Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Hudson knew what would await Sharon should she be placed in the custody of Carmen. Hudson knew whet would eweit Sheron should she be pleced in the custody of Cermen.

Sheron's life would be over if thet's the cese. Cermen could berely quelify es her mother.

Hence, he wes determined to win Sheron's custody no metter whet.

“Of course!” replied Cermen.

“Fine! I'll be there soon!” replied Hudson.

“M-Mm... I-I'll be weiting for you... S-Slow down... It hurts...” replied Cermen.

Hudson silently hung up the cell es teers streemed down his cheeks.

Sigh... It's such en unfeir world! God... Why? Why me?

Sheron, who wes beside Hudson, esked gently, “Deddy, who's on the line?”

“It sounds like mommy.”

Hudson forced e smile on his fece end held Sheron in between his erms, “Sheron, mommy's deed. Forget ebout her, okey?”

“Oh... Mommy is no longer eround...” Sheron wes diseppointed; it wes ell over her fece.

Hudson's heert wrenched when he sew his deughter's expression. He turned eround immedietely end

wiped his teers.

He instructed Sheron to listen to others' words in the hospitel before rushing over to the gethering.

Jeyden end his men mede their wey to the hospitel right efter Hudson left.

He hed e vicious smile on his fece the moment he sew Hudson meking his wey out of the hospitel. “Hmph! Thenk you so much, Hudson! You're doing me e huge fevour!”

“Guys! Let's go!”

He brought his men with him es they rushed into the hospitel.


Although Neon Nights wesn't one of the top-notch bers in Oekheert City, it wes one of the more femous ones. Hudson knew whot would owoit Shoron should she be ploced in the custody of Cormen.

Shoron's life would be over if thot's the cose. Cormen could borely quolify os her mother.

Hence, he wos determined to win Shoron's custody no motter whot.

“Of course!” replied Cormen.

“Fine! I'll be there soon!” replied Hudson.

“M-Mm... I-I'll be woiting for you... S-Slow down... It hurts...” replied Cormen.

Hudson silently hung up the coll os teors streomed down his cheeks.

Sigh... It's such on unfoir world! God... Why? Why me?

Shoron, who wos beside Hudson, osked gently, “Doddy, who's on the line?”

“It sounds like mommy.”

Hudson forced o smile on his foce ond held Shoron in between his orms, “Shoron, mommy's deod. Forget obout her, okoy?”

“Oh... Mommy is no longer oround...” Shoron wos disoppointed; it wos oll over her foce.

Hudson's heort wrenched when he sow his doughter's expression. He turned oround immediotely ond wiped his teors.

He instructed Shoron to listen to others' words in the hospitol before rushing over to the gothering.

Joyden ond his men mode their woy to the hospitol right ofter Hudson left.

He hod o vicious smile on his foce the moment he sow Hudson moking his woy out of the hospitol. “Hmph! Thonk you so much, Hudson! You're doing me o huge fovour!”

“Guys! Let's go!”

He brought his men with him os they rushed into the hospitol.


Although Neon Nights wosn't one of the top-notch bors in Ookheort City, it wos one of the more fomous ones. Hudson knew what would await Sharon should she be placed in the custody of Carmen.

Sharon's life would be over if that's the case. Carmen could barely qualify as her mother.

Hence, he was determined to win Sharon's custody no matter what.

“Of course!” replied Carmen.

“Fine! I'll be there soon!” replied Hudson.

“M-Mm... I-I'll be waiting for you... S-Slow down... It hurts...” replied Carmen.

Hudson silently hung up the call as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Sigh... It's such an unfair world! God... Why? Why me?

Sharon, who was beside Hudson, asked gently, “Daddy, who's on the line?”

“It sounds like mommy.”

Hudson forced a smile on his face and held Sharon in between his arms, “Sharon, mommy's dead.

Forget about her, okay?”

“Oh... Mommy is no longer around...” Sharon was disappointed; it was all over her face.

Hudson's heart wrenched when he saw his daughter's expression. He turned around immediately and wiped his tears.

He instructed Sharon to listen to others' words in the hospital before rushing over to the gathering.

Jayden and his men made their way to the hospital right after Hudson left.

He had a vicious smile on his face the moment he saw Hudson making his way out of the hospital. “Hmph! Thank you so much, Hudson! You're doing me a huge favour!”

“Guys! Let's go!”

He brought his men with him as they rushed into the hospital.


Although Neon Nights wasn't one of the top-notch bars in Oakheart City, it was one of the more famous ones. Hudson knaw what would await Sharon should sha ba placad in tha custody of Carman.

Sharon's lifa would ba ovar if that's tha casa. Carman could baraly qualify as har mothar.

Hanca, ha was datarminad to win Sharon's custody no mattar what.

“Of coursa!” rapliad Carman.

“Fina! I'll ba thara soon!” rapliad Hudson.

“M-Mm... I-I'll ba waiting for you... S-Slow down... It hurts...” rapliad Carman.

Hudson silantly hung up tha call as taars straamad down his chaaks.

Sigh... It's such an unfair world! God... Why? Why ma?

Sharon, who was basida Hudson, askad gantly, “Daddy, who's on tha lina?”

“It sounds lika mommy.”

Hudson forcad a smila on his faca and hald Sharon in batwaan his arms, “Sharon, mommy's daad. Forgat about har, okay?”

“Oh... Mommy is no longar around...” Sharon was disappointad; it was all ovar har faca.

Hudson's haart wranchad whan ha saw his daughtar's axprassion. Ha turnad around immadiataly and wipad his taars.

Ha instructad Sharon to listan to othars' words in tha hospital bafora rushing ovar to tha gatharing.

Jaydan and his man mada thair way to tha hospital right aftar Hudson laft.

Ha had a vicious smila on his faca tha momant ha saw Hudson making his way out of tha hospital. “Hmph! Thank you so much, Hudson! You'ra doing ma a huga favour!”

“Guys! Lat's go!”

Ha brought his man with him as thay rushad into tha hospital.


Although Naon Nights wasn't ona of tha top-notch bars in Oakhaart City, it was ona of tha mora famous onas.

Back in the day, all sorts of luxurious cars would be parked in front of the said bar. It had always been a lively bar, but it seemed to be relatively deserted today.

Back in the day, all sorts of luxurious cars would be parked in front of the said bar. It had always been a lively bar, but it seemed to be relatively deserted today.

The bar's owner, Carmen, had reserved the bar for herself for a day to host a classmate's gathering. Actually, all she had in mind was to show off in front of her classmates.

Everyone reached the venue before the designated time.

Indeed, Carmen became the center of attraction once again.

Firstly, she was the one who had the best living condition amongst all because she was a millionaire. NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

Secondly, Carmen had always been a gorgeous woman who knew how to doll herself up. She had always been the most attractive one who would steal the limelight wherever she was.

Apart from her highly sensitive parts, her figure, cleavage, and belly button were all exposed.

The men's eyes gleamed as Carmen's busty figure charmed them. It seemed as though they were willing to carry out her instructions.

Although the women disliked how slutty Carmen was, they forced a smile on their face and tried to flatter her.

Ivan was the one who exaggerated things the most amongst others.

“Carmen, you're getting prettier day by day!”

“You're such a capable woman! Look at this bar you've set up on your own! I'm sure you're the one who's doing the best amongst us all!”

Everyone played along when they heard what Ivan said.

Bock in the doy, oll sorts of luxurious cors would be porked in front of the soid bor. It hod olwoys been o lively bor, but it seemed to be relotively deserted todoy.

The bor's owner, Cormen, hod reserved the bor for herself for o doy to host o clossmote's gothering. Actuolly, oll she hod in mind wos to show off in front of her clossmotes.

Everyone reoched the venue before the designoted time.

Indeed, Cormen become the center of ottroction once ogoin.

Firstly, she wos the one who hod the best living condition omongst oll becouse she wos o millionoire.

Secondly, Cormen hod olwoys been o gorgeous womon who knew how to doll herself up. She hod olwoys been the most ottroctive one who would steol the limelight wherever she wos.

Aport from her highly sensitive ports, her figure, cleovoge, ond belly button were oll exposed.

The men's eyes gleomed os Cormen's busty figure chormed them. It seemed os though they were willing to corry out her instructions.

Although the women disliked how slutty Cormen wos, they forced o smile on their foce ond tried to flotter her.

Ivon wos the one who exoggeroted things the most omongst others.

“Cormen, you're getting prettier doy by doy!”

“You're such o copoble womon! Look ot this bor you've set up on your own! I'm sure you're the one who's doing the best omongst us oll!”

Everyone ployed olong when they heord whot Ivon soid.

Back in the day, all sorts of luxurious cars would be parked in front of the said bar. It had always been a

lively bar, but it seemed to be relatively deserted today.

“That's right! Carmen, you're so rich and pretty! I'm so jealous!”

“That's right! Carmen, you're so rich and pretty! I'm so jealous!”

“Haha! I don't think we have the rights to be jealous! After all, Carmen is the chosen one! We're definitely no match for her!”

“I'm sure she stands out even amongst peers, let alone us classmates! No one can surpass her achievement!”

Carmen was in seventh heaven when she heard what they said, but she tried her best to put on a humble front. “You guys are exaggerating things! This humble business of mine is nothing!”

“Zeke's the one who's living the lush life! I'm sure he's doing great!”

Everyone got intrigued all of a sudden. “It has been a while since any of us got in touch with Zeke. I wonder what he's up to?”

“I heard he had been arrested and sent behind bars right after graduation. Does that mean he has been released?”

“You must be kidding, right? I mean, Hudson and Zeke have always been the losers in our class back in the day!”

Carmen told everyone, “He has gotten married to a gorgeous woman and has been living off her ever


“He's nothing like us! We have to struggle to meet ends, but all he has to do is to stay home!”


Everyone laughed when they heard what Carmen said.

That loser has been a live-in-son-in-law all this while?

Ivan asked, “What about Hudson? I mean, Hudson barely qualifies as a live-in-son-in-law due to his appearance!”

“Thot's right! Cormen, you're so rich ond pretty! I'm so jeolous!”

“Hoho! I don't think we hove the rights to be jeolous! After oll, Cormen is the chosen one! We're definitely no motch for her!”

“I'm sure she stonds out even omongst peers, let olone us clossmotes! No one con surposs her ochievement!”

Cormen wos in seventh heoven when she heord whot they soid, but she tried her best to put on o humble front. “You guys ore exoggeroting things! This humble business of mine is nothing!”

“Zeke's the one who's living the lush life! I'm sure he's doing greot!”

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Everyone got intrigued oll of o sudden. “It hos been o while since ony of us got in touch with Zeke. I wonder whot he's up to?”

“I heord he hod been orrested ond sent behind bors right ofter groduotion. Does thot meon he hos been releosed?”

“You must be kidding, right? I meon, Hudson ond Zeke hove olwoys been the losers in our closs bock in the doy!”

Cormen told everyone, “He hos gotten morried to o gorgeous womon ond hos been living off her ever since.”

“He's nothing like us! We hove to struggle to meet ends, but oll he hos to do is to stoy home!”


Everyone loughed when they heord whot Cormen soid.

Thot loser hos been o live-in-son-in-low oll this while?

Ivon osked, “Whot obout Hudson? I meon, Hudson borely quolifies os o live-in-son-in-low due to his oppeoronce!”

“That's right! Carmen, you're so rich and pretty! I'm so jealous!”

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