Broken Dreams Stories Read Online Free

Billionaire’s 122

Chapter 122

As Michael sped down the dimly lit highway towards Club Edge, his mind swirled with thoughts of his plan for Sandra. He tapped his boger impaciently against the wheel, a smirk tugging at his lips as he imagined the night ahead. He had made careful plans, and he was going to ensure that everything fell into place.

With a glance at his dashboard clock, he realized it was time to check on Sandra. He reached for his phone, pressing her number on speed dial. The phone rang twice before Sandra’s sultry voice came through the speaker.

“Hey, darling,” the answered.

Are you on your way!” Michael’s voice was firm

Sandra let out a soft laugh. “Of course. I’m already here, waiting for you, as usual. Did you really think I wouldn’t show up?”

Michael chuckled, pleased. “Good girl Just relax; 1 promise you’ll have a good time tonight. You always do, don’t you?”

“I’m counting on it,” Sandra purred, her voice dripping with the kind of mischief that Michael found irresistible.

“By the way. I got your text. Instead of asking me to meet with you at Club Edge, why didn’t you just say we were meeting at the Diamond Edge Hotel?” Sandra asked, and Michael chuckled.

“I thought we should hang out at the club and loosen up before going to the suite. We both know how horny you feel after partying,” he said, and

she rolled her

“Well, I’m horny enough already. Can we skip the partying and meet at the suite! I really want to meet Rayna tonight. You know tomorrow is a work day,” Sandra said, and Michael shrugged.

“Alright. Since you’re there already, you can go on up the suite. I’ll be there soon

“Perfect. I grab us some wine and get the party started while I wait, she replied excitedly,

“Do that,” he said, smirking. T’m looking forward to seeing you?

He ended the call with a satisfied nod. Hearing them one would think it were just another night between lovers, but Michael knew this evening was far from ordinary. A plan had been set in motion, and tonight was the night he would follow through with it. Sandra would make everything easy for him, as she always did.

Away from there, after the phone call with Michael, Sandra stepped out of her car in the club’s parking lot and smoothed her dress–a tight, short black number–before making her way inside.

She headed directly to the reception, and after getting the keycard to the suite, she requested that a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon be sent immediately after her.

The suite Michael had booked was on the club’s top floor, part of the hotel that was reserved for VIPS,

When she reached the door to the suite, the swiped the keycard and pushed it open, stepping into the luxurious space.

No sooner had she walked into the site before the doorbell rang, and the wine was delivered to her.

“Michael’s favorite,” she murmured to herself with a smirk after the waiter left.

She walked over to the minibar, grabbed two glasses, and poured herself a generous serving of wine. As the ri buzzed, and she took it out from her clutch to see a text from Rayna

[I’m on

on my way with Evelyn |

Sandra smirked as she replied. [Good I’ll join you as soon as I can. Keep her relaxed.]

rich aroma filled her senses, her phone

She slipped her phone back into her clutch, and a pleased chuckle escaped her lips as she tipped the glass to her lips and took a slow, deliberate sip. When her eyes fell on the clock, and she saw that Michael would likely arrive soon, she reached into he sleeping medication.


her purse and pulled out a small vial of

Her fingers were inside. The liquid dissolved instantly, leaving no trace behind. Smiling, she returned the vial to her purse and set the bottle of wine down on the steady as the uncapped it. She glanced at the bottle of wine and gave it a quick, swirl before pouring half the contents of the vial

“Now we wait, she murmused, crossing the room to sit on the plush edge of the bed. She checked her phone again, saw Rayna’s lag paraa


11:29 AM

Chapter 122

smiled. Tonight was going to be perfect.

Five minutes later, a knock came at the door. Sandra rose and smoothed her dress once more before striding over to open it.

She smiled when she saw Michael standing there, his usual confident grin plastered on his face.

“Well, well,” he said, stepping inside. I thought you were going to be difficult tonight. I’m glad to see you’re still my girl.”

Sandra laughed as she embraced him, her lips grazing his neck as she stretched on tiptoe to kiss him. “Tll always be your girl, Mike. Sorry for the attitude lately. Evelyn’s return has been getting under my skin more than I thought possible,” she said, her hands resting on his chest as she looked up at him through her lashes.

Michael waved a dismissive hand. “Forget about Evelyn. Tonight, it’s just you and me. He strolled towards the table where the wine sat. “You got my favorite wine,” he said with a grin as he picked up the bottle. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yeah. That’s my way of apologizing for what happened earlier. We are a team, Mike. I don’t like how things are going between us lately,” she said with a pout as she stood in front of him.

Michael smiled as he watched her toy with the button of his shirt, “I forgive you”

“Shall we drink to it then?” She asked with a smile as she went to pick up her empty glass. She poured some wine into both their glasses and took little sip from hers before handing him his glass.

“I think I need to empty my bladder.” She gestured towards the bathroom before setting down her glass and disappearing inside.

As soon as the door clicked shut, Michael’s eyes darkened with intent as he took the opportunity to check on the camera he had installed in the room a while ago to make sure it was on and positioned to capture everything that would happen once Sandra returned. He had his own plans tonight–plans she didn’t need to know about.

He was not going to change them simply because she had apologized for her attitude. He still needed something he could hold over her.

Satisfied with the setup, he seuled on the bed and took a sip from his glass. The taste was rich and familiar, but he didn’t notice the faint bitterness creeping in from the medication Sandra had laced it with

Inside the bathroom, Sandra waited patiently, listening to his movement around the room. She wanted him to drink from the glass and for the effect to start setting in slowly before she returned.

She leaned against the marble sink, a smirk playing on her lips as she watched the seconds tick by on her watch. When she was sure enough time had passed, she took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom

Michael sat on the bed, wineglass in hand, his posture relaxed as he leaned back against the headboard. His eyes followed her as she walked towards him, his grin widening. You took your time,” he teased.

Sandra smiled as she sauntered over to stand before the bed. “I had to clean up.” She said with a wink.

Michael’s eyes glearned with anticipation as he raised his glass to her. “Why don’t you give me a little show, huh? I’ve missed you,” he said as he took a long sip.

Sandra’s lips curled into a playful smile. “Anything for you,” she said sweetly, knowing exactly what he wanted.

She began to undress, slowly slipping the straps of her dress off her shoulders, her movements deliberate and seductive.

She didn’t mind stripping since that meant she was bidding her time until the effect of the medication set in.

Michael watched, his eyes following every inch of skin she revealed, but as Sandra continued, she noticed his eyelids growing heavy. His o gaze began to dull and he began to yawn frequently.

once sharp

She smiled when his head lolled slightly to the side. By the time she had unclasped her bra and tossed it onto the floor, Michael’s grip on his wineglast loosened, and it slipped from his hand, spilling its contents onto the sheets:

Sandra smiled to herself, watching as he struggled to keep his eyes open “Sleep tight, Michael, she whispered as his body slumped against the pillows, completely unconscious.

With a satisfied grin, she picked up her clothes and slipped then back on, her heart racing with triumph, Now, all she had to do was make sure everything else went according to plan__

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