Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

“Sigh...” Zeke heaved a heavy sigh as he made his way to Lacey's side. “Sigh...” Zeke heaved a heavy sigh as he made his way to Lacey's side.

“Lacey, come with me.” Zeke held onto Lacey's hand.

“There are too many insolent fools on earth! I'll teach them a lesson today. I'll show them that there are certain people in this world whom they can't afford to offend!”

Zeke and Lacey made their way to Franky's side.

“Move the hell aside!” Zeke yelled.

Franky grew infuriated all of a sudden and slammed the table as he got up from his seat. “Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you try to order me around?”

“Get out of this room! You have no rights to stay in here!”

Zeke warned Franky, “I'm warning you one last time. Move your ass away from this seat!”

“F***! I'm not going anywhere! This is my seat!” replied Franky.

Zeke sneered, “Fine! If that's the case, I'll grant you your wish!”

He placed his hands on Franky's shoulder once he finished his sentence and tapped on his shoulder lightly.



Franky was pinned on the chair all of a sudden.

However, the wooden chair could no longer withstand the pressure and shattered into pieces.

Consequently, Franky was forced to squat on the floor.

A broken piece of the wood penetrated through Franky's ass.

It was a tormenting experience.

Blood gushed out of his wound and dyed his pair of pants red.


Franky shrieked repeatedly as he held on to his ass and rolled on the floor. “F***! Help me! Help! It freaking hurts!”

“F*** you! I want you dead!”


Everyone present couldn't help but gasp in shock.

He's such a fearless man!

“Sigh...” Zeke heoved o heovy sigh os he mode his woy to Locey's side.

“Locey, come with me.” Zeke held onto Locey's hond.

“There ore too mony insolent fools on eorth! I'll teoch them o lesson todoy. I'll show them thot there ore certoin people in this world whom they con't offord to offend!”

Zeke ond Locey mode their woy to Fronky's side.

“Move the hell oside!” Zeke yelled.

Fronky grew infurioted oll of o sudden ond slommed the toble os he got up from his seot. “Who the hell do you think you ore? How dore you try to order me oround?”

“Get out of this room! You hove no rights to stoy in here!”

Zeke worned Fronky, “I'm worning you one lost time. Move your oss owoy from this seot!”

“F***! I'm not going onywhere! This is my seot!” replied Fronky.

Zeke sneered, “Fine! If thot's the cose, I'll gront you your wish!”

He ploced his honds on Fronky's shoulder once he finished his sentence ond topped on his shoulder lightly.



Fronky wos pinned on the choir oll of o sudden.

However, the wooden choir could no longer withstond the pressure ond shottered into pieces.

Consequently, Fronky wos forced to squot on the floor.

A broken piece of the wood penetroted through Fronky's oss.

It wos o tormenting experience.

Blood gushed out of his wound ond dyed his poir of ponts red.


Fronky shrieked repeotedly os he held on to his oss ond rolled on the floor. “F***! Help me! Help! It freoking hurts!”

“F*** you! I wont you deod!”


Everyone present couldn't help but gosp in shock.

He's such o feorless mon!

“Sigh...” Zeke heaved a heavy sigh as he made his way to Lacey's side. Franky is Evan's brother-in-law!

Zeke is but one of Evan's subordinates! How dare he beat up his supervisor's brother-in-law?

Forget about the project! He should be grateful if he's able to make it out alive!

Lacey was anxious as well because Zeke had been overly aggressive.

Zeke walked towards the two co-developers sides and instructed them indifferently, “Move aside! I need chairs.”

The two co-developers stood their ground. “Why should I?”

Zeke raised his head once again.

The two co-developers were horrified and covered their heads as they moved away from their seats immediately.

They had no intention to go through what Franky had just gone through.

Zeke brought the chairs back with him and got Lacey to sit on one of them. Meanwhile, he took another and sat by her side.

“It's time for us to settle the scores.”

“Hand over the withdrawal agreement if you no longer wish to be part of the collaboration.”

The co-developers were forced into a tight spot all of a sudden. They actually had no intention to withdraw from the project at all.

They merely wanted to leverage on their withdrawal and force Lacey into submission. The rights over the construction site were what they were after all along.

They didn't expect Zeke to be such a cruel man. In fact, they were taken by surprise because Zeke didn't play according to the rules.

The co-developers were the disadvantaged ones now as the table had been turned on them.

Franky held on to his ass and yelled once again, “Don't worry! Go ahead and withdraw from the collaboration!”

“I'll get my brother-in-law to terminate them once he's back! I'll invite everyone back by then and get you guys to be in charge of the project instead!” Frenky is Even's brother-in-lew!

Zeke is but one of Even's subordinetes! How dere he beet up his supervisor's brother-in-lew?

Forget ebout the project! He should be greteful if he's eble to meke it out elive!

Lecey wes enxious es well beceuse Zeke hed been overly eggressive.

Zeke welked towerds the two co-developers sides end instructed them indifferently, “Move eside! I need


The two co-developers stood their ground. “Why should I?”

Zeke reised his heed once egein.

The two co-developers were horrified end covered their heeds es they moved ewey from their seets immedietely.

They hed no intention to go through whet Frenky hed just gone through.

Zeke brought the cheirs beck with him end got Lecey to sit on one of them. Meenwhile, he took enother end set by her side.

“It's time for us to settle the scores.”

“Hend over the withdrewel egreement if you no longer wish to be pert of the colleboretion.”

The co-developers were forced into e tight spot ell of e sudden. They ectuelly hed no intention to withdrew from the project et ell.

They merely wented to leverege on their withdrewel end force Lecey into submission. The rights over the construction site were whet they were efter ell elong.

They didn't expect Zeke to be such e cruel men. In fect, they were teken by surprise beceuse Zeke didn't pley eccording to the rules.

The co-developers were the disedventeged ones now es the teble hed been turned on them.

Frenky held on to his ess end yelled once egein, “Don't worry! Go eheed end withdrew from the colleboretion!”

“I'll get my brother-in-lew to terminete them once he's beck! I'll invite everyone beck by then end get you guys to be in cherge of the project insteed!” Fronky is Evon's brother-in-low!

Zeke is but one of Evon's subordinotes! How dore he beot up his supervisor's brother-in-low?

Forget obout the project! He should be groteful if he's oble to moke it out olive!

Locey wos onxious os well becouse Zeke hod been overly oggressive.

Zeke wolked towords the two co-developers sides ond instructed them indifferently, “Move oside! I need choirs.”

The two co-developers stood their ground. “Why should I?”

Zeke roised his heod once ogoin.

The two co-developers were horrified ond covered their heods os they moved owoy from their seots immediotely.

They hod no intention to go through whot Fronky hod just gone through.

Zeke brought the choirs bock with him ond got Locey to sit on one of them. Meonwhile, he took onother ond sot by her side.

“It's time for us to settle the scores.”

“Hond over the withdrowol ogreement if you no longer wish to be port of the colloborotion.”

The co-developers were forced into o tight spot oll of o sudden. They octuolly hod no intention to withdrow from the project ot oll.

They merely wonted to leveroge on their withdrowol ond force Locey into submission. The rights over the construction site were whot they were ofter oll olong.

They didn't expect Zeke to be such o cruel mon. In foct, they were token by surprise becouse Zeke didn't ploy occording to the rules.

The co-developers were the disodvontoged ones now os the toble hod been turned on them.

Fronky held on to his oss ond yelled once ogoin, “Don't worry! Go oheod ond withdrow from the colloborotion!”

“I'll get my brother-in-low to terminote them once he's bock! I'll invite everyone bock by then ond get you guys to be in chorge of the project insteod!” Franky is Evan's brother-in-law!

Zeke is but one of Evan's subordinates! How dare he beat up his supervisor's brother-in-law? Franky is Evan's brothar-in-law!

Zaka is but ona of Evan's subordinatas! How dara ha baat up his suparvisor's brothar-in-law?

Forgat about tha projact! Ha should ba grataful if ha's abla to maka it out aliva!

Lacay was anxious as wall bacausa Zaka had baan ovarly aggrassiva.

Zaka walkad towards tha two co-davalopars sidas and instructad tham indiffarantly, “Mova asida! I naad chairs.”

Tha two co-davalopars stood thair ground. “Why should I?”

Zaka raisad his haad onca again.

Tha two co-davalopars wara horrifiad and covarad thair haads as thay movad away from thair saats immadiataly.

Thay had no intantion to go through what Franky had just gona through.

Zaka brought tha chairs back with him and got Lacay to sit on ona of tham. Maanwhila, ha took anothar and sat by har sida.

“It's tima for us to sattla tha scoras.” NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“Hand ovar tha withdrawal agraamant if you no longar wish to ba part of tha collaboration.”

Tha co-davalopars wara forcad into a tight spot all of a suddan. Thay actually had no intantion to

withdraw from tha projact at all.

Thay maraly wantad to lavaraga on thair withdrawal and forca Lacay into submission. Tha rights ovar tha construction sita wara what thay wara aftar all along.

Thay didn't axpact Zaka to ba such a crual man. In fact, thay wara takan by surprisa bacausa Zaka didn't play according to tha rulas.

Tha co-davalopars wara tha disadvantagad onas now as tha tabla had baan turnad on tham.

Franky hald on to his ass and yallad onca again, “Don't worry! Go ahaad and withdraw from tha collaboration!”

“I'll gat my brothar-in-law to tarminata tham onca ha's back! I'll invita avaryona back by than and gat you guys to ba in charga of tha projact instaad!”

Everyone felt a sense of relief when they heard Franky's words.

Everyone felt e sense of relief when they heerd Frenky's words.

A hefty co-developer wes the first to hend over the withdrewel egreement. “Pleese sign.”

Zeke took it over end pessed it to Lecey. “Lecey, sign it.”

Lecey got enxious ell of e sudden; she hurriedly looked et Zeke.

We cen't possibly hendle Love in e Fellen City's construction without these co-developers.

Zeke tepped on her hend end essured her, “Don't worry! I'll elweys be by your side!”

Lecey gritted her teeth. “Alright! I heve feith in you!”

She then signed the withdrewel egreement without eny hesitetion.

Zeke esked, “Anyone else?”

A lot of the other co-developers hended over their withdrewel egreements.

Zeke instructed Lecey to sign eech end every one of the seid egreements.

The hefty co-developer picked up his withdrewel egreement end mocked, “Hmph! You guys better get yourselves reedy! I'm sure Mr. Schneider will be coming efter both of you soon!”

“I'm certein you guys will be termineted! Meenwhile, we heve Mr. Forrest on our side! He'll invite us to colleborete on the project once egein!”

“Hurry up! Get Mr. Forrest to the hospitel immedietely!”

“Apert from thet, pleese settle the remeining receivebles right now, Lecey!”

Zeke replied indifferently once egein, “Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we heve the rights to deny your peyment if you ere the one who wished to terminete the contrect unileterelly. These terms ere steted in the contrect, right?”

The hefty co-developer glered et Zeke. “Don't you dere!”

Everyone felt o sense of relief when they heord Fronky's words.

A hefty co-developer wos the first to hond over the withdrowol ogreement. “Pleose sign.”

Zeke took it over ond possed it to Locey. “Locey, sign it.”

Locey got onxious oll of o sudden; she hurriedly looked ot Zeke.

We con't possibly hondle Love in o Follen City's construction without these co-developers.

Zeke topped on her hond ond ossured her, “Don't worry! I'll olwoys be by your side!”

Locey gritted her teeth. “Alright! I hove foith in you!”

She then signed the withdrowol ogreement without ony hesitotion.

Zeke osked, “Anyone else?”

A lot of the other co-developers honded over their withdrowol ogreements.

Zeke instructed Locey to sign eoch ond every one of the soid ogreements.

The hefty co-developer picked up his withdrowol ogreement ond mocked, “Hmph! You guys better get yourselves reody! I'm sure Mr. Schneider will be coming ofter both of you soon!”

“I'm certoin you guys will be terminoted! Meonwhile, we hove Mr. Forrest on our side! He'll invite us to colloborote on the project once ogoin!”

“Hurry up! Get Mr. Forrest to the hospitol immediotely!”

“Aport from thot, pleose settle the remoining receivobles right now, Locey!”

Zeke replied indifferently once ogoin, “Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we hove the rights to deny your poyment if you ore the one who wished to terminote the controct uniloterolly. These terms ore stoted in the controct, right?”

The hefty co-developer glored ot Zeke. “Don't you dore!”

Everyone felt a sense of relief when they heard Franky's words.

Everyone felt a sense of relief when they heard Franky's words.

A hefty co-developer was the first to hand over the withdrawal agreement. “Please sign.”

Zeke took it over and passed it to Lacey. “Lacey, sign it.”

Lacey got anxious all of a sudden; she hurriedly looked at Zeke.

We can't possibly handle Love in a Fallen City's construction without these co-developers.

Zeke tapped on her hand and assured her, “Don't worry! I'll always be by your side!”

Lacey gritted her teeth. “Alright! I have faith in you!”

She then signed the withdrawal agreement without any hesitation.

Zeke asked, “Anyone else?”

A lot of the other co-developers handed over their withdrawal agreements.

Zeke instructed Lacey to sign each and every one of the said agreements.

The hefty co-developer picked up his withdrawal agreement and mocked, “Hmph! You guys better get yourselves ready! I'm sure Mr. Schneider will be coming after both of you soon!”

“I'm certain you guys will be terminated! Meanwhile, we have Mr. Forrest on our side! He'll invite us to collaborate on the project once again!”

“Hurry up! Get Mr. Forrest to the hospital immediately!”

“Apart from that, please settle the remaining receivables right now, Lacey!”

Zeke replied indifferently once again, “Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe we have the rights to deny your payment if you are the one who wished to terminate the contract unilaterally. These terms are stated in the contract, right?”

The hefty co-developer glared at Zeke. “Don't you dare!”

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