True Luna

Chatper 169

True Luna by Tessa Lilly (The Unknown Magic)

The White Wolf Series Book 4 - CHAPTER ONE - The Meeting

Jacob & Rose (Jacob’s POV)

“Come on, Jake, stop moping around,” Dylan sighed. “We are running late.”

| rolled my eyes and stood up.

“lam not moping around,” | mumbled as | walked past him. “Are you coming or not?”

| heard him following behind me.

“You are the chief of patrol now,” Dylan said. “You shouldn't be late for an important meeting.”

| sighed and narrowed my eyes.

“We still have half an hour left until we have to be there,” | said, trying to remain calm. “Will you get off my back?” “It's 20 minutes, not half an hour,” Dylan said, making my anger grow.

| tightened my jaw and took a deep breath.

| had to ignore him, or his annoying attitude would make me snap.

“What the hell is with you today?” Dylan asked. “Your mood is going to destroy this meeting.”

| was really going to punch him.

Dylan grabbed my arm and made me stop walking. | growled at him, trying to pull my arm out of his grip. “Talk to me, Jacob,” Dylan said. “I am not letting you go there like this. Something is obviously bugging you.”

| tightened my jaw to the point where | thought my teeth would break. “Is this about Emma again?” Dylan sighed. “You have to stop, Jake. She is married. She has kids.”

| saw ftucking red.

| was so f*ucking tired of everyone asking me if my every bad mood was about Emma. It fucking wasn’t. | would always love that girl, and | would never stop believing that she should have been mine, but | moved on. She had a mate. She had two kids with him. She wasn’t ftucking mine, and | found a way to be okay with it. | just wished that everyone would stop bugging the f'uck out of me.

“It’s not about Emma,” | said, pulling my arm out of his grasp.

“Then what is it?” Dylan sighed.

I started walking again.

| didn’t know what it was about. | was just pissed off from the moment | woke up this morning.

Dylan was right. This meeting was necessary. We were meeting with Alpha Henry’s head of patrol to discuss border security. Logan was cautious after everything that had happened. It was understandable, and | ultimately agreed with him regarding the border issue. Alpha Henry was one of our allies whose pack was on our northern border. He was more than happy to let his head of patrol meet with me. | needed to get my s*hit together and do my job.

It would be easier if | knew what the ftuck was bothering me. “Jake?” Dylan called me again, making me sigh.Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“| don’t know what's wrong,” | mumbled. “I’ve been pissed off since | woke up this morning. Jared is restless, but he doesn’t know either.” “Keep it together until after the meeting,” Dylan said.

| clenched my fists and stayed silent.

He was right, but he was really pissing me off.

We were almost at the arranged spot when Jared stirred. ‘What’s wrong?’ | asked.

‘Something is going to happen,’ Jared said, growling quietly. ‘Be careful.’ “Guard up, Dylan,” | told him. “Jared said that something was going to happen.”

Dylan’s head snapped in my direction.

“What?” he asked, his eyes widening.

“| said, guard up,” | growled at him. “Stop staring at me, and be careful.”

| could smell and hear Alpha Henry’s pack members, who were already waiting for us on the other side of the border.

There was one smell that stood out. It smelled of mango with a hint of watermelon. Why the f*uck was | smelling mango and watermelon in the middle of the f*ucking forest?!

| rushed toward the meeting spot when my whole world completely shifted. My eyes fell on a woman standing next to Jason, Alpha Henry's chief of patrol.

She was f*ucking beautiful. Her scent made me drool. Every f*ucking thing that worried me just dissipated.

| heard her gasp. | watched as she turned around and looked at me.

Goddess, she was gorgeous. Her black hair was cut into a short bob. Her green eyes melted with the forest around us. | was totally and completely in love with her.

“Mate,” we said at the same time.

| heard people around us gasp, but | didn’t pay even the slightest attention to them. | could only see her. | only wanted to listen to her voice.

| hurried toward her. | couldn't f*ucking wait to t*ouch her. | couldn't wait to feel her skin on mine. She smiled and reached out for me. | grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug.

My whole body tingled. A pleasurable shiver went up and down my spine. Every ache in my body disappeared.

| buried my nose into her hair and took a deep breath.

“Well, now we know why you were so nervous since you woke up this morning,” Dylan snorted, making Jason laugh. “Was he?” Jason asked. “Rose was on edge the whole day too.” Rose? Her name was Rose?

| let her go and looked down at her. | smiled and caressed her cheek.

“Hi, Rose,” | said quietly. “My name is Jacob.”

She smiled, and my knees buckled

“Hi, Jacob,” she said. “It is so nice to finally meet you.”

Her voice was melodic. | already knew that | would enjoy it each time she spoke.

She was right. It was so f*ucking nice to meet her.

“| didn’t think that you existed,” | said quietly as | cupped her cheeks and leaned my forehead on hers. “I already gave up on finding you.”

She placed her hand over mine and smiled. She was so f*ucking beautiful when she smiled. | would never get tired of watching her smile.

“| was always waiting for you,” she said, making my heart skip a beat. “I am so happy that you finally found me. I did.

| finally found her, and | would never let her go.

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