
Unshift 322

322 Ava: Luna’s First Trial (I)

“Ava?” Vanessa watches me carefully, her head tilted to the side. “Is everything alright?”

“Sorry, I zoned out for a second.”

Vanessa raises an eyebrow but doesn’t press further. “I was asking if Kellan informed you about

the brawls.”

“Brawls?” Come to think of it, he’d mentioned something about fighting. “Not in detail.”

Vester’s posture shifts, his spine straightening as he faces me. The change is subtle but unmistakable, and I sit up straight in response, rolling my shoulders back as I meet his gaze.

He’s a soldier reporting to his superior; not a pack member speaking casually to his Alpha’s


“There were multiple violent altercations just before midnight. Multiple reports were taken of altered states of mind, and all have returned to their normal state by early morning, at

approximately 9 this morning.”

“Go on,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady and authoritative.

Vester clears his throat. “The incidents occurred primarily in the communal areas–the shared dining hall and lodge. Three separate brawls broke out, involving a total of twenty–five pack members. The fights were unusually aggressive, beyond typical pack disputes.”

I rub my eyebrow, not even sure what to do with this information. “Were there any serious injuries?”

“Fortunately, no life–threatening injuries were sustained. However, several wolves required. medical attention for broken bones and deep lacerations.”

My eyes flick to Vanessa, who nods in confirmation. She must have been busy treating the wounded.

“What sparked these fights?” I ask, my mind racing to understand the sudden outbreak of


Vester’s expression tightens slightly. “The exact cause is unclear, Luna. However…” His eyes dart

to Aurum’s massive form beside me.

I follow his gaze, understanding dawning. “You think it’s connected to what happened in here?” But Selene and Aurum didn’t fight until hours after the brawls broke out. Still…

“It’s a possibility we can’t ignore,” Vanessa chimes in, coming to stand beside her mate. “There is some precedent to aggressive spikes within packs during times of turmoil within the Alpha. It’s like a trickle effect. While most wolves will have a psyche strong enough to brush it off, there are those who will be affected. The timing seems to match up, and it would explain the phenomenon.”

Aurum, for his part, just sits there, gazing at both of his pack subordinates in an aloof manner, as though it has nothing to do with him.


322 Ava: Luna’s First Trial (1)

Does he understand he’s this pack’s Alpha wolf? I ask Selene, worried.

In a sense. However, shifters are different than I. He is the Alpha’s wolf; not the Alpha himself.

Grimoire slips in to explain further as Selene falls silent. While this is his pack, he borrows Lucas‘ authority. Though, if you really look at it, Lucas‘ authority is given due to the strength of his wolf. It’s a fascinating social dynamic in this situation. He will not act as Alpha alone; he’s too primal of a mind. Selene is very different from the wolves inside these shifters‘ heads.

I nod slowly as he speaks, piecing it together. The pack bond, usually a source of stability and unity, had been thrown into chaos when we attempted to break Lucas‘ mental barriers. With his wolf taking over, it makes sense that some wolves might have reacted poorly to that disruption.

The tendency toward aggression and fighting is far more of a wolf characteristic than human. They must have felt what Aurum was feeling.

“And the involved parties are no longer… agitated?” I ask, choosing my words carefully.

“No, Luna. All participants have calmed significantly since the incidents. They’re currently confined to separate areas for everyone’s safety, but they’ve expressed remorse for their


He said that was starting around 9 this morning; so, about the time Selene had forced Aurum to


It all tracks.

I feel a small surge of relief at that. At least we’re not dealing with ongoing violence.

“And the rest of the pack?” I press. “How are they handling this?”

Vester’s expression softens slightly, approval flickering in his eyes at my question. “There’s unease, naturally. Several are worried that there’s something going on to instigate such behavior, and there are those paranoid about sabotage. But no further incidents have occurred.”

“Thank you for your report, Vester,” I say, proud of how steady my voice sounds. “How do you recommend we proceed?”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I want to kick myself. I’m supposed to be giving orders, not asking for them. But to my surprise, Vester doesn’t seem disappointed by my question. If anything, there’s a glimmer of respect in his eyes. 2

“Typically, in situations like this, we would hold a formal hearing,” he explains. “The involved parties would be given a chance to explain their actions, and appropriate disciplinary measures

would be decided.”

I nod, grateful for his straightforward answer. “And who usually presides over these hearings?” Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“The Alpha,” Vester says, then adds, “Or in his absence, the Luna.”

The weight of responsibility settles more firmly on my shoulders. With Lucas currently unable to fulfill his duties, this falls to me. The thought is terrifying, as someone whose personal life is in shambles, but I can’t shy away from it.

Kind of wish I’d had some sort of managerial leadership in my life, though. That would be helpful

322 Ava: Luna’s First Trial (1)

about now.

“I see. Thank you, Vester.” But as I glance at Aurum, the source of the agitation within the pack, I shake my head. “I don’t believe a formal hearing will be necessary in this situation, if we are the cause of it.”

“If I may, Luna,” Vanessa cuts in, “I respectfully disagree.”

“I also disagree with utmost vehemence, Luna.”

Their earnest dissent leaves me a little flustered. “You think I should question them, despite knowing the likely cause of their outbursts?”

“Yes,” Vester says, standing even straighter. I didn’t think that was possible. “With all due respect, Luna, the pack needs stability. If we were to admit that such a wave of violence came from our Alpha’s fractured state, it would reduce faith in our Alpha. Questioning the offenders and showing benevolence will not only increase morale, it will avoid such an outcome.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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