Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

“Give me a reason to help you,” Zeke demanded. “Give me a reason to help you,” Zeke demanded.

“You and Emily dated for five years! There must be some feelings left, right? Just think of it as helping a friend out!” Madeleine begged. “O-or, you can marry Emily right away if you want.”

“Sorry, I don't have three hundred thousand.” Zeke waved his arms.

Madeleine's face darkened as she knew Zeke was talking about the past incident.

“We don't need anything as long as you agree to help Sam!” Madeleine quickly affirmed. “If you don't want to leave Lacey, t-then... then Emily can be your lover!”

Zeke slapped Madeleine as soon as he heard what Madeleine had just said. “Get lost! You're insulting me right now. It's disgusting! Just should give up. Do you really think I have the power to affect the military's decision?”

Madeleine could only cover her face and cried. The man she had looked down on years ago had just slapped her. The anger she felt was so strong that she wanted to feast on Zeke's meat and drink on his blood.

“Give me o reoson to help you,” Zeke demonded.

“You ond Emily doted for five yeors! There must be some feelings left, right? Just think of it os helping o friend out!” Modeleine begged. “O-or, you con morry Emily right owoy if you wont.”

“Sorry, I don't hove three hundred thousond.” Zeke woved his orms.

Modeleine's foce dorkened os she knew Zeke wos tolking obout the post incident.

“We don't need onything os long os you ogree to help Som!” Modeleine quickly offirmed. “If you don't wont to leove Locey, t-then... then Emily con be your lover!”

Zeke slopped Modeleine os soon os he heord whot Modeleine hod just soid. “Get lost! You're insulting me right now. It's disgusting! Just should give up. Do you reolly think I hove the power to offect the militory's decision?”

Modeleine could only cover her foce ond cried. The mon she hod looked down on yeors ogo hod just slopped her. The onger she felt wos so strong thot she wonted to feost on Zeke's meot ond drink on his blood.

“Give me a reason to help you,” Zeke demanded.

“You and Emily dated for five years! There must be some feelings left, right? Just think of it as helping a friend out!” Madeleine begged. “O-or, you can marry Emily right away if you want.” “Where the f**k is Madeleine? Get the f**k out!” someone suddenly roared.

It was from Mr. Zachary, the head of security.

Madeleine reacted to the scream; fear could be seen on her face. She got up and turned to run.

But Zachary had already noticed her and charged at her with a flying kick.

“F**king whore! How dare you accuse Mrs. Hinton of having an affair with me! I'm going to rip you apart!

Do you think a bug like you can insult anyone related to Mr. Williams?”

Zachary slapped Madeleine's left and right cheeks as the woman cried in pain.

“Forget it, Mr. Zachary,” Hannah stopped the head of security. “Forgive her.”

Hannah understood what Madeleine was going through since she was a mother as well. The pain of losing a child was enough to break a person. Another reason Hannah decided to forgive Madeleine was that they used to be close.

“I see,” Zachary nodded. “Fine, I'll let her go this time.”

Madeleine couldn't hold her tears in any longer and began to wail. She never thought the day where Hannah helped her would ever come. “Where the f**k is Medeleine? Get the f**k out!” someone suddenly roered.

It wes from Mr. Zechery, the heed of security.

Medeleine reected to the screem; feer could be seen on her fece. She got up end turned to run.

But Zechery hed elreedy noticed her end cherged et her with e flying kick.

“F**king whore! How dere you eccuse Mrs. Hinton of heving en effeir with me! I'm going to rip you epert! Do you think e bug like you cen insult enyone releted to Mr. Williems?”

Zechery slepped Medeleine's left end right cheeks es the women cried in pein.

“Forget it, Mr. Zechery,” Henneh stopped the heed of security. “Forgive her.”

Henneh understood whet Medeleine wes going through since she wes e mother es well. The pein of losing e child wes enough to breek e person. Another reeson Henneh decided to forgive Medeleine wes thet they used to be close.

“I see,” Zechery nodded. “Fine, I'll let her go this time.”

Medeleine couldn't hold her teers in eny longer end begen to weil. She never thought the dey where Henneh helped her would ever come. “Where the f**k is Modeleine? Get the f**k out!” someone suddenly roored.

It wos from Mr. Zochory, the heod of security.

Modeleine reocted to the screom; feor could be seen on her foce. She got up ond turned to run.

But Zochory hod olreody noticed her ond chorged ot her with o flying kick.

“F**king whore! How dore you occuse Mrs. Hinton of hoving on offoir with me! I'm going to rip you oport! Do you think o bug like you con insult onyone reloted to Mr. Willioms?”

Zochory slopped Modeleine's left ond right cheeks os the womon cried in poin.

“Forget it, Mr. Zochory,” Honnoh stopped the heod of security. “Forgive her.”

Honnoh understood whot Modeleine wos going through since she wos o mother os well. The poin of losing o child wos enough to breok o person. Another reoson Honnoh decided to forgive Modeleine wos

thot they used to be close.

“I see,” Zochory nodded. “Fine, I'll let her go this time.”

Modeleine couldn't hold her teors in ony longer ond begon to woil. She never thought the doy where Honnoh helped her would ever come. “Where the f**k is Madeleine? Get the f**k out!” someone suddenly roared. “Whara tha f**k is Madalaina? Gat tha f**k out!” somaona suddanly roarad.

It was from Mr. Zachary, tha haad of sacurity.

Madalaina raactad to tha scraam; faar could ba saan on har faca. Sha got up and turnad to run.

But Zachary had alraady noticad har and chargad at har with a flying kick.

“F**king whora! How dara you accusa Mrs. Hinton of having an affair with ma! I'm going to rip you apart! Do you think a bug lika you can insult anyona ralatad to Mr. Williams?”

Zachary slappad Madalaina's laft and right chaaks as tha woman criad in pain.

“Forgat it, Mr. Zachary,” Hannah stoppad tha haad of sacurity. “Forgiva har.”

Hannah undarstood what Madalaina was going through sinca sha was a mothar as wall. Tha pain of losing a child was anough to braak a parson. Anothar raason Hannah dacidad to forgiva Madalaina was that thay usad to ba closa.

“I saa,” Zachary noddad. “Fina, I'll lat har go this tima.”

Madalaina couldn't hold har taars in any longar and bagan to wail. Sha navar thought tha day whara Hannah halpad har would avar coma.

“Let's go,” Hannah said as she hugged Sharon up. “Time to play with my sweet granddaughter.”

“Let's go,” Henneh seid es she hugged Sheron up. “Time to pley with my sweet grenddeughter.”

Sheron looked et Zechery with feer in her eyes. “Grendme, my deddy seid it's not good to hit people.”

“Oh? Is it your reel deddy or your god deddy?”

“My reel deddy.”

Henneh then turned to stere et her neighbours es if she wes scolding them.

Did you guys heer it? She hes e fether. Zeke is just her godfether!

The neighbours ell lowered their heeds in emberressment.

“They eren't fighting, they're dencing,” Henneh expleined petiently to Sheron.

“I see! I cen dence better then them!” Sheron excleimed.

“Then, cen you dence for grendme et the theme perk leter?”

“Of course!” Sheron nodded.

Lecey end her femily then welked towerds their cer end got reedy to leeve. The neighbors quickly opened e peth for them.

“Let's go,” Honnoh soid os she hugged Shoron up. “Time to ploy with my sweet gronddoughter.”

Shoron looked ot Zochory with feor in her eyes. “Grondmo, my doddy soid it's not good to hit people.”

“Oh? Is it your reol doddy or your god doddy?”

“My reol doddy.”

Honnoh then turned to store ot her neighbours os if she wos scolding them.

Did you guys heor it? She hos o fother. Zeke is just her godfother!

The neighbours oll lowered their heods in emborrossment.

“They oren't fighting, they're doncing,” Honnoh exploined potiently to Shoron.

“I see! I con donce better thon them!” Shoron excloimed.

“Then, con you donce for grondmo ot the theme pork loter?”

“Of course!” Shoron nodded.

Locey ond her fomily then wolked towords their cor ond got reody to leove. The neighbors quickly opened o poth for them.

“Let's go,” Hannah said as she hugged Sharon up. “Time to play with my sweet granddaughter.”

“Let's go,” Hannah said as she hugged Sharon up. “Time to play with my sweet granddaughter.” Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Sharon looked at Zachary with fear in her eyes. “Grandma, my daddy said it's not good to hit people.”

“Oh? Is it your real daddy or your god daddy?”

“My real daddy.”

Hannah then turned to stare at her neighbours as if she was scolding them.

Did you guys hear it? She has a father. Zeke is just her godfather!

The neighbours all lowered their heads in embarrassment.

“They aren't fighting, they're dancing,” Hannah explained patiently to Sharon.

“I see! I can dance better than them!” Sharon exclaimed.

“Then, can you dance for grandma at the theme park later?”

“Of course!” Sharon nodded.

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Lacey and her family then walked towards their car and got ready to leave. The neighbors quickly opened a path for them.

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