The Wright One

David 10


I don’t know what I was expecting really, but that wasn’t it. I think I expected there to be bitter words thrown around. Or people looking at me like I am some slut that slept my way into the company. I didn’t though, but that doesn’t mean that people wouldn’t think that. Sometimes people can make assumptions and just run with them. I have seen it a lot. Hell, a lot of people always thought that since I was so smart that I was some goodie two shoes and didn’t even want me to hang out with them. I mean I do like to do what is right, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t have fun.

At the end of the day I am eager to go out. David said that we were going to go on our first official date. I’m excited. I mean it’s been great just hanging out with him at my house, but I don’t want that. I want everyone to know that he is with me and that he is mine. I don’t want other girls to look at him again.

I guess that is what I liked about coming to work this morning. Everyone here knew that David was mine. There wasn’t any doubt. They accepted it and moved on. I felt relieved. Not only that but proud. Can I be proud? Is that allowed? I’m not sure, but that is what it feels like.

My car has been here since the other day when I came to work and David took me home. I was just going to duck out and head home to get ready for our date, but I figured it would be best to go tell him in person. So I took a quick detour to his office.

He smiles up at me as I knock on his open office door. “Hey, honey.” He motions for me to come towards him. I have found that David likes it when we talk if I sit in his lap. He holds me close and talks into my neck more than anything, but he likes it.

I sat on his lap, after he pushed out his chair so there was enough room for me to sit. “I’m just headed out.” I wrap my arms around his neck. I like this too if I am being honest. His arms wrap around my middle and I like it.

His lips connect softly with my neck. “So, I’ll pick you up in about an hour?”C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

“Um, yeah. That should be enough time.” I don’t really know if it is enough time. I’m nervous. I haven’t been on a date in a long time. The fact that it is a man like David, well, that makes me more nervous.

I can feel his lips stretch into a smile. “Well, if not then I will wait ok. I want you to be ready. Just remember you are beautiful just the way you are. You don’t need to do a whole hell of a lot.”

“Says the guy.” I mutter playfully.

“I’d take you out just like this, but you would probably bite my head off. Telling me how you don’t look right. When to me you look perfect.” He nuzzles into my neck more.

“Well, I still think that I should go home and get dressed. You said we were going to a nice restaurant and I want to look nice too.” I blush a little. I almost never feel like I look nice, but I am going to try my damndest tonight. It really does help that David tells me that he thinks I am beautiful all the time. I like it. A lot. It makes me feel pretty.

He kisses my neck again. “Alright, you better get a move on, an hour.”

I kiss his lips. “I’ll be ready.”

His hand fists the back of my hair and brings me back to his lips. It’s forceful and possessive, but I love it. I even moan as he sweeps his tongue into my mouth. I have quickly learned that David is a passionate man. At first I thought he was just a grumpy asshole, but the more we were together the more I noticed that he puts his all into everything. That was why he was so upset when he thought I got my job through Jasmine. He didn’t want his hard work to be ruined by some girl who didn’t know what she was doing. I have learned about him and me through this whole ordeal.

When he lets go of my lips he leans his forehead to mine. “How long before you let me fuck you?”

I laugh. “Not right now.”

“Damn. Well, then you better get going, before I make you change your mind.” He winks at me, but lets me go with a smile. I love that I get to see this side of him. Not many do. I am sure his family does, but no one in the office. Well, except Justin. But then sometimes I think he might be too hard on him too.

I kiss his lips softly. “One hour.”

“Oh, I’ll be there honey.” He smirks and licks his lips.

That small gesture sends heat rolling through my body and ending right at my core. Oh, damn this guy is going to be the end of me.

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