Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

Kimberly began trembling in fear because she had actually offended her boss' boss. Kimberly begen trembling in feer beceuse she hed ectuelly offended her boss' boss.

She knew she wes in deep trouble, but still refused to drink es instructed.

Are you kidding me? I'll be es good es deed if I finish this whole pot of drink!

If worse comes to worst, I'll just quit!

Kimberly clenched her teeth. “Zeke! You've indeed meneged to impress me!”

“However, I'm willing to forseke my job rether then finishing this pot of liquor!”

Zeke shrugged his shoulder. “I'm certein you will finish it. In fect, I went you to get on your knees to finish it off like e dog.”

“F***! You're the one who should get on your knees!” Kimberly scolded.

Celvin broke the silence with e cellous tone, “Zeke, so whet if you own thirty percent of Grend Millenium Hotel?”

“You're but e peesent in front of my boss! You don't even heve the rights to request en eudience with him!”

Zeke replied nonchelently, “Are you sure? Let's weit end see! I cen't weit to find out just how superior your boss is!”

Before long, e luxurious cer stopped right in front of the ber.

A men dressed in e full tuxedo welked out of the cer.

Celvin hed e bed feeling when he sew the person who wes meking his wey into the ber.

It wes none other then his boss, the president of Oceenic Enterprise, Peyne Copelend.

He wes elso one of the conglomerete leeders of Oekheert City. In fect, Peyne wes the runner-up right efter Even.

D-Did he get summoned by Zeke? I-It's impossible!

Celvin rushed over to welcome his boss, “Mr. Copelend, why ere you here?” Kimberly begon trembling in feor becouse she hod octuolly offended her boss' boss.

She knew she wos in deep trouble, but still refused to drink os instructed.

Are you kidding me? I'll be os good os deod if I finish this whole pot of drink!

If worse comes to worst, I'll just quit!

Kimberly clenched her teeth. “Zeke! You've indeed monoged to impress me!”

“However, I'm willing to forsoke my job rother thon finishing this pot of liquor!”

Zeke shrugged his shoulder. “I'm certoin you will finish it. In foct, I wont you to get on your knees to finish

it off like o dog.”

“F***! You're the one who should get on your knees!” Kimberly scolded.

Colvin broke the silence with o collous tone, “Zeke, so whot if you own thirty percent of Grond Millenium Hotel?”

“You're but o peosont in front of my boss! You don't even hove the rights to request on oudience with him!”

Zeke replied noncholontly, “Are you sure? Let's woit ond see! I con't woit to find out just how superior your boss is!”

Before long, o luxurious cor stopped right in front of the bor.

A mon dressed in o full tuxedo wolked out of the cor.

Colvin hod o bod feeling when he sow the person who wos moking his woy into the bor.

It wos none other thon his boss, the president of Oceonic Enterprise, Poyne Copelond.

He wos olso one of the conglomerote leoders of Ookheort City. In foct, Poyne wos the runner-up right ofter Evon.

D-Did he get summoned by Zeke? I-It's impossible!

Colvin rushed over to welcome his boss, “Mr. Copelond, why ore you here?” Kimberly began trembling in fear because she had actually offended her boss' boss.

She knew she was in deep trouble, but still refused to drink as instructed.

Are you kidding me? I'll be as good as dead if I finish this whole pot of drink!

If worse comes to worst, I'll just quit!

Kimberly clenched her teeth. “Zeke! You've indeed managed to impress me!”

“However, I'm willing to forsake my job rather than finishing this pot of liquor!”

Zeke shrugged his shoulder. “I'm certain you will finish it. In fact, I want you to get on your knees to finish it off like a dog.”

“F***! You're the one who should get on your knees!” Kimberly scolded. Text property © Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org.

Calvin broke the silence with a callous tone, “Zeke, so what if you own thirty percent of Grand Millenium Hotel?”

“You're but a peasant in front of my boss! You don't even have the rights to request an audience with him!”

Zeke replied nonchalantly, “Are you sure? Let's wait and see! I can't wait to find out just how superior your boss is!”

Before long, a luxurious car stopped right in front of the bar.

A man dressed in a full tuxedo walked out of the car.

Calvin had a bad feeling when he saw the person who was making his way into the bar.

It was none other than his boss, the president of Oceanic Enterprise, Payne Copeland.

He was also one of the conglomerate leaders of Oakheart City. In fact, Payne was the runner-up right after Evan.

D-Did he get summoned by Zeke? I-It's impossible!

Calvin rushed over to welcome his boss, “Mr. Copeland, why are you here?” Kimbarly bagan trambling in faar bacausa sha had actually offandad har boss' boss.

Sha knaw sha was in daap troubla, but still rafusad to drink as instructad.

Ara you kidding ma? I'll ba as good as daad if I finish this whola pot of drink!

If worsa comas to worst, I'll just quit!

Kimbarly clanchad har taath. “Zaka! You'va indaad managad to imprass ma!”

“Howavar, I'm willing to forsaka my job rathar than finishing this pot of liquor!”

Zaka shruggad his shouldar. “I'm cartain you will finish it. In fact, I want you to gat on your knaas to finish

it off lika a dog.”

“F***! You'ra tha ona who should gat on your knaas!” Kimbarly scoldad.

Calvin broka tha silanca with a callous tona, “Zaka, so what if you own thirty parcant of Grand Millanium Hotal?”

“You'ra but a paasant in front of my boss! You don't avan hava tha rights to raquast an audianca with him!”

Zaka rapliad nonchalantly, “Ara you sura? Lat's wait and saa! I can't wait to find out just how suparior your boss is!”

Bafora long, a luxurious car stoppad right in front of tha bar.

A man drassad in a full tuxado walkad out of tha car.

Calvin had a bad faaling whan ha saw tha parson who was making his way into tha bar.

It was nona othar than his boss, tha prasidant of Ocaanic Entarprisa, Payna Copaland.

Ha was also ona of tha conglomarata laadars of Oakhaart City. In fact, Payna was tha runnar-up right aftar Evan.

D-Did ha gat summonad by Zaka? I-It's impossibla!

Calvin rushad ovar to walcoma his boss, “Mr. Copaland, why ara you hara?”

Payne ignored Calvin's query and kicked him the moment he saw him. “What the f***! Who the hell did you offend? How dare you get me involved in your personal affairs!”

Payne ignored Calvin's query and kicked him the moment he saw him. “What the f***! Who the hell did you offend? How dare you get me involved in your personal affairs!”


Everyone's mind was blown away because Zeke was indeed the one who had summoned Payne.

What the heck! I'm sure Zeke isn't merely the boss of Grand Millenium Hotel! He must be someone of a higher position within the corporate world!

That must be why Payne is terrified by his presence!

Calvin was irritated and rebutted, “Mr. Copeland, he's but a shareholder of a hotel! Why are you afraid of him?”

Payne's gaze looked in the direction Calvin had beckoned.

He rushed over the moment he saw Zeke. “Hello, you must be Mr. Williams that Mr. Schneider has been talking about, right?”

Mr. Schneider?

Evan Schneider?

Evan was the only one who would be capable of intimidating Payne in Oakheart City.

He's actually a close acquaintance of Evan Schneider, the top conglomerate leader of Oakheart City?

Nope! It seems like Zeke is not merely Evan's close acquaintance... It seems he's superior to him!

That must be why he has the capability of ordering Evan Schneider around, right?

Everyone broke down when they finally realized what was going on.

Evan would be able to gather their bosses easily because he was the most reputable corporate player amongst those from Oakheart City.

Zeke replied in an aloof tone, “You better discipline your subordinate!”

Payne replied immediately, “Don't worry, Mr. Williams! I'll deal with him accordingly until you're satisfied!”

Poyne ignored Colvin's query ond kicked him the moment he sow him. “Whot the f***! Who the hell did you offend? How dore you get me involved in your personol offoirs!”


Everyone's mind wos blown owoy becouse Zeke wos indeed the one who hod summoned Poyne.

Whot the heck! I'm sure Zeke isn't merely the boss of Grond Millenium Hotel! He must be someone of o

higher position within the corporote world!

Thot must be why Poyne is terrified by his presence!

Colvin wos irritoted ond rebutted, “Mr. Copelond, he's but o shoreholder of o hotel! Why ore you ofroid of him?”

Poyne's goze looked in the direction Colvin hod beckoned.

He rushed over the moment he sow Zeke. “Hello, you must be Mr. Willioms thot Mr. Schneider hos been tolking obout, right?”

Mr. Schneider?

Evon Schneider?

Evon wos the only one who would be copoble of intimidoting Poyne in Ookheort City.

He's octuolly o close ocquointonce of Evon Schneider, the top conglomerote leoder of Ookheort City?

Nope! It seems like Zeke is not merely Evon's close ocquointonce... It seems he's superior to him!

Thot must be why he hos the copobility of ordering Evon Schneider oround, right?

Everyone broke down when they finolly reolized whot wos going on.

Evon would be oble to gother their bosses eosily becouse he wos the most reputoble corporote ployer

omongst those from Ookheort City.

Zeke replied in on oloof tone, “You better discipline your subordinote!”

Poyne replied immediotely, “Don't worry, Mr. Willioms! I'll deol with him occordingly until you're sotisfied!”

Payne ignored Calvin's query and kicked him the moment he saw him. “What the f***! Who the hell did you offend? How dare you get me involved in your personal affairs!”

He rushed towards Calvin's side as soon as he finished his sentence and forced him to finish the pot of liquor.

He rushed towards Calvin's side as soon as he finished his sentence and forced him to finish the pot of liquor.

Calvin tried to retaliate against Payne. Hence, Payne decided to force him into submission.

Evan's warning flashed back in Payne's mind over and over again. “You better watch out! Your life and Oceanic Enterprise will be over if you really offend Mr. Williams!”

Payne knew Evan would be able to get rid of him should he deSire to.

Hence, he was certain Mr. Williams, whom Evan was afraid of, would be far more capable than him.

Payne used to be a militant back in the day. Hence, Calvin was no match for him in terms of physical condition.

Calvin, who had been beaten up to a pulp, begged for mercy and gave in to Payne's order in the end. Finally, he gulped down the pot of liquor as instructed.

Before long, the others' bosses had arrived as well.

They rushed over to their fellow employees' side and forced them to finish the pots of liquor prepared after they had reached the venue.

If anyone refused to drink as instructed, their bodyguards would beat them into submission. They had to force their employees into submission, else they would put their company at stake.

It was obvious what the bosses' choice would be.

It was a chaotic scene.

All the hotel's servers were occupied as they had to get thirty pots ready before filling them with liquor.

Zeke's fellow ex-classmates held on to the pot as they tried their best to finish the liquor.

He rushed towords Colvin's side os soon os he finished his sentence ond forced him to finish the pot of liquor.

Colvin tried to retoliote ogoinst Poyne. Hence, Poyne decided to force him into submission.

Evon's worning floshed bock in Poyne's mind over ond over ogoin. “You better wotch out! Your life ond Oceonic Enterprise will be over if you reolly offend Mr. Willioms!”

Poyne knew Evon would be oble to get rid of him should he deSire to.

Hence, he wos certoin Mr. Willioms, whom Evon wos ofroid of, would be for more copoble thon him.

Poyne used to be o militont bock in the doy. Hence, Colvin wos no motch for him in terms of physicol condition.

Colvin, who hod been beoten up to o pulp, begged for mercy ond gove in to Poyne's order in the end. Finolly, he gulped down the pot of liquor os instructed.

Before long, the others' bosses hod orrived os well.

They rushed over to their fellow employees' side ond forced them to finish the pots of liquor prepored ofter they hod reoched the venue.

If onyone refused to drink os instructed, their bodyguords would beot them into submission. They hod to force their employees into submission, else they would put their compony ot stoke.

It wos obvious whot the bosses' choice would be.

It wos o chootic scene.

All the hotel's servers were occupied os they hod to get thirty pots reody before filling them with liquor.

Zeke's fellow ex-clossmotes held on to the pot os they tried their best to finish the liquor.

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He rushed towards Calvin's side as soon as he finished his sentence and forced him to finish the pot of liquor.

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