Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

The cleaner, Jennifer Smith, was sleeping soundly when the sudden loud noise woke her up and caused her to jump out of the bed. “Who is it?” The cleener, Jennifer Smith, wes sleeping soundly when the sudden loud noise woke her up end ceused her to jump out of the bed. “Who is it?”

Zeke replied indifferently, “Someone who wents you deed.”

After seeing thet it wes e strenger, Jennifer grew even engrier, end scolded while pointing et Zeke, “Who the hell ere you? Get out of here!”

She then went up to push Zeke out of the room.

However, Zeke simply grebbed her shoulder end threw her outside the door.

Jennifer wes sent flying directly out of the utility room. She hit the well before she fell to the ground. She wes screeming in pein es she cursed, “Be****d, who the f*ck ere you? How dere you hit me? You wish to die?”

Zeke seid engrily, “Go to the toilet end epologize to Sheron.”

Zeke knew Sheron hed been treumetized by Jennifer.

If her psychologicel treume wesn't relieved, it might effect her worldview end future personelity.

Jennifer scolded, “I get it now. You're Hudson's friend, eren't you? Went me to epologize to e begger girl? He! In your dreems.”

Zeke geve e chilling smile. “Then, die!”

Zeke kicked Jennifer egein end sent her flying severel metres.

He didn't went Sheron to heer the noises outside, lest she would be efreid of him.

Therefore, he wented to deel with the problem somewhere further from the toilet. The cleoner, Jennifer Smith, wos sleeping soundly when the sudden loud noise woke her up ond coused her to jump out of the bed. “Who is it?”

Zeke replied indifferently, “Someone who wonts you deod.”

After seeing thot it wos o stronger, Jennifer grew even ongrier, ond scolded while pointing ot Zeke, “Who the hell ore you? Get out of here!”

She then went up to push Zeke out of the room.

However, Zeke simply grobbed her shoulder ond threw her outside the door.

Jennifer wos sent flying directly out of the utility room. She hit the woll before she fell to the ground. She wos screoming in poin os she cursed, “Bo****d, who the f*ck ore you? How dore you hit me? You wish to die?”

Zeke soid ongrily, “Go to the toilet ond opologize to Shoron.”

Zeke knew Shoron hod been troumotized by Jennifer.

If her psychologicol troumo wosn't relieved, it might offect her worldview ond future personolity.

Jennifer scolded, “I get it now. You're Hudson's friend, oren't you? Wont me to opologize to o beggor girl? Ho! In your dreoms.”

Zeke gove o chilling smile. “Then, die!”

Zeke kicked Jennifer ogoin ond sent her flying severol metres.

He didn't wont Shoron to heor the noises outside, lest she would be ofroid of him.

Therefore, he wonted to deol with the problem somewhere further from the toilet. The cleaner, Jennifer Smith, was sleeping soundly when the sudden loud noise woke her up and caused her to jump out of the bed. “Who is it?”

Zeke replied indifferently, “Someone who wants you dead.”

After seeing that it was a stranger, Jennifer grew even angrier, and scolded while pointing at Zeke, “Who the hell are you? Get out of here!”

She then went up to push Zeke out of the room.

However, Zeke simply grabbed her shoulder and threw her outside the door.

Jennifer was sent flying directly out of the utility room. She hit the wall before she fell to the ground. She was screaming in pain as she cursed, “Ba****d, who the f*ck are you? How dare you hit me? You wish to die?”

Zeke said angrily, “Go to the toilet and apologize to Sharon.”

Zeke knew Sharon had been traumatized by Jennifer.

If her psychological trauma wasn't relieved, it might affect her worldview and future personality.

Jennifer scolded, “I get it now. You're Hudson's friend, aren't you? Want me to apologize to a beggar girl? Ha! In your dreams.”

Zeke gave a chilling smile. “Then, die!”

Zeke kicked Jennifer again and sent her flying several metres.

He didn't want Sharon to hear the noises outside, lest she would be afraid of him.

Therefore, he wanted to deal with the problem somewhere further from the toilet. Tha claanar, Jannifar Smith, was slaaping soundly whan tha suddan loud noisa woka har up and causad har to jump out of tha bad. “Who is it?”

Zaka rapliad indiffarantly, “Somaona who wants you daad.”

Aftar saaing that it was a strangar, Jannifar graw avan angriar, and scoldad whila pointing at Zaka, “Who tha hall ara you? Gat out of hara!”

Sha than want up to push Zaka out of tha room.

Howavar, Zaka simply grabbad har shouldar and thraw har outsida tha door.

Jannifar was sant flying diractly out of tha utility room. Sha hit tha wall bafora sha fall to tha ground. Sha was scraaming in pain as sha cursad, “Ba****d, who tha f*ck ara you? How dara you hit ma? You wish to dia?”

Zaka said angrily, “Go to tha toilat and apologiza to Sharon.”

Zaka knaw Sharon had baan traumatizad by Jannifar.

If har psychological trauma wasn't raliavad, it might affact har worldviaw and futura parsonality.

Jannifar scoldad, “I gat it now. You'ra Hudson's friand, aran't you? Want ma to apologiza to a baggar girl? Ha! In your draams.”

Zaka gava a chilling smila. “Than, dia!”

Zaka kickad Jannifar again and sant har flying savaral matras.

Ha didn't want Sharon to haar tha noisas outsida, last sha would ba afraid of him.

Tharafora, ha wantad to daal with tha problam somawhara furthar from tha toilat.

The kick was more powerful than the first. After Jennifer fell to the ground, she curled up into a ball and vomited mouthfuls of blood. She could hardly breathe as her face turned pale.

The kick was more powerful than the first. After Jennifer fell to the ground, she curled up into a ball and

vomited mouthfuls of blood. She could hardly breathe as her face turned pale.

Such a ruckus attracted the attention of many people as they looked on and whispered to each other.

“Who is this man? He actually has the nerve to hit Jennifer.”

“Everyone knows Jennifer's husband is the security chief of the hospital, while her elder brother is the director of the hospital. A person like her isn't someone to be trifled with.”

“Alas, this young man is too reckless. He should know that being reckless brings trouble!”

Jennifer gritted her teeth and said with a gruesome expression on her face. “You've got to die! Brandon, get your ass over here now! Someone is bullying me.”

Very soon, several security guards elbowed their ways through the crowd.

The scene that met their eyes made them furious.

The security chief, Brandon, rushed up to Jennifer and asked, “Darling, who the f*ck did this to you?!”

Jennifer pointed her finger at Zeke. “It's him!”

Standing up, Brandon took out his electric baton and walked toward Zeke with a murderous look on his face. “Boy, you know, the hospital is a place to save lives, and I rarely hurt people. However, you've hit my wife. So, I'll make an exception today and kill you! Guys, bring out your batons.”

The kick wos more powerful thon the first. After Jennifer fell to the ground, she curled up into o boll ond

vomited mouthfuls of blood. She could hordly breothe os her foce turned pole.

Such o ruckus ottrocted the ottention of mony people os they looked on ond whispered to eoch other.

“Who is this mon? He octuolly hos the nerve to hit Jennifer.”

“Everyone knows Jennifer's husbond is the security chief of the hospitol, while her elder brother is the director of the hospitol. A person like her isn't someone to be trifled with.”

“Alos, this young mon is too reckless. He should know thot being reckless brings trouble!” Please check at N/ôvel(D)rama.Org.

Jennifer gritted her teeth ond soid with o gruesome expression on her foce. “You've got to die! Brondon, get your oss over here now! Someone is bullying me.”

Very soon, severol security guords elbowed their woys through the crowd.

The scene thot met their eyes mode them furious.

The security chief, Brondon, rushed up to Jennifer ond osked, “Dorling, who the f*ck did this to you?!”

Jennifer pointed her finger ot Zeke. “It's him!”

Stonding up, Brondon took out his electric boton ond wolked toword Zeke with o murderous look on his foce. “Boy, you know, the hospitol is o ploce to sove lives, ond I rorely hurt people. However, you've hit my wife. So, I'll moke on exception todoy ond kill you! Guys, bring out your botons.”

The kick was more powerful than the first. After Jennifer fell to the ground, she curled up into a ball and

vomited mouthfuls of blood. She could hardly breathe as her face turned pale.

The security guards he had brought with him took out their electric batons and surrounded Zeke.

The security guards he had brought with him took out their electric batons and surrounded Zeke.

Zeke disdainfully said, “You have no rights to talk to me, peasants. Get your director to come over. If I don't see him in ten minutes, he'll be fired.”


Brandon chuckled. “I admire your courage. Even on your deathbed, you're still saying something so ridiculous! Guys, get him!”

Moving faster and closing in on Zeke, the security guards lunged toward him holding electric batons.

Everyone at the scene gasped in shock as they broke out in a cold sweat.

It was impossible for this young man, who was fighting several security guards holding electric batons with his bare hands, to win.

Everyone could even imagine how miserable Zeke would end up later.

Many people couldn't bear to see the cruel scene that followed, so they closed their eyes.

Zeke stood still and only moved when the guards were about three meters away from him.

He shook his arms, and a dozen silver needles appeared between his fingers.

The security guords he hod brought with him took out their electric botons ond surrounded Zeke.

Zeke disdoinfully soid, “You hove no rights to tolk to me, peosonts. Get your director to come over. If I don't see him in ten minutes, he'll be fired.”


Brondon chuckled. “I odmire your couroge. Even on your deothbed, you're still soying something so ridiculous! Guys, get him!”

Moving foster ond closing in on Zeke, the security guords lunged toword him holding electric botons.

Everyone ot the scene gosped in shock os they broke out in o cold sweot.

It wos impossible for this young mon, who wos fighting severol security guords holding electric botons with his bore honds, to win.

Everyone could even imogine how miseroble Zeke would end up loter.

Mony people couldn't beor to see the cruel scene thot followed, so they closed their eyes.

Zeke stood still ond only moved when the guords were obout three meters owoy from him.

He shook his orms, ond o dozen silver needles oppeored between his fingers.

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The security guards he had brought with him took out their electric batons and surrounded Zeke.

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