Touching the Heart of Ace

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

I smiled when Gabe sat next to Jason and his hand, having its own mind, clutched on Jason's thigh.

But when Jason's hand looped over his, without even noticing, I turned my face away. It was so

intimately private.

My brother looked like he was in love. Was that why people said if you once loved someone it was so

difficult to remain just friends?

Jason and I talked nonstop in FaceTime. He was going crazy with worry and I was glad Gabe was

there to stop him from doing anything reckless. I hoped Jason would come clean and tell me that they

were boyfriends. It had not happened yet but Gabe got promoted to 'friends'.

I meant I had met many of Jason's friends-with-benefits and he never showed them any affection

anywhere. But with Gabe he was definitely different.

Gabe was different too.

Why else would he come from Milan to Paris when my brother was freaking out?

"I told you. He is fine." Gabe told Jason and he nodded.

"I worry."

Gabe chuckled. "Oh, really? I did not know."

Jason pushed him away, annoyed but he bounced back laughing.

"I am right here, guys."

"Oh, shut it. You forget about us when your man is next to you."

"Ah! I would never." I dramatically placed my hand over my heart and they rolled their eyes.

"Remember my birthday?" Gabe asked.

"One time! That was one time." I glared. That was no big deal. Robbie and I might have slipped out for

a bit of, kind of, sort of, most likely, may be, had very normal, completely innocent, sex in our car.

Couples did that. All the time. It is no big deal. Well, Jason might have looked around us for cake

cutting and definitely thought we had taken off because we only returned during dinner... which was

perfectly fine.

"How about we talk about conference in Ottawa?" Jason helpfully added.

I crossed my hands over my chest. Fine, that time too. Two times were not bad.

"Oh, on yacht, remember? God I thought I had to bleach my eyes." Gabe chortled.

"You had to bleach your eyes? Dude, I walked right into that one and saw that fucker... with my brother,

babe, my brother." Jason rubbed his eyes hard.

Babe? Wow! That deep?

Gabe dropped his head on Jason's shoulder. "You can come to my next session. My therapist has

been asking for you, anyways."

"What the eff! Why did you not tell me?" Jason pushed his shoulder to drop Gabe's head.

"It is not a big deal." Gabe kept on looking at me to avoid Jason's stare.

"What is not a big deal? Your therapist asking for me or plain o' me? Is that it? I am not a big deal?"

"She would not have asked for 'you' if you were not a big deal." Gabe glared at him right back.

"Whatever." Jason tried very hard to look angry but his eyes gave him away. Next time he gave me a

hard time for not coming clean to my Robbie sooner I was going to grill his equally pathetic ass.

I noticed Gabe's fingers nervously tapped on their love seat and I saw Jason's hand slowly inching

closer. In few seconds they were tightly holding each other.

Ah, to be in love and hidden, again.

Young love!

Well, I was still in love but not hiding it.

But I was hiding it but not to who it mattered. What was he doing anyways? Nothing drastically

changed these weeks. He still sounded tired and I sounded border line whiney.

Did we look like how Jason and Gabe looked right now?

No wonder people were not as surprised as we thought they would be. I wanted to call out on Jason

but I remembered all that time when I was hiding, I did not want anyone to point it out.

I let them be.

Jason would tell me when he was ready.

"Jace, I love you."

I noticed the slight flinch from Gabe and a flash of pain in his eyes. Good! It showed he was serious

with Jason.

"I love you more, Goose." He told me sincerely but I noticed the squeeze of his hand and Gabe smiled.

The classic 'you are more special, love' squeeze.

I missed my man. He might have skipped his lunch... again!

"I will see you, day after tomorrow, Dave." Gabe promised me. He was the only one in the family who

could meet me without raising too much speculations. He was our brand ambassador and finding us

together in public was not that suspicious.

There were freelance paparazzi still after us. Apparently social media and gossip columns heavily

depended on them for some tea.

I waved at the screen before switching it off.

What are you doing, Daddy?

Terry is playing hide and seek.

[Terry is the lawyer, for my cute potato readers who forget names. I love you.]

I sighed. Did you have lunch?

Soon. Baby, I gotta go.

Okay, xoxo. Please don't skip meals.

He would but I had to try, right? I was not surprised when I received only a kiss emoji after an hour.

I did not think a day would come where I would miss our beach house; Lia, Robbie and I playing

around till night. But I did.

I could not wait to go back.

I missed cooking my Big Baby his favourite dishes, I missed picking up his messes and glaring at him, I

missed his nightly visits and I missed his warm hugs, I missed him not listening to my 'no's.

"DAVEY!!!" I felt a weight smacking on my back and a happy giggle. "K no K no."

I smiled shaking my head. "Who is there?"


"Purple who?"

"Pupple Uncon."

"Ah! A purple Unicorn. Where is she?"

Lia tiny head popped on my shoulder, and I knocked our heads together affectionately.

She had her plushies in her hand and we played until Levi came in with treats for Lia. He was spoiling

her rotten. I had no idea how I could keep up with all these amazing afternoon snacks when we went

back home.

When would that be?

I sighed for the umpteenth time.

"What is with the sighs?"

"Missing him."

Levi nodded understandingly. "If it is any consolation, my husband went to meet his family in Italy. I

miss him too."

"Why can't they just stick to our sides, right?"

"Right!" Levi bobbed his head.

And my sigh made a new friend with Levi's sigh.

Good job, Ace. Now you made Levi miss his man too.

Finally, I had enough of the pity party and we watched some movies.

"Did you talk to your husband about wanting kids?"

Levi's smile dropped. He gave out a fake chuckle. "Apparently I am a kid enough for both of us."


He nodded. "It is fine. It is not like it is a big deal. It is too difficult, you know. Surrogacy is really

expensive and... adoption could be a hassle... kids make mess and we won't be able to chill, then

someone has to stay at home until they were old enough to talk... it is... it is difficult..." He smiled and

turned his face away fast.

"What is the real issue?" There was pain in Levi's eyes and I knew it was something personal related to

his husband. So, I did not push. "Bring him to us one day. Maybe seeing Lia might help to change his


'Doubt it' was all he said and we changed the subject.

That night sleep did not come at all. I stayed awake next to my sleeping kid thinking about Daddy and

the things I had taken for granted.

His presence.

I always thought he would be with me and every time it got remotely threatened, I had broken down.

This time, though he was not next to me physically, emotionally he was never closer. He was fighting

for a divorce. I could not believe it sometimes.

He wanted... needed to be mine but when had things gone right in our life? That thought scared me.

What if nothing went the way I wanted it to? Every time I got one step closer to Robbie, life would push

me back a mile.

But this time... this time I would fight. I would fight for my man, my child and my freaking happiness and


Nobody deserved them as much as I did.

I could not wait for all the obstacles to throw things my way so I could show my family how much they

meant to me.

I cradled Lia to my chest and started talking about the dreams I wanted her to have.

Next three days were blurry and I mainly focused on Lia and the occasional chats with Robbie. He told

me he was coming a bit earlier than anticipated. He sounded breathless and hung up the call before I

could bug him for more information.

I called Levi to arrange some refreshments and waited impatiently by the door.

At least this time I had enough brain cells to remember not to let my kid know. So, she did not fuss ?

Cmuch- when I put her down for a nap.

I rushed to the door and threw my hands around his neck as soon as he came in.

"Hi, Pretty." He kissed both of my cheeks before sniffing my hair and neck.

"I missed you a lot, Daddy."

"Not as much as I did."

"I doubt it." I pouted, refusing to take my head off his chest. I wanted to hear his heartbeats.

"Angel, I have good news and bad news." He was restless and almost giddy but his face gave nothing


"Okay..." I had a bad feeling about this. I thought about life pushing me back a mile. But I would fight

back. Whatever it was, this man was staying. Whatever he did, I would also take the responsibility. I

would stay by his side as his equal and help him with whatever he needed.

"Pick one." Robbie and prompted.

I could brush away the fear that crawled to my throat. What could be the bad news? What would I do, if

it was something...

No. Whatever it was, I wanted to know. I would find a way.

"Bad news first."

Please, dear God, please...

"My lawyer wants us to go to couple therapy and work this out. This is apparently so normal and it does

not warrant a divorce. Janice and I still had hope. I should have put more effort to her needs and this

would have been avoided." There was a slight smile in his face and he looked hopeful.


No, no, no...

Please no.

What about... he said... he promised... body needs... me? Us? Them? What...? What about me?

I rapidly gulped. My throat felt so dry.

I pulled away from his hug.

Could I go back the way we were? Blood rushed to my ears and my heart thumped angrily on my

chest. I could not go back. I could not pretend not to care anymore. I wanted him, I wanted a life... with


What about holding hands?



I nodded. What was I nodding to? I took a step back when he took one forward and he stopped.


I can't do this Robbie. I want you. I need you. I want to hold your hands.

Why was my tongue not working?

"Ask me about the good news, love."

Love. He called me 'love'. He always did.

Was I really his love?

"Ask me, baby. Please." He held my hands in his and I looked at our joined hands. They looked perfect.

His big tan rough hands, smothering my pale, smooth, flimsy ones.

"What is the good news?" I whispered. I was scared. And my voice did not conceal it.

"I fired him. Now I have three divorce lawyers working on our case and they are 101 percent sure that I

would get a divorce in a year. It would not take that much but they did not want to dishearten me if it

takes long. Can you believe it? Baby..."

Okay... so Janice and Robbie decided to work it out... what about Lia... wait what?


Robbie chuckled. His eyes wrinkled at corners, his mouth stretched in a mischievous smirk... then he


"They have already filed a divorce petition, this afternoon." He laughed.




"Yes, baby, yes..."

He fired his lawyer and hired some other people and... he was getting a divorce.

My Robbie...

"Can wait for an eternity, huh, Angel? Look at that adorable face. Come here, baby."

I shook off his hands and anger pushed my chest.


"I thought you could wait." The bastard laughed.

"Oh my god. I assumed the worst... you... you... freaking fucking... bas..." He kissed my lips but I

pushed him away. "You... you..."

He was laughing harder and then the situation finally settled in my brain.

"You are getting a divorce." I had to confirm it.

"I am."

"They have already..."

"Yes, they have... I had to go to bank and do some paperwork. They did everything before I got back."

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod..." I was walking in circles until Robbie looped his hands on my stomach

and pulled me closer.

"Don't you dare touch me, Robbie... you scared me." I whispered and he pecked my lips.

"For what? I would have come back to you anyways."

"I can't believe it. Tell me you are lying."

"Why would I lie to my Angel? I am not lying. I am getting a divorce. Even if this fails... and nothing

good come of it... I also have a plan B. We will leave hereto somewhere far away. Just the three of us.

Jason would have to wait a couple of years, but he will survive. But we are going to be together the

way you want... the way I want. Holding hands, telling everyone that you are mine... fucking you into

the mattress every night until you fall asleep with that special smile on your lips..."

"Robbie..." I chastised him.

"What? Not going to lie."

"Not every night. I will be too sore. Some nights."

He stared at me. "Fine, six nights a week and all the days."

"Stop it... three nights and some days."

"What? No! Five nights and all the days."

I giggled. "How about four nights and some days."

"How about when the mood strikes? Fuck the counts." He pecked my lips before taking my bottom lip

and pulling.

I nodded and then we were passionately kissing. "I can't... believe... mmm... you are... we... are

together... Robbie..." I said between the tongue duelling.

"Anything for you. Anything to have you as mine."

"I am already yours."

We kept on kissing until his phone dinged with message. I frowned but Robbie's face spilt in a big smile

and he showed me the image of the petition of his case.

I shrieked and jumped to him, my legs looping on his hips. I peppered his whole face with kisses. But

soon I remembered what he did! For whole three seconds which felt like thirty years I believed he was

planning to work things out with Janice.

I pinched his biceps and climbed down.

"I can't believe you! You are too much..."

"Baby, come on..."

"No... no... hell no... you are staying right there. I am angry at you."

I swished my body left and right, away from his hands, as he kept on laughing and trying to catch me. I

finally let him though and he clutched me to chest, sighing.

"Gods! You make me so happy, Angel." He kissed the nape of my neck several times and I melted.

His phone rang again and he rolled his eyes seeing the caller.


He switched it off and made chewing motion on the edge of his phone, making me giggle. He threw it

on the couch but it dropped to floor after a bounce.

I missed seeing him throwing things.

"Robbie, stop throwing. It will break." I scowled and picked it up to place it on the coffee table.

I suddenly gasped and remembered to pack our stuff.

I could not wait to get back home. I wanted to cook him lots of foods. He was skipping his meals and he

looked tired.

"Baby... what are you doing?"

"Packing things! We have to go. Oh, start now before Lia wakes up. She will play with stuff if she wakes

up. Come on Robbie... chop chop! Levi brings Lia all the sweets in the world and now she is going to

bug me until I make some... Oh, what do I do Robbie. Oh! I have to ask Levi for that recipes. Do you

know he can't cook? His husband can't either. They live off hotel food, Robbie. That is so bad. Maybe

we can invite both of them to our home... Oh, hold this. Let me get that carry bag... What was I saying?

Oh, about Levi..."

"Baby... baby... Babe... Angel..."

"... stop standing there and get your suitcase too. I will fold..."


"Whaaaat?" I whined. Why was he not helping me to pack? We had to pack, so we could go back.

"What is the rush?"

"Huh? We have to go back to home. We can, right Daddy?" I dropped Lia's toys back to the floor


"We can. We absolutely can." He yanked me by my hand and I cuddled back to my place on his chest.

"But... we don't have to. Not yet."

"Why not?" I looked up to him and he dropped his head to kiss my lips.

"I missed you so much."

I smiled, a bit smugly. Good! He should. I was going crazy.

"How about we have this night... just two of us?" I blushed and Daddy did notice. "My Baby and I could

have some dinner, some wine, with a candle and rose in the middle, maybe you can dance at the bar;

you haven't done that in a while... I could watch and see all those idiot losers thinking they have a

chance..." I giggled. "... but you are all mine and I will rub that on their face... what do you say? Pretty

Angel. I am sorry we can't go out to some other restaurant just yet, but this hotel serves the best food

in town. So?"

I nodded, all shy and blushing.

He picked my right hand and dropped a kiss on the back of it. "Dress up all you want. I have gotten a

new attire for you. It is a surprise. It will arrive only at five."

"I love surprises."

"I know, Baby. Then late at night I may rip your surprise. So don't get too attached to it."

"Can't. I am already attached to it. Hold your horses, Robert Brantley."

He groaned. "Brat! Fine. Taking my time to properly undress you is also fun."

"I love you so much, Robbie."

He only sighed and I noticed his heart beating rapidly for a few seconds before turning normal.

"I... give me some more time, Angel."

"All the time in the world, Demon. I just want to tell you."

He nodded. "Listen, Angel. I have a short meeting in the evening. Your dress will come about that time.

I will come back and pick you from here?"

"You don't have to come here just to pick me up, Daddy. I will wait you at the bar. Like in Pretty Woman.

All dressed up. Only for you."

"You are more beautiful than that lady, Angel."

"That lady is Julia Roberts. And if I had not already known you were blind with love, this would be a

very revealing moment."

"I am serious."

"Of course you are." I shook my head. He opened his mouth to counter my response but an excited

squeal interrupted his comeback.


I pulled back from him and smiled when I felt him squeezing my waist before letting go. He dropped to

the floor on his knees stretching his arms and Lia jumped to him.

"Daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy..."

Lia didn't know 'Daddy' was not his name.

He missed Lia so much. I listened to him talking animatedly to her about all his adventures and Lia was

oooh'ing at all the right moments.

Daddy and daughter needed to tone down their cuteness; my heart was already so tender.

This time though, Robbie stretched his arm to me to hold. I thought for a few seconds and Robbie

noticed my indecision. He decided to drop his hand but I caught on it fast.

I held his hand in lover's hold.

The smile he gifted me would stay in my eyes till the ends of time.

We walked to the bedroom and Lia and Daddy played to their heart's content. She missed him too

much that she completely ignored me and showered all her attention to the man of our life.

I wouldn't have it other way.

I lied behind Robbie with my head popped on my elbow, listening to her happy chatter as she dropped

plushies after plushies on Robbie. She would feed her 'cooked' food and put on 'make up' on him and

when she could not hold all the emotions in her tiny heart, gave him a hard bite on his hand.

She was so much like Robbie in many ways. Robbie also had the habit of gifting painful hurts as a

token of affection.

"Little Baby, it hurts Daddy." I told my disobedient child as I rubbed away another teeth mark from his

wrist. Her teeth were tiny but did not mean it was not painful. My thumb had suffered a great deal when

she was teething. She would pop my finger inside her mouth and go to chewing heaven.

Baby Demon.

I pulled her to my lap when she pranced in front of me and trapped her in my embrace.

"Baby girl stop. You can't hurt Daddy like that." She had twisted her face and latched on his bicep. I

sighed as she refused to let go of her bite. Her daddy was smiling and that was not at all helping things.

My baby reserved her bites only to the people who she loved with all her heart. Uncle JJ was gifted one

when he gave her a makeup set last time.

"Baby... let go." I poked her cheek.

"Mmblubbludwawee." She mumbled around her mouth.

"You don't bite the people you love, sweet baby. Now let go of daddy."

"Really?" Robbie smirked and I glared. What was that supposed to mean? "She learned from the best;

that is all I am saying."

"Lia..." I warned and she let go. I wiped Daddy of her drool and bite marks, again.

"She missed me so much." Robbie told me and I nodded. She did. "Baby Kitten..." He kissed her tiny

head and he slowly fell asleep on my chest listening to Lia's ramble.

"Daddy..." She poked his cheek.

Robbie was right. She imitated me in many ways. Had to stop biting Robbie outside of the bedroom.

"He is sleeping, baby."

She popped her thumb in her mouth and stared at him.

"He is tired."


My fingers brushed through his thick hair and Lia did the same.

Mini me.

"Little Baby..." I waited for Lia to look at me. "Always love daddy, okay? Sometimes daddy will be busy

with his work but he loves you very much. So you have to tell him that you love him a lot, okay? So

daddy will never forget."

"Lille Baby lub daddy."

I smiled. "I know. Daddy loves Little Baby."

"Little Baby lub Davey."

My heart soared. "I know. Davey loves Little Baby."

She blinked twice before climbing on Robbie to play. Robbie was used to it and it never disrupted his

sleep. So I let her be.

I woke him up for the meeting he had. But the surprise came before he could leave. The surprise was

not just for me but for Lia too.

Levi came in with two gorgeous teenage girls in tow dressed as Jasmine and Elsa. Were they from a

costume party?

"Princess, come here." Robbie hollered and a tiny "Daddy, comeeee." hollered back before pitter-patter

came in running. Her mouth dropped seeing the girls with Levi.




Robbie shook his head with a smile and looked at me.

"Yes, Baby Angel."

"Hello, Princess Lia." And my baby twitched. It took all her Diva self-training not to turn around and

point at herself.


"I am Princess Jasmine and this is Queen Elsa. Your father has told us that he has a princess too. We

are very happy to meet you."

"Davey..." Lia called out and I let out a breathy chuckle.

"Yes, Princess."

She came running and hid behind my knee.


My baby got shy. She rubbed her face on the curve of my knee and it tickled.

'Elsa' kneeled down and started talking to 'Jasmine' about the beautiful princess hiding behind me.

Something about the party of all princesses and princes. Soon Lia came out from her hiding and got

curious enough to ask questions.

"A moment, Angel?"

I nodded at Levi to watch over the girls and we went to the bedroom. "So... I thought Lia would have an

epic time with the costume party. I have cleared everything. The girls' details are sent to your mail.

They came with awesome credentials. Levi will be there. So..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It wouldn't be much of a surprise, now would it? So you are okay with it? I just wanted to have you all

by myself."

I nibbled on my lips shyly. "Of course, I am okay with it. I want to be with you too. I know you would

never jeopardise her safety."

He sighed. "I know you don't like leaving Lia, so... I only asked the girls to keep Lia company. If you are

not okay with it, they will go without Lia and it is perfectly fine."

"No... no. I am okay with it. More than okay with it. She will have a lot of fun and I can keep a tab on

her via my tablet. It is okay, Daddy. It is perfect."

He smiled really big again. Was it just me or was he really smiling a lot today?

"I will die to protect your smile, Robbie. I will cherish it forever. It is too precious."

His steel grey eyes widened in surprise and they shifted not meeting mine. I put my palm on his cheek.

"What got my Demon all shy?"

"Not shy. Just... no one has ever told me that before. No one has told me my smile is precious."

"Well no one has ever loved you like I do. Are you really surprised by that? Everything we do, we only

do it for us. No one had done anything to me ever like the way you do too. And I don't want anyone to."

He closed his eyes and the tip of his nose turned red. He got so emotional.

I kissed his nose and he smiled. "Now get to your meeting. I want to know those girls and Lia would be

joining the kid's costume party. When do you think my dress wi..."

The doorbell went off and we chuckled.

Lia was in heaven wearing the golden fairy gown. She would be the prettiest of all the Princesses in the

party, I was sure.

I opened my attire only after Lia had left with the girls and Levi. I took a warm bath filled with Robbie's

favourite fragrances preparing myself for the long night that was waiting for us.

The dress was beautiful. I thought this was the best attire I ever owned. It was navy blue suit shirt with

black crystals adorning the edges. A 'V' shaped cut was running across the shoulder blade, showing off

my pale skin. The cut was so magnificently designed that it accentuated the curve of my spine. A bead

of big black crystal hung from the middle of the cut teasing and taking all the attention right to my

exposed skin.

To the most beautiful man in Robert Brantley's life, we are presenting you, our Celestial collection,

worth only to Prince of Angels ?C Killers.

Ace Davidson Truscott was written in beautiful cursive handwriting inside the shirt.

I loved it so much.

The pants were skin fit and plain with two slashes on the knee. The back pockets had the same crystal

designs as the shirt, pulling the whole look together.

I kept my makeup simple. This dress deserved all the attention it would get. I went with silver for my

accessories. Silver choker, silver ring with sapphire stone, silver anklet and black waist chain with silver

clasp ?C only for Robbie to find out and appreciate ?C before tucking the shirt inside my pants.

I was beautiful.

Every gifts from Robbie made me feel like I was standing on the top of the world.

I did not put any products on my hair, let it naturally fluffy and flying around.

Spraying my Robbie's favourite body mist I twirled around.


Robbie was so going to lose his ever loving mind. I giggled thinking of all the ways I could make our

dinner torturous for him. I had decided to keep my wrist bare but finally settled to wear my black TAG


I put on my glossy black shoes and did some last minutes' tweaks here and there then went down to

the bar.

It was packed, but not overly so. It was spacious even with a disco floor on the other end. The wet bar

was in the middle with intimate dinner settings on the one side and much more playful bar slash disco

on the other end. The construction, architecture and the ambience were off the world.

If someone decided to sit on the other end of the same room the disco music would not reach their


I did not even remember the last time I was in a bar. I bobbed my head gently to the beats of the music,

while I sat on the high stool for my man to come.

For our date.

I would consider this as our official first date. We were cooped up all our lives and those little eloping

we did once in a while would not consider as dates.

Then those little get-aways before his marriage would certainly not count because I thought I was the

only one with a crush and he was just being nice.

This was the first time we went out after we accepted ourselves.

How could anything as imperfect as our love life turn out to be the perfect one for me? I could not wait

to tell the whole world that I got the man of my dreams. I was prepared for the backlash; people just

hearing a bit of our story and deciding ours were not up to their mark.

But well, if they had better life than me, I was happy. After all, that was what everyone wanted. A happy

and peaceful life.

I had a happy life now and hopefully in a year, a peaceful one.

"I have a feeling you are waiting for someone."

Wow! This man was hot. His mesh shirt was leaving nothing for imagination and he had his nipples


"I am. Yes."

"So, should I just turn away all the drinks that are coming your way?"

"Excuse me?"

"Hi, I am Jackal. Bartender. I have a five drink orders for 'the sweet thing on red stool'. So should I just

turn away the offers?"

I blushed bright red as the chair I was sitting on.

"Yes, please. If they persist, please tell them I am taken."

"Noted, Cherry. Need something to sip on while your date arrives?"

"Anything non-alcoholic."

"Cherry, you are waiting at a wet bar, and you need non-alcoholic? What is fun in that?"

"We have a little baby. One of us has to be always sober. And her daddy might drink tonight. Why are

you calling me, Cherry?"

"Responsible family, happy family. Your embarrassed blush is cherry red, so cherry."

I giggled.

He gave me a very pretty drink, with mango juice, strawberry and a hint of milk. "This tastes so good."

"Aim to please, Cher."

I slowly sipped on the amazing drink, having casual talks to the bartender and he showed me his tattoo

on his shoulder.

"Good thing you refused to accept those drinks. That is the eighteenth order and how long have you

been here? Fifteen minutes?"

"I am sorry."

"What the hell for?"

"You must have gotten tired of it."

"Na. I love my job. Better than the twenty-four seven desk job I had before." There was a flash of pain

that disappeared as fast as they came but he excused himself and did a very cool trick with fire and


He did some swishes with his hand and lighted a bottled drink in his hand, threw it in the air and it

made a beautiful multi-coloured tail of fire. He caught it, swirled it again in his hand, poured the drink on

several tequila glasses. All the mini ones had a hat of fire on the top of their heads.

Then he screamed 'Come to Papa' and caressed hats of fire and all of them jumped to his hand making

his hand glow before dying off.

A chorus of cheers and claps followed his trick. I excitedly squealed and clapped too. "That was so


"Thanks Cher. Need another one?"

I shook my head and begged him to do another trick. And he did. He was so cool.

"That your man?" He nodded his head to the side and I followed his line of sight, only to see the perfect

man to walk on the earth. His hair was combed back, slick and neat, his eyes searching for mine like a

hunter. He could not find me soon enough. I noticed girls swooning, men ogling and he stopped

walking to search for me, not even noticing his admirers.

"How did you know that it was him?" I asked Jackal who was making fun of me for drooling.

"You guys would look good together. Someone like you should at least be with someone like him."

I preened. He was right.

"You are right, Jackal. He is my man."

Robbie found me. His eyes caressed my body and he gulped. Big Baby liked what he saw. He pushed

away some girl stumbled in front of him and he stood right next to me.

God! Why was he this hot? It was not fair. I was feeling things that I was not supposed to feel in public.

"You are so fucking beautiful." Robbie announced breathlessly when he stopped in front of me. I stood

up from the stool to cuddle to his chest.

"You are so handsome, Mr. Brantley." I leaned up to kiss his cheek and giggled shyly when he looked

down at me so lost.

"Fuck!" He whimpered seeing me. "You are... perfect. I can't tell you how... amazing you look and feel. I

wanna kiss you so bad."

"Just a peck. People are watching."

"Can we please, ditch this?"

I pouted. "This is our first official date. I want it."

Robbie squeezed his eyes shut. "You are right. But Baby... you look so damn fine!"

I giggled, then sighed when he kissed my forehead.

"Love the surprise?" His hand had found the jewel on the back and he was rubbing my skin under it.

"It is beautiful. Prince of Angels, huh, Demon?"

"You know you are, my Angel."

I slowly turned him around so he could sit on the stool. I cuddled and sat between his outstretched

legs, his hands across my tummy so I would not fall off. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"Babe, this is Jackal, he is the bartender of this bar. He kept me entertained until you came. Jackal, this

is the man I was talking about."

"Pleasure is all mine, Sir." Jackal extended his hand and Robbie glared. I elbowed his side and Robbie

finally grudgingly extended his.

"He knows cool tricks, Daddy. Show him one, Jackal."

"Later, Cherry." Robbie growled. "This is your date. Off you go."

"AW! You missed it, Robbie... he caught fire in his hands... and... mmmpph" Robbie shut me up with a

kiss and I forgot about everything.

When my brain came back online Robbie was glaring at Jackal and he was busy laughing at Robbie's


"Hey, I kept his admirers of his back. You should thank me with a hundred-dollar tip."

Robbie frowned and he told about the drinks that had come my way. Robbie being the jealous bastard

kissed me again.

But I thought Jackal was off the hook.

"So, Cherry here says you are a Bourbon neat man. Want one?"

Robbie looked at me and I nodded. "You go ahead. I am not drinking."

"Oh, that is so domestic." Jackal did another cool trick with fire and Robbie tried hard not to be

impressed but he was. "Try my Twisted Charm."

Robbie cautiously took a sip and he groaned before chuckling. "Wow! That is... Wow!"

"Told you. It is an appetizer too."

"What did you do?" Robbie took another small sip and smiled. "It is good. Seriously good."

"Caramelised sugar. Your husband was talking nonstop about you. So I figured it out."

My blue eyes met his steel greys but we did not bother to correct him.

I liked it.

When we bid our good bye to have our dinner Robbie and Jackal had bonded over alcohols and his

effort to keep me 'safe' from 'losers'.

Robbie could be so mean sometimes.

He had picked balcony for our dinner seating. It was so beautiful out there. The sky resembled my


The cushions were soft like clouds and I genuinely felt like I was in floating. No wonder this

establishment was named 'Palazzo'. This was fit a king.

I crossed my legs and my hands spread to sides to feel the velvety armrests. "I want this chairs for our

home." I told Robbie.

"Anything my Angel wants."

I smiled. He still seemed lost in me.

"Stop looking at me like you have never seen me before." I giggled; embarrassed.

"Come here." He patted his thigh.

"What? No. People can still see us."

"So what? Let them die in jealousy, Pretty."

I cupped my neck and peeked to check if anyone was looking at us. This was a private seating. The

balcony only had our circular dinner table and my chair and Robbie's love seat. But the people inside

can see us through the glass. The doors could be closed but the ambience was perfect the way it

already was.

And they were staring at us.

Shouldn't they focus on their dinner?

Robbie stood up and walked to me; taking my hand. "Please honour me with your touch."

He and his words!

I shivered. But when he tugged I willingly 'fell' on his chest and he sat down with me heavily leaning on




"Please look at me."

I peeked under my lashes.

"Jesus! Kiss me."

His hand crawled behind me, resting on my right buttocks and giving it a squeeze. My gasp gave the

permission for his tongue to slip inside. He moved us together until I was safely and comfortably

perched on his lap.

"You have the power to literally destroy me, do you know that, Angel?"

I blinked to clear the lustful haze and I stared at my man. "I will never destroy you. You are far too

precious for me." I answered him truthfully. My fingers played with the back of his ear.

"I know but you can."

I shook my head. "How can I do that when you are my soul and Lia is my heart?"

"Never leave me."

"Never. I swear to you. You can always come for me, Robbie."

"I will."

I smiled, my hand slowly slipping down to his neck to his exposed chest. He never buttoned the top two

buttons. I bit my lips and my fingers felt that manly chest hairs he had. "You are such a stud."

I never had chest hairs. The only real hair had was after my treasure tail and I sometimes hated it and

ends up epilating them.

But Robbie, he had hot sexy ripe male look with his thick hairs. I would not call them fur because it was

not too crowded that I could not see his skin. They were uniquely placed enough to make me all hot

and bothered.

Robbie moaned when I gently tugged on a hair.

"It turns you on, imp." He bit my ear.

"Very much. I don't like it when you wax."

When their clubs are hoisting the MMA and Boxing championships he had to. Well, he looks much

hotter with his mouth guard and boxing gloves. So, I would never complain.

"Mmm... That is not what I remember when you came to my locker."

I put my forefinger on his lips. "Stop it, Daddy"

"Call me that again."

He was getting so aroused and the dinner was yet to be served. "Please behave. We can go back to

our room and..." I crossed my legs to elevate the pressure on my slacks. It felt so good.

I heard a choked gasp and some stammering.

We gave our waiter something to think about! Jesus!

I pushed Robbie's face from my neck and twisted my face away. I did not even bother to order my food.

I wanted the waiter to go away. Couldn't he see that we were busy?

I played with Robbie's shirt sleeve as he ordered dishes after dishes. Why was he taking so long? After

an eternity the waiter left and Robbie latched his lips back to my neck.

"People are watching." Not that I cared but had to put it out there.

"I can't wait to do this, every day."

"What? Molest me in public?"

"Brat! To have you on my lap and spoil you for the rest of our lives."

I smiled. I loved how it sounded.

And when the waiter came back with all the dishes and desserts, I did not even lift my finger. Robbie

fed me everything and I just let myself to be spoiled.

I did not even take a napkin to dab my mouth, Robbie did. He looked so happy to do that for me. We

talked a lot in between. We talked about the insurance schemes we had to look into for Lia, his

decision to 'sell' the beach house to Jason, my company... a lot and lot.

I did not have wine but we ordered some strong drinks for Daddy. He had been stressed out lately and I

had a tight leash on his alcohol intake but today we just let ourselves to float away.

Soon my body was firing up with need. And Robbie's eyes were firmly fixed on my flushed cheeks.

"You are very bad, Daddy."

His hand tightened on my waist and he wiggled me on his lap. "Why do you think that, Baby Boy?"

Dear God!

"I wanna..." I breathlessly whimpered to him.

"Wanna what?"

"Let us go back."

Robbie's eyes flashed with lust. He pulled me up after throwing a huge tip under the dinner plate. I

clutched on his waist, tucking my head under his strong arms as he steered me to our room. I noticed

people trying to talk to him.

Some even made an attempt to talk to me too. But Robbie did not let them and I was far too gone to


When we reached the elevator I took a huge step away from him and he growled. I took his hand and

put on my waist and he frowned. I fiddled with his fingers until he brushed his finger on the waist chain.



"Yeah, baby."

"We did not take our private elevator."

I pushed him away just in time for some people to get in. He fisted his hand and bit to it.

I noticed some of them 'catching' up with him. This was a renowned establishment. Of course they

knew him.

When an old man struck up a conversation, I turned to face Robbie without others noticing and I licked

my bottom lip and bit to it, my eyes half lidded with lust and I went to our room.

I would give a few minutes for him to come to me running.

I took off my pants but kept on my shirt.

When Robbie had planned a surprise for me. I had planned him a surprise for him too. If he was up to

it, I was going to rock his world. When he came in, I ran to him and pecked his cheeks and helped him

out of jacket. He was busy staring at my thighs.

"Daddy is naughty to keep ties in his pockets." I pulled it out and rotated it in my hand. "Bad Daddy. Git


"What did I tell you, if you treat me like a dog..." He yanked his tie back from my hand, looped it on my

neck, pulling me closer. His hand crept underneath my shirt and spanked my butt, hard!


"Stop spanking, Baby." I pouted, but he tied the damn thing on my neck. "Not talking to you." I pushed

him away.

"Sorry, Baby. Come here."


"Come here!"

I stuck my tongue out. "No."

"I will take that tie off."

I went back to him, standing way closer than necessary and he pretended to untie it, but was actually

groping my butt. He pinched the flesh between my cheeks and pulled.

He was a pervert. He wanted to do nasty things with me. But I was his and I wanted to do everything

bad with him too.

"Did I hurt you bad?" He was breathing through his nose like a bull in heat.

"Yes. So, Baby is not talking to you."

"Talk to me."


"Please." His finger was unrelentingly trying to get inside but I was not having it. Not yet.

"Will Daddy let Baby punish him?"

"You want to punish me?"

"YES!" I giggled happily.

He showed me his cheek to slap. "Go ahead. Punish me."

"Silly Daddy." I pecked his cheek before pulling out the surprise.

The steel handcuffs!

"What? Really, Baby Boy?"

"Daddy spanked me." I pouted.

"Fine!" He sighed before crossing his hand in front of him. "Get to it fast, I have plans." He lewdly licked

his lips.

I smirked. Oh, I have plans too Daddy.

"Not like this, Daddy."

I took his hand in mine and pulled him to our bedroom. I could feel his naughty eyes burning my

backside. A gave a playful wiggle just to tease him.

"Imp, where are you going?" He growled.

I begged, pouted and pleaded until he lied down with arms stretched on the bedpost. I giggled happily

as I handcuffed him to them.

"Baby." He warned.

I pouted exaggeratedly. "I don't want to punish you anymore."

"Good, now let me go."

In your dreams Robbie.

I slipped my underwear off under the shirt and played with its elastic before dropping it on the floor. I

straddled his stomach and moved sensually playing with the tail of my shirt. Robbie gulped and yanked

on tied hands.

"I wanna sleep on Daddy." I playfully fell on him and made myself comfortable with my head on his

chest, like a sleepy kitty.


"Mmm?" I wiggled around and he ground his teeth hard.

"Remove your shirt."

I obeyed before revealing what I was hiding underneath. I took his head in my hands and brutally

kissed his tempting lips. Biting, nibbling, sucking and not letting him go. "Call me Baby Boy, Daddy."

"Oh, fuck, yes, yes. I will call you Baby Boy. You wore that waist chain. Dammit!"

I slowly climbed up his body and almost... almost sat on his face because damn it he had that control

over my body. Just as I thought my man had died out of lust, I felt a small lick on my rosebud.

"Oh! Daddy you are licking it. It is bad." But I lowered myself a bit more before going up again. "You

can't lick there."

God, his tongue was so wet, soft and rough at the same time. It was driving me crazy.

"Daddyyyy... oh... you are doing that... again..." I rolled my hip to feel it all around.

"You taste so good, love. Baby Boy, come on sit on me properly."

"No." I pouted.

"Please." I lowered myself again and he went crazy.

"Like this?"

"Oh, yes. Definitely like this." I rubbed my hole to and fro on his tongue and his moans where making

me feel so slutty.

"Enough, Daddy..."

"Please... please... Angel... Baby."

"No." I stopped and finally sat on his chest and he begged me so cutely.

"Please, baby undo me." His hand tugged on the handcuffs.

"Why?" I pressed my forefinger on his forehead, slowly rubbing down to the bridge of his nose, to his

kiss swollen lips. I had done that. I pressed my finger in and he opened his mouth, before sucking it the


I switched my forefinger to middle finger and he went wilder. His hips leaving the bed.

"Daddy looks so sad tied up."

"I am. I am. So... untie me, sweetheart."

I sat on his chest fully and saw his gasp of surprise. I rolled my hips again and he strained to watch my

lower body. I gently rubbed my hand up to his tied one and his eyes filled with hope.

"No." I whispered to his ear and he thrashed so beautifully.

I gently slithered down to his stomach, one butt cheek at a time. I popped my finger off his mouth and

slid it in mine, rolling my head the way tongue was rolling on my digit.

"You are naughty." I announced.

"No, Baby Boy. I am not."


"Yeah. I just want you to untie me. PLEASE, ACE, DAMMIT!!!"

I fakely whimpered and pouted too. "You called me Ace. You are a meanie. You said you won't."

"I am sorry. Baby... Baby Boy... Daddy is sorry. Now let me go."

"No." I dropped my head on his chest and drew circles around his nipples.

"Please... Love... I can't... I can't keep this up. I have to touch you, now!"

I popped myself up. "Really Daddy?"

"Yes, baby. Really."

"But, baby wants to sit on your lap."

"Oh, yes. Sit on my lap. Yes! Go ahead, baby. Sit on Daddy's lap."

Fuck. That was hot. I loved when I sat on his lap and he just pushed himself in. Made me feel so dirty

and hot and... a very bad... bad boy.

I slowly descended down again until I felt his hardness between my cheeks. "Oh, Daddy..."

"Please baby. Sit. Sit."

"Like this?" I sat and it poked my balls.

"More." He tried to fuck me but... he was tied up... by me.


God! It was hot!

I fisted it and started to jack him off. Precum pooled around his tip and I lowered my chest lewdly

before flicking my tongue on it. "Daddy, it is salty."

"I am sorry. I am so sorry, but baby you have to... urrggh."

I lapped on it again and again. Playing with it, not listening to squirming desperate man below me. I

practically ignored him finding ways to amuse me while he thrashed underneath.

I turned around, my ass on perfect display to his eyes, and sat on his chest again, before swallowing

his rod to my throat at once. I wiggled my butt to make sure he was seeing what I wanted to him to see.

I could hear him clicking his tongue in lust and begging... and asking me to move closer but... I did not.

I let go of his angry read staff before moving down to thighs, my ass still for him to admire and he

groaned in frustration.

I continued that until I reached his feet, then I turned around again, so he could see how much this was

affecting me.

I was purple with need, and the pain was exquisite.

"Baby, you are leaking so bad. Let me, help you."

"You will help me? Will you? Really Daddy?" I 'innocently' blinked and twirled his tie on my neck.

"Fuck, yes, yes, yes..."

I mumbled some words of distrust and I started to rub my hole on his big toe. And he screamed wildly

trying to sit up.

"Daddy, you have very long toes."

I whined claiming I was feeling something.

"Untie me, please."

"Will you be gentle, Daddy?"

"Yes." His voice was a lot calmer now. He knew I was in my prime and I wanted to let go.

"Real gentle?"

"Really really gentle, baby."



When I undid his handcuffs, he waited before standing up. He rolled his neck to undo the strain and

rubbed his wrists.

He was so freaking hard and big.

I tucked my feet to the side and I blushed without meeting his eyes.

"Look at me Baby Boy."

I gulped. I was so going to get it.

I did not look at him and his forefinger brushed a stray hair out of my face. "Baby Boy."

My heart leapt inside my rib cage. "I am going to love you so good..." Dear Sweet Jesus. "... or bad."

He plucked me up from the bed and my hand looped on his neck. "You said you will be gentle." My

voice came out as shaky and I was not faking it.

"Real real real gentle."

He threw me to the couch and before I could turn back to him, I was split open.

I screamed out of pain, pleasure, that lovely shame I always got when he rutted to me like I was

nothing but a slut, that amazing euphoria knowing it was Robbie and I whimpered, tears leaving like


"You... you said you will be... aaaah... gentle."

"I am gentle, slut."

Oh dear god!

"Look there, baby boy what are you seeing?" He forcefully shifted my face to left and I saw a big mirror.

"Wanna see more? Daddy will show you more."

He tucked his thighs under my thighs and rammed deeper. That position was... magnificently

humiliating. I clutched the back of the sofa for dear life and he bred me.

Yes, Robbie, yes.

"Look baby... look I did that to you. Ooooh... Look at that..." He spread me in front of the mirror. I was


Three fingers easily slid up and down. He stood up with me on his shoulder and his fingers dug deeper.

"Please... Robbie... Please..." My legs thrashed inside his hold.

"Oooh... fuck..."

He threw me to the bed and I bounced.

"Soon... baby... everything will be over so soon..."

"Promise me... I can't... not anymore... please... please... Robbie... I..." I was still hard but I was not

sure about all the feelings that were swimming in my head.

"Shhh... soon... soon."

He lied!

Plunge! Plunge! Plunge!

"Take it like a good fucking slut, you pretty Angel. I will rip you open, my Baby. I want to hurt you so

bad, my love."

Dear fucking God!

I squirmed in pleasure and lust.

"Such a slutty hole you have. Don't you? This is what you wanted, right? My precious innocent Angel?

My dick up your ass, right Baby?"

I was nodding like hell.

"Gonna give you that so good and when you pass out I am gonna fuck you again, because you

deserve it so much. So fucking much. My precious slut deserves this."

I came!

Just like that.

Out of nowhere.

No warning, no words.

That did things to Robbie. He went frantic. I could hear voices but not words. I blinked and blinked,

smiling up to him.

My man.

My love.

My soul.

My husband.

True to his word when I came back to the land of living he was still moving inside me. His eyes held

possession of me.

The undeniable truth that I was his.

"Can't believe you are still tight."

I kept myself tight for him. He loved turning me sloppy and I loved seeing him trying to make me sloppy.

He was cute like that.

"I... ah... I love you, Robbie... You are mine." My words were slurred, but he heard.

His rhythm flattered and he lost it. Deep in me.

When he fell on top of me, I threw my legs on his and fell back asleep. When my body healed, I was

going to tie up Robbie again.

I woke up safe, clean and content in his arms. I was still floating. The aches in my thighs made me shy.

The things we did together. I turned and lied on my back. Where did the tie around me go?

Robbie was breathing calmly next to me. He was relaxed too.

I could have this. We were going back to the beach house tomorrow. Lia was still at the sleep over with

the Princesses. She would miss this place so much. But we could come here later.

I sighed and looked down at the heavy veiny hand across my stomach. I gently traced one vein from

his knuckles to the elbow. Robbie was perfect.

He shifted a bit before I felt a kiss on the side of my forehead. "Was I rough? Too rough? Are you

hurting?" His voice was croaky from our power nap.

I smiled. "No. You were perfect. I loved it so much." I presented my cheek for him to kiss and he did.

God, I was so spoiled. His hand was a piece of art. It laid on my tummy like it was part of me. But it


He was mine. So his hands were also mine.

"I wanna do it again." I felt his smug smile on top of my head.

"Why are you staring at my hand, Angel?" He kissed my cheek again.

"I like your hands."

"Just my hands?"

"No. I like you. I love you. When I see your hands around me, I love myself more."

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