The Unwanted Wolf

Chapter 36

“Follow me,” Clara said, walking down the hallway. She led me to an office in the back. There was a couch near the door, and a coffee table in front of it. Her desk was in the corner and it was covered in papers and folders. She motioned for me to sit down on the couch.

I sat down slowly. I felt on edge after everything that had just happened, and I was worried Clara would be just another person to take advantage of me. I watched as she moved around the room, ready to run if necessary. She pulled something out of the bottom of her desk drawer and walked over to me. She placed a blanket on my shoulders.

“My goodness, child. You are freezing and barely wearing anything. Don’t tell me that man…” She cut herself off and looked out the door.

I shook my head. “No, thankfully he didn’t do anything to me.” I pulled the blanket around me tightly. I couldn’t stop shaking.

“Good.” She looked back at me and frowned. “You need hot chocolate. I’ll be right back.” She disappeared from the room and a few moments later she came back in and handed me a mug with liquid steaming from it.

I took the cup and gratefully wrapped my fingers around it. The warmth almost burned, but I welcomed every moment of it. “Thank you.” I took a small sip, and I could feel the hot chocolate as it slid down my throat and settled into my stomach.

“That should help warm you up. Make sure to drink all of it.” She sat in her chair, moving slowly as her old bones creaked in the process. It was the first time she really showed her age. She looked over at me and locked eyes with me. I could see a deep concern emitting from her face. “Do you want to call anyone?”

“That would be wonderful,” I quickly said. I wanted to call Mark and tell him I was okay. I’m sure he would race over to pick me up. Clara started to stand up, but I quickly bolted to my feet, spilling the hot chocolate. “No, please don’t get up. I can get it.”

Clara continued standing anyway. “Please child, I’m not as old as I seem. Besides, I’m pretty sure I’m in better condition than you right now. Sit back down and just focus on getting warm.” She walked over to me and handed me her cell phone, giving me a pointed look. When I sat back down, she continued, “You’re safe here. I promise you that, so please just focus on yourself. You look near death right now with how blue your skin is.”

I nodded slowly, unsure of how else to respond. I set my drink on the table and looked at her phone. It was the old flip phone style with actual buttons. I went to type Mark’s phone number and then froze. “I don’t have his number memorized.” I didn’t know Jori’s or Scythe’s phone numbers either.

“This is the problem with technology,” Clara laughed. “I know I wouldn’t know anyone’s phone number without that little device. My brain isn’t what it used to be. This old age is really getting to me.”

I smiled. “I thought you weren’t as old as you look.”

Clara narrowed her eyes. “Very funny, girl. You’re a clever one.” She waved her hand in front of her. “Well, there’s nothing else we’ll be able to do for you tonight. We’ll get you rested for now and send you on your way in the morning.”

I frowned, looking down at my hands. “I don’t have any money. I can go if you want me to. I’m sure I can figure out something.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I would never turn out a woman in need. You can sleep in here for tonight. I’m sure I can find something for you to wear as well. Have you eaten?” Clara was still standing a few feet in front of me.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

I shook my head. I knew my body needed food, but I didn’t feel the slightest bit hungry.

“Well, you finish up that hot chocolate and get as warm as possible. I will scrounge up something for you to eat and be back.” Clara left the room before I could say anything.

I grabbed the hot chocolate and pulled my feet into my chest. I was still shaking, but with every sip of the warm beverage, I felt a little better. It was like thawing out a popsicle. With every sip, the ice inside of me melted a little more. I was a little amazed at how I was able to function in the cold for so long. I was warmer now, but I could barely sit still from the shivers. The ache in my body became very apparent as the cold became less of an issue.

I set the empty cup on the coffee table and then wrapped myself deeper into the blanket. I let out a long sigh, feeling almost numb, despite being warmer now. I was tired of being targeted and attacked. I was tired of all of the big decisions I had to make. More than anything, I was exhausted.

“It’s not much,” Clara said as she entered the room, “but it will give you some of your strength back.” She set a bowl of soup on the table in front of me. Instead of sitting in her chair, she decided to take a seat next to me. She had some clothing articles draped over her arm. “The clothes aren’t anything fancy, and they are probably a little too big for you, but they’ll keep you warmer than that dress.”

I took the clothes from her arms and hugged them tightly. “Why are you being so kind to me?”

Clara gave me a soft smile. “Sweetie, us girls need to stick together, especially when the world turns against us. I have no idea what you have been through, and I’m not going to force you to talk about it if you don’t want to, but if I can give you clothes, food, and a warm place to sleep tonight, then I will have done my part.”

I smiled back at her, picking up the bowl. I wasn’t hungry still, but soup sounded easy enough to eat and warm, too. “I’m so grateful I ran into you.” I looked down at the soup, still longing for something else.

“Who is he?” Clara asked, watching me carefully.

I was about to ask her who she was talking about, but looking into her eyes, I already knew the answer. “His name is Mark.”


I bit my l*p. “It’s complicated. He’s not officially my boyfriend, but he’s so kind and patient with me. He has been so supportive of everything, but I haven’t been the best to him.”

Clara tilted her head. “You sound like you’re head over heels for this boy. What’s stopping you?”

I laughed, not because I actually found it funny, but because everything seemed so messed up. “Right now it’s the distance. Before, well, it was complicated.”

“Ah, love. It should be so easy, but it rarely feels that way. Is this boy your soul mate?”

I looked at Clara carefully. Her wording piqued my interest. Normal humans didn’t usually ask about soul mates. They talked about finding their one true love or claimed their significant other was their soul mate, but something about her question told me there was more to her question. “Sort of.” I took a deep breath, trying to see if there was a scent to Clara to tell me she was of the supernatural origin.

Clara laughed. “Smell me all you want, but you’re not going to get anything from that. I am just a plain old human after all.”

I blinked at Clara, even more confused now. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I wanted to tread lightly until I found out what she knew. If she was a human aware of the supernatural world, there was a chance she was a hunter.

“Relax, girl.” Clara laughed again, and it was so light and fluffy. “I wish your kind no ill will. I saw the signs when I first laid eyes on you. I know you’re a sorceress.”

I froze at her words. She claimed that she didn’t want to harm me, but I still felt on edge. I didn’t understand how she knew I was a sorceress. No one I had come across was able to tell that I was a sorceress. Usually my wolf’s scent overpowered that aspect. “How-”

“My soul mate was a sorcerer, so I’m pretty familiar with that world. You all have a sort of energy about you. It’s not obvious if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but now I can’t unsee it.” Clara leaned back and looked off into space. It was as if she was thinking of a distant memory.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” I continued watching Clara’s expressions. Her eyes crinkled ever so slightly, and the corner of her lips twitched.

She then looked over at me. She was still smiling, but there was a longing in her eyes. “No matter, dear. It was a long time ago. I was angry for a long time, but I have come to terms with it.”

“How did he die?” I paused, realizing my question was likely inappropriate. “Sorry, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

Clara shook her head. “It’s all right, dear. Another sorcerer stole my love from me. He was greedy and wanted the power for himself. My Ned was one of the strongest sorcerers there was, you see. It made him a target.”

“That’s awful.” I couldn’t even imagine losing Mark that way. I paused, frowning deeply. Is that how Mark was feeling right now? He still didn’t know if I was alive or dead, and I had no way to tell him.

“It was.” Clara looked down at her hands for a moment. Then she looked back at me. “That’s why when you get back to your Mark, don’t ever let him go. I don’t care what the complication is. Hold onto your soul mate for as long as you can, because you never know what will happen.”

I felt sick thinking about her words. “Mark isn’t my soul mate. He’s my mate.” Clara furrowed her brows, so I continued. “I’m not just a sorceress. I’m half werewolf too. Mark is my mate for my wolf side, but then there’s this guy, Jori. He’s my soulmate for my sorceress side. It’s been confusing.”

Clara nodded carefully. “I see. When you said it was complicated, you really meant it.”

I rubbed my hands on my face, the feelings of frustration returning. “Yeah. I hate it. I don’t want to hurt either of them.”

“But Mark’s the one you want,” Clara said confidently. She wasn’t asking.

I nodded. “I feel terrible, but when I was kidnapped, all I could think about was getting back into Mark’s arms. That’s how I knew he was my choice.”

“Kidnapped?” Clara’s eyes went wide. “My, oh my. You really have been through a lot, sweet girl. Can I give you a piece of advice?”

“Okay.” I looked over at Clara, my stomach knotting. I was afraid she would want me to pick Jori because he’s my soulmate, and that’s what she had.

“Let this Jori down as easily as you can. I know this is hard on you, but it’s surely hard on him as well. He’s the one losing his soul mate.”

I thought about this for a moment. Clara was right. Jori deserved a proper conversation about my decision. “I will do that.”

“One more thing.” Clara waited a moment to make sure I was making eye contact with her. “Don’t feel guilty about your decision. The heart wants what it wants, and you deserve to find true happiness with this Mark.”

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