Win Your Heart

Chapter 60 Rita Got Angry

Chapter 60 Rita Got Angry

Sophia looked at Jeremy apologetically and put her hand on his arm. "Sorry, I'm not myself today."

"It's okay. You are just back to yourself now." Jeremy replied in a soft and comforting voice. Then he gently held Sophia's slender waist and turned around. He took Sophia to the dancing floor.

"Oh, I don't know how to dance..." It was the first time for Sophia to be so close to Jeremy, so it was a bit awkward.

Jeremy didn't care about it and smiled, "I can teach you."

It didn't take long for Sophia to learn these simple moves. She was so fit for this man in front of her.

Jeremy couldn't help but feel surprised. He didn't expect that Sophia could cooperate with him.

Victor was hooked up by Teresa. Sophia with Jeremy dancing in the ground.· Rita had never expected that she would end up like this

Thinking of this, Rita drank a mouthful of wine, looking depressed.

"This beautiful lady, would you like to dance with me?"

With these words, Jay gracefully invited a dance.

Rita glanced at Jay from head to toe and found that he was indeed Victor's friend. He had a feminine face, but that was charming enough. Rita put down the glass gracefully and put her hand in Jay's hand. "I'm honored."

"Where does Teresa come from?"

Rita asked Jay about the talkative woman in front of Victor as they danced.

"Do you want to know?" As soon as his words faded away, Jay gave a meaningful look at Victor. He wondered how many women Victor had messed with!

Rita raised her lips gracefully and replied, "yes, I think you know her well since you brought her here."

"She is the daughter of a prestigious Xiao family,"

Rita was surprised by the answer. In fact, she also knew that a lot of people like Victor were scrambling for the golden bachelor, both in terms of background and appearance. However, Teresa was not a nice person this time! She was likely to be one of Rita's strongest opponents This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

Moreover, as a woman, Rita knew women best. The way Teresa looked at Victor was unusual.

At the thought of this, Rita suddenly became absent-minded. In a hurry, she stepped on Jay's foot and heard a low voice, "ah!" He whispered in her ears.

It was then that Rita noticed Jay. She smiled apologetically.

"I forgive you for your beautiful face. But don't step on me next time. It hurts!"

However, Rita didn't listen to Jay any more. She couldn't help but take a look at the dancing floor

Teresa put her hand on the shoulder of Victor and danced happily.

Teresa turned her head and pressed her ear against Victor's chest, almost trying to hear his heartbeat.

But Victor had already noticed what was on Teresa's mind. He took a step back and avoided her deliberately.

As Teresa didn't get what she wanted, she pouted and felt annoyed. But soon, Teresa smiled and raised her head, wanting to lean against his chin.

At the same time, Victor turned his head away from her to avoid her attack.

All this had been witnessed by Sophia and Rita not far away from them. The pose of the two was so dubious, which was so eye-catching to them.

Rita was so angry that she stepped on the floor with her heels violently and the sound of her feet reverberated in the room. Then she loosened her grip on Jay's arm, turned around and left the dance floor.

"What's wrong?" Jay asked, behind Rita.

"No, no, no. I don't want to stay here any longer. It's so annoying!" Rita· said impatiently, shaking her hands.

Jay and Rita found a place to sit.

Sophia then saw Rita walking out of the dance floor, so she quickly followed Rita and said to Jeremy who was standing next to her, "Mr. Jeremy, I'm not interested in dancing. Sorry to interrupt you."

"It's okay. You can take a break." Jeremy answered in a spoiled way, still accommodating to the woman beside him.

A man holding a glass of wine walked up to Jeremy and stopped him. He said, "Hey, you are Mr. Jeremy, right?"

Jeremy nodded, took up a goblet filled with wine and drank with the man.

"I thought I was mistaken, so I dared to call you..."

SSophia paused and was about to leave. But out of politeness, she asked, "I'm going to have a seat over there." She pointed at the place where Rita was sitting.

Then she walked towards Rita quickly with Jeremy's approvel.

In fact, Sophia was not in a good mood. Although she tried to make it clear to Jeremy that she didn't like dancing, in fact, the real reason was that she felt it was getting harder and harder for her to breathe when she saw the dubious air between Teresa and Victor.

At this time, Teresa, who wanted to have intimate action with Victor, received a complete failure. She was a little discouraged and said delicately, "Victor, don't you like me? I know I am not as beautiful and capable as Sophia and Rita. But no matter what, we have grown up together and I am your fiancee..."

When Victor heard the word "fiancee", Victor felt a little disgusted and immediately let go of Teresa's hand.

Terrified, Teresa apologized in a soft voice, "sorry, I was wrong. Please don't do this..."

As she spoke, she put her hand on Victor's shoulder again.

But Teresa didn't want to go further with Victor, because she was afraid that this unfathomable man would turn her down, which would lose her face in communication, and at the same time, she also wanted to keep Victor by her side. This was to declare her status as an true wife to Rita and Sophia.

After Teresa returned to hometown, she had known from the bottom of her heart that Victor was a philandering man. She had never expected that he would treat her like this!

Although this party was not lost full of face, her position was in jeopardy. This was especially true when it came to Rita and Sophia who were so beautiful but not simple.

No matter what, Teresa would take Victor away from them!

Thinking of this, an evil look appeared on Teresa's beautiful face.

Yes, she came back this time to get back what belonged to her.

"You are here too." Rita said to Sophia, in a frustrated tone.

"Well, I really can't learn these dance steps. It's boring to dance..." Sophia tried to make herself sound relaxed.

Looking at the two beautiful women opposite and the pair dancing happily on the dancing floor, Jay sighed to himself, as the old saying goes, few people are getting jealous

Rita kept peeping at the two people almost all the time while they were dancing in the floor. She also remembered what Teresa had done to Victor before. Rita had thought that she could take this opportunity to have a closer relationship with Victor. But now everything was ruined.

Rita said angrily, "what a bitch! I really want to cut her into pieces!"

Her beautiful face was hideously diabolic.

Rita's words amused Sophia, expelling her low spirits.

It seemed that Sophia had laughed too hard to stop. Sophia found that the two people around looked at her as if they were staring at a lunatic

"Why are you staring at me?" Sophia's voice was mixed with an irresistible smile.

"I don't understand, but I can see you smiling so happily."

Rita and Jay answered in one voice.

Only Sophia knew that she had been too depressed these days. It was so hard to seize a chance to be happy that she was unwilling to let go.

"But there is one thing that I can't understand. When Teresa comes here, she seems to know Sophia and always makes trouble for her..." Rita responded, deep in thought.

Lowering his head, Jay said as if he had done something wrong, "I'm sorry. Miss Teresa asked me about Mr. Victor on our way here, and I mentioned you by accident..."

Everything was so clear now. No wonder this young lady had such a bad attitude to Sophia. But Sophia didn't care about what the rich would do next. All she wanted now was to end the contract as soon as possible so that she could stay away from Victor and wouldn't be so painful.

Sophia reliefed. It seemed that everything was perfect.

Rita and Jay took a look at Sophia. They noticed that this woman had many strange things tonight

Then Rita raised her glass again and said seriously, "but, I won't give up Victor! It doesn't matter what Teresa is. "

Jay was startled by the sudden remarks. He stared at the star in front of him in surprise. She always kept a good image in front of others as a gentlewoman. He didn't expect that she would say such words.

"Because in this world, only I deserve Victor, and only Victor deserve me! Teresa is nothing to me. I'm not afraid of anything! ……"

Rita finished the glass of wine in one gulp. Then she urged Jay and Sophia to drink with her.

Then Sophia said worriedly, "Rita, you're drunk."

Sophia reached out and tried to help Rita breathe smoothly.

Rita shook off Sophia's hand and said in a loud but serious voice, "I'm not drunk. I'm sober, really!"

Sitting next to Rita, Sophia gazed at the two people not far away.

Rita had already had a crush on Victor, and now came her fiancee, Teresa. Sophia had heard from Zelda that Teresa had been abroad. It was easy to imagine why she suddenly came back. What about me? I'm just a tool for Victor to warm up his bed... '

The more Sophia thought about it, the more she felt helpless and upset. She didn't want to live in the world of these people, but unfortunately her fate sent her into the whirlpool of emotion again and again. From then on, she coveted the warmth at that time, and she couldn't get out of it.

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