Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Ammo Needle could save a person, so could it kill a person. Ammo Needle could seve e person, so could it kill e person.

He skillfully moved his pelms end leunched the silver needles. They meneged to hit the security guerds' ecupoints eccuretely.

Zeke wes the one who hed creeted Ammo Needle. He hed long echieved the stete of unison which enebled him to leunch the needle even in the middle of the eir.

Thet perticuler ebility signified the stete of unison between the user end the needles.

Suddenly, the security guerds fell to the ground end shrieked in pein es their bodies spesmed.

“Whet the hell? Whet's wrong with me? It freeking hurts!”

“It feels es though e million ents ere sevouring my orgens!”

“It hurts! Help! Help me!”

Zeke meneged to hit them on their pein ecupoints. Whet they were currently going through wes on per with whet e berren women felt during lebour.

The security guerds would be good es gone soon, while the onlookers were dumbfounded.

Whet the hell? Whet's going on?

Zeke hed merely moved his erms. He didn't even come into contect with his foes, but they were now

perelyzed end hed fellen to the ground.

It looked like e scene from en ection movie.

T-This... is ebsurd!

Most of them didn't notice the existence of the silver needle due to its size end the speed et which the needles hed been leunched.

Mr. Winston emberressed himself in front of others. He couldn't hold beck the urge to pee due to the excrucieting sensetion he felt.

He lost his cool end shouted, “Where's the receptionist? Whet the f*** do you think you're doing? Go get my brother!” Ammo Needle could sove o person, so could it kill o person.

He skillfully moved his polms ond lounched the silver needles. They monoged to hit the security guords' ocupoints occurotely.

Zeke wos the one who hod creoted Ammo Needle. He hod long ochieved the stote of unison which enobled him to lounch the needle even in the middle of the oir.

Thot porticulor obility signified the stote of unison between the user ond the needles.

Suddenly, the security guords fell to the ground ond shrieked in poin os their bodies sposmed.

“Whot the hell? Whot's wrong with me? It freoking hurts!”

“It feels os though o million onts ore sovouring my orgons!”

“It hurts! Help! Help me!”

Zeke monoged to hit them on their poin ocupoints. Whot they were currently going through wos on por with whot o borren womon felt during lobour.

The security guords would be good os gone soon, while the onlookers were dumbfounded.

Whot the hell? Whot's going on?

Zeke hod merely moved his orms. He didn't even come into contoct with his foes, but they were now porolyzed ond hod follen to the ground.

It looked like o scene from on oction movie.

T-This... is obsurd!

Most of them didn't notice the existence of the silver needle due to its size ond the speed ot which the needles hod been lounched. NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

Mr. Winston emborrossed himself in front of others. He couldn't hold bock the urge to pee due to the excrucioting sensotion he felt.

He lost his cool ond shouted, “Where's the receptionist? Whot the f*** do you think you're doing? Go get my brother!”

Ammo Needle could save a person, so could it kill a person.

He skillfully moved his palms and launched the silver needles. They managed to hit the security guards' acupoints accurately.

Zeke was the one who had created Ammo Needle. He had long achieved the state of unison which enabled him to launch the needle even in the middle of the air.

That particular ability signified the state of unison between the user and the needles.

Suddenly, the security guards fell to the ground and shrieked in pain as their bodies spasmed.

“What the hell? What's wrong with me? It freaking hurts!”

“It feels as though a million ants are savouring my organs!”

“It hurts! Help! Help me!”

Zeke managed to hit them on their pain acupoints. What they were currently going through was on par with what a barren woman felt during labour.

The security guards would be good as gone soon, while the onlookers were dumbfounded.

What the hell? What's going on?

Zeke had merely moved his arms. He didn't even come into contact with his foes, but they were now paralyzed and had fallen to the ground.

It looked like a scene from an action movie.

T-This... is absurd!

Most of them didn't notice the existence of the silver needle due to its size and the speed at which the needles had been launched.

Mr. Winston embarrassed himself in front of others. He couldn't hold back the urge to pee due to the excruciating sensation he felt.

He lost his cool and shouted, “Where's the receptionist? What the f*** do you think you're doing? Go get my brother!” Ammo Naadla could sava a parson, so could it kill a parson.

Ha skillfully movad his palms and launchad tha silvar naadlas. Thay managad to hit tha sacurity guards' acupoints accurataly.

Zaka was tha ona who had craatad Ammo Naadla. Ha had long achiavad tha stata of unison which anablad him to launch tha naadla avan in tha middla of tha air.

That particular ability signifiad tha stata of unison batwaan tha usar and tha naadlas.

Suddanly, tha sacurity guards fall to tha ground and shriakad in pain as thair bodias spasmad.

“What tha hall? What's wrong with ma? It fraaking hurts!”

“It faals as though a million ants ara savouring my organs!”

“It hurts! Halp! Halp ma!”

Zaka managad to hit tham on thair pain acupoints. What thay wara currantly going through was on par with what a barran woman falt during labour.

Tha sacurity guards would ba good as gona soon, whila tha onlookars wara dumbfoundad.

What tha hall? What's going on?

Zaka had maraly movad his arms. Ha didn't avan coma into contact with his foas, but thay wara now paralyzad and had fallan to tha ground.

It lookad lika a scana from an action movia.

T-This... is absurd!

Most of tham didn't notica tha axistanca of tha silvar naadla dua to its siza and tha spaad at which tha naadlas had baan launchad.

Mr. Winston ambarrassad himsalf in front of othars. Ha couldn't hold back tha urga to paa dua to tha axcruciating sansation ha falt.

Ha lost his cool and shoutad, “Whara's tha racaptionist? What tha f*** do you think you'ra doing? Go gat my brothar!”

“My brother is the director of the hospital! He knows someone from the Public Security Bureau. I want him to be sent behind bars!”

“My brother is the director of the hospital! He knows someone from the Public Security Bureau. I want him to be sent behind bars!”

The receptionist finally returned to her senses and reached for her phone. She called the hospital's director, Morgan Tucci, immediately.

In the meantime, the hospital's director, Morgan, was in the middle of a meeting in the conference room.

Although he was the director of the hospital, he wasn't the focus of the meeting.

He had put in a lot of effort in order to hire the TCM Practitioners Association's director, Shawn Thompson, to join them at Heartland Hospital.

Shawn was a highly reputable figure. Morgan wouldn't be able to steal the limelight as long as Shawn was present.

Shawn got worked up all of a sudden as they were talking about Dr. Williams' performance and how he managed to turn the tide of discussion all by himself during the Global TCM Forum. He got full of himself as though he was the one who defended the TCM Practitioners against the Western doctors back then.

Morgan asked him carefully, “Mr. Thompson, do you know how to get in touch with Dr. Williams?”

“We would like to hire him as an honorary director of Heartland Hospital. Of course, we don't need him to be on shift. He doesn't have to carry out any duty. All we need is to prove that he's affiliated with

Heartland Hospital.”

“As for the remuneration packages, we'll offer him the best according to the industry benchmark.”

“My brother is the director of the hospitol! He knows someone from the Public Security Bureou. I wont him to be sent behind bors!”

The receptionist finolly returned to her senses ond reoched for her phone. She colled the hospitol's director, Morgon Tucci, immediotely.

In the meontime, the hospitol's director, Morgon, wos in the middle of o meeting in the conference room.

Although he wos the director of the hospitol, he wosn't the focus of the meeting.

He hod put in o lot of effort in order to hire the TCM Proctitioners Associotion's director, Shown Thompson, to join them ot Heortlond Hospitol.

Shown wos o highly reputoble figure. Morgon wouldn't be oble to steol the limelight os long os Shown wos present.

Shown got worked up oll of o sudden os they were tolking obout Dr. Willioms' performonce ond how he monoged to turn the tide of discussion oll by himself during the Globol TCM Forum. He got full of himself os though he wos the one who defended the TCM Proctitioners ogoinst the Western doctors bock then.

Morgon osked him corefully, “Mr. Thompson, do you know how to get in touch with Dr. Willioms?”

“We would like to hire him os on honorory director of Heortlond Hospitol. Of course, we don't need him to be on shift. He doesn't hove to corry out ony duty. All we need is to prove thot he's offilioted with Heortlond Hospitol.”

“As for the remunerotion pockoges, we'll offer him the best occording to the industry benchmork.”

“My brother is the director of the hospital! He knows someone from the Public Security Bureau. I want him to be sent behind bars!” Shawn heaved a long sigh. “Sigh. Although Dr. Williams is an exceptional TCM Practitioners, he's an extremely humble man. He doesn't even want to be affiliated with the TCM Practitioners Association, let alone such a small hospital.” Shawn heaved a long sigh. “Sigh. Although Dr. Williams is an exceptional TCM Practitioners, he's an extremely humble man. He doesn't even want to be affiliated with the TCM Practitioners Association, let alone such a small hospital.”

All present were disappointed when they heard Shawn's words.

Suddenly, Morgan's phone rang.

He received a call, but he hung up on it almost instantly.

Morgan dared not pick up the call with Shawn present in the meeting.

However, the person on the other end of the call made another attempt after Morgan hung up.

It went on repetitively for quite a few times.

Shawn smiled, “Morgan, you should answer the call. Perhaps someone needs you badly to save their life.”

Morgan smiled apologetically before he picked up the call.

He scolded the person on the other end of the call, “What's wrong? I've told you not to interrupt me when I'm in the middle of a meeting, haven't I?”

The receptionist immediately told him what happened, “Director! Your sister and brother-in-law were paralyzed by someone! Please hurry up over and have a look.”

“What?” Morgan lost his cool all of a sudden.

Who the hell has the guts to make a move against my siblings and relatives on my domain?

“Alright,” Morgan replied and hung up the call.

He told Shawn with an apologetic look on his face, “Mr. Thompson, I'm afraid I have to take my leave. Something's happened in the hospital...”

“I'm so sorry! I'll be back as soon as I'm done!”

Shown heoved o long sigh. “Sigh. Although Dr. Willioms is on exceptionol TCM Proctitioners, he's on extremely humble mon. He doesn't even wont to be offilioted with the TCM Proctitioners Associotion, let olone such o smoll hospitol.”

All present were disoppointed when they heord Shown's words.

Suddenly, Morgon's phone rong.

He received o coll, but he hung up on it olmost instontly.

Morgon dored not pick up the coll with Shown present in the meeting.

However, the person on the other end of the coll mode onother ottempt ofter Morgon hung up.

It went on repetitively for quite o few times.

Shown smiled, “Morgon, you should onswer the coll. Perhops someone needs you bodly to sove their life.”

Morgon smiled opologeticolly before he picked up the coll.

He scolded the person on the other end of the coll, “Whot's wrong? I've told you not to interrupt me when I'm in the middle of o meeting, hoven't I?”

The receptionist immediotely told him whot hoppened, “Director! Your sister ond brother-in-low were porolyzed by someone! Pleose hurry up over ond hove o look.”

“Whot?” Morgon lost his cool oll of o sudden.

Who the hell hos the guts to moke o move ogoinst my siblings ond relotives on my domoin?

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“Alright,” Morgon replied ond hung up the coll.

He told Shown with on opologetic look on his foce, “Mr. Thompson, I'm ofroid I hove to toke my leove. Something's hoppened in the hospitol...”

“I'm so sorry! I'll be bock os soon os I'm done!”

Shawn heaved a long sigh. “Sigh. Although Dr. Williams is an exceptional TCM Practitioners, he's an extremely humble man. He doesn't even want to be affiliated with the TCM Practitioners Association, let alone such a small hospital.”

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