The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 327 -


We were at the game, but I couldn't pay attention to anything or anyone. Carter's words were replaying over and over in my head.

How could he betray me like this? Was he already seeing someone else?

Did he finally get me to sleep with him and decide that one time was enough? Was that what all of this was about? Did Carter use me to get into my pants and then dump me like garbage the next day?

I couldn't believe it.

Was he indeed just a heartless asshole? Was Clara right about him all along? Did he certainly not have a heart?

My head was spinning, and my heart was in pain.

"They're taking longer than usual to come out today." Clara points out.

"What's up with you?" Jenna asks me. "You've been unusually quiet for the entire night."

"She's right," Clara notes. "Ever since I returned with Jenna from the carpark, you've been acting strangely. Did something happen while we left you alone?"

Plenty happened; I didn't know how to tell her.

"I have a headache." I lie.

It seems that lying is all I'm good at these days.

I could hear the girls screaming Carter's name, and it didn't make any of this easier for me. Which one of these girls would he go home with tonight? Which one of these girls would he pretend that he was in love with? Which one of these girls would he use for his own pleasure and then dispose of her like she was nothing the next day?

"They're coming out!" Jenna exclaims. "Why do they always look so good while doing it?"

I followed her gaze and held my chest when I saw Carter. He looked amazing, just like he always did on that field. The screams are almost deafening tonight; they're louder for some reason.

"I hate to admit it, but Carter shines under that spotlight," Clara says. She always says this about him.

She wasn't wrong.

It was hard for me to watch him shine after he broke my heart into a million pieces. It was unfair. It was very unjust to me.

How could he do this? How could he treat me so badly after making me believe that he actually had a heart?Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

I couldn't do this. I can't sit in these stands while everyone chanted his name. I couldn't do this to myself.

But I wasn't about to let him get away with this. I wasn't about to let him break my heart and not say a single word to him.

I was going down there. I would tell him exactly the kind of monster that he was.

"I'll be back," I tell Clara.

"Wait, why?" She asks. "Do you want us to come with you?"

"No." I shook my head. "I can do this on my own. I'll be back soon. I promise."

I had no intentions of returning. I would tell Carter what I had to do and leave this sickening place.

"Alright." She tells me. "Come back quickly!"

. . . . . . . . . .


"Is something going on with Scarlett?" I ask Jenna. "I thought she would have improved after I stopped her from flirting with Carter, but recently, she looks worse."

Since I asked Scarlett to go along with my revenge plan, she'd been acting strangely. I thought it was because I was forcing her to do things she was uncomfortable doing. Now, I wasn't so sure that was the problem. It felt like it was something far more serious. I knew that if there was anyone who would know something about my sister, it would be Jenna.

Her eyes widen, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I frown, "are the two of you keeping something from me? I thought we were friends. I know I'm not your best friend like Scarlett is, but haven't we gotten closer these past few weeks?"

She sighs, "That's not it, Clara. Of course, we're good friends now. It's just that I think Scarlett should be the one to tell you what's going on. You shouldn't hear it from me. It's not my place to tell you."

What was that supposed to mean? So, there was something that they were both keeping from me.

What could that be?

"I don't understand," I whisper. "What could it be that you're both afraid to tell me? Why are you keeping it a secret?"

Jenna bites her lip and looks at the field. Suddenly, there are gasps throughout the entire stadium. Even Jenna's eyes widened bigger than I'd ever seen them before.

I follow her gaze, and my eyes widen when I see Scarlett storming into the field.

"What the hell is she doing there?" I demand in shock.

Why was my sister walking through the field during a game?

"Please don't tell me she's going to do what I think she is," Jenna whispers in horror.

What the hell was happening?

"What do you mean?" I ask. "What is she doing there?"

All of the players stop playing and turn to look at her in surprise. Carter had the ball, but he stopped moving when his gaze fell on her.

Why was she walking straight towards him?

I can hardly breathe when she stops a few inches away from him.

"Is she crying?" I ask in disbelief. I couldn't tell for sure, but it looked like it. The camera was now focused on both of them, and I could confirm there were tears in her eyes. I'd never seen my sister look this broken in my entire life. It was one of the hardest things I'd ever had to witness. She was always the strong one.

"Jenna," I gasp. "What the hell is happening? Why is Scarlett crying in front of Carter? Please tell me something! Anything!"

She doesn't answer me, and it makes me more frustrated.

I watch in horror as Scarlett slaps Carter hard across his face. She wasn't doing this because of me. She knew that I was over Carter. She knew that I had moved on.

This wasn't about me.

This was about them.

But that would mean. . . No. It couldn't be true.

I looked at Jenna for confirmation, and she could barely look me in the eyes.

"Please tell me this isn't true," I beg her. "Please tell me Scarlett didn't fool around with him behind my back. Please tell me she didn't do exactly what I thought she would never do."

Jenna looks like she's in pain. "I'm so sorry Clara. She never meant for it to happen. She tried to fight it, but ultimately, her feelings won. She couldn't stop it. She fell in love with him. She loves Carter. And from the looks of it, he also broke her heart."

"No," I whisper.

She wouldn't do this to me.

Scarlett would never betray me like this.

She would never fall for the one man that broke my heart. She could never love Carter. She could never hurt me like this.

"Clara," Jenna whispers.

I push her hand away as I get up from my seat.


I couldn't believe this.

I couldn't.

The pain of betrayal was almost too much for me to take.

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