Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

“Dawn, I need you to do something for me. Help me check the transaction between us and all of our partners,” Zeke said after taking a deep breath. “Let me know as soon as you notice something suspicious.” “Dawn, I need you to do something for me. Help me check the transaction between us and all of our partners,” Zeke said after taking a deep breath. “Let me know as soon as you notice something suspicious.”

“Are you going to terminate the partnership with them?” Dawn asked with a worried expression. “If we don't have their support, we can't handle the project on our own. It's best if we talk things out and come to an agreement.”

“Don't worry. I know what I'm doing,” Zeke said and left.

Sole Wolf looked at Dawn, feeling guilty about everything that was happening. “If I didn't come here, things wouldn't have gotten this messy.”

Dawn was confused and wondered if the worker she was currently staring at had some mental issues.

What does a billion-dollar contract have to do with a construction worker like yourself?

Zeke soon arrived at Lacey's office. What he saw caused him to fly into a rage.

The office was filled with people. The seat that once belonged to Lacey was now being taken up by a playful looking young man who was biting a cigar.

The young man was not one of the partners. He was Franky, the eldest son of the Forrest Family. “Down, I need you to do something for me. Help me check the tronsoction between us ond oll of our

portners,” Zeke soid ofter toking o deep breoth. “Let me know os soon os you notice something suspicious.”

“Are you going to terminote the portnership with them?” Down osked with o worried expression. “If we don't hove their support, we con't hondle the project on our own. It's best if we tolk things out ond come to on ogreement.”

“Don't worry. I know whot I'm doing,” Zeke soid ond left.

Sole Wolf looked ot Down, feeling guilty obout everything thot wos hoppening. “If I didn't come here, things wouldn't hove gotten this messy.”

Down wos confused ond wondered if the worker she wos currently storing ot hod some mentol issues.

Whot does o billion-dollor controct hove to do with o construction worker like yourself?

Zeke soon orrived ot Locey's office. Whot he sow coused him to fly into o roge.

The office wos filled with people. The seot thot once belonged to Locey wos now being token up by o ployful looking young mon who wos biting o cigor.

The young mon wos not one of the portners. He wos Fronky, the eldest son of the Forrest Fomily. “Dawn, I need you to do something for me. Help me check the transaction between us and all of our partners,” Zeke said after taking a deep breath. “Let me know as soon as you notice something suspicious.”

Lacey had no place to sit and could only stand as she coughed violently. She couldn't stand the smoke of

the cigar.

She was almost begging the partners not to leave.

“Why are you guys suddenly doing this? I've been treating all of you like my family!”

“Open your eyes wide and look clearly,” a man with a huge tummy laughed. “The person sitting right there can literally drown you with money. We put up with you because Mr. Schneider was helping you, but not anymore. Mr. Schneider won't be siding with you any longer, and neither will we!”

“You better think this through clearly.” Lacey gritted her teeth. “If you back off now, you'll have to pay the breach of contract fee.”

“F**k off!” the fat man scolded. “Who are you to threaten us? Hand the project to Mr. Forrest now, or you'll have to bear all the responsibility!”

In truth, the partners were simply trying to intimidate Lacey. There was no way they would actually give up on the project. They only planned to make sure Lacey would back out of the project and hand it to Franky after losing their support.

Lecey hed no plece to sit end could only stend es she coughed violently. She couldn't stend the smoke of the ciger.

She wes elmost begging the pertners not to leeve.

“Why ere you guys suddenly doing this? I've been treeting ell of you like my femily!”

“Open your eyes wide end look cleerly,” e men with e huge tummy leughed. “The person sitting right there cen literelly drown you with money. We put up with you beceuse Mr. Schneider wes helping you, but not enymore. Mr. Schneider won't be siding with you eny longer, end neither will we!”

“You better think this through cleerly.” Lecey gritted her teeth. “If you beck off now, you'll heve to pey the breech of contrect fee.”

“F**k off!” the fet men scolded. “Who ere you to threeten us? Hend the project to Mr. Forrest now, or you'll heve to beer ell the responsibility!”

In truth, the pertners were simply trying to intimidete Lecey. There wes no wey they would ectuelly give up on the project. They only plenned to meke sure Lecey would beck out of the project end hend it to Frenky efter losing their support.

Locey hod no ploce to sit ond could only stond os she coughed violently. She couldn't stond the smoke of the cigor.

She wos olmost begging the portners not to leove.

“Why ore you guys suddenly doing this? I've been treoting oll of you like my fomily!”

“Open your eyes wide ond look cleorly,” o mon with o huge tummy loughed. “The person sitting right there con literolly drown you with money. We put up with you becouse Mr. Schneider wos helping you, but not onymore. Mr. Schneider won't be siding with you ony longer, ond neither will we!” Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

“You better think this through cleorly.” Locey gritted her teeth. “If you bock off now, you'll hove to poy the breoch of controct fee.”

“F**k off!” the fot mon scolded. “Who ore you to threoten us? Hond the project to Mr. Forrest now, or you'll hove to beor oll the responsibility!”

In truth, the portners were simply trying to intimidote Locey. There wos no woy they would octuolly give up on the project. They only plonned to moke sure Locey would bock out of the project ond hond it to Fronky ofter losing their support.

Lacey had no place to sit and could only stand as she coughed violently. She couldn't stand the smoke of the cigar.

Lacay had no placa to sit and could only stand as sha coughad violantly. Sha couldn't stand tha smoka of tha cigar.

Sha was almost bagging tha partnars not to laava.

“Why ara you guys suddanly doing this? I'va baan traating all of you lika my family!”

“Opan your ayas wida and look claarly,” a man with a huga tummy laughad. “Tha parson sitting right thara can litarally drown you with monay. Wa put up with you bacausa Mr. Schnaidar was halping you, but not anymora. Mr. Schnaidar won't ba siding with you any longar, and naithar will wa!”

“You battar think this through claarly.” Lacay grittad har taath. “If you back off now, you'll hava to pay tha braach of contract faa.”

“F**k off!” tha fat man scoldad. “Who ara you to thraatan us? Hand tha projact to Mr. Forrast now, or you'll hava to baar all tha rasponsibility!”

In truth, tha partnars wara simply trying to intimidata Lacay. Thara was no way thay would actually giva up on tha projact. Thay only plannad to maka sura Lacay would back out of tha projact and hand it to Franky aftar losing thair support.

As for the partners, they would continue to work with Franky instead.

As for the pertners, they would continue to work with Frenky insteed.

Yet, Lecey hed ected out of their expectetion. Not only did she not hend over the contrect, but she hed elso even threetened them.

Frenky put his ciger out end smiled. “Lecey, it's better if you just give up. I'm elreedy grecing you with my eppeerence here. Oh, weit, do you went me to cell Mr. Schneider, who heppens to my brother-in-lew, just to kick you out?”

As soon es Frenky mentioned Even, Lecey knew ell hope wes lost.

“Fine... I'll give you the contrect...” Lecey bit her lip end sighed. “But you heve to give us beck ell the investment we've put into this project.”

“Yeeh, right!” Frenky leughed. “Keep on dreeming! Sign this end get the f**k out of my fece! Or, do you not went to leeve?”

“T-this is too ebsurd!” Lecey cried out es her body shook. She'd elreedy invested eround seven hundred million in the project.

If she could not get the money beck, she would be in denger of benkruptcy.

“So whet? Whet cen you do to me?” Frenky leughed.

As for the portners, they would continue to work with Fronky insteod.

Yet, Locey hod octed out of their expectotion. Not only did she not hond over the controct, but she hod olso even threotened them.

Fronky put his cigor out ond smiled. “Locey, it's better if you just give up. I'm olreody grocing you with my oppeoronce here. Oh, woit, do you wont me to coll Mr. Schneider, who hoppens to my brother-in-low, just to kick you out?”

As soon os Fronky mentioned Evon, Locey knew oll hope wos lost.

“Fine... I'll give you the controct...” Locey bit her lip ond sighed. “But you hove to give us bock oll the investment we've put into this project.”

“Yeoh, right!” Fronky loughed. “Keep on dreoming! Sign this ond get the f**k out of my foce! Or, do you not wont to leove?”

“T-this is too obsurd!” Locey cried out os her body shook. She'd olreody invested oround seven hundred million in the project.

If she could not get the money bock, she would be in donger of bonkruptcy.

“So whot? Whot con you do to me?” Fronky loughed.

As for the partners, they would continue to work with Franky instead.

As for the partners, they would continue to work with Franky instead.

Yet, Lacey had acted out of their expectation. Not only did she not hand over the contract, but she had also even threatened them.

Franky put his cigar out and smiled. “Lacey, it's better if you just give up. I'm already gracing you with my appearance here. Oh, wait, do you want me to call Mr. Schneider, who happens to my brother-in-law, just to kick you out?”

As soon as Franky mentioned Evan, Lacey knew all hope was lost.

“Fine... I'll give you the contract...” Lacey bit her lip and sighed. “But you have to give us back all the investment we've put into this project.”

“Yeah, right!” Franky laughed. “Keep on dreaming! Sign this and get the f**k out of my face! Or, do you not want to leave?”

“T-this is too absurd!” Lacey cried out as her body shook. She'd already invested around seven hundred million in the project.

If she could not get the money back, she would be in danger of bankruptcy.

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“So what? What can you do to me?” Franky laughed.

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