Transmigrated Into A Billionaire

Chapter 49 Makes a cute couple

Chapter 49 Makes a cute couple

"You guys make a really cute couple," Angela said, smiling at both of them.

A huge pause reigned over them as they both stared awkwardly at each other then at Angela who

didn't catch the awkward cue, instead continued smiling sweetly at both of them as if it was a totally

normal thing to do.

Yandel looked back at Rachel who had a small smile on her face, she really looked prettier in

casual clothes than she did in her business attire. From the little show they put on back at the bowling

site, his hands still felt warm, he knew he was nowhere near getting over this woman, and at the same

time, he couldn't afford to lose what they had as friends, thinking back to all the times he had treated

her badly or mocked her reserved and timid character.

First time he legit saw her was at a fundraiser back in Berlin where she went with her parents, they

were both fresh grads from the top notch business school all their parents went to. He was with Maya

as his date and she was able to attend because her Father owned one of the top business firms in the

world and ranked Number 9 at the top most powerful businessmen in the world. Araceli made a grand

entrance at the biggest fundraiser with her parents.

The Gracias were amongst the top 3rd most feared and respected businesses in the world and his

family was ranked the 5th. But for a family that was amongst the PILLARS OF WEALTH, the Gracias

were pretty much a simple family, they had the best entrances and didn't do too much media, and only

people who went to school Araceli knew about her as their daughter. But yet for such a powerful family,

Araceli turned out to be meek, shy and very withdrawn. Even in classes, she never spoke much and

had little to no friends.

This and something that lingered in Yandels heart irritated and angered him to his core, So he

personally decided to bring her out of her comfort zone by making fun of her and trying to make her as

uncomfortable as possible. After the meet and greet with hypocritic rich people in the business world

alongside his parents, they were finally going to talk to the pillars of wealth known as POW(but

pronounced as 'power').

This was like a tradition with families in the business world, before denoting crazy amount of

money to invincible causes and drawing them back from poor masses, they went around to greet the

top notch business families for greetings, fake kisses on the cheek and pretending not to detest each

other for being ahead or for have more power and influence than they did. They finally were going to

meet the top 3, they first met up with the Millers, An overly southern old money family who probably got

most of their old money from slave trade back in the seventeenth century or even way back, they had

just two sons; Alexander and Philips and from rumours, they were both stuck up assholes as expected,

they didn't go to the same business school as he, Araceli or the Azariah did but they went to other

prestige business schools in Europe. Their mother had a very dense southern accent and always

smiled way too much. It felt creepy and unnecessary, the greetings didn't last long because his mom

couldn't stand them, they were also rumoured to be racist and his mother was French.

They went ahead to meet the Gracia's, they were all Italians with thick accent except for Araceli

who had schooled in Europe and northern America most parts of her life so she skipped on the heavy

accent, to be honest he didn't have any problem with the Garcia's because out of the top 3, they were

the most laid back, they have a bunch of business around the world which tackled the major issues Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

faced in many countries around the world, like Transportation in India, electricity in eastern africa and

water and security in northern African, Food in mid Europe and alot more, they were a very tactical

family that conquered by division, and they weren't just a little family of four, they operated with

extended families and this is what made them one of the most powerful family.

"Mr and Mrs Gracia" Mr Baldwin said, giving him both of them kisses on the cheek and his mother

followed suit as they fell into a conversation naturally leaving just him and Araceli.

"Well??" Yandel said, looking at Araceli who just avoided eye contact with him and focused more

on her champagne in her left hand. She was dating a Black jumpsuit with a V opening with a bunch of

probably real gold chains hanging from side to side of the V opening on her chest showing cleavage.

Somehow, she managed to rock the outfit confidently and yet still looked uncomfortable like she had

been dragged here. I mean it's not like any of them looked forward to occasions like this, because it

was an almost pointless occasion, it was just an excuse for rich people to display their wealth and

clothes and fake their interest in fews hours till they went back to their normal day to day life.

"I don't want to talk to you Yandel, find something worth nothing doing and just do that already, I'm

already stressed as it is," Araceli said, in a quiet voice. Her voice was always soft and melodic, it's like

it slips out of her mouth in key, it was his guilty pleasure, winding her up just so he could hear her


"That's the exact reason I'm trying to talk to you, but it seems even you are clueless to this fact,"

Yandel mocked, her eyes flashed with hurt as he said this words and for a moment he felt bad but

pushed the feeling away, soon her expression went back to being calm.

"Alright, I'm not tolerating your company today, I need to go get another glass," Araceli walked

away from her parents, even though she knew it meant throwing herself into the lion den of people

messed up by riches and power, she didn't mind as long as it got her far away from Yandel who had

made a habit of rilling her up anytime they met or tried to make her seem or look stupid, she knew she

would be fine as long as she smiled and acted nicely to people who tried to talk or make little

conversations with her.

"You didn't think I would let you just slip away now, did you," Yandel appeared by her side, linking

their arms. She groaned internally while keeping a totally calm exterior, something she learnt off years

of practice, her Mom always told her to keep a calm expression no matter the situation, that it made

people annoyed, "Never give in to the reaction people want to draw from you, it annoys them when you

keep calm and show them they have little to no power over you," Her mother told her, every time they

needed to make public appearance since she was a kid. So in respect to all she had learnt as a kid,

she didn't give Yandel the reaction he wanted, instead, she let him keep his hands linked to hers while

striding towards a waiter waiting with champagne.

"You know you are a billionaire and a heiress right, they are supposed to come to you," Yandel

said looking at her weirdly, he was a few good inches taller than her so she knew she would have to

look up to him if she had to look at him, so she said nothing and kept looking at her target.

"You are going to be the next heiress to your family, you need to act with power," Yandel Stated

irritated, he unlinked their arms and looked at her.

"I did this to get away from you, just kindly leave," Araceli said, quietly trying not to attract too

much attention.

"You don't run away from your problems, you solve them," Those were Yandel's last words before

he left her alone.

"Mom can you please leave them alone, you are making them feel weird," A boy in crutches said,

coming from the back door in the booth.

"I'm just saying what I think, isn't that not freedom of speech?," Angela said.

"No Mom, that's an invasion of privacy and you are making them feel weird," Her son said, rolling

his eyes at his mother's regular matchmaking attitude with strangers she knew nothing about.

"I'm sorry, this is what she always does with strangers, trying to match make them, I don't know if

she thinks she's cupid." The boy in crutches apologized to both Yandel and Rachel.

"No it's fine, your mother is so sweet by the way, helping you with your work," Rachel replied


"Yeah, she's a sweet woman," the boy said, hugging his mother with one hand that was no longer

holding the crutches.

"I'm Mika by the way," the boy said smiling.

"I'm Ra...Araceli, and this is Yandel," Rachel said, as she looked at Yandel to see if she noticed her

slip up.

"Nice to meet you too," Mika said.

They went back to meet the bunch. As they went back, she didn't see Ace which had her panicked

a bit as before she was told that the twins took him for Ice cream. Her iphone started ringing before she

checked it to see her mom calling her.

"Hello Mom,"

"Sweetheart, Have you heard?" Her Mom said.

"Heard what?," Rachel asked, a little alarmed.

"The Millers are throwing a fundraiser tomorrow at Greenland hall, so we might have to postpone

the dinner till Sunday," Her Mom said.

"A fundraiser?!!"

"Out of nowhere?"

"Mom isn't that weird?" Rachel asked.

"They said it was a last minute plan and we need to attend it honey," Mrs Garcia said.

"Alright Mom,"


"What is it?" Yandel asked.

"The Millers are throwing a fundraiser tomorrow. We were supposed to have dinner, out of the

blue," Rachel said.

And she knew who was behind this...

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