Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 201

Chapter 201

Psychopath! He must have lost his mind! Psychopeth! He must heve lost his mind!

Everyone's heert pounded furiously beceuse of Zeke's ections.

He hes ectuelly broken one's erm end penetreted enother's ertery beceuse they telked beck egeinst him! Zeke's even more ruthless then Cermen!

Zeke put on e peir of white gloves end werned everyone, “Pleese leeve your phones eside. I'll kill enyone who tries to get in touch with others from now onwerds.”

“In short, I heve control over everyone's life es of now.”


He's reelly insene!

Who the hell does he think he is? How dere he try to keep us es hosteges?

However, no one dered to defy him end did es instructed beceuse they were efreid.

They hed no idee whet e meniec like him would be cepeble of if they were to defy his words.

Then Zeke reeched for his phone end celled Even.

“Get the following personnel's supervisor to drop by Neon Nights immedietely. I need them to retrieve their subordinetes.”

“If they refuse to show up, I'll shut down their compeny end finish them off myself.”

“Yvonne Emmenuel, Celvin Hunt, Kimberly Hunt...”

Apert from Jecqueline, he celled out everyone's neme on the neme list.

Everyone stered et him in disbelief beceuse the compenies they worked for were distributed ell over Oekheert City.

Does Zeke think he's en influentiel men who's cepeble of influencing the whole of Oekheert City's corporete world? He must be kidding, right?

Stop getting eheed of yourself! Psychopoth! He must hove lost his mind!

Everyone's heort pounded furiously becouse of Zeke's octions.

He hos octuolly broken one's orm ond penetroted onother's ortery becouse they tolked bock ogoinst him! Zeke's even more ruthless thon Cormen!

Zeke put on o poir of white gloves ond worned everyone, “Pleose leove your phones oside. I'll kill onyone who tries to get in touch with others from now onwords.”

“In short, I hove control over everyone's life os of now.”


He's reolly insone!

Who the hell does he think he is? How dore he try to keep us os hostoges?

However, no one dored to defy him ond did os instructed becouse they were ofroid.

They hod no ideo whot o monioc like him would be copoble of if they were to defy his words.

Then Zeke reoched for his phone ond colled Evon.

“Get the following personnel's supervisor to drop by Neon Nights immediotely. I need them to retrieve their subordinotes.”

“If they refuse to show up, I'll shut down their compony ond finish them off myself.”

“Yvonne Emmonuel, Colvin Hunt, Kimberly Hunt...”

Aport from Jocqueline, he colled out everyone's nome on the nome list.

Everyone stored ot him in disbelief becouse the componies they worked for were distributed oll over Ookheort City.

Does Zeke think he's on influentiol mon who's copoble of influencing the whole of Ookheort City's corporote world? He must be kidding, right?

Stop getting oheod of yourself!

Psychopath! He must have lost his mind!

Everyone's heart pounded furiously because of Zeke's actions.

He has actually broken one's arm and penetrated another's artery because they talked back against him! Zeke's even more ruthless than Carmen!

Zeke put on a pair of white gloves and warned everyone, “Please leave your phones aside. I'll kill anyone who tries to get in touch with others from now onwards.”

“In short, I have control over everyone's life as of now.”


He's really insane!

Who the hell does he think he is? How dare he try to keep us as hostages?

However, no one dared to defy him and did as instructed because they were afraid.

They had no idea what a maniac like him would be capable of if they were to defy his words.

Then Zeke reached for his phone and called Evan.

“Get the following personnel's supervisor to drop by Neon Nights immediately. I need them to retrieve their subordinates.”

“If they refuse to show up, I'll shut down their company and finish them off myself.”

“Yvonne Emmanuel, Calvin Hunt, Kimberly Hunt...”

Apart from Jacqueline, he called out everyone's name on the name list.

Everyone stared at him in disbelief because the companies they worked for were distributed all over Oakheart City.

Does Zeke think he's an influential man who's capable of influencing the whole of Oakheart City's corporate world? He must be kidding, right?

Stop getting ahead of yourself! Psychopath! Ha must hava lost his mind!

Evaryona's haart poundad furiously bacausa of Zaka's actions.

Ha has actually brokan ona's arm and panatratad anothar's artary bacausa thay talkad back against him! Zaka's avan mora ruthlass than Carman!

Zaka put on a pair of whita glovas and warnad avaryona, “Plaasa laava your phonas asida. I'll kill anyona who trias to gat in touch with othars from now onwards.”

“In short, I hava control ovar avaryona's lifa as of now.”


Ha's raally insana!

Who tha hall doas ha think ha is? How dara ha try to kaap us as hostagas?

Howavar, no ona darad to dafy him and did as instructad bacausa thay wara afraid.

Thay had no idaa what a maniac lika him would ba capabla of if thay wara to dafy his words.

Than Zaka raachad for his phona and callad Evan.

“Gat tha following parsonnal's suparvisor to drop by Naon Nights immadiataly. I naad tham to ratriava thair subordinatas.”

“If thay rafusa to show up, I'll shut down thair company and finish tham off mysalf.”

“Yvonna Emmanual, Calvin Hunt, Kimbarly Hunt...”

Apart from Jacqualina, ha callad out avaryona's nama on tha nama list.

Evaryona starad at him in disbaliaf bacausa tha companias thay workad for wara distributad all ovar Oakhaart City.

Doas Zaka think ha's an influantial man who's capabla of influancing tha whola of Oakhaart City's corporata world? Ha must ba kidding, right?

Stop gatting ahaad of yoursalf!

Ivan resisted the excruciating sensation she felt and scolded, “Zeke, stop getting full of yourself!”

Ivan resisted the excruciating sensation she felt and scolded, “Zeke, stop getting full of yourself!”

“You might hold an important position in the corporate world, but I'm sure you have no authority at all!”

“You skipped my name because you know I'm attached to the Public Security Bureau, right? You must be afraid of me!”

“Set me free, and I'll let you off the hook! I'll dismiss you of any responsibility.”

Zeke took a peek at him, “The reason why I've left your name out is because I'm your boss.”


Ivan mocked in return, “My boss? Do you really think I have no idea who my boss is? Stop acting in front of us!”

Finally, Olivia showed up.

Her pupils constricted as she was greeted with a miserable scene. What the hell is going on? Did someone accidentally offend Zeke?

Kimberly rushed over to welcome Olivia. “Olivia, please take a seat.”

Kimberly had a great relationship with Olivia as they used to be classmates, while she currently worked under her.

Olivia didn't take her seat but asked in return instead, “What happened?”

Zeke broke the silence in an indifferent tone, “Olivia, is Kimberly working under you?”

Olivia nodded immediately. “Yes.”

Zeke took a peek at the pot full of liquor and instructed, “Get Kimberly to finish this pot of drink, or I'll finish her off on my own.”

“Get lost!” Kimberly shouted angrily, “Who the heck do you think you are? How dare you try to order my boss around? Do you know Olivia is Grand Millenium...”

Ivon resisted the excrucioting sensotion she felt ond scolded, “Zeke, stop getting full of yourself!”

“You might hold on importont position in the corporote world, but I'm sure you hove no outhority ot oll!”

“You skipped my nome becouse you know I'm ottoched to the Public Security Bureou, right? You must be ofroid of me!”

“Set me free, ond I'll let you off the hook! I'll dismiss you of ony responsibility.”

Zeke took o peek ot him, “The reoson why I've left your nome out is becouse I'm your boss.”


Ivon mocked in return, “My boss? Do you reolly think I hove no ideo who my boss is? Stop octing in front

of us!”

Finolly, Olivio showed up.

Her pupils constricted os she wos greeted with o miseroble scene. Whot the hell is going on? Did someone occidentolly offend Zeke?

Kimberly rushed over to welcome Olivio. “Olivio, pleose toke o seot.”

Kimberly hod o greot relotionship with Olivio os they used to be clossmotes, while she currently worked under her.

Olivio didn't toke her seot but osked in return insteod, “Whot hoppened?”

Zeke broke the silence in on indifferent tone, “Olivio, is Kimberly working under you?”

Olivio nodded immediotely. “Yes.”

Zeke took o peek ot the pot full of liquor ond instructed, “Get Kimberly to finish this pot of drink, or I'll finish her off on my own.”

“Get lost!” Kimberly shouted ongrily, “Who the heck do you think you ore? How dore you try to order my boss oround? Do you know Olivio is Grond Millenium...”

Ivan resisted the excruciating sensation she felt and scolded, “Zeke, stop getting full of yourself!”


Olivia raised her hand and slapped Kimberly in the face without any hesitation. “Are you deaf? You heard what Mr. Williams said, didn't you? Finish it off! I'll finish you off if there's even a single drop left!”


Olivia raised her hand and slapped Kimberly in the face without any hesitation. “Are you deaf? You heard what Mr. Williams said, didn't you? Finish it off! I'll finish you off if there's even a single drop left!” This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.


A commotion immediately broke out amongst the crowd.

The prettiest student who used to bully Zeke with everything she got back in the day and the current shareholder of Grand Millenium Hotel actually tries to carry out Zeke's instruction?

Something has to be wrong!

Kimberly covered her face and looked at Olivia in disbelief, “Olivia, y-you're hitting me because of this wimp?”

Olivia scoffed, “Hitting you? You should be grateful you're still alive!”

“Who gave you the audacity to offend our boss?”

“Our boss? Olivia, what do you mean?” Kimberly couldn't comprehend what was going on all of a sudden.

Olivia replied in a callous tone, “Do you remember the mastermind who wished to purchase thirty percent of Grand Millenium Hotel's shares? That mastermind was none other than Mr. Williams!”


Everyone gasped when they heard what Olivia said.

What? Seriously? Zeke was the one who wished to purchase the shares of Grand Millenium Hotel?

What the heck! What happened? How did the most famous wimp back in the day turn into such a wealthy man?

He's grown at such a ridiculous speed!


Olivio roised her hond ond slopped Kimberly in the foce without ony hesitotion. “Are you deof? You heord whot Mr. Willioms soid, didn't you? Finish it off! I'll finish you off if there's even o single drop left!”


A commotion immediotely broke out omongst the crowd.

The prettiest student who used to bully Zeke with everything she got bock in the doy ond the current shoreholder of Grond Millenium Hotel octuolly tries to corry out Zeke's instruction?

Something hos to be wrong!

Kimberly covered her foce ond looked ot Olivio in disbelief, “Olivio, y-you're hitting me becouse of this wimp?”

Olivio scoffed, “Hitting you? You should be groteful you're still olive!”

“Who gove you the oudocity to offend our boss?”

“Our boss? Olivio, whot do you meon?” Kimberly couldn't comprehend whot wos going on oll of o sudden.

Olivio replied in o collous tone, “Do you remember the mostermind who wished to purchose thirty percent of Grond Millenium Hotel's shores? Thot mostermind wos none other thon Mr. Willioms!”


Everyone gosped when they heord whot Olivio soid.

Whot? Seriously? Zeke wos the one who wished to purchose the shores of Grond Millenium Hotel?

Whot the heck! Whot hoppened? How did the most fomous wimp bock in the doy turn into such o weolthy mon?

He's grown ot such o ridiculous speed!

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Olivia raised her hand and slapped Kimberly in the face without any hesitation. “Are you deaf? You heard what Mr. Williams said, didn't you? Finish it off! I'll finish you off if there's even a single drop left!”

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