The Unwanted Bride Of Atticus Fawn

Chapter 325 -


I groan as the sunlight hits my face. I turned onto my back and winced as a wooden stick dug into my skin.

What the fuck?

What would a stick be doing in here? And why could I feel sunlight?

My eyes snap open, and a string of curses leave my mouth. I wasn't in the room. I was supposed to be locked inside there still.

What the fuck was I doing in the middle of the woods?

I run a hand down my face. There's only one reason I would have broken out of that room last night. And that would be to go straight to Scarlett.

A chill runs down my spine.


I wouldn't have hurt her. I wouldn't have done something to her.

I begin to panic at the thought of something happening last night. Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I pick myself off the ground, and it's only then that I realize a naked woman is lying right next to me.

One look at her face, and everything goes blank before me.

I'd never felt more sick in my life.



Not her.

Not Scarlett.


She was in a deep sleep; there were bruises and love bites all over her body. No.

What the fuck did I do to her last night?

She smelled just like me. My scent was all over her body. There was no doubt in my mind that I had done something horrible.

How could I have done something like that to someone as sweet and innocent as her? This couldn't be happening.

I was afraid to touch her. My hands shook as I approached her. The closer I got to her, the worse it got.

I can barely look at her. I was disgusted and ashamed of myself. I force myself to pick her up into my arms. I had no right to touch her after what I did last night, but I had no choice. I had to cover her up and get her back home.

She sighs and snuggles against my chest. The sweet sound makes my heart twist.

I couldn't remember a single fucking thing but this was enough for me to know what the fuck happened.

If I needed more proof that I didn't deserve her, this was it. I could never be with someone like Scarlett; I was fooling myself in the past.

Did I force her into this? Did I take her against her will? There were so many questions that I wanted to ask, but I couldn't. I wanted to get her home safely and disappear from her life for good.

I would never again do something like this to Scarlett. I would do everything I could to stay away from her from now on.

I was happy that she was still in a deep sleep; I wouldn't know what to say to her if she woke up.

We weren't far from my home. It surprised me when I saw her car at the front of the house.

It meant that I didn't bring her here. She came here on her own last night.

But why?

Why would she come here when she was the one who asked me to stay away from her?

I shook that question out of my head. It didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that I kept her far away from me. I wouldn't hurt her again.

As I look down at her perfect body in my arms, it dawns on me that I would do anything to keep her safe, even if it means keeping her as far away from me.

I gently place her into her car and search the back for clothes. I knew she always had some in her bag. When I find them, I gently put the clothes onto her body.

I couldn't stop cursing at myself as I dropped her home. Luckily for me, the security at her house was still very weak. It made it easy for me to climb up to her window with her still in my arms. I gently place her onto her bed and cover her body with a blanket.

I lean over her and place a long kiss on her forehead before jumping out of her window and shifting into my wolf. I race through the forest with incredible speed; I don't stop until I return home.

I could barely walk into my house and I still had no clothes on.

“What the fuck?" I hear Alaric shout.

My mind was still on Scarlett even though I could barely feel my feet.

I'm so sorry, Scarlett. I'm so sorry.

I wish I knew how to make it up to you.

I was a complete asshole. This curse was turning me into the monster I always knew that I was. I'd taken something important from Scarlett last night. She'd never given that part of herself to another man, yet I forcibly took it from her.

I was a sick bastard and deserved to die.

"CARTER!" I hear my brother shouting.

I could barely hear him as dizziness and pain overtook my body.

I drop to the ground, and everything goes completely blank.

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