Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 81

Chapter 81

"Headache?" Robbie brushed my strands and kissed my temple.

"No... just... feeling down." I pouted and he pecked my lips.

"Do you wanna leave? They will understand."

"Nooo..." I looked around and saw Lia laughing and running around with kids. Raphael ?C Winston's

son, Andrew ?C Dr. Adam's son, Lilly ?C Dr. Adam's PA's daughter and of course little adorable terror,

Tyron were all squealing and jumping around.

Of all babies, Andrew was the oldest and he did not forget to mention it in every few seconds.

I shook my head. He had a very big soft spot on my Lia. I smiled seeing him hugging her close and

patting her back for a job well done.

What job! Don't ask me.

They were close. Especially since Andrew asserted that he was her big brother. Lilly was only a few

months younger than Andrew and she had apparently refused to call him Big Brother.

Then my baby girl came in and Andrew had been the proudest Beebo ever.

Andrew tried very hard to correct her pronunciation and my Little Lia tried harder but... Andrew finally

stopped trying to correct my baby and that was that.

Little Lia was everyone's favourite. Of course she was.

I meant have you ever seen a baby fairy princess with a pirate's eyepatch on her forehead?

Well, Raphael was the pirate but he was so infatuated with her that he gave his prized possession ever.

"Lia is having fun. Let her be."

Robbie patted his chest. "Sleep."

I smiled and cuddled closer, surreptitiously looking if anyone was staring. They were not. "We are at a

party, Daddy."

"So what? Simon will understand."

How could he look at me like I was giving him the world when agreeing to sleep on his chest? I sighed.

Silly baby! Like I don't sleep on his chest every single night.

I did lie down. My right ear fixed on his heart beats and my hand curled around his neck. I was not

sleepy but I wanted to rest my eyes for a bit.

"Is he okay?" Logan, Simon's boyfriend asked gently. "I could prepare the guest room."

Robbie petted my hair and pecked my ear. "He is fine. Just..."

"Please tell me if you are staying the night."

I could feel when people started to gather around us and getting seated. But it was okay. Daddy was

holding me and I could rest well wherever he was.

"Tell me he is not losing sleep because of that... byatch!"

Robbie tightened his hold. "He did. But it is okay now."

He was right; I was okay.

"What does she want this time?"

It was astounding how much support we received from our friends. Everyone would assume that after

Robbie's divorce things were a breeze but sadly life was not that way.

The court did hand over the sole custody of Lia over to Robbie but that did not mean that they wanted

Janice out of Lia's life.

It was no secret that Robbie was not an ideal husband to Janice. And court saw that even though

Janice was troubled and abusive in the past, since she was very remorseful and seemed to be

interested in having her baby back in her life, she was allowed to visit Lia twice a month under

supervision; to build a healthy relationship with 'my' kid.

I wanted to snort so bad inside the court.

But I was not too worried because I knew she would not show up, especially with the visitation under

the supervision of Robbie and a child psychologist.

She did show up the first time and made a scene because she had been waiting for half an hour and

that we were late.

We were not at all late. The time given to us were 11 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. We were right on time. It was

not our fault she showed up at 10.30 a.m.

'A mother would know the pain.' Janice had told the psychologist but honestly that woman was not

impressed. So her drama did not get much attention.

Lia sat there like a statue on Robbie's lap; did not touch the toys Janice had gotten her, or taste the

sweets she had unwrapped.

Lia did not like chewy sweets and the toys were not catchy at all. Honestly, they looked like an after-

thought purchase.

Into fifteen minutes of the session, Janice was more irritable than Lia and we adjourned after thirty


Next time she was ten minutes late, which we did not mind; but what happened to the mommy pain?

As I had already predicted she did not show up for the third, fourth or any other sessions. Yet, we all

went obediently for three months without fail until psychologist took the matter to the court. Janice had

to get another order if she wanted the sessions to continue which unsurprisingly had not happened yet.

I felt bad for her lawyer Marshall; heard that he lost his credibility among lgbt community and high end


Oh, Robbie's famous ex-lawyer got his license suspended. Robbie handled him personally after,

according to my little birdies.

Yet, that woman had the fucking audacity to pick my child from her care-centre. No, she didn't pick her

up; she tried to.

This was exactly why I had my fucking digital eyes following my baby twenty-four seven. I had my

shares of terrors and scares in my life including my kid having a panic attack inside a court because of

this same vile woman. Yet, it was not close to the terror of seeing her shouting at the employees at the

care-centre to let my kid to go with her.

Thankfully Robbie and I were both at home. That fucking woman had disappeared before we could be


Robbie almost popped a vein when the caretakers refused him from assigning personal bodyguards

inside Lia's centre, from then on. But Daddy situated them outside and in my opinion that was enough.

My hand tightened around Robbie's neck and he started patting my back immediately.

"I could not believe that woman thought she could fool everyone with a forged will. You should be glad

it is Davidson, if it was me I would have broken up with you already." Aaron, the charming prince


"I am glad and grateful, guys. He is my Angel. I would die for him."

Daddy should stop that nonsense. I was in love with him as much as he was. I only wish that he had

been forthcoming with me from the beginning; could have saved us from lot of pain and stress.

I opened my eyes and saw him already looking at me. I pulled on his neck and kissed him when he

leaned down.

"If you take me from Lia, I will make your life miserable. So stop talking about death and stuff, you

annoying Big Baby."

He chuckled before pecking my head, demanding me to sleep.

"Na. I am up." I rubbed his chest then my eyes before yawning. He squished me to his chest as I

yawned again behind my hand.

"Let us go home now, baby. You are sleepy."

I checked on my kid, yawning again and saw her giggling and painting something.

"Not yet." Little Tyron was sleepy and occasionally giggled before falling to the thighs of a man who

was next to him reading a book. I smiled when I saw the man gently patting his back and kept on

reading without batting an eye.

Tyron was amazing and so cute; as long as Lia could not hear my thoughts it was okay. She was her

Daddy's daughter.

The party was hosted by Logan and Simon to thank all their favourite patrons on the success of Logan

in the Annual Chocolate Sculpting Competition. He was inspired by the sculpture of fist Robbie had

received as a gift from Jeremiah, the teenage who we had given a home.

So we were all gathered here to congratulate him and honestly, kids were here just to play and eat


Lia was having fun and I did not want to spoil it.

I yawned and rubbed my face on my man's chest. I heard Robbie sighing before rubbing my back


"I am so sorry. Please let me..." I opened my eyes soon when I heard a startled voice of a woman and

saw Naomi standing next to the man apologizing on behalf of her son for falling asleep on him.

"It is fine. The kid is tired."

"I will take him now." Naomi tried very hard to pry Tryon from his hug on the man's thigh. But the baby

only whined and cuddled closer and Naomi almost woke him up by yanking on his hand.

"Hey, hey... it is fine. Let him sleep. It is absolutely fine."

"But... but..."

I sighed.

Naomi was still so weary of white people; rich white men with authority to be precise. In her defence, in

her whole life she had not seen anyone who was okay with her or her family among white people.

The man was Russel and he was an F.B.I agent. We had bonded over our love towards Logan's

chocolate croissants and books. He was a fellow introvert and our initial meetings were very awkward;

'very' was not accidently added.

We would always awkwardly smile, then nod at each other for almost half an hour until we got our

orders then hightail out sighing in relief of successfully avoiding a mundane conversation.

Yeah, it was painful. We were both cringing at our own behaviour.

But one day Little Lia bumped to his knee and we had to exchange words. It was awkward again but

we somehow bonded over that.

Coming to think about that, freaking Tristian was no introvert. He did that to lure me in.


Well, we were friends now, kinda.

I noticed Russel was getting uncomfortable because Naomi was adamant that she wanted to take her

baby away but the little terror was not letting his thigh go.

"Wait for a few moments Miss. He would turn around in his sleep. Then you can pick him up." Russel

tried again, before tucking his nose back in the book.

I had once asked how he managed to do his F.B.I job. He said he was a profiler and a behavioural

analyst, so less he talked more at advantage he was. He could do calculated manipulative talks but

when it came to idle chit-chat, he was as lost as me. And when he was at the field it was less talking

and more shooting.

I hoped he was joking.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned once more before walking over to help the man out.

"Hey, Naomi. How were classes today? We all had dinner. You just came in. You go ahead and grab a

bite. Russel and I got your baby terror."

"But Mr. Truscott... he..."

"He is fine. He had been dozing off for an hour now. Let him sleep. You go have dinner."

I shooed that worried young mother away. I was pulled to a lap and frowned.

Hm... Daddy?

Was he next to me all this time? God! I needed sleep. I cuddled closer to Robbie and looked at Russel

who had gone back to reading.

"She is scary." Russel mumbled out.

I giggled. "How do you manage it out there, Rus?" Naomi was scary? Compared to the psychopaths

and sociopaths he had to arrest and contain in daily basis?

He did not reply and I did not bother to talk again. Robbie smelled nice. I took a huge whiff of his neck

and promptly yawned again.

"Such a stubborn brat." Robbie affectionately chided me.

"Yes, she is." Russel replied and I could not stop giggling.

"Looks like someone has a crush." I was only teasing but Russel's ears turned like a ripe tomato.


"Shh... reading and sleeping." Russel patted sleeping Tyron's back again.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping too, brat?" Robbie pulled my head back to his chest and I whined.

I was not sleepy. Just my eyes were heavy and... tired and... Robbie smelled nice and... he was warm

and... Robbie was my Big Baby and...

I was hiding from my Mom again. She was driving me to the walls. Yes, she had guests and I might

agree with her that some were nice people but... why the hell was I needed there when they talked

about new deals and stupid stuff.

I would spend this amazingly perfect evening, in this orchard taking in the scents of ripe fruits and

blossoming flowers.

It had showered an hour ago and the flowers looked even more beautiful with water droplets on their

pretty petals. I flicked a branch of a shrub and it flicked water on my face, tickling me.


"Ah!" I clutched my heart and jumped back. "You scared me. I did not see you there. Robert, isn't it?"

He nodded. "Robbie. Please call me Robbie."

I smiled shyly. 'Please go away. Please go away. I don't know how to talk to handsome strangers like

you. But we had already talked that day and he was nice and had asked me about my studies. So are

we strangers? Where is Frankie? Please go away until I figure this out.' I prayed in my mind before

noticing water droplets on his shirt.

Thankfully it was not Hugo Boss like he had worn that day but it was still not nice to get them wet.

"Did I... I... uh... make you wet?" I winced. I should not have flicked that shrub.

"Yes." He roughly replied.

Oh shit! Was he angry? He looked a bit angry. He was biting his bottom lip not to shout at me.

But he was meanie.

At least he could have lied and told me I did not make him wet, you know. I told him I did not see him


Now I felt bad and that made me feel bad.

I felt bad when I felt bad. I did not like it.

"I am sorry. I did not see you there." I looked down to the wet ground and winced again seeing water on

his expensive leather shoes. Dad had a similar looking one. I hated them. What was wrong with

converse like mine? Mom did not like converse but they were cute and...

"You can do it again. I don't mind."

I gasped when warm breath fell on my ears and I jumped back in shock. I felt his burning hand on mine

and he slightly yanked me back to him.

"Careful, Pretty... pretty wet, you..." He squeezed his eyes shut before letting my hand go. I rubbed

them to get rid of the touch? Imprint? Warmth? on my right hand. "It is pretty wet... the ground... from

the rain... you might slip."


I nodded.

"Th... thank you. I am sor..."

"It is fine. You did not see me there. I have been standing here for some time. Thought you would have

noticed me."

"Oh... uh... I did not... Your shoes might not be..." I pointed to his shoes. I could get mom buy him a

new one.

"It is just shoes." He shrugged.

That made me smile. He seemed okay for not telling me a very farfetched story of how expensive and

one of a kind they were. My eyes shifted to his before falling back to ground.

He seemed very okay... Stop it Ace. He was not a teenager to be your friend. He looked older and

someone who knew everything. He would not want to be your friend.

"I must go..." I told him. "Enjoy your stay."

I hoped mom opened our homes to people like him unlike that people who she was holding court for. I

would talk to her about it. I hated these many people and they were in my home. I pouted.

"I can go if you want." He suggested but did not make a move to leave. He wanted to be in this


"No, no... You are the guest. I can come here whenever I want. Please enjoy the view."

I felt as if he did not like my calling him a guest. Was he one of those annoying guests who would take

over the home after two days of stay? He did not look like one.

"Oh. I am."

"Excuse me, what?"

"The view. I am enjoying the view." He was staring at me and I felt like I was intruding his very private

moment with nature.

I nodded. "Then I shall leave you to it."

"Ace..." I did not know how to feel when he called me that. Only mom called me Ace. But he was okay

and he did not seem like a person who would call me the 'A' word to make me cry. "You do realise we

can both enjoy... the view... here. You don't have to leave."

"Oh..." He was a nice guy. He did not mind my staying and I did not mind him calling me Ace. "Thanks."

I turned away from him to look at the beautiful clear sky. But I could see another wave of rain coming

from the fast approaching ashy clouds from far.

"It might rain tonight." I mumbled to myself.

"You like rain?" Robert asked still staring at me.

"Very much." I smiled. "You?" I shyly asked. He had not leave yet; that meant he wanted to be my

friend, right? I thought I was finally getting the hang of making new friends.

"Not in the past. But... I think I am liking it from now on."

I giggled at that. None could start liking something just like that. "Why is that?"

"Hm? Why is what?"

I shook my head. "Why do start liking rain all on a sudden, Robert?"

He shrugged and went back staring at the sky. "Robbie... I asked you to call me Robbie."

"But you don't look like a Robbie." I covered my mouth in surprise. I could not believe I told my first ever

friend that. But he was not a friend. Well, he would not want to be one if this was how...

His amused eyes met my troubled ones. God! He had gorgeous steel eyes and now they twinkled with

mischief. I winced in embarrassment.

"I don't look like a Robbie?"


"Ace Truscott, why would you say that?" He advanced on me and I had to drag my hand over my

mouth to pry it away.

Oh God!

My back settled on a tree and he leaned in closer. "Why would you say that?" He asked me again. Was

he angry?

"Ummm... just that... you... uh..."

"I am what?"


"I am just..."

"You are big." I blurted out before covering my mouth again.

"I am big?"

Oh no no no... Body shaming!!! But it was a good thing he was big. But mom said some people did not

like commenting them on their bodies. Why did I say he was big? But he was big and looked so strong

and old... old like someone who knew stuff and Robbie would not fit him but... I should not have said he

was big.

I did not know I was squeezing my eyes shut until I heard a deep masculine chuckle and I opened my


He had beautiful twinkling eyes. But I had a feeling he was not someone to laugh too often and had

permanent twinkling eyes.

It has to be his lips. They were slightly lifted on the edge now, like he was teasing me.

But that was a good look on him; that smirk.

"Robbie is a boy's name and you..."

"And I?"

I gulped... "... are a man."

God this was difficult. This explaining things.

"But I want you to call me Robbie."


"Yes, really. So give it a go, pretty please, Pretty?"

I giggled. "You just want me to call your name for nothing?"


I giggled again. Why the hell was I giggling? Mom said I would stop it when I was bigger. Bigger like

Ro... Robbie perhaps.

I blushed.

"Come on, Ace Truscott, you can do it." He made it sound like I was going to participate on Olympics. I

laughed harder.


I tried and he smiled wider. Well, smirked harder.

"Not so difficult, now, was it? I knew you had it in you."

I laughed. "I take that back. You are a boy and Robbie suits you fine." I snickered, shaking my head.

"I am a man and I can prove it you." He sounded so serious and angry but now I knew he was not.

"No you can't. Not with a name like Robbie." I giggled and shrieked when his hand tried to reach me.

"You are the one who insisted." I jumped again from the hand which came for me again.

He had a very rich, dark chocolaty rough laugh.

A laugh of a man.

Someday I would have it too. But I had a feeling I would be stuck with this stupid giggles for rest of my

life. But Robbie did not seem to mind. If anything he looked like he was enjoying my giggles.

Maybe he wanted my giggles like I wanted his rough laugh.

"If I am a boy then you are just a baby." He said and I laughed again.

"I don't mind being a baby. I am a baby to my mom, my auntie, my Frankie and..."

"Well, I will allow it for the time being... then you will just be my..."

"Oh, there you are!" Frankie came in holding a towel. "Mr. Brantley? What are you two doing here in the


It was raining. I did not notice. We were running around in rain and we did not even notice.

How could that happen? God, we were weird. I laughed.

"I was telling Robbie that he was a boy." I told Frankie.

He threw the towel on my head and pulled me to his side. "Baby Trus, it is not polite to..."

I whined and mumbled how he was the one who insisted but Frankie kept on rubbing my head with the

towel and my voice only came out muffled.

I pointed an accusing finger at Robbie's direction and reminded Frankie that he was drenched too.

"Mr. Brantley please follow me. Sir, you might need a change of clothes and..." Frankie winced. "...a

new pair of shoes."

Frankie pulled me to his side amidst my protests that I was not cold.

Why was Robbie glaring at Frankie? Was he mad at him for reminding him of the shoes?

"I can get you a new pair of shoes, Robbie. Was that sentimental to you?" Robbie seemed very angry.

But he sighed. "Not at all, baby. It is just... I am stuck with flip flops until I buy new one."

I giggled. "Boys wear flip flops."

"I am taking ultimate offence in that statement, 'Baby'."

I giggled. I wore flip flops. But Robbie did not look like he would wear flip flops. His dressing style was

not of someone who wore them often; may be to beach, at most.

Frankie chastised me again for not being polite and gently yanked me to walk.

"Tomorrow you are picking up my new shoes because your Frankie is right. I am offended." Robbie


He was not, because he winked at me.

"If you are a good boy I will, 'Robbie'."

I pouted when Frankie scolded me again and I went after him explaining how it was not my fault that

Robbie was a boy.

A hand pulled me back before I could fall in steps with Frankie.

Was Robbie truly angry? He was very confusing.

"Will you come with me to shop for new shoes?"

"Of course I will." Did I not tell him that I would get him a new pair of shoes? "What is wrong?" Why did

he yank me back?

"Don't slip, Pretty..." He closed his eyes again. "...pretty muddy here."

I giggled. "I won't. Thanks for the company. See you tomorrow." I smiled and then waved before leaving

with Frankie.


The bastard did not even own flip flops and he had three back up shoes with him. Yet he made me go

to the shopping mall where he did not buy himself any shoes but got me three pairs of converse which I

had casually said I had liked.

I had written him a cheque when I came home and he still kept that outdated one in his wallet.

I opened my eyes and saw his Adam's apple bob as he talked. I leaned up and kissed him.

"Sleep some more." He begged but I pulled his face to me and kissed the living lights out of him.

"I fucking love you so much." I whispered to my boy, Robbie.

He smirked. "Good dream?"

"Memory." I smiled before pecking his nose and leaving his lap.

I chuckled seeing Tyron had climbed comfortably up Russel's lap with his face on the man's stomach.

My eyes searched for Naomi and saw her laughing with Winny. She did look better after dinner.

"I will get his mom." I told Russel and I took his silence as permission.

This time thankfully, Tyron could not hold onto his hug on Russel's stomach with his baby hands. So he

whined and scrunched up his face but smoothly transferred to his mom's chest without fuss.

Many people with kids were leaving because it was getting pretty late and I saw Lia also sleeping on

the couch sandwiched between Andrew and Lilly.

Winny was at their side so I was not worried of Andrew falling to the floor.

"We must leave, Mr. Truscott, Mr. Brantley. It is late and I have work tomorrow." She kissed both of my

cheeks and pecked Robbie's as well. "See you next week at the park. Live well, live humble."

"We can give you a ride Naomi. Lia is asleep."

"No... no... You go the other way. It is just waste of fuel and time. I will call down a taxi if the bus had

already left. I make money now, remember? I have a job." She reminded us proudly.

"Of course, we do." Robbie patted Tyron's back. "Young man has a strong mother. But we insist... it is

late and we are only waiting for Windy's girlfriend to come."

"I can give you a lift." Russel did look confident when he said that, zipping up his backpack of books

and getting ready to leave. "We both live in the same apartment complex and I have a car. I don't have

a baby seat though. If it is okay with you... I can give you a ride."

"I have an extra baby seat in the back of our car." I quickly added.

"We don't mind giving Naomi a..." I elbowed my adorably stupid man's ribs to stop him from talking

further. He did not understand why but he got that I wanted them to leave together. "...a lift... ouch...

wha... but if you could leave together that is better. You know... fuel prices..."

He was so so stupid. Of all the excuses, a billionaire was worried about the fuel prices? That too to give

a lift to someone he cared about?

Naomi was going to call out on his worry of fuel prices. We were doomed. Russel could shove his

crush down the dust bin.

"No... I could not bother any of you... My son has already slept on you and that was..."

"If it was a bother, I would not have asked. He is sleeping, he would not want to wait for long in this

chilly night. Come with me. I can show you my I.D if you want."

"Yes, please."


I was burned and she did not even fire at me.

Russel did not seem to mind her reply though. He took it from his back pocket and showed all of us.

"I am a safer choice this late at night. So shall we?"

"Yes." I answered for Naomi and yanked my man's hand to accompany them to the parking lot. I

signalled Winny where we would be if our baby woke up and created a ruckus for she could not find us.

I took out the baby seat and handed it to Russel before pecking both the mother and child once more

and bid them good bye.

"Are they?" Robbie asked me when the car left the driveway.

"Not yet. I am hoping."

"Naomi hates whites."

"She does not hate us and we are whites."

"Yes but..."

"And she is best friends with Winny."

"Yes but..."

"No but... She will change if Russel understands her fears and past."

"You are my Angel." Robbie picked me up and swirled me around.

I looked down to the man who was staring up at me in wonderment. He made me believe that I was

one of a kind, that there was no one like me ever and I was the best person in this whole world.

"Again." I demanded when he stopped.

He chuckled and did it again.

"Again." Now I was just being a spoiled brat but Daddy did not mind. If anything he was happy to.

"I love you Daddy." I kissed his forehead with all the love in this world.

"Mmmm..." He lowered me to the ground before swooping me up once more for the kiss that made my

insides a mush.

"I am glad you are you." I rubbed my thumb along his ear and to his square jaw. I was glad he was

everything he ever was.

"Let us go inside and get our baby..."

"Oh we are here, Mr. Brantley; were giving you some moments."

Winny was holding my sleeping daughter and her girlfriend, Gia was holding all of our stuff.

"Hey, when did you come?" I kissed Gia's cheek and she gave me a bro pat on my back.

"Thirty-five minutes max."

"Daey..." Lia mumbled from Winny's hand and made a grabby hand.

"Aw, come here Pumpkin Pie..." I picked her up and kissed her chubby cheeks before placing her on

my shoulder like a soft plushie.

I gently rocked her so she could go back to sleep. We all climbed on our S.U.V and we were off.

Well, that bitch Janice had to climb over my dead body to get my perfect life thrown out of the window.

But there was some pain left on my heart which was whatever.

I could not believe Janice wanted to mooch off Robbie again after all this fiasco. She refused to be a

part of this family; all she ever cared about was money, money and money.

I knew the only reason she came for my baby was to get child support, which she could blow off to the

wind like she had always done in her life.

My dad's trust fund for her, my mom's several business investments for her, her California condo my

mom had gifted her on her birthday... How much could a person take without feeling a bit of remorse. I

could not believe she was my Aunt Marie's daughter.

Aunt Marie was a woman of her words. She always accepted help from my parents, but she had kept

herself a limit and she knew why she was accepting a help unlike her daughter.

Dad and mom had pitched in quite a bit when she built her home and they had helped when she

started her small tailoring centre. But she was not one to just take, till the day she died there was some

amount always credited to my mom's account from aunt's business account.


Aunt's home was sold for her daughter's honeymoon, the tailoring centre was closed off due to debt.

Now in that place stood our non-profit organization which helped women to learn skills that could be

used to earn income. Tailoring, weaving, baking, pickling... you name it.

The idea came from me and Daddy agreed to it but he was the one to name it Marie's Women's Club.

He knew I had wanted it to be related to her.

My Robbie was amazing. All her life my Robbie had hated on her because of her daughter. But he was

one to accept when he was at wrong.

Otherwise there would not be my Aunt Marie's statue on the front of my company like she had wanted.

Janice could hate me or Robbie for whatever reason she wanted to. But my Lia? What had my baby

ever done to anyone much less her estranged mother?

I curled around deeply to my covers and opened my eyes thinking how the hell was I under the

blankets. Wasn't I in a car?

My eyes met the steel greys of my man. I cuddled up close to chest.

"Wh... when did we reach home?"

"A couple of hours ago. Both my babies fell asleep in the car."

I smiled. I loved when he carried me around without waking me up. I kissed his nose.

I was naked under the blanket. "Did you wipe me down?"

"Yeah. You slept all through it." He kissed my eyebrows. "Why are you up now? It is only midnight. Go

back to sleep."

"Why are you up?"

"Staring at you."

I shook my head and hugged his neck. "Not at all creepy, Mr. Brantley. I want a shower."

He groaned. "You can shower tomorrow. Sleep now."

I pouted and wiggled out of his hug and blankets. "Clean me." I pulled on his hand and the man

groaned again but stood up. I giggled and playfully danced in his arms.

"You better not wake up before ten in the morning. Winny said she would get Lia ready. So you stay in

bed. Got it, Brat?"

"Yes, Daddy. But now I want you."

"Want me?"

"So bad."

He growled and jumped on me. I shrieked and moaned before turning the shower on. "You knew I

would wake up and shower?"

He winked. "Of course I did."

My toiletries were over the counter neatly displayed. I always tucked them back to the cabins after

every showers. I hated cluttered counters.

"I thought you wanted me."

"Did you?" I bit my lip and dragged my forefinger down to his chest. A drop of water chased my finger

until I flicked it away just above his navel.

His breath hitched and his hard warmth poked me on my thigh.

He was so masculine. My fingers played with all his seasoned muscles before my eyes met his cloudy


God, he was so gorgeous and perfect.

He was panting through his mouth and there were water droplets falling from his lips. I leaned up and

drank them from the tip of my tongue.

He was so fucking gorgeous and manly.

I needed him inside me so bad; wanted his teeth to hurt my neck so deliciously.

His brown hair was wet and plastered on his forehead and I swiped it to the side.

He took my wrist in his hand and squeezed hard, before roughly turning me to the wet bathroom wall.

God, I loved this waterfall shower setting.

"Fucking nymph." He growled and his fingers forcefully pushed to my warmth.


"Gentle, you brute."

"I will show you gentle."

I shrieked when he bit the flesh on my neck before licking me up. He trapped my whole body with one

hand and the other was so busy giving me the pain I craved so bad.

"Ahh... yes... yes Robbie... Daddy..."

"Such a needy beautiful slut."

"uhuh... yeah."

I squeezed my eyes shut and welcomed another delicious pain which his gorgeous phallus gave me.

Why was everything about him so perfect? Perfect for me.

I turned my face to the side and shining steel eyes met my eyes. His pupils were high from lust and


'Yes Big Baby, give it to me.'

I bit and pulled on his bottom lip and he bucked wilder.

My fingers coiled with his which was squeezing my stomach so hard.

He came a lot earlier than I wanted him to and he took me with him. Our combined essence dribbled

down my thighs and washed away with warm water.

"Need more." I begged.

"Jesus. You will fucking get more."

He picked me up fast after wrapping me up in a fluffy towel.

"DADDY!" I shrieked because I was not expecting that before looping my hand on his neck.

His lips hungrily met mine and I savoured his strong tongue that was pushing mine to back of my


I loved him so so so much that my heart ached so bad.

When the softness of bed touched my back, I wiggled around and situated him between my spread

legs without letting his tongue out of my mouth.

He was fucking mine.

"You are mine, Robert Brantley."

He moaned before dropping kisses to my chin, chest and down and down...

"My beautiful Pretty Baby." He whimpered with each thrust and I stared up to him in wonder. This man

was in love with me.

My fingers rubbed the sides of his face before pulling him back for another kiss.

He took my palm in his hand and pressed a deep kiss inside it making me all blushy and giggly.

His thrust started to lose its rhythm and I rubbed our noses together. "You are cute, Big Baby."

He fucking growled before proving me that he was not at all cute but hot and a fucking bull in heat.

Or he could try.

He was cute if I said so.

He pulled me back to his chest, heavily panting and I was not in better shape.

"I... I got you all dirty again... Dear fucking god." Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

"Clean me up again. I don't wanna move" I kicked his thighs until the bastard went and wiped me down

with a warm cloth.

He curled around me tucking his face on my nape, still panting. "I fucking love you Angel. Love you so

very much that it hurts me sometimes."

"You are just saying it..." I prodded for more love and affection that earned me a spank.

"Brat! I am just saying it? You fucking know I love you to hell and back." I giggled and he started

nibbling on my neck again. "Look at him all giggling while hurting me with his words. I love you, Ace


"Mmmhm." I relented before yawning.

"Sleep now, Kitten. I love you."

I twisted my face and quickly pecked his lips before hugging his hand that was around my tummy and I

fell asleep after one more yawn.

Robbie was my life.

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