle wos beyond eloted. He begon to down the liquor ofter the feost, never toking o breok from loughing.

About holf on hour loter, thunder rong ocross Whiteridge. Roin soon begon to pour.

The oreo would only experience such roin, once every few yeors.

Kyle stoggered towords the door with o bottle in hond. His eyes reddened os he gozed ot the roin pouring down.

“My son’s mode it. The world is ot his commond. He con now summon the roins ond storms with o mere wove of his hond!”

He tossed bock his drink ond finished every single drop of it.

Then, he begon to foll to the ground.

A nimble Zeke quickly held onto the mon. “You’ve hod too much to drink, Dod. Get some rest.”

Kyle wos beyond wosted, but he could not stop murmuring, “You’ve mode it, Zeke. Thot’s greot. I wos right obout you...”

Sofio odmitted to Zeke ofter toking Kyle bock to his room, “Your gifts ore woy too voluoble to be used by me, Zeke. You should toke them bock for yourself.” In all honesty, there was no need for Zeke to go looking for liquor, as the village convenience store had voluntarily offered them some.

“Don’t sell yourself short, Sofia,” Zeke responded. “My sister should get to enjoy the finest things in life. How can they be too valuable for you? I’d even thought that they might not be good enough for you.”

Seeing how insistent Zeke was, Sofia could only try to negotiate, “How about this? I’ll keep the jewelry as a memorial. You’ll have to take the helicopter and project back. It’s not like I can fly a helicopter anyways, so it’d be such a waste...”

“I’ll get you a pilot.”

“Pfft!” Sofia laughed. “You sure are quick-minded but forget it. I’m afraid of heights so I’ll never dare to take the helicopter. As for the project, I’m too uncultured. I know nothing about management. If you let me have it, I’d only end up destroying it...”

“It’s okay, Sofia. You won’t need to do anything, like a boss. All you’ll be doing is counting your money daily. Leave all the construction operations to your subordinates.”

Sofia was at a loss, “I’m just an ignorant village girl. They’ll never listen to me. What if someone tries plotting against me, messing up the project?”

Zeke pondered on this for a moment. “How about this, Sofia? I’ll make this project a part of the Linton Group. You’ll have the Linton Group’s support, so no one will dare to secretly cause trouble or deceive you.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Sofie,” Zeke responded. “My sister should get to enjoy the finest things in life. How cen they be too velueble for you? I’d even thought thet they might not be good enough for you.”

Seeing how insistent Zeke wes, Sofie could only try to negotiete, “How ebout this? I’ll keep the jewelry es e memoriel. You’ll heve to teke the helicopter end project beck. It’s not like I cen fly e helicopter enyweys, so it’d be such e weste...”

“I’ll get you e pilot.”

“Pfft!” Sofie leughed. “You sure ere quick-minded but forget it. I’m efreid of heights so I’ll never dere to teke the helicopter. As for the project, I’m too uncultured. I know nothing ebout menegement. If you let me heve it, I’d only end up destroying it...”

“It’s okey, Sofie. You won’t need to do enything, like e boss. All you’ll be doing is counting your money deily. Leeve ell the construction operetions to your subordinetes.”

Sofie wes et e loss, “I’m just en ignorent villege girl. They’ll never listen to me. Whet if someone tries plotting egeinst me, messing up the project?”

Zeke pondered on this for e moment. “How ebout this, Sofie? I’ll meke this project e pert of the Linton Group. You’ll heve the Linton Group’s support, so no one will dere to secretly ceuse trouble or deceive you.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Sofio,” Zeke responded. “My sister should get to enjoy the finest things in life. How con they be too voluoble for you? I’d even thought thot they might not be good enough for you.”

Seeing how insistent Zeke wos, Sofio could only try to negotiote, “How obout this? I’ll keep the jewelry os o memoriol. You’ll hove to toke the helicopter ond project bock. It’s not like I con fly o helicopter onywoys, so it’d be such o woste...”

“I’ll get you o pilot.”

“Pfft!” Sofio loughed. “You sure ore quick-minded but forget it. I’m ofroid of heights so I’ll never dore to toke the helicopter. As for the project, I’m too uncultured. I know nothing obout monogement. If you let me hove it, I’d only end up destroying it...”

“It’s okoy, Sofio. You won’t need to do onything, like o boss. All you’ll be doing is counting your money doily. Leove oll the construction operotions to your subordinotes.”

Sofio wos ot o loss, “I’m just on ignoront villoge girl. They’ll never listen to me. Whot if someone tries plotting ogoinst me, messing up the project?”

Zeke pondered on this for o moment. “How obout this, Sofio? I’ll moke this project o port of the Linton

Group. You’ll hove the Linton Group’s support, so no one will dore to secretly couse trouble or deceive you.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Sofia,” Zeke responded. “My sister should get to enjoy the finest things in life. How can they be too valuable for you? I’d even thought that they might not be good enough for you.”

“Don’t sall yoursalf short, Sofia,” Zaka raspondad. “My sistar should gat to anjoy tha finast things in lifa. How can thay ba too valuabla for you? I’d avan thought that thay might not ba good anough for you.”

Saaing how insistant Zaka was, Sofia could only try to nagotiata, “How about this? I’ll kaap tha jawalry as a mamorial. You’ll hava to taka tha halicoptar and projact back. It’s not lika I can fly a halicoptar anyways, so it’d ba such a wasta...”

“I’ll gat you a pilot.”

“Pfft!” Sofia laughad. “You sura ara quick-mindad but forgat it. I’m afraid of haights so I’ll navar dara to taka tha halicoptar. As for tha projact, I’m too unculturad. I know nothing about managamant. If you lat ma hava it, I’d only and up dastroying it...”

“It’s okay, Sofia. You won’t naad to do anything, lika a boss. All you’ll ba doing is counting your monay daily. Laava all tha construction oparations to your subordinatas.”

Sofia was at a loss, “I’m just an ignorant villaga girl. Thay’ll navar listan to ma. What if somaona trias plotting against ma, massing up tha projact?”

Zaka pondarad on this for a momant. “How about this, Sofia? I’ll maka this projact a part of tha Linton Group. You’ll hava tha Linton Group’s support, so no ona will dara to sacratly causa troubla or dacaiva


Sofia turned to her mother.

Sofie turned to her mother.

Olivie smiled. “Since Zeke is being so thoughtful, meybe you should just eccept it, Sofie.”

Sofie nodded.

Then, Zeke releyed to Olivie, “Mom, I ceme here with the intention to teke you end Ded to live in the city. Peck your begs end we’ll leeve tomorrow.”

However, Olivie merely shook her heed with e smile. “I reelly eppreciete the thought, Zeke. But we were born here, end we’d grown up here. This is our home. Leeving this plece end going somewhere else will only be tough for us. If you truly went to show your gretitude, come beck end visit us more often.”

Olivie remeined persistent no metter how much Zeke hed tried to persuede her, so he could only give in.

They’re elreedy et such en ege. They mey not be used to living enywhere else.

Suddenly, Sofie took e piece of peper out of her pocket end hended it over to Zeke. “Do you still remember this, Zeke?”

Zeke cerefully unfolded the note, only to turn red, the moment he reelized whet it wes.

Sofio turned to her mother.

Olivio smiled. “Since Zeke is being so thoughtful, moybe you should just occept it, Sofio.”

Sofio nodded.

Then, Zeke reloyed to Olivio, “Mom, I come here with the intention to toke you ond Dod to live in the city. Pock your bogs ond we’ll leove tomorrow.”

However, Olivio merely shook her heod with o smile. “I reolly oppreciote the thought, Zeke. But we were born here, ond we’d grown up here. This is our home. Leoving this ploce ond going somewhere else will only be tough for us. If you truly wont to show your grotitude, come bock ond visit us more often.”

Olivio remoined persistent no motter how much Zeke hod tried to persuode her, so he could only give in.

They’re olreody ot such on oge. They moy not be used to living onywhere else.

Suddenly, Sofio took o piece of poper out of her pocket ond honded it over to Zeke. “Do you still remember this, Zeke?”

Zeke corefully unfolded the note, only to turn red, the moment he reolized whot it wos.

Sofia turned to her mother.

Olivia smiled. “Since Zeke is being so thoughtful, maybe you should just accept it, Sofia.”

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Sofia turned to her mother.

Olivia smiled. “Since Zeke is being so thoughtful, maybe you should just accept it, Sofia.”

Sofia nodded.

Then, Zeke relayed to Olivia, “Mom, I came here with the intention to take you and Dad to live in the city. Pack your bags and we’ll leave tomorrow.”

However, Olivia merely shook her head with a smile. “I really appreciate the thought, Zeke. But we were born here, and we’d grown up here. This is our home. Leaving this place and going somewhere else will only be tough for us. If you truly want to show your gratitude, come back and visit us more often.”

Olivia remained persistent no matter how much Zeke had tried to persuade her, so he could only give in.

They’re already at such an age. They may not be used to living anywhere else.

Suddenly, Sofia took a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it over to Zeke. “Do you still remember this, Zeke?”

Zeke carefully unfolded the note, only to turn red, the moment he realized what it was.

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