The Villainess Wants To Go Home

End of Season 1 - Chapter 53 - The Quest to Ventus

End of Season 1 - Chapter 53 - The Quest to Ventus

"The fly to Ventus, how long do you think it would take to get there?" I asked Demarcus.

"I'm not sure. I have never flew to Ventus before" I slunk my shoulders, disappointed by the answer he

gave me.

I looked down at the unconscious Homura in my hands. His orange fur glowed gold from the rays of

sun that shone upon him. I laid my eyes on his injured paw, the brown cloth was now darker then


'I need to check his injury'

I placed him down with my left hand still around him, so he doesn't slide down. Shoving my hand into

the pouch attached to my waist and rummaged my hand around trying to feel the bandages.

I took the rolled up small band and held in my palm as I untied the brown scrap of material tied around

Homura's injured.


"Yes Artemis" he said. "Do you mind burning this for me please" I showed him the blood-stained

material in between my fingers. He turned his head towards me and blew out a small flame out his

mouth and at me, burning the material in crisps.

Can't throw it away just in case the spades find it on the forest floor and indicate that I'm traveling north

to Ventus which then I will have my troubles over there instead of leaving it behind in Aureum.

I need to be absolute careful in my journey and hide my tracks and any evidence I was there in the

beginning or things could get messy if they track me down because of something I left behind or forget

to dispose of.

Examining his injured leg, the blood had stopped and the yarrow that smeared on his wound has

became brown.

I took a round leather bottle from my waist and drizzled a little to clean the yarrow off. I patted down a

clean cloth to soak in the water so it wouldn't grow any bacteria and get infected and spread through

his little fox body.

I then wrapped his wound with the bandage and tied a little knot but not too tight, enough to keep in


I glanced at the unconscious fox in my arms. His small warm body rising up and down from every

breath he took, the beautiful orange fur that reflected gold and the patch of white on his stomach. His

little black paws in the air and his head slumped back with his tongue sticking out.

I couldn't help but smile at the snobby but adorable creature in my arms. I ruffled his head just in case I

never get to when he leaves and goes back to the forest where he belongs, away from the dangers I

will get him to if he stays any longer with me.

Since I patched Homura up, now it's time to check my location on the map I copied from the original

map in the Glacies library before I left.

I realised I left my journal in bag that's strapped behind me, and I can't get it because of Homura

hogging my other hand.

Looking around myself making sure that Homura won't slide down if I move my hand, but he won't be

due to my leg blocking it.

I placed him in the middle of myself, my thighs acting like a cage to prevent him from sliding down

Demarcus back. I moved my hand out from the strap of the bag then did the same with the other strap

before placing the bag in front of me.

I unbuckled it open and rummaged through, looking for the leather covered journal, the old librarian

gave me to use.

Once I found the journal, I buckled the bag again and put it over my shoulder. Turning the leather cover

over, and the first thing I see is 'Diana's guide to Alphyria' and at the bottom of the page is written 'If

found please return to Diana Glacies and no snooping around you little shits' with my horrible

handwriting that looked like I wrote with my feet. I can't blame myself, my handwriting turned shit when

I was studying as a doctor.

I turned the page over and glanced at the map I drew on both the pages. I held my chin, examining the

world of Alphyria on paper. 'We were in the dragon market on the east side of Argentum' I placed my

finger on the drawings of the town with the label Argentum written above it.

'So where are we heading towards to now?'

"Demarcus where are we now?" I called out hoping the wind didn't carry my voice away. Demarcus

hummed and then went silent.

'Did he here me or was I to quiet for him to hear?'

I was close to call him again when he answered. "By the looks of the trees, we are in the forest of


"Thank you" looking down, I searched for Viridis near Argentum and found it. The forest was above the

dragon market, west of Ventus. So, we are going the right way the whole time.

'Good we didn't waste any time going to wrong directions.'

I inspected the area around Viridis. The forest itself was about 3.5 acres in land, with a few small

villages in the west and north of Viridis yet there is no need for me to enter those villages since there in

no reason to. I'm not lacking supplies right now, but we will head straight to Potestas, a rich town about

70km from the borders of Ventus, there I can get a ride to Palace of Ventus and let Demarcus return

back to Argentum, I can also replenish my supply if I need to as well. Yeah, that's what I will do. That's

my plan for now.

But to my calculations, I would have reached Potestas in 3 weeks if I was on foot however thanks to

Demarcus, I will get there in less than 3 days.

"We will keep heading north to the town of Potestas, there I will release you and you can return back to

Argentum" I explained to him. He hummed in response.

"Great more human lands" I heard Homura speak so suddenly yet annoyed, looking down he was

already awake and grumpy.

'Mood much'

"I heard the people in Potestas aren't very welcoming when it comes to commoners, those rich

bastards drown themselves with wealth that blinds them from the world that surrounds them. I would be

careful and not to provoke them or you would be calling for trouble" Demarcus grumbled a warning

blow, his scales under his neck rattled.

"Thanks for telling me" I said even though I already knew what kind of people they are since Ariana did

go to Potestas for the night. She and her loyal dogs weren't welcomed nicely due to the fact they

dressed like commoners to hide from everyone while they were on the road and to prevent anyone

attacking them or the dark users.

Ariana being the idiot she was, suggested that it would be better if they wouldn't disguise themselves,

they could get around better and people wouldn't have to treat them horribly.

I nearly got a stroke from her dumb idea. I mean true they would treat you with the out most respect

and dignity but that wouldn't say about all the other people that would be out to get you.

Like you would be walking down the road with five handsome princes as your guards and then

encounter a bunch of bandits and as they about to rob you clean off, they see that your of high statues

and then act all courtesy. 'Oh, your royal highness and you, majestic, beautiful lady we would like

permission to rob you of all your valuable possession' with a bow so low their faces would be an inch

away from their knees. I cringed just by the thought of it.

However, thanks to Aspen disagreeing with that idea they went in disguises.

Have I mentioned that Aspen was one of the reasonable characters that didn't piss me off throughout

the whole trilogy? His understandings of situations and his way of coming up with plans, calmly without

panicking even in tough situation that would kill them, was really remarkable and enjoyable to read.

Aspen logic and common sense was my favourite part about him until he started to fall in love with


Actually, if I correctly remember it never stated in the book that he fell in love with her romantically but

admired her kind heart which made him sacrifice his life for her in order for Ariana to save Alphyria. I

must have mistaken his kind and gentle gestures towards her as affection and love. He was the same

to every other girl in his kingdom.

Maybe I did mistake him for a sick love puppy to Ariana then a gentleman who was just being nice.

Sorry Aspen, my bad.

Aspen did say his type of girl would be someone with an intelligent mind and calm personality, unlike

Ariana who was always trying to start a conversation everywhere and was also crying at the most

random things that popped out of nowhere and to mention that she has dead brain cells roaming

around that empty head of hers.

So, in conclusion Aspen wasn't blind in love, he probably knew that Ariana loved Damon and stayed

out of it and sticked with his type of girl that sadly never came.

What an ending that was. Oh well not my problem, if I ever meet him in the future, I will tell him to stay

away from Ariana and live a normal life of a prince, whatever that is.

My eyes wandered around, admiring the beautiful view in front of me, snowy and inhabitable mountains

were seen in the far. from a valley I can see the mountain ridges fill the horizon, hiding behinds the

clouds. The trees were a lushes green making the ground look like a vast green land.

I took a lungful of fresh air, feeling how clean and cold it was to the throat.

Looking ahead of myself again, I fisted my hands and my heart blazed with determination.

'I'm coming Benjamin, just wait a little longer'

~Palace of Ventus~

"I'm sorry but I could not find anything" a rigid old man bowed, his hands hiding within his cloak.

"I see, thank you" Neil span around, his robe swinging as he did. A dark gloomy aura shadowed his

face, his fist into a ball as his nails dug deep into his skin. There was no words to describe how upset

and angry he was.

He marched his way through the hallway with a massive shadow hovering behind him, terrifying the

maids and butlers that bowed when he passed by. The heels of his shoes clicking loudly while he

stepped warning everyone that he was coming.

He finally reached to his chambers and marched in without realising who was presence. He balled his

fingers into a fist and drove them through a wall and letting out a frustration scream. The wall was now

punctured, and his knuckles was sore red. His aching heart took over the painful feeling of his hand.

"If you need to let steam out, don't go around punching walls and ruining perfect wood because of

anger instead we can go collide blades. Saves less work for the builders" Neil turned his head towards

the source of voice in the far corner of the room.

Lykos was leaning against the wall beside the window with his hands crossed, his head cocked to the

side and his red eyes staring through the window.

Neil rubbed his knuckles, finally feeling the pain rush through his nerves. "Tch"

Lykos sighed and approached the miserable friend of his. "Let's go train a little. It will help cool of some

steam" the red head man said patting Neil's shoulder as he passed by him.

With a clash of his blade, Neil stumbled back a little but held himself firmly to the ground. His sword an

inch away from his face as he shielded himself from Lykos' blade.

"Not bad" Lykos said with a hint of tease in his voice yet holding a calm expression. There eyes locked

with each other's, staring deeply within their black pupils of their eyes. Neil tugged his feet steadily to

the ground and used every bit of his force to his hands, pushing Lykos slowly back with his blade.

Their eyes didn't leave each other's, and that Neil realised how unfocused Lykos was with his attacks

and how his eyes holding a questionable look to them.

"There's something on your mind" Neil stammered, he knew what kind of fighter Lykos and a great one

in fact but looking through his eyes that always focused on training was somewhere else or his mind

was not concentrating in what was going on. Could this be the reason why he asked to train not

because he needed to let out steam but he too needing something to distract him from something?

Lykos was silent, not averting his eyes away from Neil's silver orbs. With a click of his tongue, he attack

with full force, swinging his blade in the air and bringing down. Neil instantly dodged the incoming blow

but then to swing his blade at him resulting them to clash their blades over and over again.

It wasn't long before Lykos held the point of his blade near Neil's throat, panting heavily as sweat

poured down his forehead and down his red heated cheeks.

"Just like always, I will never win against you" Neil said. Lykos lowered his blade and watched his friend

suddenly start whimpering. "How am I supposed to win against the odds of my brother reviving?" he

clenched the grass in frustration, feeling so weak and useless.

"Why isn't anyone finding a cure? Why does it have to be Benjamin? Why couldn't the God's curse me

instead of him?" he bawled his eyes out in front of Lykos.

Lykos kneeled down, placing a hand on his best friends shoulder for comfort. His red eyes saddened

seeing him miserable and defeated as he cried because he couldn't do anything.

"Crying like that won't cure your brother" he started, Neil lifted his head and met the kind eyes of his

friend. Even if Lykos didn't smile to comfort him, he could tell how genuine he was by the look in his


"We just have to keep searching for someone that will diagnose your brother".

'I'm sure that is someone out there making their way here to save him. We just have to wait'

~Aureum Palace~

The old man in the long white robe stared at the crown prince in a puzzled look. "What are you implying

your royal highness?" he proposed, his hands hidden within the hems of his white and gold sleeves.

"Is it possible for someone to possess a body?" he inquired. Damon was desperate for an answer from

the head priest.

The priest stroked his little facial hair on his chin in deep thought. "I have never heard of such things

before" he mumbled.

Edmond stood beside Damon, he was getting a little impatient and annoyed with the holy old man that Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

was taking forever to answer a simple question. He let out a groan of annoyance that got an elbow

from Damon.

"Possession of a human body is not possible but" he waved his finger as he turned around and started

to walk towards the altar.

"A change of personality however could imply of someone's true sense of reality" he spoke as his eyes

stared upon a marble statue of a woman in a long robe, with hair tied up in a crown and a leaf crown

upon her head. Her long slender hands clutches together in a prayer and her eyes closed shut.

"You mean, she could have woken up one morning and decided, **** this personality I'm changing for

the greater good" Edmond said a little disappointed at the fact Diana was still the annoying and

arrogant Diana. He liked the idea of some random person inhabiting the body of Diana.

Damon shot him a glare, with a hint to watch his mouth in front of the holy priest. "Sorry" Edmond

pouted his cheeks, crossing his hands and looking in the other direction.

The priest was silent while he admired the statue of the Goddess that resided in front of him. "That

could be the reason, yet I have a feeling that something else is hiding beneath the answer you're

looking for." The priest finally spoke after a long pause.

"You can find Diana and find out yourself on why Diana is the way she is" he suggested looking back at

the two princes who looked like they didn't like that idea one bit.

"The last time we encountered her, I nearly lost my arm" Edmond scoffed. The priest rose an eyebrow

in surprise. It was the first-time hearing about a noble lady attacking a prince without fear that she could

get executed for her crimes.

"I can see that idea is not to your liking, then if you seek the answer you desire, you must head to


Damon and Edmond stiffened at the mention of that place. "There you need to consult the emperor and

request for the Veritas Mirror. Then you will be able to require the answer you need"

People around us change not because of the way we treat them or how they are raised but because

they come to realise what kind of world that evolves around them and only them. Then they know what

they must achieve, change and who to leave to become the strong person they are born to be because

in the end it's ourselves that weighs us down from our destiny.

-Yuki Okami


Authors Notes

Hello Lovelies, it's me your lazy but loveable author Yuki,

Sadly this is the last chapter for Season 1 but I'm happy that I finished it . It has been a long journey for

me of writing this novel and I want to say thank you for everyone who gave this cringy story a chance

even though the description and grammar aren't as good as experienced authors since I'm no

experience writer with knowledge so please don't hate on me.

It has been very fun writing a story where the FL leaves on an adventure to return to her brother's side.

I can't wait when she finally returns home to Daisuke and lives a happy life with just her brother in a

remote island in the middle of nowhere (Jk on the last part).

It really made me happy when people started to read this book, voting and commenting nice things

about it. It motivated me to keep writing and not to give up especially with my lazy ***.

So again thank you everyone and lots of love from your author, Yuki.

I will see you guys in Season 2 of 'The Villainess wants to go home' bye bye for now.

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