Winning Her Heart Back

Chapter 485

Chapter 485 Maddening 

“How could you to me? She loved you so much…So much! She even bought a vase to put the flowers you bought her. She was so happy the day you went to get your marriage restdicate registered. How could you!” Greta cried out. 

Willamchickled iconically” so, she won’t be walking away with someone else.” 

Greta frantically demanded, “Who is she with/where is she?” 

William only had one question. “Where is the ledger? 

Greta was only worried about one thing “Where is me? 

William repeated his question once again. “Where’s the ledger?” 

His emotionless bone was maddening, Greta was losing her mind. 

In an instant, Greta’s emotions crumbled. 

She was desperate to protect her daughter, and she struggled against these holding her back Despite her efforts, she couldn’t gone William 

He looked down at her with an indifferent demeanor, clearly dominating in this exchange 

Greta’s hair was disheveled as she thrashed and screamed. “What did you do to Eme? How could you do this? Killing Mr. Pierce wasn’t enough? Now you won’t even spare his only daughter! What kind of monsters are you?” 

Aheart monitor was strapped to Greta. And as her heartbeat spiked, the monitor began berping wildly. 

William slightly pressed his lips together and repeated his question for the third time. “The leden. Where is it? 

Greta was overwhelmed with guilt, regret, and sorrow. She couldn’t believe she had allowed her daughter to marry 

Greta’s face was streaked with tears, and her visions tumed dark. The alarm from the monitor grew increasingly rapid, creating an onsettling atmosphere. 

Ashton couldn’t help glancing at William. 

William subtly furrowed his brows, but from a closer look, there was almost little to no reaction from him. 

Greta’s face was red yet pale as she glared at William “Eme doesn’t anything. She really doesn’t. Please don’t hurt her. If you have to come after me.” 

Greta’s words trailed off as she collapsed, and the monitor’s screen flatlined with a finalberg. 

Ashton was taken aback “Mr. Middleton!” 

William turned around and left the wind. “Call the doctors.” 

“Yes, sir!” Ashton said. 

The ingred Eights in the hospital room were chaotic and blinding Wet, William caught a glimpse on the clock on the wall 

There was a subtle green dot on the clock, as though a predator’s eye was watching from the shadows 


On the other end, Charles cheered and applauded. “Mr. Middleton indeed lives up to his reputation. You can even feel the intensity of his accidental gaze through the screen.” The pinhole camera was secretly installed without Wil’s knowledge. If William had known, Charles wouldn’t have been able to tell if Will had gone to ask Greta for the ledger. 

The Middleton, Davis, Swanson, and the Collins families were now allies. Despite that, trust among them wasn’t absolute. 

charles rested his legs on the desk and casually grabbed a bunch of gripes, enjoying the moment. “After all, Mrs. Hoven is William’s mother–in–law. He knows she’s ill and can’t handle stress. And he’s still being so blunt” 

” he ends up pushing her to her breaking point, how’s he going to explain it when Ms. Hoven reens Charles Joked. 

Beathan saved the five–minute surveillance footage and replayed in 

Charles eyes him. “What’s the matter?” 

For some reason, Beathan found William’s approach edd. “He’s too direct.” 

Charles was confused. “How else could he have done it then?” 

Beathan took a sip of his tea, narrowing his eyes behind his glasses. “Just Be you said, the pushes her to her breaking point, he might never find out where the ledger is.” Charles chuckled dismissively, “Well, seems that you don’t know Mr. Middleton that well with his status and personality, has he ever been nice to anyone? This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - ©.

Was that so? 

Beathan pondered as he held his teacup 

Meanwhile, Charles spat out the grape skin he was chewing, not seeing any issue. From Mrs. Hoven’s reaction, it seems Ms. Hoven really doesn’t know anything about the ledger.”” 

Bethan glanced at Charles. 

Charles clicked his tongue. Though he and Beathan were close, he was annoyed by Beathan’s overthinking. 

Hepa Beathan a nuder with his leather shoe and added, “What’s on your mind

Beathan smirked and held the cup finaly in his hand. “Hmmm. Let’s just say…I prefer to the up all loose ends” 

ly “buse madh,” he meat eliminating all possibilities. 

Whether Inele knew about the ledger or not, it would be better to get rid of her. They had to prepare for the worst 

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