You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 487: Deep Scar

Chapter 487: Deep Scar

Meanwhile, Trishia was coping with her wounded shoulder.

She didn't expect that she would be wounded tonight.

It was far from her imagination.

Especially, since she didn't expect that Eric Grant would come.

He was an intruder and that intruder is not welcome in her plan.

Blood was dripping from her shoulder tremendously but she endured.

Clenching her fists tightly, Trishia heaved a deep sigh repeatedly.

She was still alive.

That was just a small cut.

She had no time to waste as she was very eager to finish what she had started.

Her plan was still not yet finished as Arabella Jones was still alive.

She needed to get up, find her and kill her.

That was all about tonight.

Trishia believed that if she killed Arabella Jones she could go back to Bill Sky.

She could probably fix her ruined face with a lot of money.

After all, she is his wife.

They were married.

That was what she thought as she didn't know that Bill had already revoked their marriage a long time

after she hid and made them believe that she died in the tragedy.

There were many grounds to prove their marriage was nothing but deceit.

With Bill's powerful connections, it was just easy like a quick snap of his fingers.

"Bitch!" She roared very pissed with Arabella and the situation she was in.

Her expression was very impatience like she could kill someone who block her way.

Her good plan became chaotic when Arabella meddled trying so hard to steal the spotlight again from


She should not steal her gun and tried to save the senator.

She was always the pain in her ass and as usual, always wanted to interfere in her life.

That was why she hated Arabella Jones the most.

With her thoughts, Trishia rushed to get up then she grinned mockingly seeing the senator lying on the

cold floor.

She looked around keenly to make sure that there was no enemy and walked toward the senator with a

wider grin.

Her eyes filled with joy while she approached the senator's direction and then she hastily kicked the

senator's arm to ensure that the old man was really dead.

It plopped back on the ground.

Trishia smiled triumphantly as she heaved a deep sigh of satisfaction.

"Hahaha!" Trishia could not help but laughed loudly seeing her stepdad in a terrible situation just like

what she wanted.

"Wow! Marvelous!!!" She clapped her hands joyfully like she couldn't get enough.

Trishia could jump for joy at that moment that was how she was happy she was.

"I told you old man, you belong there on the ground! That's what you get for treating me like shit! You

die alone but don't worry… I'm sure your daughter and your son will join you in hell and I'm sure about

that! Hahaha!" Trishia sounded so sure that Hanna and her baby could not make it as Hanna was

wounded terribly.

The wounds were deep and she would definitely lose blood before she arrived at the hospital.

Still, Trishia felt lucky tonight.

"Bye-bye, old man! You will rot in hell together with your daughter and grandson! Have a good time in

hell with your long-lost family! Hahaha!" Trishia bid her mocking farewell to the senator.

Her voice was bitchy funny like she had no remorse or pain seeing the senator on the ground.

Surely, Trishia had no loved for her stepdad only hatred.

For a while, she let her eyes mesmerized by the senator's death.

She was confident and contented with the senator's death until, "Trishia!!!" The senator roared furiously

as he grabbed Trishia's right leg hindering her to make another step.

His eyes were floating silk but they were deep and murderous.

"What the hell!!!" Trishia exclaimed shocked.

She couldn't believe that the senator was still alive when she thought he had no life on the ground.

He was like a cat who had many lives but Trishia was not scared of a weak old man.

His grip was so strong pulling her down and it seemed she could feel all his weight through his grip.

"You… you are going to join me to hell…" The senator's voice was weak but he was determined to stop

Trishia from hurting his family.

Before he went there, he had fully loaded his gun and wore his bulletproof armor but too bad, he was

still hit by bullets everywhere in his body.

Trishia was too clever to realize this like she knew the senator would not go there without any


He was a crook person but Trishia had already anticipated this. This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The last bullet pierced the back of his neck between his shoulders.

This made him collapse for a moment and in intense pain.

He knew he died for a moment but in the dark, he heard Trishia's sinister voice.

What she said about his daughter and grandson joining him soon made him open his eyes.

He would die alone and he already accepted that then his breathing went back.

He would not let Trishia harm Hanna and his grandson again.

She should be stopped and he had to make her stop.

In his weak stance, the senator managed to pull Trishia down by hugging her knee.

Blood was dripping from his mouth and into the floor.

With his frail body, he moved slowly and tried reaching his wooden cane.

"Ahhh!!!" Trishia roared and pestered.

Since she didn't expect that the senator was alive, she quickly lost her balance with his grip.

She shoved to the floor pissed off with the senator.

With one foot, she kicked the senator's hand hard to free her other foot.

She kicked again and again until the senator let go of her.

Then she crawled and picked up her gun.

The senator was sitting on the floor with his head low and shoulders slouching.

He was unmoved and he seemed to lose the battle just now between him and Trishia.

With her gun, Trishia was happy and delighted seeing the senator's wariness.

She defeated him and now since he didn't die, she had to kill him again.

This time, she would make sure about it.

With her thoughts, Trishia grasped behind the senator and on one knee she pointed her gun at the

back of his head.

This man would die again tonight.

Even though he had many lives but if she shot him in the head, surely, the wicked man will die.

It would be a quick way to finish him because she was already very disgusted with his presence.

With her closer to him, she pointed her gun on his head touching the back of his head with her gun's


Trishia was craving his death.

His finale in this world.

She was craving for his blood gushing all over him.

Lots of blood flooded coming from all her enemies.

"You die alone!" Trishia hissed then without sparing any moment, she was going to pull the trigger but,

"Ahhh!!!" Trishia suddenly screamed painfully.

"If I say you die with me, you will!" With his blood dripping non-stopped from his mouth, the senator

managed to speak resolutely.

"Bang!!!" It was quick.

After the loud gunshot, the senator was shoved to the floor breathless with eyes wide open.

Without missing a single chance, Trishia shot him directly in the forehead with her gun causing the old

man to spatter to the ground.

"Shit!!!" After, she hissed painfully pulling out a dagger in her waist.

Her eyes were closed feeling the burning sensation in her body.

It was so intense like she never felt it before.

She felt like dying.

Ample blood instantly gushed from her side.

The sharp long dagger seemed to reach her intestine and she felt extreme pain.

With her blood covered in the blade, she threw it to the floor.

A cracking sound was heard along with her struggling breath and cold sweats in her body.

The wound that the senator made for her was the most painful.

Trishia covered her wound with her trembling palm but it wasn't enough to stop the blood from flowing.

It dropped on the floor following no rhythm.

She hated that a weak old man who was dying still got a chance to stab her.

The senator managed to get his cane and pulled the tip of it when she fell down.

She had seen him always with his cane before but she didn't expect that it had a weapon.

She hated herself for being so reckless.

She hated the senator even after his death and she hated him more.

At his last moment, he died fighting.

Too bad, at this time, she won against him but he gave her a deep wound and surely it would turn into a

deep scar after.

Sen. Meyer was now dead but he left her a deep scar.

It just meant that the senator wanted her to remember him always.

Even in the next life, he would not be separated from her life as long as she had the scar.

Trishia looked at the old man full of resentment.

Then she spat at him disgustingly before she left walking on a zigzag with her aching wounded waist

and shoulders.

Meanwhile, Arabella was about to hit the man with her stick.

To her surprise, it was the person she never thought of seeing in this place.

With eyes wide open, she spoke, "Bi... Bill..."

Bill successfully got inside the warehouse.

"Wha... what happened to you?" Arabella asked filled with worries and concern in her tone seeing

plasters wrapped around Bill's head. She knew she left him alone sleeping in his bed. Why she had to

see him like his head had suffered a strong concussion?

Bill was stunned in a funny way.

He was supposed to be worried about her but Arabella had already bombarded him with questions.

Girls always like that and Bill could not complain but at this point, he was really offended by her actions.

"Let's go!" Bill's tone was deep. He seemed to hate her as she could sense annoyance and


Arabella was silent as Bill was holding her arm tight. She could not protest or defend herself.

She knew it was off that she made her own decision but she had reasons.

The main reason was she didn't want him to be hurt. It was her trouble and not him. It was not right to

drag him with her troubles and in the end, he would have a tendency to get hurt.

It was the last thing she wanted to happen.

Arabella opted to keep all her thoughts in her but she swore to make an explanation for him later.

They were running away.

Silently, Bill led her to the exit.

More numbers of gunshots were heard and at any moment, the place would be put on fire.

It seemed Bill had brought a battalion of backup to rescue her.

She just wished that Trishia would be captured.

She needed to pay for what she had done to Hanna and her baby plus the senator's death.

Arabella and Bill successfully got out using the back exit of the warehouse. There, a black luxurious car

was already waiting for them. The engine was ready and the driver's head popped out tapping the

driver's door. "Get in!" He shouted in a hurry.

"Mark???" Arabella uttered in shock seeing Mark in the picture.

When did they become friends?

Arabella was frowning confused by the latter's presence but Bill quickly stuffed her inside the car.

Then he sat beside her at the back.

Mark quickly drove away leaving the chaotic warehouse.

Inside the car, Arabella heaved a sigh of relief. She looked at Bill who was still wearing a cold face.

She gulped trying to calm herself and get ready herself for him.

She knew she needed to say something to ease the tension between them.

"Bi... Bill," With her heartbeat thumping fast, she managed to call his name but the latter just raised his

palm to her stopping her to go further. Bill didn't even turn to see him. Instead, he closed his eyes and

rested his head on the back. He seemed so very tired.

Though she felt bad, Arabella managed to maintain her composure.

She could sense was angry but she understand and she would endure.

Along with a deafening silence, Arabella mustered her courage to grab his hand.

Bill didn't bother and let her with his eyes still closed.

Arabella then stroke his hand gently never minding Bill's anger toward her.

Then, she closed her eyes putting his hand toward her lips.

She missed Bill so much and she was just so lucky that she escaped from her death tonight.

Tears slipped out from the corner of her eyes and then down to Bill's hand.

Bill could feel her tears but he endured her.

Quickly, they arrived at the mansion.

Bill was still silent and obviously was not in the mood to talk to her.

She respected his decision.

Arabella knew she had to bear with it as she was the one who was at fault this time.

She went directly to the shower room.

With the water dripping around her body, her tensed-up nerves started to calm.

She let the water wash away the tragic experienced tonight.

Then after her shower, she went directly to the bedroom.

She was stunned to see Bill was not there.

The big bed was empty so she went to his study room to find him.

The light inside was open so she knocked on his door but he didn't answer.

Arabella decided to open the door without his permission but it was locked.

He locked his door.

Arabella felt dismay.

Bill was really angry at her so she decided to go to bed with her tired body hoping that Bill would finally

go out and hug her in the bed after.

Morning came quickly.

Arabella opened her eyes and the first thing she did was to grasp beside her.

Checking Bill beside her but to her dismay again, there was no one beside her.

It was empty.

Bill didn't sleep beside her.

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