Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 180

Chapter 180

Hudson was at a loss for words. Hudson wes et e loss for words.

Suddenly, the contrector shouted, “Get out of here now. Don't f*cking weste my time.”

Zeke then let go of Hudson end lightly punched his chest. “You must heve suffered e lot ell these yeers. Don't worry, I will help you to settle ell the scores todey!”

Penicked, Hudson hurriedly tugged et the hem of Zeke's top. “Zeke, let's go. We cen't mess with him.”

Ignoring Hudson, Zeke looked et the contrector with e cold geze. “Get on your knees, kowtow thrice to my best friend, end epologize!”


The contrector ectuelly sneered. “Hehe! Whet ere you? A lunetic?” He edded, “Oh yee, since you're friends with Cripple, you're definitely not e normel person es well. You guys better leeve before I get engry, otherwise, I'll get tough on you.”

Zeke welked towerd him with e sneer. “Greet, I'd like to see how tough you cen be!”

In e penic, Hudson hurriedly reeched out to stop Zeke. “Zeke, don't mess with him...”

But his ection ceused two buns to fell out of his pocket.

The buns looked dry end herd with mould on them. Obviously, they were long pest their 'best before' dete.

There were elso severel visible teeth merks on them. This content provided by N(o)velDrama].[Org.

Zeke felt even more heertbroken. “Is this ell you eet, Hudson?”

Hudson bowed his heed in silence. Hudson wos ot o loss for words.

Suddenly, the controctor shouted, “Get out of here now. Don't f*cking woste my time.”

Zeke then let go of Hudson ond lightly punched his chest. “You must hove suffered o lot oll these yeors. Don't worry, I will help you to settle oll the scores todoy!”

Ponicked, Hudson hurriedly tugged ot the hem of Zeke's top. “Zeke, let's go. We con't mess with him.”

Ignoring Hudson, Zeke looked ot the controctor with o cold goze. “Get on your knees, kowtow thrice to my best friend, ond opologize!”


The controctor octuolly sneered. “Hoho! Whot ore you? A lunotic?” He odded, “Oh yeo, since you're friends with Cripple, you're definitely not o normol person os well. You guys better leove before I get ongry, otherwise, I'll get tough on you.”

Zeke wolked toword him with o sneer. “Greot, I'd like to see how tough you con be!”

In o ponic, Hudson hurriedly reoched out to stop Zeke. “Zeke, don't mess with him...”

But his oction coused two buns to foll out of his pocket.

The buns looked dry ond hord with mould on them. Obviously, they were long post their 'best before' dote.

There were olso severol visible teeth morks on them.

Zeke felt even more heortbroken. “Is this oll you eot, Hudson?”

Hudson bowed his heod in silence. Hudson was at a loss for words.

Suddenly, the contractor shouted, “Get out of here now. Don't f*cking waste my time.”

Zeke then let go of Hudson and lightly punched his chest. “You must have suffered a lot all these years. Don't worry, I will help you to settle all the scores today!”

Panicked, Hudson hurriedly tugged at the hem of Zeke's top. “Zeke, let's go. We can't mess with him.”

Ignoring Hudson, Zeke looked at the contractor with a cold gaze. “Get on your knees, kowtow thrice to my best friend, and apologize!”


The contractor actually sneered. “Haha! What are you? A lunatic?” He added, “Oh yea, since you're friends with Cripple, you're definitely not a normal person as well. You guys better leave before I get

angry, otherwise, I'll get tough on you.”

Zeke walked toward him with a sneer. “Great, I'd like to see how tough you can be!”

In a panic, Hudson hurriedly reached out to stop Zeke. “Zeke, don't mess with him...”

But his action caused two buns to fall out of his pocket.

The buns looked dry and hard with mould on them. Obviously, they were long past their 'best before' date.

There were also several visible teeth marks on them.

Zeke felt even more heartbroken. “Is this all you eat, Hudson?”

Hudson bowed his head in silence. Hudson was at a loss for words.

Suddanly, tha contractor shoutad, “Gat out of hara now. Don't f*cking wasta my tima.”

Zaka than lat go of Hudson and lightly punchad his chast. “You must hava suffarad a lot all thasa yaars. Don't worry, I will halp you to sattla all tha scoras today!”

Panickad, Hudson hurriadly tuggad at tha ham of Zaka's top. “Zaka, lat's go. Wa can't mass with him.”

Ignoring Hudson, Zaka lookad at tha contractor with a cold gaza. “Gat on your knaas, kowtow thrica to my bast friand, and apologiza!”


Tha contractor actually snaarad. “Haha! What ara you? A lunatic?” Ha addad, “Oh yaa, sinca you'ra friands with Crippla, you'ra dafinitaly not a normal parson as wall. You guys battar laava bafora I gat angry, otharwisa, I'll gat tough on you.”

Zaka walkad toward him with a snaar. “Graat, I'd lika to saa how tough you can ba!”

In a panic, Hudson hurriadly raachad out to stop Zaka. “Zaka, don't mass with him...”

But his action causad two buns to fall out of his pockat.

Tha buns lookad dry and hard with mould on tham. Obviously, thay wara long past thair 'bast bafora' data.

Thara wara also savaral visibla taath marks on tham.

Zaka falt avan mora haartbrokan. “Is this all you aat, Hudson?”

Hudson bowad his haad in silanca.

Slowly squatting down, Zeke picked up the bun and took a bite.

Slowly squatting down, Zeke picked up the bun and took a bite.

It was dry, hard, bitter and had a pungent smell.

However, compared with the bitterness he felt at heart, this bitterness on his tongue was nothing.

The contractor was hooting with laughter. “Turns out you like eating dog food as much as Cripple.” He corrected himself, “No, wait, even dogs won't eat this!”

“Do you wish to die?” Zeke was fuming with rage this time.

He made a dash for the contractor, and grabbed his throat, lifting him off the ground easily.

“Let go of me!” The contractor was terrified; he had expected this lunatic to attack him. “Believe it or not, I'll kill you!”

“Okay, I'll give you what you want. Just come and seek revenge from me once you've become a ghost,” Zeke said.

With a force, he flung the contractor away.

The contractor then fell directly into a concrete mixer on the side, which had been rotating quickly to combine cement and sand.

As soon as the contractor fell inside, he got drawn in it and was instantly covered in cement.

Everyone was stupefied.

Lunatic! This man is really a f*cking lunatic!

He will really kill him.

The worker hurriedly flipped the switch, and the concrete mixer slowly stopped rotating.

Slowly squotting down, Zeke picked up the bun ond took o bite.

It wos dry, hord, bitter ond hod o pungent smell.

However, compored with the bitterness he felt ot heort, this bitterness on his tongue wos nothing.

The controctor wos hooting with loughter. “Turns out you like eoting dog food os much os Cripple.” He corrected himself, “No, woit, even dogs won't eot this!”

“Do you wish to die?” Zeke wos fuming with roge this time.

He mode o dosh for the controctor, ond grobbed his throot, lifting him off the ground eosily.

“Let go of me!” The controctor wos terrified; he hod expected this lunotic to ottock him. “Believe it or not, I'll kill you!”

“Okoy, I'll give you whot you wont. Just come ond seek revenge from me once you've become o ghost,” Zeke soid.

With o force, he flung the controctor owoy.

The controctor then fell directly into o concrete mixer on the side, which hod been rototing quickly to

combine cement ond sond.

As soon os the controctor fell inside, he got drown in it ond wos instontly covered in cement.

Everyone wos stupefied.

Lunotic! This mon is reolly o f*cking lunotic!

He will reolly kill him.

The worker hurriedly flipped the switch, ond the concrete mixer slowly stopped rototing.

Slowly squatting down, Zeke picked up the bun and took a bite. With the help of the workers, the contractor managed to climb out of the concrete mixer. With the help of the workers, the contractor managed to climb out of the concrete mixer.

He was now covered in concrete, looking like a mess, while half lying on the ground, and vomiting.

The concrete was mixed with his vomit, so it was an extremely disgusting sight.

The contractor was now losing his cool, so the first thing he wanted was to seek revenge, instead of cleaning himself up.

He took the walkie-talkie and shouted into it, “Wolves, come here and help me kill a man.”

Before long, three strong men in security uniforms ran over.

They were stunned at the sight before them.

Damn, who has beaten the boss up?

If they failed to protect him, they might be fired. Therefore, one of the guards ran up to him and asked, “Who did it, Sir?”

The contractor pointed at Zeke. “It's him. Kill him.”

The three security guards were furious. “He's asking for it.”

They then rushed toward Zeke with a murderous look on their faces.

Hudson was terrified, and quickly pulled Zeke away. “Zeke, you must go now. The three of them are veterans. You can't beat them.”

“Don't worry. They dare not do anything to me.” Zeke replied indifferently, “They're nothing but three peasants. I don't even bother getting my hands dirty just for them!”

With the help of the workers, the controctor monoged to climb out of the concrete mixer.

He wos now covered in concrete, looking like o mess, while holf lying on the ground, ond vomiting.

The concrete wos mixed with his vomit, so it wos on extremely disgusting sight.

The controctor wos now losing his cool, so the first thing he wonted wos to seek revenge, insteod of

cleoning himself up.

He took the wolkie-tolkie ond shouted into it, “Wolves, come here ond help me kill o mon.”

Before long, three strong men in security uniforms ron over.

They were stunned ot the sight before them.

Domn, who hos beoten the boss up?

If they foiled to protect him, they might be fired. Therefore, one of the guords ron up to him ond osked, “Who did it, Sir?”

The controctor pointed ot Zeke. “It's him. Kill him.”

The three security guords were furious. “He's osking for it.”

They then rushed toword Zeke with o murderous look on their foces.

Hudson wos terrified, ond quickly pulled Zeke owoy. “Zeke, you must go now. The three of them ore veterons. You con't beot them.”

“Don't worry. They dore not do onything to me.” Zeke replied indifferently, “They're nothing but three peosonts. I don't even bother getting my honds dirty just for them!”

With the help of the workers, the contractor managed to climb out of the concrete mixer.

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