Under a Starless Sky

Chapter 60

Chapter 60

They sat on the deck, back against the wall, drinking ale. TL had repaired the injuries of the day. Orton

was quiet, not quite sulking, but definitely keeping to himself.

“You okay?” Arne asked after the first round.

“I have killed more people in this world than any previous world I have been to,” Shen said.

“You have also lived here longer than you have on any other world,” TL said.

“How many worlds are there? There is here, and the underworld. Do you count the islands as worlds?”

Arne asked.

“Do you get tired of the wars and killing?” Shen asked Arne.

“I get tired of stupidity,” Arne said. “The next portal, I promise Orton is off this ship.”

“That’s not helpful,” Shen said. “He’s just been schooled and if you replace him, there is risk of

someone else wanting proof.”

“I will not allow such disrespect for my authority again,” Arne said.

“Fuck you. You wanted to see me kill someone just as much as they!” Shen snapped.

“Brother, I did not want this. You were challenged. You responded appropriately. You told them what

would happen and you followed through with your word. There are now sufficient witnesses to your

skills that I can intervene and hold the counsel of the group. The group caries some weight. Everyone

here, in full light, with the exception of Orton, will support you if you chose not to fight,” Arne said.

Shen accepted this. He scratched his head. “I am so tired of this anger,” he lamented. “Were they good


“They were men,” Arne said. “That’s enough.”

Someone shouted land.

They went forwards to see two islands in the distance. As they drew closer, they could see that each

was defined by a single mountain, volcanic in appearance. Each mountain had a temple. A pretty good

rule of thumb was: where there is a temple, there is a portal. Arne recommended they land on the right

island, simply out of proximity preference. Both islands had rocky shores. The ship was brought in with

oars, and rested on the only soft part of the beach. They disembarked and began a walk up to the

grassy plain that led to the mountain.

“I don’t like this place,” Erico said.

“No trees bother me, too,” Torny said.

“Stop,” TL said. Shen stopped immediately. Shen tracked what TL was tracking, after the fact: a

security field. They were in it. If it were a trap, it was already triggered. “We should withdraw.”

Arne looked at her. Torny, Yaffa, and Jerica went to full alert.

“You heard the lady,” Arne said. “Back to the ship.”

“Fuck that, I am going to the temple,” Orton said. “And going home.”

“You can’t operate the gate without our keys,” Torny said.

“We don’t even know if there is a gate,” Jerica said.

“There’s a temple, there’s a gate,” Orton said. “Come on. Tree spirit is spooked because there is no

trees.” Men were confused; likely because of they knew if a ghost was spooked, they should be weary,

not because of loyalty to Arne.

“Back to the ship. Leaving without you Orton,” Arne said.

“Get down!” TL directed. Men didn’t listen, not understanding what was coming.

Stone structures placed along the beach, inviting visitors to embark on the easiest path towards the

temple suddenly revealed themselves for what they were- batteries. Beach defense turrets. Metal

extended from the turning stone, firing a stream of hot metal. TL and Shen ran forward with their

Torches, not manifesting swords, but shields. Together they made a gap, and dug their feet in holding

against the barrage of hot metal. The sisters lit their staffs and created a similar barrier, but not as wide

as what TL and Shen had made. Men who were in the projectile shadow fell behind the shield bearers.

Those outside of the shadow fell due to injury or death. The noise was thunderous.

“Jon, I am sorry, I didn’t see this for what it was till it was too late,” TL said.

“Focus,” Shen reminded her. “Resolution options.”

“How can I help?” Arne asked.

“Hold this, like this,” TL said, handing her Torch to Arne. “Hold here. Jon, I need you.”

“Erico!” Shen said. Erico came to him. “Hold this, like this, hold here.”

Shen fell back to TL and followed her out, just a hairline under the fire line, barely protected by dune.

The fire stream would like cut through the sand and hit them. She passed up several dead for someone

she could save. “I am going to have to remove the bullet and re-inflate a lung,” she said, manifesting


“Dirty?” Shen asked.

“If he’s going to live, yeah,” TL said.

A guy that had been wounded sat up.

“No!” TL yelled, pointing at him. “Stay down!”

His head exploded.

“Fucking tell your guys to lay still!” Shen said.

A door opened in the earth. Men in riffles came out of the bunker, firing. A rocket launcher shot a fat

projectile with flaming, smoking tail- suggesting dirty, unstable fuel. Crudely, or hastily assembled, it

was effective. The Aslog exploded. Splinters and burning pieces of sails rained down.

Shen ran to Erico and took his Torch back, shoved his head into the sand, ‘Stay down!” With shield he

charged the soldiers. They concentrated fire on him, while their rocket launcher guy prepared another

round. When upon them he exchange shield for sword. One of the soldiers got a good shot into his

back. His uniform protected him, but he went to his knees. The blade took out one guy’s legs as Shen

rolled. The remaining solders retreated back into the bunker, firing. The stump guy was struggling to

get back- yelling for his friends to help. They closed the door on him, leaving him behind. Shen killed

him and took his grenade belt. He flipped sword to shield. He took out a turret by dropping a grenade

into the structure after cutting a hole in it with his sword. He took out a second turret in a similar

fashion; two more remained. He ran to the next. His sword melted through the extended weapon. He

rushed to the other as it was withdrawing into the stone. The stone lowered, closing on stone. He push

his sword through the lower stone, and a moment later there was an explosion that blew the head off

the turret and sent him flying back. His Torch extinguished. He lay, stunned, until Arne came to get him.

Arne pulled him back to the dune. Fourteen men, 4 women, huddled on the beach. Shen came to.

“You need to stop hogging all the action,” Arne said. “Teach me to use this.”

“What?” Shen asked. Fuck, he thought, I am deaf. He heard TL in his head translating- and she

affirmed his hearing was impaired, but would return.

TL captured an orb she had launched and came closer. “The way I see it, we can leave by water, or by

portal. But we need to do this before dark. They will have regained their confidence by then.”

“They lost their confidence?” Yaffa asked.

“They were not expecting us to resist with magic and tech,” TL said. “I have gathered some intel. They

have been at war with the neighboring island for a hundred years. They live their lives in the bunkers

and continue to exchange fire with the other island. That’s why there is nothing here but grass and

rubble.” She became more serious. “Jon, there are no women on this island. They are using cloning

tech. If I understood the intel right, the island with the enemy, they’re all female. This is war of the

sexes, and it’s been going on for generations.”

“Why couldn’t we have landed on the women’s island,” Erico lamented.

“Shut up,” Arne said.

“Generations, and they haven’t run out of ammo?” Shen asked.

“They have a three d printer making a continuous supply of ammo and ration bars,” TL said. “These

people are not healthy. And they are not right in the head. They may be as brain damaged as those of

Worm island- a culture of violence and hate extending back who knows how long. We landed on Man

Island with women in the company. We are the enemy. If we landed on the other island, we would still

be the enemy because there are men in the company.”

TL projected a map in holographic lights. “The fastest path to the temple is the stairs, and ten turrets

along the way, with bunker doors here and here. Best ambush spot here, and at the temple.”

“We’re not getting past this gauntlet,” Shen said.

“I agree,” TL said.

“We can’t go by water. They destroyed my ship,” Arne said.

TL looked to Shen for authorization.

“Get me inside this bunker, I’ll end this fucking war,” Shen said.

“And then what? You let crazy ass women take this island and then they spread out and take over the

world? These two islands are in balance and they keep each other in check. No one can reclaim the

surface as long as the war is on,” TL said.

“We take both islands out,” Torny said.

“Fucking A,” Shen agreed.

“As a free man, a human being, I can’t stop you, or the others, from doing that, but I cannot assist in

what would be tantamount to genocide when we have the ability to evacuate to safety,” TL said. “I will

not let you use my tech for genocide.”

“Swim?” Arne asked.

TL took a pocket size boat out of her bag. It was contained in a bubble, like a ship in a bottle. The

bubble was comprised of hexagons, and turning it in her hand revealed a dozen different ships; Viking,

Spanish galleons, Submersible, ultra-modern aircraft carrier... They understood what they were seeing,

though they didn’t understand how the ‘tech magic’ of it would manifest; even when she stopped the

rotation on her selection, they failed to grasp the entirety of it. She selected a sloop. No one was


“The minnow I presume?” Arne asked.

“We’re not all going to fit on that,” Yaffa said, being ridiculous. “Should we draw straws?”

“This is fucking nuts,” Orton said. “If you can kill these bastards, do it.”

“Alright,” Shen said. “Let’s go to the water. Arne, you and me on shield duty, we go as one.”

“We’re not leaving without our dead,” Torny said.

“We tend to the living first,” Arne snapped. “The dead will care of themselves.” He looked to Shen.

“We’re ready.”

Arne and Shen stood and brought up shields. No one was firing but they held as if they expected to be

shot at. TL led the way to the water. The bunker door began to open. Men came out, weapons aimed,

firing. Yaffa stepped out far enough to launch an arrow and dropped three of the men in a row with an

arrow of light.

Loxy placed the boat-ball in the water and directed it away from shore.

“Fuck, this is crazy. Go kill them!” Orton said.

“Brother,” Arne said. “If you charge again, I am going with you.”

Suddenly there was a full ship behind them, facing seawards. Erico tapped Arne. He turned to see the

ship. His mouth dropped.

“Fucking mother of Skidbladnir,” Arne said. “How did you…”

“Let’s go!” TL said.

“You heard her!” Arne said, clapping.

“I am not getting on a ghost ship,” Orton said.

“Is it made of fingernails or wood?” Arne asked Orton.

“Fuck if I know. It could be air,” Orton said.

“Rocket launcher,” TL announced.

“Got it,” Yaffa said.

The arrow she launched went straight in the launcher and detonated it. The squad that had come out

were knocked off their feet, half killed, everyone wounded. Yaffa fell, bullet wound to her thigh and

abdomen. Shen and Arne shifted over to shield her as men scrambled onto the boat. TL immediately

fell to taking care of Yaffa.

“She’ll live. I’d rather do the surgery on the water,” TL said.

“Erico! Uffe!” Arne said. Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

The two understood, left the aft of the ship where they were helping their people out of the water,

handing up wounded. They survived a volley of bullets as soldiers shifted their aim away from the

shields. TL carried Yaffa out to the ship. There was a lower patio that made sea access easier and ‘fun’

in the right context; they handed Yaffa up to Jerica and Torny.

A whole platoon emerged from the tunnel, weapons up and ready. A general came forwards. A tank

rolled out with the platoon.

“I cannot permit you to leave,” he said.

“You either let us leave, or you will all die,” Arne said.

“You cannot kill us all. Surrender to us, and I promise your women won’t die. At least, not today,” the

general said.

Arne laughed. “You wish.”

“A fuck is a fuck, corpse or not,” the general said.

“I am going to kill you, corpse fucker,” Arne said.

“Come,” the general said.

Arne charged. Shen went with him without hesitation. They didn’t make it before the platoon was

falling. Arne and Shen halted their advance, going to their knees and overlapping their shields. Tiny

lights were whizzing around them, like a stream that had separated around a rock. The tank blew up in

a spectacular way, flipping it up and back into the tunnel, preventing the bunker door from closing. Ten

of the men ran, and were trying to scramble around the tank, or under it to get away. Everyone else,

except the general, died from lights penetrating them. The lights retreated going back to source; TL

accepted them. Arne dropped the Torch-shield. He went straight to the general, drawing his sword. The

general’s trousers darkened, but he held sufficient control to raise his firearm. The first round

discharged into Arne’s hanging armor. There was no second round, as the man lost his arm. He turned

to flee but Arne tripped him, turned him over on his back so he could see who was to kill him.

“Our tech is superior,” he said. “I will be back.”

“No you won’t,” Arne said. He plunged the sword through his heart.

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