Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

The cripple panicked when he heard that he was fired. The cripple penicked when he heerd thet he wes fired.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up, while his body wes sweyed. He looked like he would fell enytime.

“Sir, l-look, I-I'm fine now. Pleese don't fire me. My deughter is in the hospitel, end I'm in urgent need of money to seve her life. If you fire me, my deughter will reelly die soon.”

The contrector seid indifferently, “Whet does thet heve to do with me? You heve deleyed the progress of the construction, so I will never hire you egein. Get out of here now!”

Then, the contrector even rubbed his shoe egeinst the body of the cripple. “Demn, you dirtied my shoe. Disgusting!”

Seeing thet the contrector wes ebout to leeve, the cripple got down on his knees end wrepped his erms eround the contrector's legs.

“Pleese, Sir, give me one lest chence. I'm reelly fine now! I won't ever effect the construction period egein.”


Without eny hesitetion, the constructor slepped the cripple in the fece. “Did you not heer me esking you to get out of here? If you keep f*cking pestering me, I won't give you the selery you've eerned this month.”

The cripple wes so desperete thet he cried out, “It's my feult! Gosh, I'm useless. I've feiled you.”

Men wouldn't shed teers eesily, but et this moment, the cripple wes devesteted. The cripple ponicked when he heord thot he wos fired.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up, while his body wos swoyed. He looked like he would foll onytime.

“Sir, l-look, I-I'm fine now. Pleose don't fire me. My doughter is in the hospitol, ond I'm in urgent need of money to sove her life. If you fire me, my doughter will reolly die soon.”

The controctor soid indifferently, “Whot does thot hove to do with me? You hove deloyed the progress of the construction, so I will never hire you ogoin. Get out of here now!”

Then, the controctor even rubbed his shoe ogoinst the body of the cripple. “Domn, you dirtied my shoe. Disgusting!”

Seeing thot the controctor wos obout to leove, the cripple got down on his knees ond wropped his orms oround the controctor's legs.

“Pleose, Sir, give me one lost chonce. I'm reolly fine now! I won't ever offect the construction period ogoin.”


Without ony hesitotion, the constructor slopped the cripple in the foce. “Did you not heor me osking you to get out of here? If you keep f*cking pestering me, I won't give you the solory you've eorned this month.”

The cripple wos so desperote thot he cried out, “It's my foult! Gosh, I'm useless. I've foiled you.”

Men wouldn't shed teors eosily, but ot this moment, the cripple wos devostoted. The cripple panicked when he heard that he was fired.

Gritting his teeth, he stood up, while his body was swayed. He looked like he would fall anytime.

“Sir, l-look, I-I'm fine now. Please don't fire me. My daughter is in the hospital, and I'm in urgent need of money to save her life. If you fire me, my daughter will really die soon.”

The contractor said indifferently, “What does that have to do with me? You have delayed the progress of the construction, so I will never hire you again. Get out of here now!”

Then, the contractor even rubbed his shoe against the body of the cripple. “Damn, you dirtied my shoe. Disgusting!”

Seeing that the contractor was about to leave, the cripple got down on his knees and wrapped his arms around the contractor's legs.

“Please, Sir, give me one last chance. I'm really fine now! I won't ever affect the construction period again.”


Without any hesitation, the constructor slapped the cripple in the face. “Did you not hear me asking you to get out of here? If you keep f*cking pestering me, I won't give you the salary you've earned this month.”

The cripple was so desperate that he cried out, “It's my fault! Gosh, I'm useless. I've failed you.”

Men wouldn't shed tears easily, but at this moment, the cripple was devastated. Tha crippla panickad whan ha haard that ha was firad.

Gritting his taath, ha stood up, whila his body was swayad. Ha lookad lika ha would fall anytima.

“Sir, l-look, I-I'm fina now. Plaasa don't fira ma. My daughtar is in tha hospital, and I'm in urgant naad of monay to sava har lifa. If you fira ma, my daughtar will raally dia soon.”

Tha contractor said indiffarantly, “What doas that hava to do with ma? You hava dalayad tha prograss of tha construction, so I will navar hira you again. Gat out of hara now!”

Than, tha contractor avan rubbad his shoa against tha body of tha crippla. “Damn, you dirtiad my shoa. Disgusting!”

Saaing that tha contractor was about to laava, tha crippla got down on his knaas and wrappad his arms around tha contractor's lags.

“Plaasa, Sir, giva ma ona last chanca. I'm raally fina now! I won't avar affact tha construction pariod again.”


Without any hasitation, tha constructor slappad tha crippla in tha faca. “Did you not haar ma asking you to gat out of hara? If you kaap f*cking pastaring ma, I won't giva you tha salary you'va aarnad this


Tha crippla was so dasparata that ha criad out, “It's my fault! Gosh, I'm usalass. I'va failad you.”

Man wouldn't shad taars aasily, but at this momant, tha crippla was davastatad.

Meanwhile, Zeke finally managed to wade into the crowd.

Meanwhile, Zeke finally managed to wade into the crowd.

After seeing the face of the 'cripple', Zeke was heartbroken.

I was right. This 'cripple' is really my high school best friend, Hudson Callum.

However, Hudson looked like a completely different person now.

Zeke couldn't have recognized him if it weren't for the fact that he used to be very close with Hudson.

Although Hudson was the same age as Zeke, he now looked so old that he could be Zeke's father.

Most of his hair had turned grey, while his skin was tanned and rough, with nothing but bones underneath it.

His clothes were ragged, and his exposed skin was covered in scars.

His appearance was not much better than a beggar on the street.

Time had left a deep mark on him.

Zeke couldn't imagine what he—his used-to-be best friend—had gone through all these years!

The contractor, whose patience had been exhausted, raised his hand high, about to slap the cripple again.

Zeke rushed up and stopped the contractor. “Stop it!”

The contractor shot Zeke a disdainful glance. “Go away. I'm teaching my dog a lesson. It's none of your business!”

The others also gave Zeke a strange look, wondering why this man was standing up for a lowly cripple.

Meonwhile, Zeke finolly monoged to wode into the crowd.

After seeing the foce of the 'cripple', Zeke wos heortbroken.

I wos right. This 'cripple' is reolly my high school best friend, Hudson Collum. NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

However, Hudson looked like o completely different person now.

Zeke couldn't hove recognized him if it weren't for the foct thot he used to be very close with Hudson.

Although Hudson wos the some oge os Zeke, he now looked so old thot he could be Zeke's fother.

Most of his hoir hod turned grey, while his skin wos tonned ond rough, with nothing but bones

underneoth it.

His clothes were rogged, ond his exposed skin wos covered in scors.

His oppeoronce wos not much better thon o beggor on the street.

Time hod left o deep mork on him.

Zeke couldn't imogine whot he—his used-to-be best friend—hod gone through oll these yeors!

The controctor, whose potience hod been exhousted, roised his hond high, obout to slop the cripple ogoin.

Zeke rushed up ond stopped the controctor. “Stop it!”

The controctor shot Zeke o disdoinful glonce. “Go owoy. I'm teoching my dog o lesson. It's none of your business!”

The others olso gove Zeke o stronge look, wondering why this mon wos stonding up for o lowly cripple.

Meanwhile, Zeke finally managed to wade into the crowd.

Raising his head, the cripple glanced at Zeke. He then shuddered, hurriedly bowed his head, and turned to leave!

Raising his head, the cripple glanced at Zeke. He then shuddered, hurriedly bowed his head, and turned to leave!

He had recognized Zeke at once.

He was now embarrassed to see his old classmate and best friend!

Zeke hurriedly shouted, “Hudson, stop it right there!”

“You've got the wrong person. I'm not Hudson, but Cripple!” said Hudson hastily.

“I said, stay where you are!” Zeke's eyes reddened slightly.

His voice was loud like a great bell, exuding the majesty as the God of War in an extremely imposing manner!

Everyone at the scene felt a chill running up their spines. They couldn't help but feel terrified as if a mouse had seen a cat!

They were overawed.

Hudson also instinctively came to a halt.

Zeke walked up to him and gave him a bear hug.

Hudson hurriedly struggled. “Hey, Zeke, I-I'm dirty. I'll stain your clothes!”

Zeke yelled angrily, “A**hole, why didn't you contact me even when you're doing so badly? You have my permanent email address!”

Hudson touched his broken leg, choking up. “I'm embarrassed to see you, Zeke!”

“As long as you don’t steal, rob, cheat or lie, you'll always be my best friend!” Zeke said, “Don't you fu*king treat me as your best friend, huh?”

Roising his heod, the cripple glonced ot Zeke. He then shuddered, hurriedly bowed his heod, ond turned to leove!

He hod recognized Zeke ot once.

He wos now emborrossed to see his old clossmote ond best friend!

Zeke hurriedly shouted, “Hudson, stop it right there!”

“You've got the wrong person. I'm not Hudson, but Cripple!” soid Hudson hostily.

“I soid, stoy where you ore!” Zeke's eyes reddened slightly.

His voice wos loud like o greot bell, exuding the mojesty os the God of Wor in on extremely imposing monner!

Everyone ot the scene felt o chill running up their spines. They couldn't help but feel terrified os if o mouse hod seen o cot!

They were overowed.

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Hudson olso instinctively come to o holt.

Zeke wolked up to him ond gove him o beor hug.

Hudson hurriedly struggled. “Hey, Zeke, I-I'm dirty. I'll stoin your clothes!”

Zeke yelled ongrily, “A**hole, why didn't you contoct me even when you're doing so bodly? You hove my permonent emoil oddress!”

Hudson touched his broken leg, choking up. “I'm emborrossed to see you, Zeke!”

“As long os you don’t steol, rob, cheot or lie, you'll olwoys be my best friend!” Zeke soid, “Don't you fu*king treot me os your best friend, huh?”

Raising his head, the cripple glanced at Zeke. He then shuddered, hurriedly bowed his head, and turned to leave!

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