Broken Dreams Stories Read Online Free

Broken Dreams Stories 113

Chapter 113

“Good girl,” Josh said as I took my last bite of jello

Do you feel better now that you fed me?” I asked him.

“Yes, I do, but how are you feeling?” Josh collected the garbage off my table and threw it away while I tried to get comfortable.

I’m tired and grumpy. I can’t get comfortable, but I’m afraid to move. I don’t want to pull on my stitches, and my whole stomach feels like someone ran me over with a car.” When I stopped to take a breath, Jake appeared by my bedside.

“Are you ready for some more pain medicine?” He asked as he adjusted a pillow for me.

“Yes, could you please push the call button? I don’t know where the remote thing went.”

Of course, sweetheart,” Jake said, looking around for the remote; he found it tangled behind my bed, hit the call button, and untangled it, placing it within my reach

I was still trying to find a comfortable position when Mary came in with my pain meds.OK, Emmy, this should help you relax; on a scale of one to ten, how is your pain right now?” She asked as she scanned my bracelet again.

“I don’t know. I’m in pain and grumpy. A six, maybe? I knew it was more of a question than a statement, but I didn’t care.

“All right dear, hold on just a minute, Mary said calmly, “I have an idea that might make you feel a little better. After injecting my meds into my IV, she disappeared into the bathroom, coming back with a small container that she set down on my table before lowering my bed rail,

“Do you think you can sit up for a few minutes by yourself?” she asked me.

I thought it over before deciding I could, and Mary helped me sit on the side of my bed. Drew came to “You’re the army medic, right?” she asked him.

o stand next to me, and Mary glan

glanced up at

Som at him.

“Yes, Mam, I am,” Drew said, smiling.

“Good, Emmy would probably appreciate your help more than mine; why don’t you help her with a quick washcloth bath before the water cools too much? I will be back in a few minutes. Mary handed him the cloth and left, closing the door behind her.

Drew untied the hack of the hospital gown for me and, after checking the water temperature, got the cloth wet and ran it gently over my back. It felt amazing, and I groaned in pleasure as Drew continued to run the damp cloth across my back before moving on to my arms and legs.

“I had no idea that a damp cloth could feel so good,” I said, causing the others to laugh. When Drew finished with the washcloth, he brought everything back to the bathroom and returned with a towel, gently drying me off and tying my gown back together just as Mary returned,


id that washcloth bath feel?” Mary asked

“I had no idea it would feel that good,” I admitted, smiling at her.

“I find it makes even the surliest patients feel a little better,” She said with a wink

“Now then,” She said, turning around to look at the guys. ‘Which twin are you again?” She asked, pointing at lake.

“Take, mam,” He answered, standing from the visitor chair he had taken when Drew moved.

“Such polite men you have, Mary told him before returning to Jake. “Here, take these and give Emmy a hand while brushing her teeth. I know meds can sometimes leave a bad taste in people’s mouths,” She said, handing Jake a travel–size toothbrush and toothpaste. She brought the small bowel out of the bathroom with a cup of water, and lake moved to my side.

As Jake handed me the toothbrush, Mary addressed the rest of the guys. I know you all want to stay with your girl, but I don’t have enough room for everyone to sleep here, so pick one person to stay with, and the rest of you can come back tomorrow.

“I will stay tonight,” Jake said before any arguments could begin. Besides, I wouldn’t sleep if I weren’t here.”

The others agreed, and once I rinsed the toothpaste from my mouth, Mary helped me get confortable in bed. I accepted kisses hom my guys before they filed out, promising they would see me first thing in the morning. After the others were gone, Mary helped Josh turn the visitor chair into a

Chapter 113

sleeping cot and left with a pillow and blanket.

My eyes were getting heavy when Jake leaned over me, kissing my lips and then my forehead.

“Thank you for staying with me,” I yawned. “I love you, I told him.

I love you, sweetheart,” Jake replied before lying on his cot and watching videos on his phone.

I fell asleep to the low murmur of voices from Jake’s phone but was woken several times throughout the night by the night nurse coming in and out. The morning finally arrived, and the other guys came with gifts of coffee and food.

“Coffee, coffee, coffee,” I cheered, holding my hand for a take–out cup. Patrick chuckled as he handed me one.

Thank you, my love,” I said, smiling up at him before taking my first sip and groaning in pleasure.

Should I be this turned on by her just drinking coffee?” Mike asked as he reached down and adjusted himself. I gave him a dirty look before taking another sip of coffee and then making every sexual sound I could think of, much to my guy’s amusement. We were all laughing when Mary came in to check on me.


I’m glad to see you sitting up; it looks like you’re feeling better?” She asked as she made notes on her tablet.

“Yes, I am. Are they going to release me today?” I asked her.

“I believe so; the doctor will be doing his rounds in about half an hour, so hopefully, if everything goes well, you should be home relaxing by this afternoon. In the meantime, would you like me to order you breakfast, or did your young men take care of that already?”

They bought me some food. Is it okay for me to eat more solid food? Mary gave me the go–ahead, and Drew handed me a breakfast sandwich and bowl of fruit, which I dug into.

“Mmmm, so good,” I moaned after swallowing the first bite.

“Damn it,” Mike complained from where he was leaning against the wall as he adjusted himself again..

I giggled before quietly finishing the rest of my food, Besides, I had a feeling the doctor was going to tell me to avoid sex for a few days, and I didn’t want to tease Mike too much.

When we were all done eating, the guys cleaned up the mess, and then we sat waiting for the doctor. Even with all the confusion the night before, Mike still remembered to pack the book I had been reading in my overnight bag, so I asked Drew to bring it to me while we waited.

I looked up occasionally as someone laughed, smiling as the guys shared videos. Of course, the doctor came in just as I was getting to the most exciting part of my book. Heaving a sigh, I set my book aside to finish later. The guys put their phones away, and after the doctor checked his notes, he introduced himself and began talking.

“Well, Emmy, you had an exciting evening last night.” He joked, and I snorted in reply.So it looks like the surgeon was able to remove your appendix before it ruptured. It was pretty infected, though, so you spent the night on IV meds, and we will be sending you home with some antibiotics that you will need to take. As far as your incisions go, keep them dry, and you will need to change the bandages twice a day. Some irritation is normal, but if are unsure of something, call and ask. If 1 read my notes correctly, one of you is a medic?” He asked, turning toward the guys.

“Yes, I am,” Drew said, stepping forward.

“Good, then you know what to watch for.” Drew nodded, and after a few more instructions, the doctor left, Promising to have Mary bring in the discharge paperwork soon.


Shattered Curt

Chapter 114

While waiting for Mary’s return, Derw and Patrick helped me out of my hospital gown and into more comfortable clothes. Once I was dressed, I sat back on the edge of the bed, realizing that recovering from surgery would be completely different from recovering from one of my father’s beatings. Just standing and getting changed had taken all my energy.

“Why am I so exhausted from just getting changed?” I grumbled.

“It’s probably a combination of the stress and trauma your body went through from the surgery and the pain meds. Drew said, sitting beside me on the bed before carefully lifting me into his lap.

“I hate feeling like this, I pouted, then yawned loudly and rested my head against Drew’s shoulder. I had just about fallen asleep when Mary brought the discharge into the room. She handed them to Mike and turned to Drew, still holding me.

The doctor already went over everything, correct?”

“Yes, we all know what to expect and things we should keep an eye on,” Drew answered.

“Good, good. Now, Emmy, you make sure these boys take good care of you, Mary said, giving each of my guys a stern look. “Now, boys, make sure she takes it easy for the next few days, get lots of rest, and don’t let her lift anything over five pounds.

I groaned at the second part of Mary’s instructions: Don’t tell them that. Now they will try to carry me everywhere and not let me do anything for myself.”

“Well, they should do just that for the next few days. Except for carrying her around. You don’t want to hurt her accidentally, and walking around a bit is good for recovery.” Mary looked at each guy one at a time until she got nods of understanding from each of them.

“Now, if one of you gets your car and pulls it into the patient loading zone, we will meet you there. With that, Mike tossed the keys to Patrick, who disappeared out the door after coming over to me and kissing my forehead. Mary left and quickly came back in with a wheelchair, and Drew stood, carrying me over and placing me gently into it. Jake was holding my bag, and josh had a second bag of things from the hospital they were sending me home with. We all filed out of the room, Mary leading the way with me, and I smirked as several nurses stopped to stare at my parade of guys behind me “That’s right, girls, they are all mine, I thought. My mood was suddenly starting to look up.

When we got outside, Patrick was waiting for us, and Drew lifted me into the front seat of the SUV before carefully buckling me in. I rolled down the window and thanked Mary, and she waved to us, reminding me to take it easy. 1 tried to relax and get comfortable, but it was hard; it seemed like every time I took a breath, one of my incisions was rubbing against something. I gave up trying to get comfortable and hoped we would be home quickly.

I had never been so happy to see the house as I was today. Patrick pulled into the garage, and the guys climbed out of the back seats. Mike came around to unbuckle my seat belt and carry me into the house. Mike led the way to their wing of the house and set me down on the couch while the others disappeared to put what they were carrying away or to get me a blanket and pillow so I could relax. Once I was settled comfortably, Drew came in with a tray holding a drink, snack, and, best of all, my bottle of pain meds. After taking my meds, he handed me a plate of apple slices along with some slices of cheese and a small bowl of almonds.


Thank you for taking such good care of me,” I said as I took Drew’s hand and pulled him down for a kiss.

“I will always take care of you, sweet girl, Drew said, giving me another kiss before sitting by my feet and resting my legs across his lap. One by one, the other guys joined us back in the living room after changing into comfortable clothes. Mike sat down by my head and handed me the remote.

“You’re not feeling well, so you get to pick what we watch,” he told me. I was getting tired, so I quickly found a movie I knew the guys would enjoy. Mike ran his fingers through my hair, and I drifted off to the feeling of him massaging my scalp. I woke to the smell of greasy Chinese food. My stomach let out a loud growl.

“Bring Em a plate, too, Mike called over his shoulder.

“Thanks, sweetle,” I told him as I tugged his t–shirt so he would lean over me, and I kissed him

Mike helped me sit up and get comfortable while fake brought two plates over to us. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Mmm, this smells amazing. Thank you to whoever ordered this; it’s just what I wanted. I dug into my plate of food. Once everyone was back in the living room, Patrick got our attention.

With everything going on with Em, I didn’t update you guys on what Jamle found when he got to Aruba.” We were all focused on him, so Patrick continued. “Jamie said they found several people who remember seeing them. They were staying at one of the resorts for several weeks, and one of the waiters at the reset restaurant remembers them having dinner several times with a local businessman who has known ties to the biggest drug cartel in

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