The Villainess Wants To Go Home

Chapter 27 - Fox in a Trap

Chapter 27 - Fox in a Trap

I strolled through the fresh scented forest, surrounded by dozens of tall trees with leaves of bright

green hue. Spring was a beautiful season.

I was getting some breath from the running. This body hasn't gotten used to running so long without

breaking a sweat.

I was hot and sweating under my clothes. The cloak was making me hot and itchy. Now I wished I had

stolen a better cloak. I groaned in frustration crossing my hands and frowning.

'Things never go the way I want it to'.

*Rustle, Rustle*

I froze in my spot. I span my head around, scanning my surroundings as I slowly took a kunai knife

from left thigh.

"Stupid thing." A deep gruff voice spoke out, he sounded like he was struggling in frustration.

"Stupid, File human. When I found you, I will break your neck" he was close by, but I was confused on

what he was saying. 'Human?'

I shook the thought away not wanting to ponder over such trivial matters. Turning the other way, I

walked away from the source of the man's voice not wanting to have any business with him.

"I just have to bite you-" my whole body froze when I heard whimper of a fox. My eyes widened in

horror, a fox was talking, and he was in trouble.

I run back, back to the source of the fox's voice ignoring the fact I can hear a fox talk which was out of

the ordinary.

I stopped when a large green bushy bush was in front of me. The sound of teeth clanging to metal

ringed in my ears. 'The poor fox must have gotten his paw trapped in a bear trap'.

I split the bush apart and my eyes caught the fox biting down the metal spikes of the trap. His paw was

pouring with blood and his golden orange fur was coated in his blood. It ached my heart to see such a

beautiful creature brutally injured because of human entertainment.

His ears shot up and he stopped struggling. His piercing amber eyes glared at mines, he bared his

teeth and growled.

"You disgusting, dirty and greedy human. Is this what you wanted, to kill a creature of God for your

entertainment" he hissed bearing his small sharp teeth at me.

'.....' he was talking. The fox was talking. The fox was talking. The fox was talking. The fox was talking.

I'm tripping or I'm in drugs. Could the chefs poured something in my food? Cocaine? I had forgotten he

could talk.

"What are you waiting for finish me off already. Let me bear no more suffering" he whimpered

dramatically, falling on the ground. "Let this poor fox die without having to suffer until my last drop of

blood is gone" he said in a dramatic tone again. I was standing there frozen in shock that I can

understand a fox but what's with the dramatic act?

"Tch stupid human what are standing there for?" he growled at me bearing his teeth at me again. "Kill

me already. Get it done already. I'm ready"

"..." He is being really dramatic for just a fox. He whimpered in pain again making me snap out of my

daze. 'What am I doing? I need to help the fox' I mentally slapped myself, I started to approach the fox.

He was startled. "Oh, mighty God, ruler of the worlds. Please make my death painless and this humans

life miserable and dreadful" he voiced out into the unknown.

*'Gee thanks foxy*' I rolled my eyes. 'It's not like my life is already miserable'.

"Oh, hear my pleads great lord. This pitiful fox has done no such thing to oppress you" he was still


Listening to the fox is making me feel weird. Normally I would hear sad whimpers and whines making

me feel so heartbroken but now listening to this fox act like a drama queen, is just weird.

I prefer not understanding animals and listen to their normal animal noises then human voices.

I bent down, stretching my hands out to open the bear trap, he peeked up looking at me.

"Oh, it's happening" he cried dramatically again, as he rested his head back on the grass. "The vile

human is going to snap my neck" My eye twitched already annoyed with him. I love animals but not

talking whining drama queens.

"Oh, shut your tramp would you. I'm trying to help you free" I barked at him.

"Oh, great lord this human is rather rude. Please make her end in misery" the fox said in a fake sad


"I can understand what you are saying" I poked it's belly making is wobble a little.

"Oh, great lord this human is a mentally unstable. Why is my last thing to see is a crazy human"

I poked it's belly again. "You stupid fox, I can UndErsTand YoU" I said as I poked his belly over and

over again liking how his belly wobbled.


amber eyes staring into mine.

"Oh great lord, please give me a sign whether I should kill this dramatic fox or let him live" I clasped my

hands together, closed my hands and pretended to pray.

"Oh great. Now this human is using my words." He said ironically. "Dramatic fox. Who's the drama-

wait" his amber eyes showed confusion. "YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME" he yelled from the top of his


I flicked his fury forehead. "That's what I've been trying to tell you all along, but your scruffy tail decided


"That's impossible. No human can understand an animal" the fox was shocked; his little snout was

wide open. "Yet I can" Content property of NôvelDra/ma.Org.

He groaned angrily. "Well then if you can understand then kill me already, get it done and over it" he

was being a drama queen again.

I rolled my eyes. 'Don't make me rethink my decision to help you'.

I took a kunai knife out from my pouch, I lifted in the air ready to stab it open, the fox lifted his up to see

what was taking long but squeaked. "Wait, wait, w-" he was cut off when the blade hit the gap between

his paw and the trap.

His eyes was on the blade shocked, "Oh God" his eyes closed shut and he fainted. "Sorry" patting his

stomach I apologised.

Looking back at the trap and my blade, I inhaled a lungful of air and with Diana's strength I forced the

blade against the metal and pried it open while my left hand pulling it open.

The trap was opening, and my hands were getting numb from exhaustion, but I couldn't let go because

if I did the trap will shut close causing the fox's paw to split from his body and I wasn't going to let that


"Come on" I huffed, using all my strength to pry it open. "AHHHHH" I screamed in exhaustion. Finally, I

was able to open it, the trap mouth was split open. It's spiky metal points covered in the fox's blood.

I was disgusted with human behaviour.

Stretching out my hand, I held the injured paw and slowly lifted it up making sure the trap wasn't

activated again. When I successfully go the paw to safety, I threw a rock at the trap, it's mouth shut


I winced at the thought of getting my hand or feet stuck in between its teeth.

Looking back at the fainted fox, his wounded paw was oozing with blood.

I didn't have any medical equipment with me or any herbal medicine either. I scanned my surrounding

looking for any plantain, lemon balm or Yarrow, anything I could use to heal his wound.

I got up and walked around looking for any of them, my eyes darted around the grass just in case I

found plantain.

"I saw lots of them in my way here" I mumbled. Every time I don't need anything it's there but when I do

it just magically disappears.

I searched and searched when I suddenly spotted yarrow growing from afar.


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