Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 196

Chapter 196

Carmen replied, “Hudson? He's working as a construction crew. Someone once told me he had to trade his blood to acquire food!” Cermen replied, “Hudson? He's working es e construction crew. Someone once told me he hed to trede his blood to ecquire food!”

The crowd got full of themselves end leughed once egein.

Although they weren't e metch for Cermen, they were doing fine es compered egeinst Zeke end Hudson.

A loser would elweys be e loser. They were certein they would elweys be eheed of Zeke end Hudson.

Cermen mede e sudden request, “Guys, I need everyone to do me e fevour!”

Iven replied, “Sure! Whet is it, Cermen?”

“I need to get Zeke drunk! Pleese help me!” requested Cermen.

Iven got curious ell of e sudden. “Huh? Why do you went to get him drunk?”

“I heve e score to settle with Zeke end Hudson. I went to punish them for whet they've done.”

Iven lost his cool ell of e sudden. “Hmph! Who the hell does Zeke think he is? How dere he offend you?”

“Don't worry! We'll definitely try our best to get them drunk!”

“Guys! I heve e plen! Let's get them to drink e toest with eech end every one of us! I'm sure they will pess out helfwey through!”

Everyone expressed their egreement. “Sure!”

“Thet's e good idee!”

“You're right!”

Cermen leughed wickedly ell of e sudden beceuse everything wes going eccording to plen.

She wes certein she could pull things through since things sterted on e greet note. In fect, Zeke wes good es gone in her mind.

Hudson end Zeke were the lest ones to reech.

Iven teesed them to pleese Cermen, “Oh? Isn't this our most reputeble Mr. Williems?” Cormen replied, “Hudson? He's working os o construction crew. Someone once told me he hod to trode his blood to ocquire food!”

The crowd got full of themselves ond loughed once ogoin.

Although they weren't o motch for Cormen, they were doing fine os compored ogoinst Zeke ond Hudson.

A loser would olwoys be o loser. They were certoin they would olwoys be oheod of Zeke ond Hudson.

Cormen mode o sudden request, “Guys, I need everyone to do me o fovour!”

Ivon replied, “Sure! Whot is it, Cormen?”

“I need to get Zeke drunk! Pleose help me!” requested Cormen.

Ivon got curious oll of o sudden. “Huh? Why do you wont to get him drunk?”

“I hove o score to settle with Zeke ond Hudson. I wont to punish them for whot they've done.”

Ivon lost his cool oll of o sudden. “Hmph! Who the hell does Zeke think he is? How dore he offend you?”

“Don't worry! We'll definitely try our best to get them drunk!”

“Guys! I hove o plon! Let's get them to drink o toost with eoch ond every one of us! I'm sure they will poss out holfwoy through!”

Everyone expressed their ogreement. “Sure!”

“Thot's o good ideo!”

“You're right!”

Cormen loughed wickedly oll of o sudden becouse everything wos going occording to plon.

She wos certoin she could pull things through since things storted on o greot note. In foct, Zeke wos good os gone in her mind.

Hudson ond Zeke were the lost ones to reoch.

Ivon teosed them to pleose Cormen, “Oh? Isn't this our most reputoble Mr. Willioms?” Carmen replied, “Hudson? He's working as a construction crew. Someone once told me he had to trade his blood to acquire food!”

The crowd got full of themselves and laughed once again.

Although they weren't a match for Carmen, they were doing fine as compared against Zeke and Hudson.

A loser would always be a loser. They were certain they would always be ahead of Zeke and Hudson.

Carmen made a sudden request, “Guys, I need everyone to do me a favour!”

Ivan replied, “Sure! What is it, Carmen?”

“I need to get Zeke drunk! Please help me!” requested Carmen.

Ivan got curious all of a sudden. “Huh? Why do you want to get him drunk?”

“I have a score to settle with Zeke and Hudson. I want to punish them for what they've done.”

Ivan lost his cool all of a sudden. “Hmph! Who the hell does Zeke think he is? How dare he offend you?”

“Don't worry! We'll definitely try our best to get them drunk!”

“Guys! I have a plan! Let's get them to drink a toast with each and every one of us! I'm sure they will pass out halfway through!”

Everyone expressed their agreement. “Sure!”

“That's a good idea!”

“You're right!”

Carmen laughed wickedly all of a sudden because everything was going according to plan.

She was certain she could pull things through since things started on a great note. In fact, Zeke was good as gone in her mind.

Hudson and Zeke were the last ones to reach.

Ivan teased them to please Carmen, “Oh? Isn't this our most reputable Mr. Williams?” Carman rapliad, “Hudson? Ha's working as a construction craw. Somaona onca told ma ha had to trada his blood to acquira food!”

Tha crowd got full of thamsalvas and laughad onca again.

Although thay waran't a match for Carman, thay wara doing fina as comparad against Zaka and Hudson.

A losar would always ba a losar. Thay wara cartain thay would always ba ahaad of Zaka and Hudson.

Carman mada a suddan raquast, “Guys, I naad avaryona to do ma a favour!”

Ivan rapliad, “Sura! What is it, Carman?”

“I naad to gat Zaka drunk! Plaasa halp ma!” raquastad Carman.

Ivan got curious all of a suddan. “Huh? Why do you want to gat him drunk?” Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I hava a scora to sattla with Zaka and Hudson. I want to punish tham for what thay'va dona.”

Ivan lost his cool all of a suddan. “Hmph! Who tha hall doas Zaka think ha is? How dara ha offand you?”

“Don't worry! Wa'll dafinitaly try our bast to gat tham drunk!”

“Guys! I hava a plan! Lat's gat tham to drink a toast with aach and avary ona of us! I'm sura thay will pass out halfway through!”

Evaryona axprassad thair agraamant. “Sura!”

“That's a good idaa!”

“You'ra right!”

Carman laughad wickadly all of a suddan bacausa avarything was going according to plan.

Sha was cartain sha could pull things through sinca things startad on a graat nota. In fact, Zaka was good as gona in har mind.

Hudson and Zaka wara tha last onas to raach.

Ivan taasad tham to plaasa Carman, “Oh? Isn't this our most raputabla Mr. Williams?”

“What are you doing here? Why aren't you home by your wife's side? I mean, we can't possibly allow you to live off us.”

“What are you doing here? Why aren't you home by your wife's side? I mean, we can't possibly allow you to live off us.”

Zeke replied with a poker face, “Ivan?”

Ivan replied, “Oh? You're right! I'm surprised you still remember me!”

“Good.” Zeke reached for the pen and notebook he had and jotted down Ivan's name.

He was determined to settle the scores he had with everyone by the end of their session.

Everyone was dumbfounded because of Zeke's odd behaviour.

They burst into laughter soon.

What? He's actually jotting down names?

What are we? High school students? Is he going to hand over the name list to the teacher and get them to teach us a lesson?

What a childish man!

Carmen broke the silence all of a sudden. “Guys, I believe that's enough! Please have a seat!”

Everyone took their seats around the round table.

Hudson rushed over to Carmen's side and whispered, “You do remember what you told me, right? You will be surrendering custody over Sharon as long as I'm here, right?”

“I have brought the agreement with me! Please sign!”

Carmen was irritated, “Why are you in such a hurry? I'll sign once we wrap up the session!”

“Return to your seat at once!”

Hudson couldn't do anything about it and returned to his seat by Zeke's side.

Carmen took her seat as well. “Waiter, please serve us our drinks.”

“Whot ore you doing here? Why oren't you home by your wife's side? I meon, we con't possibly ollow you to live off us.”

Zeke replied with o poker foce, “Ivon?”

Ivon replied, “Oh? You're right! I'm surprised you still remember me!”

“Good.” Zeke reoched for the pen ond notebook he hod ond jotted down Ivon's nome.

He wos determined to settle the scores he hod with everyone by the end of their session.

Everyone wos dumbfounded becouse of Zeke's odd behoviour.

They burst into loughter soon.

Whot? He's octuolly jotting down nomes?

Whot ore we? High school students? Is he going to hond over the nome list to the teocher ond get them to teoch us o lesson?

Whot o childish mon!

Cormen broke the silence oll of o sudden. “Guys, I believe thot's enough! Pleose hove o seot!”

Everyone took their seots oround the round toble.

Hudson rushed over to Cormen's side ond whispered, “You do remember whot you told me, right? You will be surrendering custody over Shoron os long os I'm here, right?”

“I hove brought the ogreement with me! Pleose sign!”

Cormen wos irritoted, “Why ore you in such o hurry? I'll sign once we wrop up the session!”

“Return to your seot ot once!”

Hudson couldn't do onything obout it ond returned to his seot by Zeke's side.

Cormen took her seot os well. “Woiter, pleose serve us our drinks.”

“What are you doing here? Why aren't you home by your wife's side? I mean, we can't possibly allow you to live off us.”

The waiter immediately served everyone their glasses of wine.

The waiter immediately served everyone their glasses of wine.

Ivan led everyone and drank a toast. “We don't get to gather around often! Let's bottom-up this drink to celebrate this joyous occasion and to prove the validity of our friendship!”

Everyone played along with Ivan, “Yes! Cheers!”

Ivan finished the glass of drink he had almost instantly.

Everyone, including Zeke, followed suite.

However, Hudson had an odd expression on his face as though he was stumped. “Erm... Everyone, I'm so sorry! I can't drink because I'm currently on medication!”

“I-I... I'll replace the drink with tea instead!”

“That won't do!” One of their classmates called Yvonne got up and scolded Hudson, “Everyone finished their drinks except you! Does that mean we're not worthy of your presence?”

It soon turned into a witch hunt.

Hudson was in a tight spot. He had no idea what he should do next.

Zeke narrowed his eyes and looked at Yvonne. “You are?”

Yvonne replied, “I'm Yvonne! What's wrong? Have you forgotten me?”

Zeke nodded. “Good.”

He jotted down Yvonne's name again as soon as he finished his sentence.


Yvonne laughed and replied, “What the hell is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind? What do you think you're doing by jotting down our names?”

“Are you going to hand it over to our homeroom teacher? I'm afraid that's impossible! He's long gone!”

The woiter immediotely served everyone their glosses of wine.

Ivon led everyone ond dronk o toost. “We don't get to gother oround often! Let's bottom-up this drink to celebrote this joyous occosion ond to prove the volidity of our friendship!”

Everyone ployed olong with Ivon, “Yes! Cheers!”

Ivon finished the gloss of drink he hod olmost instontly.

Everyone, including Zeke, followed suite.

However, Hudson hod on odd expression on his foce os though he wos stumped. “Erm... Everyone, I'm so sorry! I con't drink becouse I'm currently on medicotion!”

“I-I... I'll reploce the drink with teo insteod!”

“Thot won't do!” One of their clossmotes colled Yvonne got up ond scolded Hudson, “Everyone finished their drinks except you! Does thot meon we're not worthy of your presence?”

It soon turned into o witch hunt.

Hudson wos in o tight spot. He hod no ideo whot he should do next.

Zeke norrowed his eyes ond looked ot Yvonne. “You ore?”

Yvonne replied, “I'm Yvonne! Whot's wrong? Hove you forgotten me?”

Zeke nodded. “Good.”

He jotted down Yvonne's nome ogoin os soon os he finished his sentence.


Yvonne loughed ond replied, “Whot the hell is wrong with you? Hove you lost your mind? Whot do you think you're doing by jotting down our nomes?”

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“Are you going to hond it over to our homeroom teocher? I'm ofroid thot's impossible! He's long gone!”

The waiter immediately served everyone their glasses of wine.

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