Werewolf’s Heartsong

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

Matt was sitting where he was supposed to among the Beta Class Fighters. He was doing his best to ignore Sarah, she was sitting where she was supposed to sing the Eslect Class fighters. Sitting next ha Narah were Beattice, Lauren, and Agatha wing vip Matth phone bext after text, and he was ignoring them. This made Sarah seether with anger. Expesially when Matt ignored Sarah waving · him, in an attempt to get him to look at bet. This was deliberate on Matt’s part, he could see her out of the corner of his eye, he just didn’t want to acknowledge Then he beard it, the enchanting laughter, like living breathing music. He looked for the surve, and when he found it, he felt like his heart was being squeezed in a view. The laughter was coming from Alora, she was laughing with two identical looking wohes He knew this pait, they were at the top Delta Class Eghters along with their sister. The sister who was now the mate of Darien Moonstar. He felt jealous that those wolves got to laugh with Bile he didn’t. Matt knew, by the way Alora was acting right now, that even if Sarah hadn’t made him reject her, she still would have resected him. He lost any chance of ever being het mate when he got together with Sarah that first time. All the memories he had of Sarah and Alora’s interaction together, spoke of extreme abuse. Now that the spell was broken his mind was amazingly clear, and he was analyting everything that he had done or had been forced to do, under that spell It was daunting is him, he felt like he was going to go crazy. Alota’s laughter sounded again, bringing him out of the abyss that had become his mind. Her laughter was so enchanting, the musical notes were actually helping him. It was strange the effect they had on him, an effect he didn’t feel he deserved. Out of some sense of morbid curiosity, he glanced at Sarah, to see her reaction to Alota’s laughter. He was met with a truly frightening sight. Sabah was no longer trying to get his attention, instead she was glaring fursously at Alota. Sarah’s fury had twisted bet expression, she looked crazed. There was a definite premise ofNôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

retribution in her eyes. He knew Sarah was going to do something to Alora after they got home. He looked towards Darien, he had wrapped himself around his new mate and was holding her close, his face buried in her hair. He decided his best bet was to talk to his dad about his suspicions. His dad could pass a warning on to the Alpha. Hopefully, the Alpha would be able to prevent anything from happening to Alora Alora was eighteen now, so she was no longer legally bound to her parents. Sarah was seething, she hadn’t felt this angary in a long time. Ever since Matt had dragged her away from Alora and brought them to the stadium, he had ignored. her. Matt wasn’t answering his texts, and he had looked at his phone. Sarah knew, because she had been watching Matt, then when she tried waving to get his attention, he didn’t even look her way Sarah saw Matt suddenly focus on the arena, his gaze longing, and his expression was heartbroken. That’s when Sarah’s rage practically radiated outwards from ber. Turning to look at who Matt was mooning over, Sarah wanted to scream. Alora was standing between the two incredibly attractive males, laughing. Alora should be wanting to kill herself right now, not laughing. Sarah was pissed that Alora didn’t look devastated just being rejected by her fated nute Sarah was also enraged at the fact that Matt seemed to now regret rejecting Alora, Sarah felt that this was all Alera’s fault, and that Alora was still trying to take Matt away from her 1 “Sarah raged internally. I chain you up and make you regret ever being born?” Sarah took her phone out and complained to her mother. Bettina got back to her right away, telling her that when Alora got home that night, she would indeed be allowed to punish Aloca as she saw fit. This made Sarah feel a little bit better, but it didn’t fully drive away her rage Sarah decided that she would teach Alora a lesson during the final exam first, then another when they got home that night. They were allowed to challenge other fighters during the exam. After thinking for a second, Sarah decided to challenge Alora and wipe the floor with her. Sarah figured it didn’t matter what Eight class Alora was in. Alora wouldn’t dare to fight her back, she would just take whatever Sarah dished out to her. because Sarah knew Aloca would know if

she didn’t, Alora’s punishment at home would be a thousand times worse than it was before. Not that any of it would save Alora from what Sarah had planned for her this evening. Clancing back at Matt, Sarah came up with another idea. Matt would not like Alora so much if he were given a video of Alora being taken by three males at once. With that thought in mind, Sarah took her phone out again and sent out a

to make the valet jantung. fuidh masuki dong Alors v Abra condidit say no fi bet, the dông would make Alara beg for it. Oiwe karali had the videns, ale so plochul that tai mai mai heption, and she started to giggle. Sarah pon now baking beward to baturing Akora, bei famaite thing to do Aher she Alpha Vaden, Luna Jades. Beti hai, and his mate Lisaania potived at the Stalain with Principal Jonathan. They arrived in tune for an older rock ballad to start rafted bovincible by Pat Benatar (*Luna Lauder commented “It takes me back a little” Lisansa told Ember. “h does do that, brings me back to my college days” Ember said with a smile, a faridway Lisanna biegħed at Ember’s comment. “College, Those were the days.” She said lettilig init a wistful nigh Ember laughed. “Freshly mated, and pregnant in the mikdle of it, then a mother, then I’m pregnant with my second, then I finish while being a mother to two rambunctious Alpha toddlers.” Lisanna’s smile gradually turned into a pained grimace with each wond Ember said. “Now that I think about it…” Her words trailing off Ember, with a grimace of her own on her face, said, “Yeah,” was all she could say to that. Andrew and Boris looked at each other, it was a brief look, but in that look they both decided one thing. They would be wise to keep their mouths shut and not draw attention to themselves. Determining it to be that safest course of action. Jonathan watched all this from the side, becoming highly abused at the looks on Andrew and Boris’s faces. Brock had gone to a different part of the Stadium. As a tramer for the Alpha Class, he

had to sit with the other fight class trainers. Jonathan was hoping Brock would keep training the Alpha Class after this year. He was amazing with the students, and an excellent teacher. However, Brock hadn’t said anything to Jonathan about continuing on in that position, and the school year was up. Jonathan would have to approach Brock about it today sometime. He knew the original reason Brock became a tramer for the Alpha Class was for Alora. That was at Damien’s request. Now with Alora graduating, Jonathan was unsure Brock would want to continue to teach at the high school, Jonathan was startled out of his thoughts when Ember touched an elbow. “Something the matter?” she asked him, real concern in her voice.. Jonathan was going to say everything was fine, but one look into Luma Ember’s told him she wouldn’t believe him. So, with a heavy sigh, explained his dilemma. After listening. Ember laughed, patting him on the arm. “What is so amusing? Jonathan asked, confused by this reaction from his Lama “Don’t worry Jonathan, Brock already told Andrew and I that he would continue to train and teach the Alpha class here at the school. However, he did say he only wanted to train the Senior Students.” Ember told him. “Why only the seniors? Jonathan asked her. Although the question was for Ember, it was Andrew who answered. “He wants to have enough five time to continue to personally train Alora, Darien, and Damien. As well as whoever they chose to be their Betas, Giammas, and Delta Enforcers” Jonathan felt he shouldn’t have been surprised by that answer, but he was at first. Then he was glad that he would at least have Brock there to train the Senior* Alpha Class. He had trainers who could work with the other three grades. “It’s a relief to know he’ll be training the senior Alpha’s Jonathan said, then asked in a frustrated tone “But does he have to leave me floundering three days before the end of the school year?” Causing the group to break out in laughter.

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