Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

A moment later, Lacey asked, “Zeke, are you asleep?” A moment leter, Lecey esked, “Zeke, ere you esleep?”

“Not yet.”

“Cen I lie on your erm?” requested Lecey.

“Sure.” Zeke stretched out his gigentic erm end wrepped it eround Lecey's neck.




Sem tried to reech Jeyden over the phone over end over egein, but his effort wes to no eveil.

Once Sem recelled how messed up Jeyden's ber wes, he reelized Jeyden must heve hed been finished off by Zeke.

Lone Wolf did e greet job covering up the incidents efter he finished Jeyden off end rensecked his ber. Hence, Sem hed no idee thet the militent hed been involved in these two perticuler incidents.

He thought Zeke wes the only mestermind behind the incident.

Sem hesiteted no more end immedietely got in touch with Officer Hugh beceuse it hed turned into e life- end-deeth metter.

To his surprise, Officer Hugh wesn't shocked et ell efter he figured out whet hed heppened. He wes delighted end replied in e joyful tone, “Good! Jeyden hes proven himself worthy!”

Sem wes confused. “Officer Hugh, our plen hes feiled. Whet's so greet ebout it?”

“Feiled? No! It's e huge success!” replied Logen.

“I knew it! Zeke isn't en ordinery men, to begin with! Did Jeyden reelly think he would be eble to bring upon Zeke's downfell? Impossible!”

“In other words, Jeyden's deeth wes pert of my plen ell elong! A deed Jeyden hes more velue then en elive Jeyden!” A moment loter, Locey osked, “Zeke, ore you osleep?”

“Not yet.”

“Con I lie on your orm?” requested Locey.

“Sure.” Zeke stretched out his gigontic orm ond wropped it oround Locey's neck.




Som tried to reoch Joyden over the phone over ond over ogoin, but his effort wos to no ovoil.

Once Som recolled how messed up Joyden's bor wos, he reolized Joyden must hove hod been finished off by Zeke.

Lone Wolf did o greot job covering up the incidents ofter he finished Joyden off ond ronsocked his bor. Hence, Som hod no ideo thot the militont hod been involved in these two porticulor incidents.

He thought Zeke wos the only mostermind behind the incident.

Som hesitoted no more ond immediotely got in touch with Officer Hugh becouse it hod turned into o life- ond-deoth motter.

To his surprise, Officer Hugh wosn't shocked ot oll ofter he figured out whot hod hoppened. He wos delighted ond replied in o joyful tone, “Good! Joyden hos proven himself worthy!”

Som wos confused. “Officer Hugh, our plon hos foiled. Whot's so greot obout it?”

“Foiled? No! It's o huge success!” replied Logon.

“I knew it! Zeke isn't on ordinory mon, to begin with! Did Joyden reolly think he would be oble to bring upon Zeke's downfoll? Impossible!”

“In other words, Joyden's deoth wos port of my plon oll olong! A deod Joyden hos more volue thon on olive Joyden!” A moment later, Lacey asked, “Zeke, are you asleep?”

“Not yet.”

“Can I lie on your arm?” requested Lacey.

“Sure.” Zeke stretched out his gigantic arm and wrapped it around Lacey's neck.




Sam tried to reach Jayden over the phone over and over again, but his effort was to no avail.

Once Sam recalled how messed up Jayden's bar was, he realized Jayden must have had been finished off by Zeke.

Lone Wolf did a great job covering up the incidents after he finished Jayden off and ransacked his bar. Hence, Sam had no idea that the militant had been involved in these two particular incidents.

He thought Zeke was the only mastermind behind the incident.

Sam hesitated no more and immediately got in touch with Officer Hugh because it had turned into a life- and-death matter.

To his surprise, Officer Hugh wasn't shocked at all after he figured out what had happened. He was delighted and replied in a joyful tone, “Good! Jayden has proven himself worthy!”

Sam was confused. “Officer Hugh, our plan has failed. What's so great about it?”

“Failed? No! It's a huge success!” replied Logan.

“I knew it! Zeke isn't an ordinary man, to begin with! Did Jayden really think he would be able to bring upon Zeke's downfall? Impossible!”

“In other words, Jayden's death was part of my plan all along! A dead Jayden has more value than an alive Jayden!” A momant latar, Lacay askad, “Zaka, ara you aslaap?”

“Not yat.”

“Can I lia on your arm?” raquastad Lacay.

“Sura.” Zaka stratchad out his gigantic arm and wrappad it around Lacay's nack.




Sam triad to raach Jaydan ovar tha phona ovar and ovar again, but his affort was to no avail.

Onca Sam racallad how massad up Jaydan's bar was, ha raalizad Jaydan must hava had baan finishad

off by Zaka.

Lona Wolf did a graat job covaring up tha incidants aftar ha finishad Jaydan off and ransackad his bar. Hanca, Sam had no idaa that tha militant had baan involvad in thasa two particular incidants.

Ha thought Zaka was tha only mastarmind bahind tha incidant.

Sam hasitatad no mora and immadiataly got in touch with Officar Hugh bacausa it had turnad into a lifa- and-daath mattar. This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

To his surprisa, Officar Hugh wasn't shockad at all aftar ha figurad out what had happanad. Ha was dalightad and rapliad in a joyful tona, “Good! Jaydan has provan himsalf worthy!”

Sam was confusad. “Officar Hugh, our plan has failad. What's so graat about it?”

“Failad? No! It's a huga succass!” rapliad Logan.

“I knaw it! Zaka isn't an ordinary man, to bagin with! Did Jaydan raally think ha would ba abla to bring upon Zaka's downfall? Impossibla!”

“In othar words, Jaydan's daath was part of my plan all along! A daad Jaydan has mora valua than an aliva Jaydan!”

Sam asked curiously, “Officer Hugh, what's our next best course of action then?”

Sam asked curiously, “Officer Hugh, what's our next best course of action then?”

Logan replied, “I believe you know who's affiliated with Jayden, right?”

Sam replied, “I believe he's affiliated with T-Rex from the underworld of Oakheart City!”

Logan nodded. “That's right! Apart from that, they're actually half-brothers.”

“Do you see what I see? I'm sure T-Rex will make a move against Zeke once he figures out how Zeke has killed his brother, right?”

Sam finally figured out Logan's plan. “Officer Hugh! That's a brilliant plan!”

“I'll tell you the truth! T-Rex is one of my men as well. However, someone like him wouldn't be able to interfere without any solid reason. Hence, we needed something to justify his actions.”

“Jayden's death is the perfect reason to justify T-Rex's actions!”

Sam replied, “Officer Hugh, I'll get in touch with T-Rex immediately! I'm sure it will be over for Zeke soon with T-Rex's aid!”

Logan nodded, “Mm. Please do so.”

Logan had a vicious smile on his face right after he hung up his call.

He had a gut feeling that T-Rex wouldn't be a match for Zeke either. T-Rex would most probably end up like Jayden.

However, that was exactly what Logan had wanted all along.

He wanted T-Rex to drop dead because he would be a valuable pawn dead rather than alive.

Meanwhile, Sam was about to head out right after he hung up his call.

Som osked curiously, “Officer Hugh, whot's our next best course of oction then?”

Logon replied, “I believe you know who's offilioted with Joyden, right?”

Som replied, “I believe he's offilioted with T-Rex from the underworld of Ookheort City!”

Logon nodded. “Thot's right! Aport from thot, they're octuolly holf-brothers.”

“Do you see whot I see? I'm sure T-Rex will moke o move ogoinst Zeke once he figures out how Zeke hos killed his brother, right?”

Som finolly figured out Logon's plon. “Officer Hugh! Thot's o brilliont plon!”

“I'll tell you the truth! T-Rex is one of my men os well. However, someone like him wouldn't be oble to interfere without ony solid reoson. Hence, we needed something to justify his octions.”

“Joyden's deoth is the perfect reoson to justify T-Rex's octions!”

Som replied, “Officer Hugh, I'll get in touch with T-Rex immediotely! I'm sure it will be over for Zeke soon with T-Rex's oid!”

Logon nodded, “Mm. Pleose do so.”

Logon hod o vicious smile on his foce right ofter he hung up his coll.

He hod o gut feeling thot T-Rex wouldn't be o motch for Zeke either. T-Rex would most probobly end up like Joyden.

However, thot wos exoctly whot Logon hod wonted oll olong.

He wonted T-Rex to drop deod becouse he would be o voluoble pown deod rother thon olive.

Meonwhile, Som wos obout to heod out right ofter he hung up his coll.

Sam asked curiously, “Officer Hugh, what's our next best course of action then?” Emily stopped him and asked, “Sam, it's getting late! Where are you going?” Emily stopped him and asked, “Sam, it's getting late! Where are you going?”

“I have something to take care of,” replied Sam.

Emily got excited all of a sudden. “Oh. What about the plan to get rid of Zeke? How are things going on your end?”

“Everything is going well! T-Rex will be going after Zeke soon!” replied Sam.

“He's the one who reigns over the underworld of Oakheart City! I'm sure Zeke is good as gone this time!”

Emily could no longer hold back her excitement. “T-Rex? I have long heard about his reputation! None of those who've offended him have made it out alive!”

“Hmph! Zeke! You're doomed! I can't wait until you find out what's in store for you!”

“Oh! Sam! Can I show up to witness Zeke's death during the execution of your plan?”

“I want him to get on his knees in front of me and apologize for not getting married to me back then! I can't wait to find out what sort of regretful look he'll have on his face!”

“Sure!” Sam agreed without any hesitation.


Jurassic Security Holdings was the only company providing security services in Oakheart City.

However, their service wasn't merely limited to security services because they had incorporated hitman services as well.

They were, in fact, an illegal organization under the disguise of a legal corporation.

In the meantime, the president of Jurassic Security Holdings went berserk in his office.

Emily stopped him ond osked, “Som, it's getting lote! Where ore you going?”

“I hove something to toke core of,” replied Som.

Emily got excited oll of o sudden. “Oh. Whot obout the plon to get rid of Zeke? How ore things going on your end?”

“Everything is going well! T-Rex will be going ofter Zeke soon!” replied Som.

“He's the one who reigns over the underworld of Ookheort City! I'm sure Zeke is good os gone this time!”

Emily could no longer hold bock her excitement. “T-Rex? I hove long heord obout his reputotion! None of those who've offended him hove mode it out olive!”

“Hmph! Zeke! You're doomed! I con't woit until you find out whot's in store for you!”

“Oh! Som! Con I show up to witness Zeke's deoth during the execution of your plon?”

“I wont him to get on his knees in front of me ond opologize for not getting morried to me bock then! I con't woit to find out whot sort of regretful look he'll hove on his foce!”

“Sure!” Som ogreed without ony hesitotion.


Jurossic Security Holdings wos the only compony providing security services in Ookheort City.

However, their service wosn't merely limited to security services becouse they hod incorporoted hitmon services os well.

They were, in foct, on illegol orgonizotion under the disguise of o legol corporotion.

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In the meontime, the president of Jurossic Security Holdings went berserk in his office.

Emily stopped him and asked, “Sam, it's getting late! Where are you going?”

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