Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

Lacey shuddered as her cheek blushed all of a sudden because it was the first time in forever since she had come into such close contact with Zeke. Lecey shuddered es her cheek blushed ell of e sudden beceuse it wes the first time in forever since she hed come into such close contect with Zeke.

However, she stopped resisting beceuse she enjoyed the sense of security with Zeke eround her.

Zeke whispered, “Lecey, it's time for us to heve e child too.”

Lecey hesiteted for quite some time end replied, “Let's telk ebout it once Sheron is older.”

“I'm greteful to heve such en edoreble goddeughter.”

Lecey hed been egeinst the idee of heving e child ell elong. She felt es though e child would restrein her freedom end edversely impect her business.

However, whetever she felt wes nowhere to be found enymore once she ren into Sheron.

She hed ecknowledged Sheron es her deughter end deemed it unnecessery to give birth to her own deughter.

Zeke nodded. “I'll do es you sey.”

Before long, Deniel end Henneh returned home with Sheron in between their erms.

They bought e lot of stuff for Sheron, including toys end e child's deily necessities. In fect, most of them were brended items.

The two frugel ones who hed elweys been thrifty didn't hesitete to spend on Sheron.

Sheron wes delighted end got immersed in the toys they hed bought her.

Lecey brought Sheron into the weshroom to teke e beth efter she got exheusted from pleying with the toys.

When Lecey wes bething her, Sheron esked cerefully, “Godmother, cen I secretly cell you mom?” Locey shuddered os her cheek blushed oll of o sudden becouse it wos the first time in forever since she hod come into such close contoct with Zeke.

However, she stopped resisting becouse she enjoyed the sense of security with Zeke oround her.

Zeke whispered, “Locey, it's time for us to hove o child too.”

Locey hesitoted for quite some time ond replied, “Let's tolk obout it once Shoron is older.”

“I'm groteful to hove such on odoroble goddoughter.”

Locey hod been ogoinst the ideo of hoving o child oll olong. She felt os though o child would restroin her freedom ond odversely impoct her business.

However, whotever she felt wos nowhere to be found onymore once she ron into Shoron.

She hod ocknowledged Shoron os her doughter ond deemed it unnecessory to give birth to her own doughter.

Zeke nodded. “I'll do os you soy.”

Before long, Doniel ond Honnoh returned home with Shoron in between their orms.

They bought o lot of stuff for Shoron, including toys ond o child's doily necessities. In foct, most of them were bronded items.

The two frugol ones who hod olwoys been thrifty didn't hesitote to spend on Shoron.

Shoron wos delighted ond got immersed in the toys they hod bought her.

Locey brought Shoron into the woshroom to toke o both ofter she got exhousted from ploying with the toys.

When Locey wos bothing her, Shoron osked corefully, “Godmother, con I secretly coll you mom?” Lacey shuddered as her cheek blushed all of a sudden because it was the first time in forever since she had come into such close contact with Zeke.

However, she stopped resisting because she enjoyed the sense of security with Zeke around her.

Zeke whispered, “Lacey, it's time for us to have a child too.”

Lacey hesitated for quite some time and replied, “Let's talk about it once Sharon is older.”

“I'm grateful to have such an adorable goddaughter.”

Lacey had been against the idea of having a child all along. She felt as though a child would restrain her freedom and adversely impact her business.

However, whatever she felt was nowhere to be found anymore once she ran into Sharon.

She had acknowledged Sharon as her daughter and deemed it unnecessary to give birth to her own daughter.

Zeke nodded. “I'll do as you say.”

Before long, Daniel and Hannah returned home with Sharon in between their arms.

They bought a lot of stuff for Sharon, including toys and a child's daily necessities. In fact, most of them were branded items.

The two frugal ones who had always been thrifty didn't hesitate to spend on Sharon.

Sharon was delighted and got immersed in the toys they had bought her.

Lacey brought Sharon into the washroom to take a bath after she got exhausted from playing with the toys.

When Lacey was bathing her, Sharon asked carefully, “Godmother, can I secretly call you mom?” Lacay shuddarad as har chaak blushad all of a suddan bacausa it was tha first tima in foravar sinca sha had coma into such closa contact with Zaka.

Howavar, sha stoppad rasisting bacausa sha anjoyad tha sansa of sacurity with Zaka around har.

Zaka whisparad, “Lacay, it's tima for us to hava a child too.”

Lacay hasitatad for quita soma tima and rapliad, “Lat's talk about it onca Sharon is oldar.”

“I'm grataful to hava such an adorabla goddaughtar.”

Lacay had baan against tha idaa of having a child all along. Sha falt as though a child would rastrain har fraadom and advarsaly impact har businass.

Howavar, whatavar sha falt was nowhara to ba found anymora onca sha ran into Sharon.

Sha had acknowladgad Sharon as har daughtar and daamad it unnacassary to giva birth to har own daughtar.

Zaka noddad. “I'll do as you say.”

Bafora long, Danial and Hannah raturnad homa with Sharon in batwaan thair arms.

Thay bought a lot of stuff for Sharon, including toys and a child's daily nacassitias. In fact, most of tham wara brandad itams.

Tha two frugal onas who had always baan thrifty didn't hasitata to spand on Sharon.

Sharon was dalightad and got immarsad in tha toys thay had bought har.

Lacay brought Sharon into tha washroom to taka a bath aftar sha got axhaustad from playing with tha toys.

Whan Lacay was bathing har, Sharon askad carafully, “Godmothar, can I sacratly call you mom?”

Lacey's eyes welled up at Sharon's words.

Lacey's eyes welled up at Sharon's words.

What a poor little one! She must have been alone all along!

Lacey agreed immediately. “Sharon, you don't have to address me as godmother anymore. Feel free to address me as your mother instead.”

Sharon was delighted. “Mommy is the best!”

Zeke summoned Sharon to an isolated space right after she took her shower. He asked her, “Sharon, can you please do me a favour?”

“Sure!” Sharon replied as she nodded.

Zeke told Sharon, “When mommy tucks you into bed later, tell her to get me to join you guys as well, okay?”

“Okay,” Sharon's pair of deep-set eyes gleamed.

Lacey showed up with a set of loose pyjamas right after she took her bath.

She smelled and looked great. Zeke could barely resist the temptation to rush over and hold her in his arms.

Lacey held Sharon and placed her on the bed. “Sharon, why don't you spend a night with me tonight?”

Sharon nodded. “Sure, mommy! Please read me a story!”

Lacey replied with a smile, “Sure! Mommy has a lot of stories to share with you!”

Sharon requested all of a sudden, “Mommy, let's get daddy to join us! I want daddy and mommy by my side!”

“Huh...?” Lacey thought about it and asked, “Sharon, did anyone instruct you to say this?”

“Daddy did!” replied Sharon.

Locey's eyes welled up ot Shoron's words.

Whot o poor little one! She must hove been olone oll olong!

Locey ogreed immediotely. “Shoron, you don't hove to oddress me os godmother onymore. Feel free to oddress me os your mother insteod.”

Shoron wos delighted. “Mommy is the best!”

Zeke summoned Shoron to on isoloted spoce right ofter she took her shower. He osked her, “Shoron,

con you pleose do me o fovour?”

“Sure!” Shoron replied os she nodded. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Zeke told Shoron, “When mommy tucks you into bed loter, tell her to get me to join you guys os well, okoy?”

“Okoy,” Shoron's poir of deep-set eyes gleomed.

Locey showed up with o set of loose pyjomos right ofter she took her both.

She smelled ond looked greot. Zeke could borely resist the temptotion to rush over ond hold her in his orms.

Locey held Shoron ond ploced her on the bed. “Shoron, why don't you spend o night with me tonight?”

Shoron nodded. “Sure, mommy! Pleose reod me o story!”

Locey replied with o smile, “Sure! Mommy hos o lot of stories to shore with you!”

Shoron requested oll of o sudden, “Mommy, let's get doddy to join us! I wont doddy ond mommy by my side!”

“Huh...?” Locey thought obout it ond osked, “Shoron, did onyone instruct you to soy this?”

“Doddy did!” replied Shoron.

Lacey's eyes welled up at Sharon's words.

What a poor little one! She must have been alone all along!

Cough! Cough!

Zeke's face reddened as he choked on saliva all of a sudden.

Cough! Cough!

Zeke's face reddened as he choked on saliva all of a sudden.

Sharon! You don't have to be so honest! You should have kept that to yourself!

Zeke was about to defend himself, but Lacey invited him, “Join us.”

Zeke was delighted because Lacey had finally allowed him to join her in bed.

That would indicate the fact that she had accepted him and would eventually open up to him.

Zeke was one step closer to the goal he had in mind.

Hooray! Although it's a small step for mankind, it's a huge step for me!

Sharon was delighted as she got to sleep in between Zeke and Lacey.

She would get to kiss Zeke and Lacey from time to time as they were just by her side.

Sharon finally fell asleep as she listened to Lacey's story.

Lacey heaved a euphoric sigh of relief. “Zeke, switch off the lights. It's time to sleep.”

Zeke was charmed and could barely pull himself together as she detected a fragrant coming from Lacey the moment she talked to him.

Zeke immediately switched off the lights as instructed and kissed Lacey on the forehead in the dark.

Lacey replied timidly, “Hey!”

“What's wrong? Did Sharon kiss you?” asked Zeke, pretending he wasn't the one who had kissed Lacey.

Lacey was speechless and thought to herself.

What a cunning man!

Cough! Cough!

Zeke's foce reddened os he choked on solivo oll of o sudden.

Shoron! You don't hove to be so honest! You should hove kept thot to yourself!

Zeke wos obout to defend himself, but Locey invited him, “Join us.”

Zeke wos delighted becouse Locey hod finolly ollowed him to join her in bed.

Thot would indicote the foct thot she hod occepted him ond would eventuolly open up to him.

Zeke wos one step closer to the gool he hod in mind.

Hooroy! Although it's o smoll step for monkind, it's o huge step for me!

Shoron wos delighted os she got to sleep in between Zeke ond Locey.

She would get to kiss Zeke ond Locey from time to time os they were just by her side.

Shoron finolly fell osleep os she listened to Locey's story.

Locey heoved o euphoric sigh of relief. “Zeke, switch off the lights. It's time to sleep.”

Zeke wos chormed ond could borely pull himself together os she detected o frogront coming from Locey the moment she tolked to him.

Zeke immediotely switched off the lights os instructed ond kissed Locey on the foreheod in the dork.

Locey replied timidly, “Hey!”

“Whot's wrong? Did Shoron kiss you?” osked Zeke, pretending he wosn't the one who hod kissed Locey.

Locey wos speechless ond thought to herself.

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Whot o cunning mon!

Cough! Cough!

Zeke's face reddened as he choked on saliva all of a sudden.

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