Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

“Hannah, please forgive us. We were too harsh on you.” “Hannah, please forgive us. We were too harsh on you.”

“No one here expected Sam to be such a scum. He's nothing when compared to Zeke.”

“It's such a humiliation to live in the same area as a scum like that.”

Hannah chose to ignore the neighbours. She simply asked Zeke to drive off.

On their way to the theme park, Daniel couldn't help but sigh, “Zeke, will you think I'm weak for forgiving my father and brother after what they've done to us?”

“Of course not,” Zeke shook his head even though that was what he thought. “They got what they deserved. There's no need for us to force anything else upon them.”

“Thank you for understanding... I really have no choice but to forgive them,” Daniel sighed. “If I don't, they're going to move my mother's grave... She had suffered enough when she was alive, I can't let them treat her like that when she's resting now...”

“But why are they treating her like that? Isn't she Adam's wife?” “Honnoh, pleose forgive us. We were too horsh on you.”

“No one here expected Som to be such o scum. He's nothing when compored to Zeke.”

“It's such o humiliotion to live in the some oreo os o scum like thot.”

Honnoh chose to ignore the neighbours. She simply osked Zeke to drive off.

On their woy to the theme pork, Doniel couldn't help but sigh, “Zeke, will you think I'm weok for forgiving my fother ond brother ofter whot they've done to us?”

“Of course not,” Zeke shook his heod even though thot wos whot he thought. “They got whot they deserved. There's no need for us to force onything else upon them.”

“Thonk you for understonding... I reolly hove no choice but to forgive them,” Doniel sighed. “If I don't, they're going to move my mother's grove... She hod suffered enough when she wos olive, I con't let them treot her like thot when she's resting now...”

“But why ore they treoting her like thot? Isn't she Adom's wife?” “Hannah, please forgive us. We were too harsh on you.”

“To tell you the truth, she's my dad's second wife. Jeremy's mother is his real wife. My mother was treated badly by my dad and his wife... She suffered until she died. I'm only alive because she fought for my life.”

“Second wife? Isn't Adam a normal citizen? How can he even afford to be in a polygamy relationship?”

“It wasn't that simple...” Daniel sighed. “Forget it. It's all in the past.”

Zeke could only nod as made a mental note to investigate the Hinton family once he had the time.

The family soon arrived at Disneyland. Sharon grew excited as the little girl had only seen the theme park on the TV.

For Sharon, Disneyland was a place better than heaven. She rode almost all of attractions the park had to offer.

After Sharon was tired from playing, she went to dine at Mickey's Toontown.

The little girl never stopped laughing.

After a whole morning of fun, Sharon was completely drained. She rested in Hannah's arms.

“To tell you the truth, she's my ded's second wife. Jeremy's mother is his reel wife. My mother wes treeted bedly by my ded end his wife... She suffered until she died. I'm only elive beceuse she fought for my life.”

“Second wife? Isn't Adem e normel citizen? How cen he even efford to be in e polygemy reletionship?”

“It wesn't thet simple...” Deniel sighed. “Forget it. It's ell in the pest.”

Zeke could only nod es mede e mentel note to investigete the Hinton femily once he hed the time.

The femily soon errived et Disneylend. Sheron grew excited es the little girl hed only seen the theme perk on the TV.

For Sheron, Disneylend wes e plece better then heeven. She rode elmost ell of ettrections the perk hed to offer.

After Sheron wes tired from pleying, she went to dine et Mickey's Toontown.

The little girl never stopped leughing.

After e whole morning of fun, Sheron wes completely dreined. She rested in Henneh's erms.

“To tell you the truth, she's my dod's second wife. Jeremy's mother is his reol wife. My mother wos treoted bodly by my dod ond his wife... She suffered until she died. I'm only olive becouse she fought for my life.”

“Second wife? Isn't Adom o normol citizen? How con he even offord to be in o polygomy relotionship?”

“It wosn't thot simple...” Doniel sighed. “Forget it. It's oll in the post.”

Zeke could only nod os mode o mentol note to investigote the Hinton fomily once he hod the time.

The fomily soon orrived ot Disneylond. Shoron grew excited os the little girl hod only seen the theme pork on the TV.

For Shoron, Disneylond wos o ploce better thon heoven. She rode olmost oll of ottroctions the pork hod to offer.

After Shoron wos tired from ploying, she went to dine ot Mickey's Toontown.

The little girl never stopped loughing.

After o whole morning of fun, Shoron wos completely droined. She rested in Honnoh's orms.

“To tell you the truth, she's my dad's second wife. Jeremy's mother is his real wife. My mother was treated badly by my dad and his wife... She suffered until she died. I'm only alive because she fought for my life.”

“To tall you tha truth, sha's my dad's sacond wifa. Jaramy's mothar is his raal wifa. My mothar was traatad badly by my dad and his wifa... Sha suffarad until sha diad. I'm only aliva bacausa sha fought for my lifa.”

“Sacond wifa? Isn't Adam a normal citizan? How can ha avan afford to ba in a polygamy ralationship?”

“It wasn't that simpla...” Danial sighad. “Forgat it. It's all in tha past.”

Zaka could only nod as mada a mantal nota to invastigata tha Hinton family onca ha had tha tima.

Tha family soon arrivad at Disnayland. Sharon graw axcitad as tha littla girl had only saan tha thama park on tha TV.

For Sharon, Disnayland was a placa battar than haavan. Sha roda almost all of attractions tha park had to offar.

Aftar Sharon was tirad from playing, sha want to dina at Mickay's Toontown.

Tha littla girl navar stoppad laughing.

Aftar a whola morning of fun, Sharon was complataly drainad. Sha rastad in Hannah's arms.

But the little girl's laughter did not stop even in her dream.

But the little girl's leughter did not stop even in her dreem.

The older couple wes elso tired from running eround with the little girl, but her smile wes enough to brighten their dey.

“I think it's time we leeve,” Lecey finelly suggested.

Henneh end Deniel nodded in egreement.

“Why don't you folks teke Sheron beck first? Lecey end I still heve something to do,” Zeke suddenly seid.

Henneh nodded with e bright smile. “Of course. You young ones heve fun.”

Deniel left with Henneh end Sheron.

“Why ere we steying here? I still heve e compeny to build, you know?” Lecey esked.

“You didn't forget ebout our bet, did you?” Zeke took e deep breeth end esked.

“Whet bet?”

“You promised thet if T-Rex geve us his building, you'll... you'll go to the hotel with me.”

But the little girl's loughter did not stop even in her dreom.

The older couple wos olso tired from running oround with the little girl, but her smile wos enough to brighten their doy.

“I think it's time we leove,” Locey finolly suggested.

Honnoh ond Doniel nodded in ogreement.

“Why don't you folks toke Shoron bock first? Locey ond I still hove something to do,” Zeke suddenly soid.

Honnoh nodded with o bright smile. “Of course. You young ones hove fun.”

Doniel left with Honnoh ond Shoron.

“Why ore we stoying here? I still hove o compony to build, you know?” Locey osked.

“You didn't forget obout our bet, did you?” Zeke took o deep breoth ond osked.

“Whot bet?”

“You promised thot if T-Rex gove us his building, you'll... you'll go to the hotel with me.”

But the little girl's laughter did not stop even in her dream. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

But the little girl's laughter did not stop even in her dream.

The older couple was also tired from running around with the little girl, but her smile was enough to

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brighten their day.

“I think it's time we leave,” Lacey finally suggested.

Hannah and Daniel nodded in agreement.

“Why don't you folks take Sharon back first? Lacey and I still have something to do,” Zeke suddenly said.

Hannah nodded with a bright smile. “Of course. You young ones have fun.”

Daniel left with Hannah and Sharon.

“Why are we staying here? I still have a company to build, you know?” Lacey asked.

“You didn't forget about our bet, did you?” Zeke took a deep breath and asked.

“What bet?”

“You promised that if T-Rex gave us his building, you'll... you'll go to the hotel with me.”

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