The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 75 - Memory in the cell

Chapter 75 - Memory in the cell

"OI you giant metal sacks of shit! LET ME OUT" I glanced over to Homura who was standing in front of

the metal bars of the cell, his feathery black wings wrapped around two of the bars as he shook them


I rolled my eyes, placing my cheek on the palm of hand feeling overly annoyed and bored at the same

time. "You do realise they don't understand anything you say except for your ear threatening squawks"

I said.

Homura swiftly turned his little raven head towards my direction, his beady onyx eyes staring at me

penetrating through my soul "This is all your fault!" he hissed.

"I never said it wasn't" I stretched out my hands and my legs, letting out an exhausted yawn as I did.

Homura started to snarl at me, a low angry grumble echoed the empty cell room. I rose a thin eyebrow

as I glanced back at the tiny black bird against the cell bars. "Why are you so worked up for? We are

only staying here just temporarily until Ben wakes up"

I leaned against the cold stone wall, the cold touch penetrating through my thin clothing and cooling the

back of my skin. "He wakes up! YOU OPENED HIM UP!"

"I'm a surgeon. That's what surgeons do."

"Surgeons?!" he questioned a shriek "I know nothing of this surgeon, but I do know that your all-

psychotic FREAKS!"

I smirked with the intention of amusing myself with this bird brain. "We can even re-attach missing

fingers too" I said wiggling my married finger in front of me "We can even replace someone's heart with

someone else's if we wanted to" I watched Homura's face drop into a horrified expression. I couldn't

help but cackle just by looking at him.

"What kind of cracked up world did you live in" his tone was sharp yet modified at the thought. I

stretched my hands behind my neck as a cushion, resting upon the hard stone wall "An advanced one"

He slowly creaked his modified face back to the front "GET ME OUT OF THIS BAD MAN CAVE." He

shouted, his squawks echoing the halls of the prison cells as he shook the cells bars violently "SOME


my eyes, letting myself flop to the side landing with a faint thud against the cold tiles with my hands

crossed. My icy blue eyes staring directly at the other side of the room without turning my attention

away from it.

Homura was still shouting and screaming for help and freedom from this place while I laid on the floor

recalling the scene from earlier.

\~Flashback, NARRATOR P.O.V\~

Ambrose and Arabella had rushed their way to their son's chamber. To their shock their royal knights

that ran after the old woman were standing by the door behind the commander of the royal knights,


Maids and butlers stood around obediently with worried expression across their faces as Arthur

shouted at a knight that stood in front of the door seemingly refusing to move out of the way for some

unknown reason.

"What is the meaning of this? Where is the old Isvandy I ordered you lot to capture?!" Ambrose rose his

voice that startled everyone. The wind in the atmosphere changing to a bitter taste to the inhale of

every breath.

The presence of the king made everyone weary for the woman inside the chamber who was doing

something they had never heard or seen before that would defiantly get her arrested by the king and

even executed for.

"Your royal Majesties" as Arthur spoke everyone in the room including him bowed at the presence of

the Emperor and Empress of Ventus who jogged side by side towards them.

"Sir Garrick has forgotten his place and ignores my command to let us in to arrest the intruder"

Ambrose glanced to the knight, who had respectfully lowered his head in front of him, his jet black

covering his entire head. Ambrose realised it was the royal knight Garrick Steelbrook. A skilled

swordsman that was on top in the academy. A strong and loyal knight assigned by Ambrose himself to

protect his youngest son from all harm.

Instantly Garrick knelt down on his left knee, his arm resting upon the leg that balanced him up while

the other hand griped the handle of his sword. This caught everyone off guard for a second even the

commander of the royal guards.

"As the young princes' royal knight, I have pledged my loyalty to him. It is my sworn duty to protect him

from any danger even if it means I will have to risk my life in order to achieve it, yet I have engraved a

huge sin for going against his royal majesty in order to do so." Said Garrick in a tone full of confidence

and the loyalty of a knight to his master.

Arabella felt the tears pricking the corner of her violet eyes, the loyalty of Ben's knight touched her

heart. Ambrose glanced down without a single expression on his face as his silver eyes glared down at

the young knight who slowly rose his head to look into the emperor with eyes filled with determination.

"I was ordered by the woman doctor to not let anyone in until she cures him." Those words that left his

mouth made Garrick hit a fearful spot in his heart that made him rethink why he was going against the

King and speaking to him like that because the woman had ordered him to let anyone in.

Garrick steady his beating his heart and continued in hopes that this woman knew what she was doing

and wasn't going to let him down like this. He had placed all his hope on her.

"If there is a chance that the old woman inside is able to save his young highness from an illness that

no one then now has figured out a way to cure then I will go in all length to stop anyone from disturbing

her even if I will be punished for it. As a loyal knight of Ventus and his young highness, Benjamin's

bodyguard and personal knight I cannot let anyone in even his royal majesty the Emperor and


Arabella slapped her hand to her mouth holding a gasp of cry. Her heart had suddenly sank to the floor

by hearing those words she died to hear for so long. She wanted to burst through the doors and see

her son being cured.

Ambrose didn't know what to believe. He had heard the similar words form physician who had come far

to cure his son, but none succeeded so what hope had he left to believe this old woman from Isvand to

save their son, the prince of Ventus who meant nothing to a Isvand civilian.

Ambrose had opened his mouth to speak when Arthur spoke suddenly "I apologise your highness for

interrupting" Arthur said stepping in with fearful stare at the kneeling knight.

"But Garrick what makes you believe that woman who could be an assassin from Isvand save his

highness from an illness not even the best of the best was able to do so?" Arthur hissed feeling his

hand grip firmly on the handle of his blade feeling anger surge through him like a fire.

There was silence and no one spoke a word. Ambrose hadn't left his gaze from Garrick who now had

his head down again. He could feel the uneasiness air surrounding him but could sense the sudden

trust towards the old lady Garrick held.

"If his highness does not make it because of my belief then I will accept any punishment from your

royal highness even death if that is my destined path."

"Move aside knight. I will not let a woman touch my son" Ambrose ordered with a harsh tone that

sparked fear in everyone's heart in the room. Garrick froze and his dark pupils growing into a huge

circle that spaced out in his silver eyes.

Arabella glanced towards her husband, violet eyes that suddenly held the cry of despair. Her voice had

caught in her throat unable to go through and speak out to the king. A great tremor had taken over her

as a deep stab to her heart had dug deeply within that was impossible to be pulled out.

"A-Ambrose" she finally was able to mutter softly but her lips trembled as it did. "How can you let these

thoughts let you decide the fate of our son!" Arabella said her voice cracking into a cry, a great sob

escaped her, and she covered her mouth with shaking hands.

"I'm sorry Arabella but a woman can not lay hands on a prince" Ambrose turned his head away to avoid

the hurtful face of his wife. His faced hidden away from her, afraid for her to see the guilt that had

steeped into his face. His fist clenched on his side. The trembling heart that he ignored in order to look

strong in front of everyone.

No one spoke a word.

"This is what the world become. We women are nothing in the eyes of men, to disregard us as nothing

but tools to create new offsprings for you" she said with words that hit deeply into his heart.

"That is enough Arabella, I have made my decision. It is forbidden for a woman to heal" Ambrose

muscles tensed as he spoke those words, his face hiding away the shamefulness of regarding his son.

"Is this principle much more important than our son's recovery" the sorrow of anger revealed on her

face, clear glittering tears came prickling down her cheeks as she glared at her husband.

"Do not speak to me about principals. You know nothing"

The atmosphere the place was getting heavy as everyone held their breath.

"Why? Is it because I'm a woman with no power but to stand beside my husband that holds everything

in his hands?" the words had not come out as grief but the betrayal of trust towards her husband who

she held dear to her heart. It was crumbling down like mountains in an earthquake. "Is that what I am to

you? Just a tool to produce you heir"

Ambrose said nothing while a darkly figured overshadowed his face. The throbbing of his heart that

blocked his mind from speaking had made him say nothing but turn away again from shame.

"Guards" Ambrose called out getting a bow from all the knights.

"Take her to her chambers and don't let her come out" his words came out cold and harsh. Arabella felt

her heart shatter. This was the first time her husband had spoken to her in this tone before. The

corners of her mouth had turned down and the outer ends of her eyebrows drooped while her mouth

stood agape.

"Your highness" a royal guard had stepped beside Arabella with a palm out.

"I refuse this" Arabella fumed with despair, her eyes shifting to her husband begging him to change his

mind as she stepped away from the guards with a click of her heels.

"Arabella, I do not want to hear you intruding with these manners again. Go with the guards or I will

have to force them to take you away" Ambrose still hadn't looked her way; his hands had turned white

from clenching too hard. He clenched his jaw trying to contain himself from saying anything further.

"I am your wife" she huffed in a cry. "I have ruled by your side for 24 years, I have not said anything all

those years but to stand for everyone to look at it. Do my words not matter to you? Was I just a

steppingstone for you to succeed the throne?"

"ENOUGH! TAKE HER AWAY AT ONCE!" with a shout of command the guards attached their arms to

her hers and dragged the struggling queen away.

"AMBROSE! DON'T DO THIS!" She yelled out in a cry, her voice echoing the hallway. "AMBROSE!" he

didn't look back as he held back tears.

Everyone that stood around had felt the sharp pain of sorrow towards the queen. It was the first time

they had seen this event in front of their eyes. Their loving royal couple that was the envy of all couples

had fought like this for the first time in their 24 years of marriage. Each holding back their tears and

their upset expression that none realised the door had opened.

Garrick still knelt down in hopes of the woman finishing quickly so he wouldn't have to keep disobeying

his king which would lead him to imprisonment.

"Is that how you treat your wife?" the familiar voice had struck the king to look up to the old Isvandy

who glared back at him with a chilling look that had sent a shiver up his spine. From her top to her

hands was coated in a thick crimson colour, the iron smell of the liquid burning his nose.

"Men in this time disgust me" she muttered loudly for everyone to hear. "She is a mother who cries for

her son's recovery, a mother who would give her life in order to have her son back. No man can

understand what a woman feels for their child. A bond of a mother and a child that cannot be broken by

an axe or even by the slightest words. Something a man can never have"

The old woman's word had sent everyone into a deadly silent wave. Ambrose had struck a

dumbfounded look, his mouth had slightly ajar as he stood there without a single word of utter.

Everyone that stood around the doors of Benjamin's chamber had sent the same look towards her.

"What did you do my son?" Ambrose pulled a face of anger when he came back to his senses. The

wind around him changing into a tight breeze that made it difficult for nearly everyone to breathe.

The knights had unsheathed their blades, the sound of metal echoing through the halls as they did.

Each one aiming their sword at the woman who did not budge from fear and held her ground.

Carlos the royal physician had stepped out from the double door with a tremble, he too had his hands

covered in blood but not as much as the woman had.

"CARLOS! What is the meaning of this!?" He demanded an answer that shook the poor middle-aged

man out of his skin.

"I saved your son" the Isvandy interrupted with a hiss of venomous words that slipped through her dry

lips as she threw a pouch in front of the kings feet, and it landed with a faint thud. A small speck of

blood was seen oozing out from the brown material. Ambrose observed it not daring to pick it up yet

gestured for his royal commander of the knights to.

"His royal highness is healed and is soundly asleep" Ambrose mind went to a haze as he heard these

words suddenly from Carlos who he had failed to do so himself. It was all hard to take in. 'My son

healed. Ben. Ben. Ben.'

"BENJAMIN!" with a shout of relief that travelled through the halls of the castles walls and to the

empress that was being dragged away had made her jump from terror. He bolted passed the kneeling

knight, the middle-aged doctor and the old woman who had moved away from the door to let him pass.

Arthur listened as the king cried his son's name from the room and felt the beat of joy around his heart.

'Their prince was healed' is what went through everyone's mind, yet none dared to enter the chambers

of the prince not wanting to disturb the happy reunion of the son and father.

Faint clicking of heels was also heard not from afar. The turned their attention to the source of the

sounds of the Empress running for dear life, her dress pulled high enough to prevent her from slipping

while the two guards followed on suit.

"BEN!" the cry of the queen rattled the very marble halls. She made her way ignoring everyone as she

entered the chambers.

They heard the cry of relief and joy from the empress loud and clear as she thanked the gods and the

woman who had saved her.

The maid and butlers started to cheer quietly each one hugging each other and crying in each-others


Garrick had stood up and glanced over to the Old Isvandy who had her hands crossed against her

chest and peeked into the room before she caught him staring at her. Garrick didn't turn his gaze,

breathing in a lungful of air before nodding his head. He felt proud of himself that he had trusted this

woman and hadn't stopped her from doing what she did and let her continue to save his prince from


It's the choice he will never forget until his time comes. As all he was grateful towards the old Isvandy

for saving his master's life even if she was cold and had a bad attitude towards him and everyone in

the room before.

She didn't send a nod in return but glanced towards Carlos' direction. "I hope you noted down what you

need to do after he wakes up"

Carlos nodded his head with tears he could not contain. The held an expression face towards him.

"Isvandy by the order of the Emperor-" Arthur pointed the tip of his sword at the old Isvandy who rose

an eyebrow in disbelief. "You are under arrest"

Arthur didn't know what had been done in that room to save Ben and to result in the woman being so

bloody but whatever it was, it was treason for hurting the prince as it would in a punishable death

sentence. However since it was not his place to judge but the Emperor the only thing he can do is finish

his command from earlier and let his majesty decide.

"HuuH\~" her mouth shaped into an 'o' as her eyes twitched in confusion.

"Arrest her" he barked his order.

"Wait sir Arthur, there is a misunderstanding" Carlos jumped forward. "She saved our prince's life. Is

that not enough to overlook the treason for going against our Emperor?"

"This is our majesties order. She will be detained until his highness wakes up. We don't know if she

really cured him"

Carlos didn't say anything and gave a side glanced to Alethia who he learnt her name while in the

process of the so-called surgery, his silver eyes revealed apologetic look as he could not say anything

further. Alethia sighed.

"Whatever, take me in but just so you know if your prince wakes up, I will give you good punch in the

face" she threatened with an icy glare that made him return a glare himself.

"Handcuff her"

"Oi, as a recompense for saving your prince I want to walk freely to the cell." She pointed her long bony

finger, her croaky old voice rattling the halls. "Without the handcuffs and the aggressive shoving and

pulling" she crossed her arms sending a competitive stare.

With a flare of his nostrils Arthur agreed with a growl.

He watched as the royal knights escorted her away.

"Umm sir"

"What is it?" Arthur swiftly turned his head to look at the direction of silver armoured guard who had a

dead looking raven in his hands. Arthur rose a thick eyebrow in confusion at why this guard had a dead

looking bird in his palm.

"What shall I do with this raven?" the guard asked from underneath his helmet.

"That is Alethia's animal companion. She would be furious if something happened to it" Carlos

interrupted the two. Arthur observed Carlos then back at the bird before sighing and making up his


"Take the bird to the old woman's cell"

\~End of flashback (BACK IN THE CELL)\~

Thinking about what that knight had said.

I'm confident in my skills to know ben was going to wake up. So yeah, here I am in this dirty cell that

didn't seem like it has been cleaned in years with the constant screaming of Homura.

"SHUT THAT BIRD OF YOURS, OLD HAG OR I WILL ROAST IT!" the angry echo of the guard made

its way to our cell startling Homura and shutting him up for good. "Stupid metal human" He grumbled

with cuss after.

I rolled my eyes with a huff of breath, annoyed that had to leave me in the cell with him. Homura

stomped with his little claw legs to the dark corner of the room mumbling words I could not hear from

where I lay before his dark feathers blended in with the darkness, disappearing him from my sight and

way from the only source of light that came from the small arched window above me, providing us the

moon light of the night sky.

"Goodnight!" Homura squawked. Even his annoying and stubborn nature Homura still has manners to

say goodnight to me. "To you too" I answered back.

There was silence except for the crackling of wood burning from the fire, the snores of the other

prisoners that resided here echoing the halls of this very dungeon.

It wasn't long for the drowsiness to kick in, my eyelids had become heavy to keep open and a yawn

escaped my lips.

'I'll rest now in this uncomfortable place till morning then' with that I closed my eyes and the sleep had

taken over.

A tall brunette haired man admired his work in front of him that was hung on the wall for the rest of the

people in the art exhibition to look at. A warm coffee cup grasped in between his warm hands as he

took a sip every few minutes.

The picture was of a Japanese high school girl he took on his trip 3 years ago which caught his eyes.

She was under the rains of pink petals that fell upon her while her beautiful locks of hair danced

gracefully against the gentle current of the wind as she placed a lock behind her ear.

Yet what made him fall in love with the picture more is those beautiful rubies eyes that stared into the

horizon. The eyes that held the beauty of the world and trapped it in to bestow upon when looked at.

This first picture was the one that got him to where he is now. A professional photographer with

exceptional skills.

He still remembers that small encounter with the girl and still makes him chuckled whenever he thinks

of his embarrassing moment when he tried to speak another language, he did not take full

consideration on learning it. Looking at this piece of art he wishes he had asked for her name, but his

stupid mind did not corporate with him and he stood there lost in daze.

"Excuse me sir but may I ask-" Lucas heard a woman speak to him in faint accent, turning his head to

the source of the voice his eyes widened in shock as the firm hold on his coffee cup loosened and

slipped out of his hand to stain the red carpet with brown liquid.

The woman standing in front of him had those familiar red eyes that he had thought he would never

see again, her long jet-black hair was braided to the side complementing her soft milky white skin, and

she had a cute button nose.

"I-I umm" he was in a stuttering mess, not knowing what to say or think with his clouded mind of his.

She giggled, making Lucas flush in embarrassment.

"Are you the man who took this photo?" she asked politely as she pointed to the picture up against the


"Y-Yes" he said quickly bending down to pick his spilled coffee cup. Her sweet soft giggles made his

heartbeat faster. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit' was all that was going through his mind.

"Ara" her voice made him feel like he was flying within the clouds right now. "It seems I had never

gotten your name"

\~The world is a massive place and when people leave, there are bounds that you will never meet them

again but when two destined lovers cross paths, they are fated to meet again no matter how long or far

they go, their thread will be tied forever\~

The two lovers stared at the night sky filled with the diamonds of the sky waiting for the fireworks to

start under the same blossom tree they had first met 4 years ago.

While Tsukiyo was admiring the stars Lucas on the other hand was feeling nervous and clumsier than

he usually was. The anxiety that was building up was putting pressure in his wild imagination of

rejection and he couldn't stop his leg from shaking out of complete nervousness.

Tsukiyo noticed that her boyfriend was acting odd tonight, so she asked him the problem.

"I'm just waiting for the response I'm hoping for" he said with a shaking voice. Tsukiyo had

misunderstood his intentions and thought that he was waiting for the response of his photos he sent

yesterday but little did she know that tonight was going to be the day that everything changes.

Loud bangs rattled the night sky as beautiful colours of sparks burst the dark sky like painting. Tsukiyo

red eyes averted to the fireworks, admiring them from the distance, she gasped in amazement.

Lucas gazed upon her glittering red eyes that reflected the burst of colours of the sky. It calmed him This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

down and he took the chance to bend down on knee taking out a black ring box from his jacket.

"Tsukiyo Hamasaki, may I have the honour of changing your last name to Ray" he finally said with a

beating heart that prayed that she will say yes. Tsukiyo red eyes glanced back in surprise, the feeling in

her heart screamed yes and her eyes became to water before she let out a giggle confusing the

kneeling man.

"Lucas isn't it the phrase will you marry me?" she asked. Lucas chuckled awkwardly rubbing the back

of his head. "That sounded kind of cheesy, so I changed it" he said with a big grin across his face.

Tsukiyo chuckled at his comment before ending it with a smile. "Lucas I will be honoured to" her voice

trembled, and she couldn't surprise the tears of joy.

Lucas shot up in a heartbeat and hugged his now fiancée, kissing her as tears of happiness prickled

down his eyes. "I want only two things in this life. I want you and I want us. I love you Tsukiyo"

"Artemis don't play with that" Tsukiyo hurried her way to her youngest child who was poking a dead

lizard in the back garden. She pulled her up and carried her away from the dead reptile that might be

contagious "But it's time for supper, mum. Mr Tokage has to wake up and eat dinner or he will die." she

complained putting her hands out as if she was hugging air.

Tsukiyo sighed not knowing how to tell Artemis that the lizard her youngest adored so much was dead.

She sat her on the kitchen bench and looked at her in the red eyes of her daughter that she wished her

daughter was never born with, like her. It would have made Artemis life easier and not scared the rest

of the children like they did to her when she was younger.

"Sweet child, Mr Tokage is in a better place now" she cupped her daughters face and kissed her brow.

"I know mummy, my garden is the best place" Artemis said innocently wagging her legs back and forth.

Tsukiyo couldn't help but smile at the child's innocence and only sighed. Maybe she could quickly go

buy a new lizard from the pet store and replace it with the dead one in the morning after Artemis went

off to school.

"Wash your hands, sweety. We are going to have dinner when your father and Daisuke comes in-" she

peeked her head out of the kitchen to look at the clock.

"Now" as she said it the door clicked open, in came light but quick footsteps. "Daisuke no shoes in the

house" Lucas called out to the brunet hair boy that ignored the first rule of the household as he ran

across the hallway with his hands spread out like an airplane.

Daisuke ignored his father's words and kept on running. Lucas hopping on one leg struggling to take off

his white adidas sneakers.

"You little brat, don't make me chase after you" finally taking of the last of his shoe he chased after the

little brunet boy hearing his cheeky laughter in the living room.

Artemis seeing her father chase after Daisuke around the sofa without any success in capturing her

older brother, her eyes beamed with excitement. Jumping of the kitchen bench where her mother

placed her, she shouted "I wanna play too!"

Making her way to the door with her little feet could take her, she slipped her feet to the closets shoes

in front of her not wanting to waste time putting shoes on and missing out the fun with her father and

older brother, she wore her father's white sneakers that was far too big for her tiny feet that slipped

instantly when she stepped.

Artemis waddled her way to the living room where father still hadn't captured Daisuke but where having

a stare off waiting for one to move so they can move, she tried her hardest to keep her feet in her

father's giant shoes as she ran, slowly slipping past her father who didn't notice her.

"I am the king under the mountain. Bow down peasant and kneel before your king" Daisuke said with

his chest puffed and his head up high, his little index finger pointing down.

"And I'm the mighty Smaug" Lucas said with a smirk across his face, he suddenly heard someone

trying to run around the sofa but with his giant shoes she was unable, yet she didn't realise that her

father had realised her as her back was towards him.

"And I'm the queen \~EEEK\~" she squealed when she felt someone suddenly grab her by the waist

and put her in potato sack position under their arm. "Where do you think you're going, little jewel?"

Lucas said as he ran with her under arms as he leaped over the sofa.

"Oh, chicken nuggets" Daisuke face dropped in defeat when his father landed beside him with a

victorious grin across his face, revealing his straight rows of white teeth.

Daisuke swiftly turned his body around to run away, with a shout "RU-AHHH" it was too late Lucas had

successfully snatched Daisuke in the attempted of running away.

"Got you, king under the mountain" Lucas held Daisuke under his arm like a sack of potato, looking

down at the pouting Daisuke, his little cheeks puffed up and his hands crossed. "You cheater."

Lucas chuckled.

Tsukiyo watched from the kitchen, a gentle smile expressed on her face. Watching the happy faces of

her husband and children melted her heart. The loving family she had, Tsukiyo wouldn't want anything

else but to keep this moment forever.

She chuckled seeing her husband throw Artemis in the air while Daisuke pouted in the corner waiting

for his turn when it was interrupted by a loud but gentle knock at the door. Lucas stopped throwing

Artemis in the air and held her in his arms.

"Honey, did you invite anyone for dinner?" Lucas looked over to Tsukiyo. "No, but probably Mrs Tanaka

coming to return the Vacuum she borrowed this morning?" she answered with a nod.

Another loud but gentle knock was heard again. "I'll get it" she said smiling before hurrying her way to

the door.

Another knock came. "Coming. Just a minute" she mumbled. Tsukiyo pulled down the door handle and

the door clicked open.

She opened the door with a creak and popped her head out. "Konb-" it was all sudden when she felt

something pierce her stomach. Her heart had stopped beating at the second as her face widened in

horror. Warm liquid coated her skin as the stinging pain of a cold blade thrusted out with sound of

tearing flesh was faint.

Blood had rushed to her throat clogging the air way stopping her from calling out Lucas help as he

coughed out blood. Ruby eyes laid upon a tall man; his face hidden from light, yet a wicked smile was

visible revealing rows of yellow stained teeth, crooked and a few missing.

With a hand slowly coming to her wound, Tsukiyo staggered back. The spattering of blood falling to the

ground echoed the empty hallway. The light slowly started to fade from her vision, eyes slitting back to

the eye sockets as her body became light.

Lucas had peeked his head out from the living room "Honey who-" His heart stopped as he watched in

horror as his wife fell to the ground with a thud. "TSUKIYO!"

I jolted up in a sitting position with a panic. My heart was pounding in my ears and a cold sweat

dropped down my forehead and down my cheek. I was breathing heavily, wiping the coat of sweat

forming on my brow with my sleeve. I scrunch my face in frustration knowing that it was just horrible

memory that I forced myself to forget.

It's a memory that I'm glad that I had gotten away from. I flopped myself back on the cold floor with

hands spread apart as I stared up at the stone ceiling infested with tiny specks of moss, metal chains

dangling down from above.

A sigh of exasperation escaped my mouth "What a cruel world I lived in"

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